Friday, 29 April 2016


Blog of Saturday 08 January 2011

The Foreign Minister of Israel, Israel Lieberman visited Greece with the pretext of pooling the interests of the Israeli “EEZ”, “exclusive economic zone” with the Greek “EEZ”, namely the exclusive economic maritime area of Greece.  It was also claimed that Lieberman disussed with Greece the supply of chemical energy projectiles and 120mm anti-tank projectiles for 'Leopard 2a4' and 'Leopard 2-hel" Greek tanks.

Members of G.H.Rees urge the Russian Government to set conditions of validity for the Russian-Israeli pact, observing the direct 180 degree shift in Israeli policy toward the Palestinians and against other Islamic States.  This requires urgent demolition of concrete walls, built by the Israelis and which have ruled out Palestinian areas and the Gaza Strip.  Also needed are urgent measures on the part of the United Nations, Russia, Israel, Europe, and the Islamic States to provide economic, food, and hospital aid for Palestinians who live in miserable conditions with harsh winters without fuel, food, medical products, and with inhumane policies of the Israeli army tearing down Palestinians homes.

Concerning Lieberman in January 2011, G.H.Rees says that if the Israelis truly wanted a meeting between Israel and the Russian President, they wouldn’t bluff that allegedly there is a “diplomats’ strike”, but would straightforwardly meet and accept him.  After an Israeli Government panic, the “Diplomat’s strike” magically ended instantaneously enabling Lieberman to Greece. 
Israel, I


Blog of Tuesday 11 January 2011 (Not verbatim.)

Estimable Prime Minister and President of the Russian Federation Mister Vladimir Putin,

Concerning the presence of Russian Fleet in the ports of Israel, this is not possible without a u-turn in the attitude of Israel in respect of Palestinians and Islamists.  G.H.Rees therefore judged as correct the pressure for peace that Russia placed upon Israel.  In case this happens, G.H.Rees requests that you to seek anchorage within Israeli ports as protection for both parties; for Israel from the rabid Turkish aggression aimed at reestablishment of the Ottoman Empire.
Israel, II

Blog of Tuesday 06 December 2011

Israeli officers of Mossad, G.H.Rees considers you to be genetic descendants of the Askanion (Hebrew Ashkenazi) of the geographic area Askania-Prussia of Hellenic Troy in Asia Minor.

Israeli and Persian Intelligence Agencies of Israel and Persia-Iran and crypto-Jew members of the Shiite sects of Iran-Persia are genetic descendants of the Hellenic Andromedan White race, making you racially similar to Greeks.  We (G.H.Rees), of Hellenic descent with common Andromedan origin direct the following urgent signal to your bipartisan Israeli and Iranian National Security:

According to our sourced information, the U.S. arch-rabbis Barouch, have brought forward commencement of their planned ignition of WWIII via a NATO-Israeli attack on Persia-Iran.  Barouch behaves as planetary kings of all Hebrews and is in cohorts with hyper-lodge ‘Hong’ and the Chinese Government. 

G.H.Rees called on members of Mossad to formulate an Israeli Government that will send a final warning to NATO with the following text: "Whichever army member of NATO dares to attack Iran-Persia resulting in the destruction of Israel by Arab armies, and as pretense towards the ignition of WWIII, then this NATO member army will be massacred by the Israeli Defense Force". 

Ex-commanders of the Israeli secret service Mossad are going against the rabbinical priesthood within Israel and against the American “big Israel” establishment.  They have stated publicly that they don’t want a war with Iran and that such a war would be stupid and devastating for Iran, world stability and peace!  G.H.Rees assumes the ex-commanders are Hellenogenes Askhenazim-Askanian pseudo-Judeans, awakened by G.H.Rees documents. 
Israel, III

Blog of Monday 31 May 2010

Greek ships are Greek territories according to international law.  By the Israeli army invading and confiscating Greek-flagged Greek ships carrying internationally legal commercial freight in international waters outside of Gaza Palestine and capturing Greek people, Israel has declared a de facto state of war against Greece. 

The Greek-Hebrew Government of the smiling Hebrew skull Papandreou – Mineiko – Tsand was extremely reluctant to issue a statement against Israel, despite constant telephone calls from Israeli-captured Greeks.  Nor did Papandreou issue in good time, a formal complaint to the “UN” and “European Union” about the military invasion of Israel into Greek territories of Greek ships in international waters.

During the Israeli military invasion of Greek territories (ships), masonic Greek traitors like airforce generals (Ioannis Giangos A’Geetha and rest), army generals, admirals, and disgraceful Greek pilots, trained inferior Israeli pilots in flying skills so that they could more efficiently kill unarmed Palestinians of Hellenic-Cretan Origin. 

Seventy thousand Greek Webpages and rest Greek “Mass Media”, treasonously refused to propose ways of punishing the Israelis of Israel and Greece.  In the Internet, these Israelis try to justify the military invasion into Greek Territories (ships) outside of Gaza in International Waters.
Israel, IV

Blog of Wednesday 18 April 2012

Why Nukes Are Madness In Iran (video)

It is lunatic madness to use a nuclear missile or bomb against Iran and a new “cold war era” drives nowhere.  If collectedness and carefulness is lost, it could cost the lives of millions of people: Iranians, Israelis, and other detached people in neighboring countries … truly and literally for … NOTHING (!!!), except for the genocidal lust of the lunar Dragonian pseudo-god Sin/Sion/Zion/Sedi/Jedi/YHWH/Allah/Elloh etc…!!! ( See Rev.19:17-21)

Don't believe the Hebrew-Saxonic leftist propaganda-lie about the allegedly US and Israeli supported Greek junta government (1967-1973).  With a little research you could easily find in the G.H.Rees Greek language blog, recent statements of the famous official pilot of Onassis and pilot of the traitor King Constantinos Glucksburg during his trip to the USA in 1967.  US President Johnson himself ordered Glucksburg to overthrow the alleged "American supported" Papadopoulos government!

Now, what about the Freemason generals' coup d'etat attempt by Peridis and the..."Hellen" Esserman?  They were also in the Glucksburg/USA/Israel faction. Papadopoulos twice blocked (in 1967 and in 1973) the American-NATO air-corridors for military help towards Israel during the collusive Israeli-Arab wars with higher Sino-Zionistic purpose to ignite Armageddon in 1975 (See Jehovah Witnesses Famous "Prophecy").  Papadopoulos foiled this attempted ignition of World War III. 
Israel, V

Blog of Friday, July 30, 2010

White-Yellow Mongolian Judeans of the two-race kingdom of Judas/Jude/Jedi and Benjamin of Jerusalem have their headquarters in Basel, Switzerland.   Mongolian Hebrew-Saxons of the ten-race kingdom of Samaria have their headquarters in London, England.  G.H.Rees asserts that you are finished and intellectually dead, as individuals and as Mongolian White-Yellow races of Israelites; Swiss and Anglo-Saxons.

