In Sunday 6th November 2011, hellenandchaos accused Hebrew-Saxons David Icke-Isaac and Alex Jones of being dangerous cointelpro agents of the Chinese Draconians. The rabbi kid David Icke-Isaac has been proved to be a Draconian demon-possessed friend and agent of the space and terrestrial Draconians.
Friends of G.H.Rees posted in Icke's propaganda forum, useful survival information for White and Black races, in order to protect and defend against the Chinese invasion and grave threat:
Agents, shills, and masons of Icke in his forum tried to mockup and ridicule the vital information. They posted fake G.H.Rees documents (!!!) that allegedly condemn the G.H.Rees friends of the Icke forum. At the end the forum and without prior warning, moderators twice erased and blocked the friends of G.H.Rees account!!! This is not a random act on behalf of the traitor Draconian agent David Icke because the massive revelations of G.H.Rees against the Draconian Chinese invasion was a threat to the Hebrew-Chinese interests that Icke represents: Total Chinese dictatorship all over the planet or “Kingdom of Jehowah-Sin-Sion-Zion-Sina-China” or "NEW WORLD 888" after destruction all White and Black nations. (To this project, all Hebrew masons and gentiles swear an oath in their masonic lodges.) G.H.Rees calls upon friends to invade Icke and Alex Jones forums and attack them in any way possible!
CONCLUSION: Traitor Draconian David Icke is in continuous Draconian demonic possession:
A) He is a rabbi kid with true Hebrew name Isaac, a Mongol agent of Chinese Draconians and Hong.
B) He twice blocked from his forum G.H.Rees friends who warned about the Chinese economic – political – and military invasion of the West.
C) He conceals and protects existing terrestrial Draconian Chinese. Also, Icke spreads misinformation and disinformation about space Draconians and their Moon e.g. preaching that Draconian demons can materialize in our dimension, in order to present their holograms as real and existant!!!
D) Icke preaches “unconditional Love”, which entails preaching in favour of the Hebrew Mongol pseudo-Christ of the Draconians and loving your intended annihilators; the Chinese that will genocide and eliminate you completely!! This preaching is extremely dangerous, stupid and suicidal. It has a devious purpose, to neutralize the survival instincts of the White and Black races.
E) Icke started his career by hearing voices in his head that ordered him about and he consulted mediums and psychics (demonically possessed channellers). As G.H.REES has revealed, Draconians are using psychotronic methods to cause voices inside a victim’s head. They demand certain actions, using mind control technology that controls the pituitary gland of mediums, psychics, and all Draconian magicians (agents of the Moon).
David Icke-Isaac I
Volos 25.03.2010
Several treasonous Greek webpages have published documents concerning Icke's book “Lunar Matrix” (With English title: “Human Race Get off Your Knees”, Read LINK: ). The Judean rabbi, White-Yellow Mongol and writer David Icke-Isaac has written a devious mix of truths stolen from the G.H.Rees documents and false data about the Moon. The purpose is distortion and denial of G.H.Rees documents referring to:
The Dragonian Chinese moon as chief base of planning “Armageddon” for annihilation of the White Race, Black Race, and Mongolian races (Hebrews, Saxons, Tatars, etc.) by the pure-Yellow race of China and Korea.
Due to the massive, diverse records and evidence published by G.H.Rees, the rabbikid David Icke-Isaac was forced into “Re-Disclosure” of old public material by G.H.Rees about moon; the Draconian's multi-named "Star of Death" flagship that originated from the Draco constellation. Moon directs massive brain-washing radiations at Earth’s populations and is an originating place of evil apostate Dragonian spirit/demons that control by demonic trance catalepsy, special Earthling-marionette "Slaves of God".
After the above Hebrew-Saxon admissions following direct copies of G.H.Rees documents, the rabbi-kid David Icke-Isaac deviously derailled Western readers of his book with lies that massive lunar brainwashing is continuous, endless, and without a finishing timeline. Readers would then not realize and foil the Hebrew-Saxonic “NATO” plan that is preparing to mobilize them against Russia-Islam-China for the Chinese “Armageddon” and for them to not rebel against their treasonous leaderships.
