Under the command of its founders Hebrew-Saxon hyperlodge “A.O.A.” London (Ordo Adeptis Atlantis –negative- and Ordo Astrum Argentinum –positive-), a network of Masonic Lodges with the name “Illuminati” Hebrewsaxons of Bavaria Germany is operating today.
They are visible lodges behind the national (ethnic-gentile) “M.T.M.” (Memphis Templis Misraim –negative- and Moses Templis Melhisedec –positive-), functioning to protect the anonymity of the members of “A.O.A.” and “O.T.O.” (Ordo Templis Occidentis –negative- & Ordo Templis Orientis –positive-) and Chinese-Hebrew “Mass Media” interests like publishing houses “Esoptron – Kedros” (magazine “Third Eye”, “Nexus”) that publish false and misleading articles about alleged “World War of the Chinese secret societies, against The Illuminati” with two purposes:
A) To deny previous documents of G.H.Rees, proving that the +/-“A.O.A.” and +/-“O.T.O” of London and NOT the Illuminati, are commanding all Arch-Rabbineia (Synagogues) and all the Masonic National (Gentile) +/-“M.T.M.” of the West.
B) To deny previous documents of G.H.Rees, proving that war between hyper-lodges of the West [“A.O.A.” and “O.T.O” London and their subordinate lodges of “The Illuminati”] and “Hong” of China is a lie. (http://hellenandchaos.
Benjamin Fulford is a Hebrew-Canadian “journalist” and agent of Chinese secret societies. He was the “Journalist” who first published false, devious “news” (disinformation) of alledged “War between the Eastern Lodges and the Illuminati of the West”. David Rockefeller is a Hebrew-Sepharadi (Separati - Separate “Elite”), Hebrew-Mongol international bankster and “Illuminati” member. There is photographic evidence of the two meeting in Japan.
Rockefeller gave the public interview at a time when Fulford had issued alleged “threats” of the Eastern Draconian lodge (Hong) against Illuminati of the West. It is obvious that we have a blatant collusion here, and Rockefeller just wished to add prestige to Fulford and to his co-intelpro Chinese-Hebrew operation.
Illuminati I
All but few "alternative researchers" have placed Illuminati at the top of Freemasonry's pyramid. Only G.H.Rees pointed to the infamous Hong hyper-lodge as being top player in the hierarchy. Illuminati, CFR, Trilaterals, Bilderbergers, Bohemians, Skull and Bones, MJ 12, NSA etc. are executive branches of the true overlord, Hong. All the projected groups sit below Hong. The Illuminati are a low ranking society, purposely projected as the "boss", to draw attention from Hong.
Illuminati II
Illuminati Sino-Zionists' Columbia and the Thunders of Zeus. From orbit, Columbia declared in favour of a “Global (sino-zionist) government and a world without borders”.
Illuminati III
The New World Order comes directly from China, therefore all Illuminati, masons, rabbis, priests, bankers, and the entire NWO structure comes from the father, son and holy ghost of Sin-Sion-Sendai-Jendai-Judas false-god. Under its false god, Hong has spawned all NWO off-shoots.
Illuminati IV
A journalist is asking himself why a Chinese mega city is empty (except for the 10000 “guinea pig” Chinese put there to test the facilities). The Chinese claim of wanting to home their Mongol friends there is a lie, as the Hybrids are mere robot slaves and meat for their grinder. The shining mega city in question is a copycat of others around the Western world; a reptilian gift to their allies, particularly the so called Elite, the Illuminati, Freemasons, mad banking cartel, industrial military complex, and all the good and obedient children.
Illuminati V
The future is not pre-determined and there is no fate, although it is carefuly programmed by Dragonian space and terrestrial headquarters. So don't be fate-worshipper and prophecy-worshipping victim of their traps and programs. "Prophecies" and such like are deviously promoted through new and old methods of mind control, by priesthoods using symbology, neuro-linguistic programming, Illuminati cards, etc.). Foil the genocidal schemes against you.
Illuminati VI
"All truly dogmatic religions have issued from the Kabalah and return to it. Everything scientific and grand in the religious dreams of the Illuminati, Jacob Boehme, Swedenborg, Saint-Martin, and others, is borrowed from the Kabalah; all the Masonic associations owe to it their secrets and their symbols." - Ref. Morals and Dogma, pages 744-745, Albert Pike 33*.
Illuminati VII
“NASA” has observed gigantic Andromedian “War Planet” space ships with its telescopes. They arrived after 2001 and parked in an offensive battle position, orbiting planet Saturn. They confront a smaller Dragonian Starfleet parked in defensive position and orbiting planet Jupiter. See links:
Illuminati VIII
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