Research the ancient Hindu texts about space wars between the pre-existing “Solar Deities” of Father Zeus or Diaus Pitar of the Varuna Dynasty or Uranides of Andromeda (Came from Uranus – Celestial)
[Disgraceful Israelite religious writings call him Devil and Satan], and the “Lunar Deities” of the Dragonian – Draco Sin/Sion/Zion/Jedi/Sedi/Jude/Judas.  It is Sin that you worship as alleged “Being” or “Y.H.W.H.” or “Yahweh” in Hebrew, you the Hebrews, the Chinese, the Koreans from which you took the Israeli alphabet and whom White and Black race Christians stupidly worship (Stupid, because he periodically murders them) as “Father God” of the Mongol White-Yellow rabbi-medium, namely Dragonian magician Jesus Christ or Yehosoua or Yehosuva (=Yahweh’s Saviour).  Research the ancient Hellenic texts such as “The Arcadians” of the historian-geographer Pausanias, in which it is certified that the “Hellenic Arcadians were Pro-Selenes or Pre-Lunar people” namely they were living in Planet Earth before the arrival of the Dragonian Moon. 
The true “Holocaust” is not the false “Hebrew Holocaust” of the Hebrews in the Forced Labour Camps of the 3rd Reich, but is the holocaust of the 7 Hellenic Palestinian Nations that were have annihilated and wildly robbed in Palestine under the leadership of Satanic leader Joshua of Navi, successor of Moses.  Consider the holocaust of:
  1. Unknown millions of Egyptian Hellenes (and firstborn children of Egyptian Hellenes) annihilated and wildly robbed before the exodus from Egypt led by Moses.  [Blog’s commentary: Lunar possessed Moses with the Lunar “Horns - crescent” on his head, as an emblem of the lunar god Sin/Sion/Sinai/Jedi/Sedi that characterises moon-worshipping Chaldeans, in Mount Sinai/Sion/Zion/Sina/China, SEE LINK:]
  2. Settlers of the Hellenic – Palestinian city “Sihem” that was genocided and wildly robbed.  
  3. Other ancient people under pretext of “Idolatry” [Consider "ISIL" - Ed.], taught to the ancient nations by the priesthoods possessed by demons/angels obedient to god Sin/Sion/Sinai/Jedi/Jude/Judas, to give Mongolian Israelites an alibi for genocide of nations through religious wars.  
G.H.Rees accuses Judeans and Hebrew-Saxon Israelites of criminal genocidal action from 5,000 B.C. until today.  They are the people chosen by multi-named Satan/Devil/Sin/Sion/Sinai/Jedi/Jude/Judas to serve in his dominion over the earth.  Even rabbi Abe Finklestein declared that the god of the Jews is Lucifer, which the Pope does worship. 

Regarding the Greek-Turkish humanitarian operation of 31st May in favor of Palestine and Palestinians in Gaza: There was a deceit, namely of entrapped fraternization of “Good” Greeks and Turks against “Evil” Israelis.  This helps Greeks to stupidly accept twenty-one treasonous agreements of satellitesation of Greece by the Turks.  It was signed by the treasonous Greek-Hebrew Government of “PASOK” at the start of the new Turkish occupation of Greece, which began on 14th May 2010 with the invasion into Greece of Turkish ministers under cunning Prime Minister of Turkey, Erdogan.

Turkey and Israel colluded to stage the entire operation, agreeing that Israel will hold the course of the fleet towards Gaza without violence.  But stupid Turks and schizophrenic Israeli cow-boy commandos provoked a fiasco in which Hebrew-Turkish relations were breached to the advantage of Greece and the Palestinians!

The echelon of Israeli “Mossad” Greece was terrified by revelations of G.H.Rees against the annihilator Israel.  Consequently, it closed the Greek webpage, which published relevant documents.
Israel, VI

Some Additional References

Wednesday, 27 April 2016


As part of the jihad state of ‘’ISIL’’, the armies of the Mongolian Islamic axis of B.A.S.T.R. (Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania) are to wage imminent war of against Greece: A planned massacre of Greeks in W.Thrace, Macedonia, S.Ipirus, Thessaly, W.Central Greece up to Mesologgi, Ionian islands, and Aegean islands.  There is difficulty cancelling the above mentioned national catastrophe by G.H.Rees' ‘’first-class mental war’’ due to acts of treason and lack of support from neo-Greeks. 

There is a recent informal ‘’pact’’ between USA-Syria-Iran against the Islamic jihad state of ‘’ISIL’’.  Geostrategic analysts refer to the ‘’pact’’ as ‘’utterly insane’’, but they are not familiar with Chinese-Hebrew behind-the-scenes conspiracy.  They are however well aware that the Jihad movement was funded and supported by USA-Turkey-Israel-Saudi Arabia.

Up on close inspection, one can see that sporadic aerial bombardment by the U.S air force against jihadi sounitic (sunni) targets are not aimed at their destruction, but rather the eventual strengthening of fanaticism.  Subsequently, Baghdad is to be taken and a ‘’Semitic Chalifate’’ established, from where jihad or ‘’Holy War’’ will be declared against two enemies: 
1…. ‘’Christian crusaders’’ (USA+NATO Europe); and, 
2…..‘’siites’’ (shiite islamists), that is pseudo Hebrews,  governments of Iran-Iraq-Pakistan, and ‘’siites’’ through the non-Hebrew government of Syrian president Assad (despite the fact that 80% of Syrians are ‘’sounites’’). 
This insane and chaotic situation was invented by Jewish-Saxon rabbis, English lords, and Hebrew-Saxon university lecturers of USA and England; members of Hebrew-Saxon masonic lodges of ‘’AOA’’ London, ‘’OTO’’ London, and the ‘’NSA’’ hyper-Government of America.  All are commanded by ‘’Hong’’ of China, whose primary role is the provocation and outbreak of WW III between USA-Europe-Japan or 666 and Russia-Islamic ‘’Shiite’’ States-China or 888. 

According to the above planning of WWIII, no Islamic ‘’Sounitic’’ state will take part in this war , such as ‘’ISIL’’ jihadists, Saudi Arabia, Turkey (Chanafite school of ‘’Sounitic’’ Islam), and others.  They will already have dissolved via military counterattack by ‘’Siitic’’ governments, states, and non-Islamic forces such as the USA and others.  In order to justify their total demise by counterattacking ‘’Siitic’’ forces ( Iran-Iraq-Syria) as well as non-Islamic forces such as USA and others, the sounitic forces must be funded, supported, and fanaticized in order for them to commit war crimes and crimes against humanity; so says ‘’Hong’’, ‘’AOA’’ and ‘’OTO’’ of London , and ‘’NSA’’ of America.