David Icke-Isaac didn’t write in his book about revelations within G.H.Rees documents. For example, concerning the moon as a collecting center for souls caught by orbital platforms of entertainment in the afterlife. These “Luna Parks” are built with invisible matter of 2nd Dimension of matter rarification and lights and sounds also from that dimension. Many parks are in Earth’s geostationary orbits. They prevent souls from escaping to outer space and revealing the genocidal and ecological crimes of Sin – Sion – Zion – Jedi – Sedi occurring inside the living body of Pana, the Universal Organism.
David Icke-Isaac is consciously doing five more frauds
Fraud 1
He wrongly characterises semi-Dragonian White-Yellow Mongol Japanese as (pure-Yellow) Dragonians of the Moon. The Japanese arise from inter-breeding of White Andromedians and Yellow Dragonians. They are not pure Dragonian.
Only pure-Yellow Chinese and Koreans are one hundred per cent lunar Dragonian, dress like dragons and perform the dance of dragons in honour of their origin, the constellation of Draco. Day after day, they are in a state of genocide hysteria against other-races, including White-Yellow and Black-Yellow Mongols.
Fraud 2
Icke-Isaac characterises semi-Dragonian White-Yellow Mongol Hebrew-Saxons of English and other European Royal families as saurian Dragonians of the Moon. Labelling these Mongols as descendants of the “evil” ten-race Kingdom of Samaria helps conceal the Chinese and Koreans as pure lunar Dragonian genociders.
Furthermore, European states and Japan of the trilateral axis USA-Europe-Japan (“US.E.J.”) become identified with the ficticious “Theological Dragon” or “Satan Devil” of the Biblical Lunar-Dragonian “Revelations” and “Holy Scriptures”. Here, the title of the lunar dragon and snake is deviously, falsely, and skillfully ascribed to the departed leader of White Andromedians in 9.600 B.C., Jupiter-Zeus.
Fraud 3
Also characterised as saurian Dragonians of the moon are semi-Dragonian White-Yellow Mongol Hebrew-Saxon Banksters (Rockefeller, Morgan etc.) and politicians of “USA”. Along with the first two frauds, this strengthens characterisation of the “US.E.J.” axis as evil Dragonian. Hence, “US.E.J.” can legitimately be genocided with “Evil India” at Armageddon by the grace of God (Sin – Sion – Sina – Zion – Jedi – Sedi – Pseudo-Jehovah) and his good Chinese that (allegedly) are not Dragonians, but are Yellow angels of God and Jesus Christ.
Fraud 4
Icke characterises the two-race Kingdom of Jerusalem, namely Judean rabbis, as divine and “good”. They, “together with divine forces (read: Chinese Army) will genocide “Evil India”, evil “US.E.J. 666”, the White-Yellow and Black-Yellow Mongols (HebrewSaxons – Tatars – Indonesians – etc.), the “Rus” and “Mesheh” namely the Russians and the people of Moscow (Read prophet Ezekiel Ch.38 and 39 in the “Old Testament” of the “Holy Scripture”) and the Black Pagan Race”.
The books of David Icke must be a manual of study for Mongol White-Yellow Judeans and Hebrew-Saxons. They contain and display the treason of the Levites, Beniamites, and Judean rabbis of the two-race Kingdom of Jerusalem against the ten-race Samaritan Hebrew-Saxons. The purpose of this treason is genocide of Hebrew-Saxons [in the Japan-Tibet-Hebrew Saxons-Mongols (“J.T.H.S.M.”) axis] and Judeans by the China and Korea axis (“C.K.”).
