The end-for-end “Epsilon”, ]+[, represents the Apollonian Mid-Sun and forms the middle emblem of Andromedian G.H.Rees' insignia that represents the cosmic hyper-humanoid organism.
The alphabet of the Atlantean "Guanche – Berbers" is half ancient Greek and their language is in consonance with ancient Sanskrit, namely with the Greek language of the ancient Dravidians of India. They have a flag for their informal state, with three horizontal zones of cyan, green, and yellow. Upright upon this flag, they have placed the ancient Greek Andromedian symbol of the two end-for-end "Epsilon", ]+[, which is also used ceremoniously atop heads by the ancient Dogon tribe of the black race.
Both White Atlantean "Berbers" and Dogon inhabit Mali in Africa. They state that this symbol was given to them by interstellar Hellenes from the solar system of Sirius or Cynus or Canis (dog).
Ancient historians: Greek Diodoro, African Arnovio, and Romans Plinio and Marcello, named Atlanteans of the Canary islands as "Canarius", which in Greek is "Cynarius" because of their worship of Hypersun/Hyperion/Sirius; "Cyna"/"Canis"/"Dog" in ancient Greek. Their informal flag chromatically simulates the flag of Gabon state in Africa and incorporates the two end-for-end "Epsilon" symbol, ]+[.
There are people with folk traditions and ancient written history about the coming of White Hellenes who imparted ecological sciences to the native Sirian Black race. These Hellenes originated from the constellation of Andromeda through Sirius to planet Earth, namely Hindus, Greeks, Dogon of Africa, and remaining White Atlantean "Berbers". Hebrew-Saxon Mongolian masonic hyper-lodges of the West, "A.O.A." and "O.T.O." of London, have been ordered by "Hong" to deceptively equate them all under the symbol of the two end-for-end "Epsilon", ]+[.
War crimes and crimes against humanity are ordered by treacherous Greek-Hebrew and Greek Nazi Theosophist masons:
"Epsilon-666" of "Xrysh Aygh" (Golden Dawn-Golden Morgenröte);
"Nea Acropoli" (New Acropolis); and
"LA.O.S." (People’s Orthodox Alarm) of Greece. All have deviously adopted the two end-for-end "Epsilon" of Andromedian and Sirian Hellenes and will ensure it is in evidence when they attack the "Russia-Islam-China" axis at WWIII/"Armageddon". Hence, treacherously implicated by the deception are Hindus, Greeks, White Andromedian nations, White Atlantean "Berbers", and Black Dogon of Mali. Thus incriminated collectively and falsely, all their nations face genocide for the long-planned anti-Chinese, anti-Dragonian puny criminal violence of theosophists.
You may have read Revelation 13:17 (KJV) of the Draconian Holy Bible, dear reader. It states... "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Well, once again, theosophists are adhering to scripture. This time, its with radio signal "barcode 666", which is an injectable, subcutaneous transmitter chip for locating selected victims for genocide by "Russia-Islam-China". Whites of U.S.A.-Europe-Japan are also targeted for murder by the newly founded Hebrew-Saxon "Vasiliko Komma" (Royal Party) of Greece of the fallen Kings and Princes of Greece, Holstein Glucksburg, as ordered by the Nazi part of "A.O.A." namely "Xrysh Aygh" (Golden Dawn) of London.
In 1994, "Epsilon – 666" Theosophist Masons of Greece brought elder senators of Dogon to the Mystra of Peloponnesus, in order to prove virtually and falsely that Dogon leaders assent to being accomplices in crimes of the theosophist chiefs of "NATO". In fact, they would not assent by passing the "baton", the Andromedian and Sirian symbol of the two end-for-end "Epsilon", for others to join them.
Hebrew-Saxon Golden Dawns of London and Greece through their Nazi webpage of the "Xrysh Aygh" "pa-sy-a.gr" and the pseudo-Nazi provoking webpage "diasvsmetatron-plegma.blogspot.com" of the Greek-Hebrew secret service of "KYP/EYP" of Greece published lies on the internet. They attempted to slander the Black Dogon of Mali and the White Atlantean "Berbers", carriers of the Andromedian-Sirian symbol of the two end-for-end "Epsilon", with false ethnological "information". It was alleged that Black Dogon and White Atlantean "Berbers" or "Guanche" of Canary Islands are matriarchal people, that is carriers of the "Anti-Christ feminism 666" of "Epsilon-666" of Greece.
Within the Atlantean common script of the “Berbers” – “Guanches” appear several Hellenic letters, variations of the Andromedian G.H.Rees emblem of the end-for-end “Epsilon” in a vertical form of hyper cosmo-anthropoid (= universal organism) end-for-end “Epsilons”:
end-for-end = boustrophÄ“don. See “Boustrophedon” writing style of Ancient Hellenes. (Now extinct due to the genocide of Asia Minor Hellenism.)
End-To-End Epsilon
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