The sounitic state of the jihadists of ‘’ISIS’’ is nearing completion of its crimes through the upcoming ‘’Baghdad massacre’’.  It was programmed by ‘’Hong’’, ‘’AOA’’, ‘’OTO’’, and ‘’NSA’’ that sounitic Turkey completes the crimes after the invasion and slaughter of half the population of Greece by armies of Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania; as masterplanned by the American Pentagon and ordered by the ‘’NSA’’. 

Once all of the above crimes of sounitic states ISIS-TURKEY-SAUDI ARABIA-QATAR-etc. have been committed, ‘’Hong’’, ‘’AOA’’, ‘’OTO’’ of London , ‘’NSA’’ of USA , the Hebrew government of Moscow, China and the pseudo-Hebrew governments of siitic Islamic states (IRAN etc.) will destroy by military assault
  • ALL non-sounitic Islamic states of the planet, 
  • sounitic states ISIS-Turkey–Saudi Arabia-Qatar-etc. and 
  • ALL national sounitic Arab regimes.
When this takes place, the Russian military and NATO (USA + Europe) will unite as allies in Eastern Thrace for the extermination of the Turkish army, the Turkish state and other countries of BASTR (Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania).  Territories lost to Greece during its war with BASTR will eventually be returned, in an attempt to promote the ‘’Greek Empire of Constantinople 666’’. 

As leader of NATO/SEATO under Hong, this ‘’empire’’ will weakly attack Russia-Islam-China (Islam being only Siitic/Shia/Shiite Islamic states), and so that an overwhelming counterattack will genocide innocent civilians of USA-Europe-Japan on the basis of ‘’genocide by the Satanic anti-Christ nations 666” of the West.  Greece is marked as first up for genocide in this Holy War,  as the "seat and creator of the anti-Christ religion of Christian-dodecatheon 666 ‘EPSILONS’". 

In past documents and texts, G.H.Rees predicted deportation of all Islamists from Europe and USA, which would result in the cessation of Islamic oil exports to Europe and the US.  Western economies would collapse on account of an energy shortage, provoking military invasion of Islamic nations by Europe and USA for the capture and occupation of Islamic oil wells/refineries.

Sounitic Islam regards the ‘’Koran’’ as the only authentic texts in which ‘’Mohammad’’ wrote in his last excerpt that: ‘’There is only one God and his prophet is Mohhammad, after whom there will be no other prophet-Messiah’’.  To manipulate Islam, Hebrew rabbis removed this excerpt from the ‘’Koran’’, thereby founding crypto-Hebrew Siitism/Shiitism that prophesises the coming of a second prophet-Messiah of Islam.  They would change nationally broken-up pieces of Sounitic Islam into an international ultra-nation, for establishing ‘’International Sionistic/Zion, hyper-world government’’. 

There is now proof that this Hebrew plot was and is nothing more than rabbi nonsense, because what is feverishly being prepared is a ‘’global Sino-Chinese government’’ that has masterminded genocide of ALL Hebrews and ALL Saxons of the planet.  This on the grounds of targets being ‘’non-yellow, that is, White-Yellow Mongols’’.  Korea ( 777) is ‘’sponsor’’ of the transition from 666 (New World Order-West) to 888 (New World of China and the ultimate, inevitable Chinese dominance of the planet).
Islam, I

Islam, II

In 17.02.2010 G.H.Rees' representative delivered to the Russian Embassy of Athens a report of geopolicy, geostrategy, and geoeconomics, in which it is proved that if Russia does not foil the planned military assault of Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania against Greece and does not immediately drive China from the Shanghai Pact of the R.I.C. axis (Russia-Islamic nations-China), then World War III will ignite.  Russians, Whites, Blacks, and Mongols will be genocided by the Chinese and North Koreans, just as planned by masonic hyper-lodge “Hong” of China against all other nations of the Planet.

In 25.03.2010, Mr. Konstantin Sivkov - first vice-president of the Russian Geopolitics Academy - responded publicly and negatively.  He theorised that ignition of World War III is inevitable between two geostrategic coalitions, namely USA-Europe-Japan of “NATO – SEATO” and Russia-Islamic Nations-China of the Shanghai Pact.

G.H.Rees considers this response through Mr. Konstantin Sivkov to be suicidal for Russian civilians and the global public.  The planet has known one global cultural crisis, caused by several disproportions, including differences between
  • the free market with its power of money (of the West, “US.E.J.” i.e. USA-Europe-Japan) and 
  • the spiritual roots of Christian orthodox-Islamic-Buddhist religions of the Shanghai Pact/“R.I.C.”/Russia-Islamic Nations-China with its various civilizations (read the prototype English document of Mr. Sivkov). 
G.H.Rees Geopolitics Department notes that today, nations exhausting available resources in production and consumption are no longer in the West or “US.E.J.”.  They are of the developed Islamic Nations and Russia through oil overproduction, and China through over-production of goods, namely the three members of “R.I.C.” of the Eastern Shanghai Pact.  Also, today's rich industrial developed countries and their expanding multinational companies are not of the West or “US.E.J.”, but are developed Islamic Nations and China, namely two members of “R.I.C.”. 

Today, countries motivated by the power of money and free markets are no longer in the bankrupt West/“US.E.J.”, but are developed Islamic Nations (Saudi Arabia-Abu Dhabi-Dubai etc.) and China, again, two members of “R.I.C.”.  They buy entire debts of Western countries and colossal Western companies, for example:
  • The central bank of China has bought the entire public debt of USA and various western companies with last one VOLVO.
  • The Arabic Emirates have bought Olympic Airlines, the Greek shipyards, and various Western companies.
It is necessary that China is expelled from the “R.I.C.” axis/Shanghai Pact and Tibet from Tibet-India-Mongolia since it is an ally of “US.E.J.”.  Following the expulsions, “US.E.J” should merge with “R.I.” (Russia-Islamic Nations) and “I.M.” (India-Mongolia) to create the hyper-axis “R.I.-US.E.J.-I.M.” under Russian command and against the axis “C.K.” (China-Korea).  These changes would cease the modus operandi of Chinese hyper-lodge “Hong” for economic, political, military, national dissolution and genocide of all nations and countries of Earth by China and North Korea.