Fraud 5
Icke-Isaac wrote falsely about transitions of lunar Dragonians from invisible thinner dimensions to denser visible dimensions and vice versa, in order:
1st) To falsely justify the so called “materialization and dematerialization of Dragonian Spirits of the Moon”, planned for massive realisation in the Earth’s atmosphere. This is to convince the earth's stupid people that allegedly “The heavenly Anti-Christ demons 666 and heavenly Anti-Christ or Stellar = 666 and their ships are materialising, in order to reinforce the Hellene Antichrist 666”. However, later, these “Anti-Christ” holographic phantoms of spirits - will “dematerialize” - disappear, abandoning the “US.E.J.” and “T.I.M.” armies of Hellene Antichrist 666 to butchery by Russia-Islam-China in Asiatic deserts.
2nd) In order to falsely justify so-called “materialization of Christian good spirits as soldiers of Jesus Christ” and allies of “R.I.C.”. These visible spirits will be entirely holographic and for convincing stupid Earthly populations of the axes “US.E.J.” and “T.I.M.” that they must passively accept annihilation by the “Christian” axis “R.I.C.”.
G.H.Rees has proved scientifically that materialisation and dematerialisation of spirits is impossible. It would be equal to a nuclear implosion and instant shrinkage of their body by a million times. As a result, organic molecules would be unable to remain organized and in the same analogical original position.
David Icke-Isaac and the like-minded Hebrew-Saxon Alex Jones have formed a coalition, the ideas of which some besotted Greek webpages have published as “New Hebrew Gospels”. This stupid and consciously treasonous ape-behaviour of the “foreign ideas worshippers” makes Icke-Isaac and Jones into spiritual guides of neo-Greeks, made vulnerable to the genocidal traps of “Hong” and its Freemasonry. Worse still, intellectually deficient and stupid neo-Greek webpages have arisen that make farcical and miserable treasonous efforts at countering G.H.Rees.
(Read LINK:
G.H.Rees has for a long time published documents in the internet, predicting and armouring the minds of Hellenes against the lethal lies of Chinese “Hong” and its rabbi agents. Same here again, debunking David Icke-Isaac.
An independent researcher and webpage outside G.H.Rees (Read interview of David Icke in the Greek webpage: is informing us that David Icke-Isaac confessed that he is guided para-psychologically by voices inside his head. G.H.Rees has already proven that from 9,600 B.C. until today the only para-psychological activity in our planet is that of Dragonian demons counterfeiting the Dodecatheon of Zeus, using Dragonian technology of “Maser” radiations emitted from the moon. Therefore, the Judean David Icke-Isaac is indirectly confessing that his writings are dictations of lunar demons he claims to fight.
Hebrew-Saxon Alex Jones agrees with David Icke-Isaac without capability of scientific evidence and is also a medium/spiritualist. Like Icke, he is a projectile weapon, directed by lunar demonic and technological possession that he supposedly fights.
David Icke-Isaac II
Moon matrix, the moon manipulates humanity!
After thirty years and thousands of freely distributed pages by G.H.Rees to Hellenic people, the three powers, John Lear, and David Icke copy and steal the disclosures first published by this legendary Helleno-centric organization (G.H.Rees) and they present them as theirs! They copy and distort with small differences for disorientation.
After thirty years and thousands of freely distributed pages by G.H.Rees to Hellenic people, the three powers, John Lear, and David Icke copy and steal the disclosures first published by this legendary Helleno-centric organization (G.H.Rees) and they present them as theirs! They copy and distort with small differences for disorientation.
Meanwhile, Hellenic webpages and the rest webpages write articles and glorify Hebrew-Saxons like David Icke etc., who act with plenty of money, comfort, cover and with safety. They never refer to the G.H.Rees documents that not only reveal the plain truth and the archaic pre-lunar Hellenic knowledge, but also give ingenious solutions to all those problems that were intentionally produced by traitor politicians of treasonous parliaments against national and planetary security.
About the Draconians of multiple dimensions (more properly referred as Dragonians from the Dragon Asterism), Icke now speaks clearly about a “Moon Matrix” base for them and the manipulation of humanity. Eva-Leva-Levan-Levaniah-Moon-Selene-Selini-Star of Death is a hybrid planet-flagship for psychotronic and space war.