Christian Russians worshipping the Chinese-progenitor god Sin/Sion/Zion are identifiably defeatist in the face of annihilation, promised in Ezekiel Chapters 38 and 39 of the “Old Testament”, against the “Rus” of Russia and “Mesheh” of Moscow.  There cannot be sincere mutual-cultural support between them and the evidently aggressive, warmongering, genocidal Islamic Nations component of “jihad – Holy War” within “R.I.C.”.  Again, the second coalition “R.I.C.” is comprised by countries of:
  • Orthodox Christian religion (Russia), 
  • Islamic religion, and 
  • other civilizations (China).  
Christianity through neo-Platonism and Islam via influence of ancient Hellenic writings from Alexandria Library are giving dominion of the spiritual over the material good.  G.H.Rees accepts this, but only in regard to Russia and the Islamic Nations, not China, claiming that it is falsely rumoured Chinese are “Spiritual People”.  History has proved they are by nature unforthcoming genociders without human intellectualism and feelings.  (Read Links: , ,  

Arabic sunni priesthoods and royal sunni dynasties such as Saudi Arabia, Arabic Emirates, and rest, refuse to unite with the “R.I.C.” axis.  Unlike Islamic countries commanded by crypto-Hebrew shiite priesthoods, they prefer to keep a calm philo-Western stance in favour of “US.E.J..  

Sunni/Sunnite Islamic countries don’t join politically and militarily with “R.I.C.” in order to accelerate conduct toward the “inevitable” Third World War.  Greece and the rest Western nations of “NATO” will be annihilated by Russia-Islamic Shiite Nations-China, because Hebrew-Saxon generals of the “USA” Pentagon are conspiring toward defeat of American and NATO armies by “R.I.C.”.
Islam, III

The eternal distorters of every truth, the Hebrews, reversed reality and whilst they were the criminal assassins of WW2, they falsely presented themselves as victims of the non-existant, unproven “Holocaust” - the so-called Holohoax.  Historians Forisson and Roger Garaudy (leader of the French left in his book “Myths of the Israeli External Policy”) revealed that:
  • A)  There never were gas chambers. 
  • B)  The blast furnaces started to function in 1945, the last year of the war and they burnt 60.000 and not 6,000,000 “Ashkenazi” Jews that were already dead by natural causes in “forced labour camps” and not in “genocidal camps”.  
  • C)   Pastor James Wickstrom, PhD informed us that the World Encyclopaedia of 1934 put the entire European Jewish population at 3.5 million, which means that Jews must have been actively seeking homes in the concentration camps.
During the Asian (R.I.C.) counter-attack of WW3 against the West, Sephardi Jews of the U.S. National Security Council via the Chinese Jews of Shanghai and Beijing (“Tiao-Kiou-Kiao” - see study of the French Jean Boyer) plan to annihilate three million Hellenic Askanians of Israel as the “final Jewish holocaust”.  This will enable them to “guiltyfy” and paralyse Asian nations as “genocidal criminals”, so that they accept submission to the “international Jewish hyper-government of the reign of God”.  But “Tiao-Kiou-Kiao”, as today’s leaders of China, plan annihilation of Sephardi Jews because they are half Chinese White-Yellows. 
Islam, IV

For those cognizant of the Assyrian-Babylon religion we remind that the term Ilou or Eli in Aramaic, or El or Eloha or Elohim in Hebrew, or Ilah or Allah in Arabic, represents not a particular god but the idea of divine in its absolute and general meaning.  It is attributed to the lunar god Sin in whom the adjectives “Ruler God”, “The Ruler of Gods of Heaven and Earth”, “King of Gods”, “God of Gods”, “Lunar Master”, “The Architect of Everything, He who holds the Heavens” (N.B.  The Architect was a character in the Matrix film of 1999 - Ed..) were adapted.

The symbol of the god Sin or Sim is the moon, as displayed upon the flags of many Islamic nations.  The primary place of worship toward Sin is the city of Ur, Chaldea from whence came Abraham … according to the Scriptures, “Berrosus Cosmogony”. 
Islam, V

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Iranians, The

Persian-Iranian officers of the Iranian Intelligence Agencies, G.H.Rees considers you to be genetic descendants of Pelasgian Hellenic Arians or Aria of Persia. Persia took its name from the mythological Andromedan Hellene hero Perseus, whom destroyed the yellow Draconian star fleet originating out of Draconis constellation that attacked the constellation of Andromeda.

Israeli and Persian officers of Intelligence Agencies of Israel and Persia-Iran and crypto-Jew members of the Shiite sects of Iran-Persia, we are racially similar, being genetic descendants of the Hellenic Andromedan White race.  We inform your bipartisan Israeli and Iranian National Security that according to our sourced information, the U.S. arch-rabbis Barouch have brought forward planned ignition of WWIII via a NATO-Israeli attack on Persia-Iran.  G.H.Rees calls on members of Iranian Intelligence Agencies to forbid and punish by death, acts of provocation by gun boat diplomacy or other threats against Israel and the armies of NATO, forwarded by the Government of Iran and the generals of Iran. 
Iran, I


According to official American sources, Iran has ready and operational at least 25 ballistic missiles “Shahab-3” with range of 900 km and a 1 ton non-nuclear warhead each.  This missile could be filled with some kind of “dirty” radioactive bomb.  It is certain that the risky situation has or will reach the point of “Mutually Assured Destruction” or M.A.D., especially since Israel and crypto-Hebrew Shiite Iran are colluding. 

This lunatic madness of a new “cold war era” could cost the lives of millions: Iranians, Israelis, and other detached people in neighboring countries.  All truly and literally for … nothing (!!!), except satisfying the rabid genocidal lunar Dragonian pseudo-god Sin/Sion/Zion/Sedi/Jedi/YHWH/Allah/Elloh etc.! (Read in “John’s Revelation” 19:17, the Dragonian genocidal program of “Armageddon” and the passage that describes the vultures/fowls.)
Iran, II

In case Israel strikes on purpose or by mistake the Iranian Oil Wells, the Chinese Army will engage automatically in favor of Iran because the majority of the Iranian Oil is exported to China.

Iran, III

We call to attention that today Pakistan is governed by Hebrew-Pakistani Shiite pseudo-Islamists, and that Iran is governed same wise from Hebrew-Iranian Shiite pseudo-Islamists.  Both are under total cooperation with Israeli Mossad and arch-rabbis Barouch of USA for the provocation of World War III, through hysterical screams of Iran and Pakistan against the state of Israel.  Dog and pony show! 
Iran, IV

In order to further polarize the world war three front that is conflict between America-Israel and Iran, Iran must appear as evil as possible to the deceivable people of the world.  At the same time, Americans (and China) must appear as the pure ones “mothers Tereza” with a mission emanating from “God” (read: Draconian pseudo-god Sin-Sion-Zion-Sendai etc.) for the punishment of alleged evil Satanic Iranian drugs overlords.  To achieve all this, deceivable people are told what to believe through enemy-controlled “Mass Media” (turknet, pactofshanghai-net, etc.). 

In answer to accusations of the Americans against Iran in relation to drugs and nuclear weapons, we can say here the pot is calling the kettle black.  Since, the USA indulges in drugs trafficking and has over five thousand nuclear warheads.  It has already exploded two on populated cities, but doesn’t allow Iran to have even one (unlike Israel): Hebrew-Saxon hypocrisy of drug overlords and butchers of people, leaders of USA and of London. 
Iran, V

2012 Scenario for WW3
The Syrian government refused to allow armies of Hebrew-Saxon “NATO” to pass through Syria to surround and attack Iran; through the Iranian-Turkish and Iranian-Iraqi borders, and through the Iranian-Afghan borders.  So, [Executed mission] of American, English, and Turkish agents in Syria attempted to incite armed riot of Syrian religious minorities against their government, including assassination of Syrian officers, politicians, military men, and Syrian and foreign reporters. 

Planning of the Third World War is by:
  1. Chinese “HONG”.  
  2. Hebrew-Saxon “AOA” and “OTO” of London.  
  3. Chief rabbis “kings” Burowgs/Burroughs/Baruch of the “USA”.  
  4. The collusive crypto-Jewish Shiite Iranian Priesthood and Government regime of Iran.  
The crypto-Jewish President of Iran was agent provocateur Ahmadinejad.  He conspired with the Burowgs/Burroughs/Baruch chief rabbis of the USA for slaughter of the Iranian-Persian people by Hebrew-Saxon “NATO” and China.  Intending ignition of World War Three for Iran, so as to give China a geostrategic alibi for slaughtering “NATO” armies and civilians of its member countries.  Behold the public threats of Chinese generals to the mass media: “If “NATO” conducts military attack against Iran, the Chinese army and the armies of the “Pact of Shanghai” or "R.I.C." axis (Russia-Islam-China) will have reason to attack “NATO” and this will be occasion for World War Three.”, according to its planners. 

The Chinese were intelligently silent about preparations for the attack of “NATO” against Syria, confining themselves to “not voting” for this attack at the Security Council of the “ONU”.  Note that the Chinese government, obeying orders of “HONG”, insidiously conspires with the “USA” Government for overthrow of the regime of Syrian president Assad.  This would ensure that Iran is finally surrounded from all directions and attacked from every border i.e. by treacherous Mongolian Azerbaijan of Turkish origin (Azeris or Khazars of Jewish religion, as the most criminal Mongolian genus of the planet).  Note that during the reign of the murderous Mongol Jenkins Han (Ghengis Khan), six million Persian-Iranian civilians were unnecessarily slaughtered.
Iran, VI

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Invaders of Ea-rth

End National Debt (E.N.D.) has a Facebook page, "The River Is You".  There, the "incarnated Epsilon" and "incarnated spirit-forms of Apollo as Indigo Children" chat and in between are statements in the manner of: "In the following five months from February to June 2013, entirely unique and unprecedented in the line of the entire history of mankind happenings will occur, under God Apollo, from the Chthonian abodes of the Earth below and up from the approximate interplanetary space, from where respectively the spirits and dwellings in flesh under Apollo will resurface, to the exterior of our planet".

As "ascending from beneath the Earth's Chthonian-subterranean dwellings of Apollo" the "incarnated Epsilon Indigo" of E.N.D. accredit presently assembled sub-terranean Draconian "Greys", former extra-terrestrials.  This is the very same manner as described by Phil Schneider, a geologist with supreme security clearance in deep underground military bases (D.U.M.B's) where mixed personnel of "Grey" extra-intraterrestrials and American government staff came into conflict. 

Subterranean Greys are not ascending to the external surface of our planet as falsely spread by Draconian-demon possessed "Epsilons".  Between the interior and the exterior of our planet Gaia, there exists a magma zone that is two hundred kilometres deep and boils over into volcanoes that erupt through the outer and inner surface of the Earth.  In the magma zone, there exist super-heated radioactive super-heavy elemental metals in liquid form.  Due to high intensity radiation, this zone is unsurpassable and fatal for all the creatures, be they flesh or "spirit" of thinner dimension.  

The subterranean Grey under Draconians are to resurface from the external globular mantle of Earth to carry out orders of the supreme intergalactic criminal Sin/Sion/Sina/Jedai/Sendai/Jude/Judas of the Draconian moon.  Upon exiting to the outer surface of earth they will commit war crimes while impersonating Apollo and other Andromedan pelasgian Hellenes from inside the hollow Earth.  Greys will pose as the "Chthonian demonology of god Apollo", allies to "anti-Christ populations 666" ("Epsilon 666", "Indigo Children 666", "Empire of Constantinople 666" of La.O.S. 666, and "Golden Dawn 666") and proceed to weakly attack armed and unarmed civilians of Russia-Islam-China.  Consequently, annihilating counter-attack against the West and NATO is inevitable. 

The "above expected" material and "immaterial" other-dimensional entities of higher matter rarefication, "Apollonians" as "Epsilons", are fictional inhabitants of inexistent "Nibiru"!   Both are depicted on 10 and 100 Swiss franc currancy, although the materialisation and orbit of inexistent "Nibiru" is astrophysically and astronomically impossible. 

Hebrew rabbi Zechariah Sitchin's scam was that "Anunnaki were the inhabitants of Nibiru, that created mankind in order to mine gold from the subsoil of the earth, and hand it over to the Anunnaki every three thousand years, when their planet, Nibiru, is approaching earth"(!!!).  Likewise, it is stated in the "holy (false) scripture" of the Si(o)no-Judeo-Christianity": "gold and silver to god alone" (Haggai 2:8?), where god is pseudo-Yahweh leader of the moon.  Gold belongs to the rightful inhabitants of Earth, not to an interstellar carnival lord, fictional "Anunnaki" or inexistent "Nibiru". 

Draconian genetic engineers of the moon are allegedly ascending from beneath Earth as "Apollonian chthonian Greys" and "incoming celestial Apollonian Anunnaki".  They are to appear locally as allies of traitor Andromedans, namely Cronian-Saturnians that look like governmental Andromedans orbiting Saturn and Hellenes of modern Greece.  This resemblance will bring about complete genocide of Earth's Hellenes and other nations of the White race in Europe, Asia, America, and Australia by armies of Russia, Islam, and China (R.I.C.).  R.I.C. is to be led by Sino-Hebrews accusing Whites of allegiance with "Saturnians, Greys and celestial Anunnaki" and "criminals against populations of R.I.C.."  Sino-Hebrews will add that the supreme leader empire of NATO under SEATO is Hellenic "Empire 666" of Constantinople, "La.O.S. 666", "Golden Dawn 666", and "E.N.D. 666". 

The old Draconian plans are illustrated in "Revelations" of the "holy (Draconian) scripture".  We cite passages from chapter 9:1-11 (KJV):

"v1  And the fifth angel sounded, and i saw a star (asteroid) fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.  v2 And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.  v3 And there came out of the smoke locusts (ufo flying machines under chthonian Grey Draconians) upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.  v4 And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of god in their foreheads.  v5 And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.  v6 And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them ........  v11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon ( destroyer )." 