About the Draconians of multiple dimensions (more properly referred as Dragonians from the Dragon Asterism), Icke now speaks clearly about a “Moon Matrix” base for them and the manipulation of humanity. Eva-Leva-Levan-Levaniah-Moon-Selene-Selini-Star of Death is a hybrid planet-flagship for psychotronic and space war.
Just like our previous post with John Lear and his 2007 so called “disclosures” that were copy-pasted from G.H.Rees articles over the past 30 years, we now have Icke acting likewise. Rabbis defeated in multiple fronts are now forced to gradually reveal those truths to the broad public and they use their Hebrew agent-writer-“prophet” to continue the game of distortion, disorientation, and disinformation towards his thousands of faithful followers. Just like he spread disinformation about alleged Dragonian materialisation-dematerialisation transitions between dimensions, which G.H.Rees proved physically impossible, Icke now correctly writes about a “Moon Matrix” together with various useless cracked-barrel philosophies! He still avoids disclosing about:
The nation and civilization of the Dragon, namely reference to the earthly Dragonian Sinese/Chinese (See, Etymology: Sin-ic Wall, e.g. nation of the Lunar Sin);
The nation and civilization of the Dragon, namely reference to the earthly Dragonian Sinese/Chinese (See, Etymology: Sin-ic Wall, e.g. nation of the Lunar Sin);
The dragon nation's connection with the moon and space Dragonians from the Dragon-Draco Asterism;
The true masonic Cronian-Dragonian hierarchy with transmission command centres in Tibet and China;
The supreme Chinese hyperlodge Hong and its schemes for planetary genocide, code named “Armageddon” in the Dragonian Bible;
The true masonic Cronian-Dragonian hierarchy with transmission command centres in Tibet and China;
The supreme Chinese hyperlodge Hong and its schemes for planetary genocide, code named “Armageddon” in the Dragonian Bible;
Diachronic criminal actions of the Sinists against the White race Pelasgians and Black race Sirians, in the beginning directly (See: China’s province Yunnan=Ionas=Hellenism of the East Asia Minor and Asia, territories of Pelasgians that were completely annihilated by the Chinese. Present day Turkish Turanian Mongols refer to Greece as Yunnanistan) and afterwards through their secondary clerks, the White-Yellow Hebrews and Saxons, products of the continuing historical genocide of White Race Pelasgians.
An excerpt from David Icke-Isaac's webpage was provided:
David Icke-Isaac III
An excerpt from David Icke-Isaac's webpage was provided:
David Icke-Isaac III
The colluding American “mass media”, orchestrated by the Chinese-Korean controlled “United Nations”, censored and deleted G.H.Rees' posts about illegal immigrants from their allegedly “alternative – awakening” webpages “godlikeforum” and “David Icke forum”. Ban Ki Moon has blamed the White Race for illegal immigrants and the refugees crisis. A most important anti-Draconian planet security document of G.H.Rees, dated 2008, was published in “David Icke Forum”:
It was censored and deleted in record time by the allegedly “anti-Draconian” Hebrew-Saxon David Icke-Isaac! THE CONCLUSIONS ARE YOURS!!!
Message to David Icke's Forum of Fixed (Pseudo-)Skeptics
Search the Sauromates or Savromates or Sauromats or Sarmats tribes. These were ancient invading hordes of Asian Mongols, first in Scythia, later in mainland Europe.
The ancient Hellenic Pelasgian White indigenus tribes and the ancient Historian Herodotus called them "Sauromates", which in ancient Hellenic means: "People with eyes of the lizard" (learn Ancient Greek and you will find everything), Saura=lizard, mates=mati=eye!
Except for their reptilian appearance they had massive reptilian-snake-Draco symbols and drawings in their shields, armor, customs. These were real Draconians (reptilian dna).
Icke is misleading you in the wrong direction by emphasizing Europe-USA (Western Axis) and hiding the true Draconians on earth, a.k.a. the "nation of the Dragon"; the Chinese. China has symbols and massive rituals in honour of the reptile Dragons (Dragonturtles, etc) and the Dragonian spaceship moon that they worship (Chinese Lunar New Year, Chinese Lunar Mid-Autumn Festivals, etc). Even their flag has the crescent moon (formed implicitly by 4 small stars) and essentially is the same as the flag of their friend, Turanian Mongolian Turkey.
Freedom Of Expression? Forum Truths, Half-Truths, And Nothing Like Truths!
Some forums that have for years put several IP and ISP internet account ban threats against web-blogs friendly to G.H.Rees and its documents. Hellenocentric G.H.Rees has shown that they have spread disorienting lies or partial truths and challenges them about posting disinformation, banning G.H.Rees documents and threatening others who post them.
Forums unable to prove they post only the truth have accused G.H.Rees of lying. Their bans and threats against G.H.Rees documents and reasoned accusations concerning “Threads with Lies" meet with unreasonable accusations instead of arguments in:
“God Like Production Forums”;
“Alex Jones Infowars Forums”;
“David Icke-Isaac Forums”;
“Above Top Secret Forums”;
Forums lose credibility in the absence of honest responses and arguments from administrators, thereby strengthening G.H.Rees accusations against them. They instead choose silence, IP bans, and threats of ISP internet account bans against G.H.Rees documents and friends who post them in the forums.
Theosophical mason Labrakis of END (End National Debt) in Greece, having grown up in America, is spreading devious lies across America and London through propagandist Hebrew-Saxon outlets such as Alex Jones and David Icke, who follow the lines and texts of their Sephardim Mongolian chief-rabbis and those of Mongolian Hebrew-Saxon hyperlodge “A.O.A” of London. A lie in question is that ninety-five per cent of Israeli citizens are Hazars, of Turanian-Mongolian descent from Mount Caucasus.
[95% of the people of Israel truly have absolutely nothing to do with the Hebrews of the Old Testament, but they are not Mongols as traitorously and deviously claimed by Labrakis of “E.N.D” and parroted by Hebrew-Saxon “researchers” of London and America. In reality, the Askenazim people of Israel are White Hellenic-born Askanians originating in the area of Askania Lake near Prussa Troados in Asia Minor.]
Rabbi David Icke leaves the Chinese untouched in discussions. Provocateurs of the Chinese establishment are protecting the superior race of Chinese Draconians on Earth by spreading lies. Icke mentions that Andromedians are exclusively of the 5th dimension, which is a lie. Andromedians and the Galactic Government have deployed a fleet of craft and crews to our solar system, all lined up in six dimensions of matter rarification, from our own visible first dimension (3rd real) up to the sixth dimension (9th real).
Regarding true Federal Andromedians landing on Earth for our liberation from Draconian imprisonment, we would most probably observe true hyper-ships and hyper-crews (“Gods”) landing on Earth; not holograms or blue-beam Draconian pseudo-Eleusis triple laser holograms. We would also have a forewarning from G.H.Rees.
Federal Andromedians in Saturn’s orbit still force an extremely tight military quarantine against the Draconian occupied “inner solar system”. They have negotiated with the reptilian Draco Overlord because he is threatening to destroy Earth with Armageddon and in the event of a sudden Federal Andromedian invasion, the entire solar system.
Humans must watch and be ready to intercept and reject false-flag pseudo-Eleusis of “Andromedian” ships and crews that will in reality be Cronian mutineer allies of the Draconians. They will pose as true Federal Andromedians (Spacefaring Hellenes) from Saturn’s orbit and will defame the returned “Dodecatheon of Zeus”. Pseudo-Andromedians will deviously try to ignite sino-Zionistic Armageddon, in which NATO forces will be led up to the territories of China (“Red Apple Tree”), where the “Shanghai Pact” will completely devastate it and the bankrupted West - beginning with financially annihilated Greece. (See the false flag pseudo-arrival Draconian psyops: Galactic Federation
of Light, Andromedean Council, Alex Collier, David Wilcock, David Icke,
Icke is right in some things! In his moon research, but under the false guidance of his rabbis, mediums-psychics and voices in his head (aka: lunar influence) he continues to conceal the truth and the whole picture.
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