Apollyon is a devious resounding/alliteration of the name "Apollo", in order to burden the Andromedian god Apollo and other Andromedian gods.  The Andromedian dodecatheon of the supreme scientific and govenrmental gods of the planet earth arrived 9600 years before rabbi Yahoshua/Yeshus/Jesus, burden to planetary government and subsequent impediment toward the imminent landing of governmental Andromedians from around planet Saturn; natural allies of the Andromedian Greek dodecatheon.  People are to be tortured for five months. 

We now cite passages from Revelations 12:4-9 of the Draconian agenda:

"v4  And his tail (of the dragon, as Zeus is slandered here) drew the third part of the stars of heaven (that is the four external planets - Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto - under continuous Hellenic reign for more than 9600 years before Yahoshuva to the present day and differing from the "internal" chthonian planets), and did cast them to the Earth (that is, Zeus allegedly landed his forces consisting of crew ranging from the entirety of the four external planets as Anunnaki and Hyperboreans, read Saturnians, with null forces of the Andromedian starfleet that would incidentally arrive in our planet, as an antecedent line of the Andromedians):  v7 And there was war in heaven:  v9 And the great dragon (allegedly Zeus) was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan (opposer), which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."

"Revelations" are obfuscating, referring to Zeus as Anunnaki and "Hyperborean" or Saturnian mutineers landing upon our planet, when it was always crew of a fake dodecatheon of pseudo-Zeus, namely Sin/Sion/Jedai; supreme luna(r)tic con artist of the moon.  Sin plans to pose as Zeus and re-engage in the role of returning, defeated Andromedians.  He expects White Andromedian nations of the planet to assist him without resistance, by handing over all ammunition to Earthly Draconian forces of pseudo-Zeus, the Chinese and Koreans. 

Greek Andromedan G.H.Rees has revealed the entire Draconian mechanism to nations of planet Earth.  Consequently, it is now unattainable. 
Invaders of Earth, I

The ultimate e-library of planet Earth is now available . Answers to everything , i.e the reason for our existence, where we are heading, and the role of “Anthrop” (Man) on the planets!
‘’Lighthouse of Alexandria’’ e-library is made up of 2DVDs containing no less than 3855 archives in 433 files!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Invaders of Earth, II

Below is an article of the above mentioned two Russian Academics Vasin and Shcherbakov, published in the Soviet journal "Sputnik" and concerning the semi-artificial nature of the Moon “hypothesis”.   This is an old article.  Official and unofficial Soviet scientists have for a long time had suspicions about the artificial or semi-artificial nature of Earth’s satellite.

Americans also had their problems.  Just consider this. Why did American manned lunar missions stop so abruptly in 1972 and cease for four decades up to the present? Seems the Dragonian Lizards don’t want Earthlings landing on their damn titanium ship without prior permission.

An Artificial Sputnik Of The Earth?

The origin of the Moon is one of the most complicated problems of cosmogony. So far there have been basically three hypotheses under discussion:

I.  That the Moon is a broken-away fragment of the Earth.  This is refuted by evidence.

II. The Moon was formed independently from the same cloud of dust and gas as the Earth, and immediately became the Earth's natural satellite.

There is a big difference between the specific gravity of the Moon (3.33 grammes per cubic centimetre) and that of Earth (5.5 gr.), why?  Furthermore, analysis of samples brought back by the U.S. Apollo astronauts shows that lunar rock is not of the same composition as Earth's and some is much older that the oldest on Earth. 

III. The Moon came into being separately, far from Earth (perhaps even outside the Solar system).  This would mean that it is unlikely to be fashioned from the same "clay" as Earth.  Moon arrived in Earth's very close to circular geocentric orbit by a complex interplay of forces of gravity, although a catch of this kind is virtually impossible.

In conclusion, scientists studying the origin of the Universe today have no acceptable theory to explain how the Earth-Moon system came into being.  A new explanation is required...

G.H.Rees' Hypothesis:
Moon is an artificial Earth satellite intelligently placed into orbit around Earth.  Only a highly developed civilisation would be capable of such a feat. 

A Noah's Ark?

If you are going to launch an artificial sputnik, then it is advisable to make it hollow.  At the same time it would be naive to imagine that anyone capable of such a tremendous space project would be satisfied simply with some kind of giant empty trunk hurled into a near-Earth trajectory.

American scientists have found chromium, titanium and zirconium on the Moon.  These metals are mechanically strong, anti-corrosive, and have refractory properties.  A combination of them all would have resistance to heat and impacts, and could be used on Earth for lining electrical furnaces. 

If a material had to be devised to protect a giant artificial satellite from the unfavourable effects of temperature, cosmic radiation, and meteorite bombardment, experts would probably use precisely these metals.  Lunar rock is also an extraordinarily poor heat conductor, which has amazed astronauts.  Designers of Earth's super-sputnik might want just that property. 

From the engineers point of view, this spaceship of ages long past which we call the Moon is superbly constructed.  There may be a good reason for its extreme longevity.  It is even possible that it predates our own planet.  At any rate, some pieces of lunar rock have proved older than the oldest on Earth, this applies to materials and not structures.  The moon itself is 4.47 billion-years-oldEarth is 4.54 ± 0.05 billion years old

G.H.Rees does not imagine Moon is inhabited, and probably many of its automatic devices have stopped working, too.  Stabilisers have ceased functioning and the poles have shifted.  Even though Moon has one aspect continually facing Earth, it is unsteady on its own axis and occasionally shows part of its reverse side which was once invisible to observers on the Earth; for example, the Selenites themselves if they made expeditions here. 

In the Sino-Zionist Old Testament, a pseudo-God posing as Supreme Creator-Being threatens that he will remove Moon from Earth's orbit for vengeance toward unbelievers, after he steals all the Earth’s Gold and raw materials!  (Haggai 2:8 (KJV): "The silver is mine (Sin-Zion-YHWH), and the gold is mine (Sin-Zion-YHWH)".)

There is no Creator-God ...who as a Creator can have the ethical alibi and right to destroy and manipulate whole planetary systems?  Sin, the Lunar pseudo-God and universal crook teaches this madness to Earthlings in order to separate them from healthy co-existance with Nature - aka the Universal Hyper-Organism.  Finally, he will use them as "Lord's servants" (Especially his genetic spawn, the Sin-ese.) for stripping the whole planet of its raw materials.  Then he will destroy Earth, as he did with the lost planet Phaethon or "Maldek" (now today's asteroid belt), which was an abominable action the Universal Hierarchy Justice counts as a Universal Mass Crime: A planet is actually a living and thinking mega-cell of the Universal Organism.
Invaders of Earth, III

Chinese Invasion (2010 Scenario)
It is impossible (?) for China to invade militarily in Siberia to occupy Russian oil wells.  China attempted formerly with the Soviets, but the Russians burned the Chinese army with ‘’lasers’’.  The Russian army must watch cautiously for every ... impossible possibility, because everything is possible for the Dragonian Satan pseudo-god Sin-Sion-Sina-Sedi, pseudoJehovah on Earth. 
A Chinese invasion in India is without meaning because there are no oil wells for occupation (but it is wise for the army of India to also be cautious) and necessary Chinese aircraft carriers are not yet ready the for invasion.
China is programming two giant ‘’Pearl Harbour’’ attacks upon Japan and the United States of America.  Since Russia and ‘’NATO’’ have agreed every form of cooperation, China's only logical and possible course...
The Chinese army of millions of men will make its first mass entry into states of the axis ‘’Turkey-Syria-Iran-Pakistan-China’’,
secondly, China will invade through Syria-Jordan-Iran at the Arabian peninsula to occupy oil wells in Saudi Arabia-Kuwait-Bahrain-Qatar-Oman, and
thirdly, it will invade Europe through East Thrace of Turkey-Greece-Balkans, and
fourth, a simultaneous invasion of the Chinese army against Russia from four points; namely from (1) Turkey through Armenia-Azerbaijan-Georgia as three states of ‘’C.I.S.’’ (former republics of the Soviet Union), (2) through Kazakhstan-Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan-Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan as five states of ‘’C.I.S.’’, (3) through outer Mongolia, and (4) through the Russia-China borders of eastern Siberia, from the Russian city Borzya up to the Russian Vladivostok.  Military shareholders of  ‘’NATO’’ must agree at once and outright for thorough briefing of governments of all ‘’C.I.S.’’ states about the forthcoming Chinese and Korean genocidal typhoon with its criminal purpose the culling of five billion Earthlings. 
Invaders of Earth, IV

Eva/Leva/Levan/Levaniah/Moon/Selene/Selini/Star of Death made a first attempt to enter the orbit of the Earth at around 20,000 B.C., but failed.  Its orbit risked a collision with Earth, which was stopped by Andromedian Celestials.  A second attempt was successful and Selene entered Earth's orbit around 11,436 B.C. (see research by G.H.Rees, Raymond Drake, and the inscriptions in Tiahuanaco of Bolivia, etc).  At this time, Earth was populated by people of the White race from the Constellation of Andromeda and people of the local indigenous Black race from Sirius.

White Race Hellenes from Andromeda came to Earth via the astro-gate of Sirius (Coccyx-Hyperion), as a scientific mission.  They aiming at teaching the indigenous Black race about Ecological Harmony, Universal Natural Laws, and Astrological Laws (see the annals of the Dogon race in Mali, Africa).

Reptilian Draconians of Selene, having Asmodai Metatron and El Santai (see the Bible – Old Testament) or Sentai-Tzentai (see the Japanese and Hebrew produced film Star Wars) or Tzoudas-Judas as their premiers, asked Zeus for permission to land their population on Earth.

Xenius Zeus [translator’s comment: ‘Xenius’ is one of the adjectives accompanying Zeus, and it is rendered as ‘welcoming’, ‘friendly’, etc] was outnumbered and had not yet realised the attacking-pirating intentions of Selene.  He allowed the landing, given the proviso that they would keep the population ratio at 1:108 and that the Draconians would respect the existing cultural tendency and language of the planet (Archetypical Greek).  The Reptilians of Selene landed at the island complex-continent of Atlantis/Waterland, under the governance of the Andromedian Hyper-Minister of the water element, Poseidon.  The first Chinese hybrid settlers were able to survive on Earth, being genetically engineered to withstand attack by Earth's microbes (biocompatibility).  Under orders of the first Reptilian clergy of the Serpens constellation and guidance of Selene, the Chinese soon degenerated White Pelasgians of Atlantis and turned them in a ‘civil’ world war against their racial brothers, the Pelasgians of Europe and the pre-historic Athenian Empire (see Plato’s Timaeus and Critias).  ‘Special effect’ nuclear weapons and meteorological weapons were used in this war, as mentioned in the ancient Indian texts of Vedas and Mahabharata.  So, along with the World War of Earth, a space war broke out between Selene and the space executives of Zeus. 

Selene utilised gravity cannons to exert overpressure on the lithospheric plates of Earth and managed to sink Atlantis and a while later, the Aegis Zone (present day Mediterranean Sea and Aegean Sea).  Millions  of White Atlantian and Athenian souls were drowned in the sea.  The Pelasgic golden era of high technology and civilisation in harmony with nature soon shifted to a ‘stone age’.  Civilisation went back to square one and chaos prevailed.

Moon has a partner, the flagship Lilith, a dark glossy Planet of War.  Around 9,600 B.C. when Atlantis and Aegis sank, Lilith moved out-of-sight behind Moon and into a synchronous orbit with it, so that the three bodies (Earth – Moon – Lilth) formed a straight line (see Kabbalah).  Since that time, Earth has been under complete control of reptilian Draconian mutineers and their treasonous Andromedian allies of Saturn. 

Zeus sought to avoid a general destruction of Earth.  His forces seem to have retreated: 1/3 towards the four outer planets (Saturn, Uranus, Poseidon [Neptune], Pluto);
1/3 towards the cavity of the ‘Inner Earth’ (from the opening of the North Pole); and,
1/3 left our solar system to inform the local Galactic Government at the Constellation of Andromeda about the invasion, crimes of Draconian Selene, and to ask for reinforcement. 
Invaders of Earth, V

Friday, 15 April 2016


Hebrews and the Saxons are a racial "intermarriage" between White and the Yellow races, as are all Mongols. The pure Yellow Chinese 888 and Koreans 777 plan to genocide non-Chinese, simply because they are not pure Draconian.

Dragonian pure-Yellow Jehovah/Sin/Sion/Zion/Sinou/Sinese namely Chinese in “Genesis C – 15” are to undertake “Future annihilation of the Sperm of Zeus/Devil/Snake”.  (In “John’s Revelation” Pergamos has the “throne of Satan/Devil/Snake”, although the Maximum Altar of Zeus was transferred to Berlin.)  “Sperm of Zeus” refers to Greek Hellenes and White Pelasgian nations that the Dragonian pure-Yellow (Chinese) sperm of the Dragonian Moon (Levanah/Levan/Leva/Eva) automatically condemns to death.  Hebrews, Saxons and the rest White-Yellow Mongols, and Black-Yellow Mongols are likewise doomed. 

Mongols result from intermarriage of the Yellow Dragonian race with the hostile White Andromedian race (of Zeus) and the hostile Black Sirian race (“Cursed Ham”). These intermixed Mongolian sperms are impure “bastard” sperms with congenital schizophrenic inclination to genocide all original pure sperms; namely the pure Yellow Dragonian sperm Chinese, pure White Andromedian sperm, White Pelasgians, and pure Black Sirian sperm, Black Aboriginals. 

Dragonian biologists of space lunar medicine already knew what French Biologists discovered in the nineteen thirties, namely that people originating from intermarriage of the three main races, White – Black – Yellow, have inborn schizo-intellectual (schizophrenic), schizo-emotional (luna-tic), and schizo-body (regular diseases).  So, because Hebrews, Saxons, and other Mongols have inborn tensions toward unreasoned genocide of White, Black, and Yellow pure races, known as Doberman syndrome, it is certain that the Chinese will destroy White-Mongols and Black-Mongols of the semi-axis “Japan-Tibet-Hebrews-Saxons-Mongols” with first annihilated being Hebrews, Judeans, and Hebrew Saxons. 

The “Old Testament” of “Holy (Dragonian) Scripture” abounds with orders of the type:
“Do not intermarry with the sperm of Palestinian White Hellenes”; and,
“You will not be contaminated with the sperm of the White Palestinians Hellenes though marriage with them”.
Those orders were and are meaningless where addressed toward Mongol Israelites and Judeans , because they are already intermixed by intermarriage of White and Yellow races.  Mongol Israelites and Judeans were from the beginning “contaminated” with “DNA”, “Chromosomes”, and genetic cellular memory of the “Satanic-hostile-gainsayer” White race as “Sperm of Zeus – Devil”.  Therefore, the Chinese knowingly gave those orders as “violated orders of Chinese racial purity” law.

This allegedly provides a moral alibi for “genocide against the impure Judeans by the grace of the Chinese God, Jade-Jude”, along with Saxons and rest Mongols.  The retroactive Chinese law of racial purity extends from when Mongols were created, but it is impossible to apply and execute due to (pre-existing, irrevocable) “contamination” of Mongols with Sperm of the White and Black “Satanic” races.  By this means, the captious lunar Dragonian “Jehovah” has deviously subverted survival of Judeans and Saxons (Israelites of Samaria) in the forthcoming pure-Yellow Dragonian Chinese "Armageddon" planned by Jehovah-Sin-Sion-Zion-Sinai-Sina-China. 
Intermarriage I

For the sake of the global currency of the New World Order, Hellenist hating Hebrew-Mongol George Soros didn’t calculate that maybe he and his friends can “kill” the dollar by financial crimes, but China through the supreme Hyperlodge Hong plans to kill everybody in the final phases of World War III for its Kingdom of Jehovah with strict criteria of racial purity.  That would end intermarriage and co-existing of the Yellow race of China and Korea with the bastard White-Yellow products of ancient and historic White race genocides! 

A total global Chinese Dragonian hegemony will no longer have diachronic, intermarried Mongolian hordes with Doberman syndrome (Read studies of French Anthropologists, 1920.) aggressively and unpredictably attack the pure-Yellow race.  The Great Wall of China or Sinic Wall would no longer be required to keep the Mongols out and protect the Chinese genetic characteristics bestowed by lunar Elohim, Sin.  Hebrew-Mongolian and Turanian-Mongolian genocidal hordes could then be pushed to the West, causing more chaos to White Pelasgian and Black Sirian races, as they did in former times to the powerful pelasgian Empires of Babylon, Assyria, Egypt, and Metropolitan Hellas.  (Turanians are speakers of Ural-Altaic languages.)
Intermarriage II

Jew-Hebrew rabbis and Saxon lords are teaching that Jews and Saxons don't belong to the White race, but to the Mongolian White-Yellow race through intermarriage.  That means Jews and Saxons will belong to the Mongolian semi-axis "Japan-Tibet-Hebrews-Saxons-Mongols", who will be genocided by the pure-Yellow armies of China and Korea. 

Ancient texts reveal that White-Yellow intermarriage/interbreeding took place violently.  Men of the White and the Black races were slaughtered and the women were raped by the Yellow race, from 11.500 b.C. until today. 

Members of the Russian government, as Russian-Hebrew presidents, prime ministers and ministers are due to be genocided by China, because they are racially impure White-Yellow Mongolian-Hebrews resulting from intermarriage of Chinese and Whites.  They considered the evidence reported to them, either as figments of our imagination or as a Greek deceit against the Chinese-Hebrew ‘Kingdom of the Jehovah’!
Intermarriage III


From 1644 A.D., the longstanding imperial Ming Dynasty was displaced from power in China by the imperial Tsing dynasty invading from Manchuria, NE of China.  Due to some intermarriage, Tsing/Ching are apparently not pure-Yellow Draconian.  This is unacceptable to pure-Yellow Draconian Chinese who do not tolerate racial fly on their sword, so they immediately began an insurgency, which lasted some time in a Shaolin monastery, before the Tsing sent an army that destroyed it.  According to legend, only five Shaolin monks survived, the infamous "five seniors" that foundeed the Draconian hyper-lodge Hong. 
Intermarriage IV

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Insignia/Emblem of G.H.Rees


The end-for-end “Epsilon”, ]+[, represents the Apollonian Mid-Sun and forms the middle emblem of Andromedian G.H.Rees' insignia that represents the cosmic hyper-humanoid organism. 

The alphabet of the Atlantean "Guanche – Berbers" is half ancient Greek and their language is in consonance with ancient Sanskrit, namely with the Greek language of the ancient Dravidians of India.  They have a flag for their informal state, with three horizontal zones of cyan, green, and yellow.  Upright upon this flag, they have placed the ancient Greek Andromedian symbol of the two end-for-end "Epsilon", ]+[, which is also used ceremoniously atop heads by the ancient Dogon tribe of the black race. 

Both White Atlantean "Berbers" and Dogon inhabit Mali in Africa.  They state that this symbol was given to them by interstellar Hellenes from the solar system of Sirius or Cynus or Canis (dog).

Ancient historians: Greek Diodoro, African Arnovio, and Romans Plinio and Marcello, named Atlanteans of the Canary islands as "Canarius", which in Greek is "Cynarius" because of their worship of Hypersun/Hyperion/Sirius; "Cyna"/"Canis"/"Dog" in ancient Greek.  Their informal flag chromatically simulates the flag of Gabon state in Africa and incorporates the two end-for-end "Epsilon" symbol, ]+[.

There are people with folk traditions and ancient written history about the coming of White Hellenes who imparted ecological sciences to the native Sirian Black race.  These Hellenes originated from the constellation of Andromeda through Sirius to planet Earth, namely Hindus, Greeks, Dogon of Africa, and remaining White Atlantean "Berbers".  Hebrew-Saxon Mongolian masonic hyper-lodges of the West, "A.O.A." and "O.T.O." of London, have been ordered by "Hong" to deceptively equate them all under the symbol of the two end-for-end "Epsilon", ]+[. 

War crimes and crimes against humanity are ordered by treacherous Greek-Hebrew and Greek Nazi Theosophist masons:
"Epsilon-666" of "Xrysh Aygh" (Golden Dawn-Golden Morgenröte);
"Nea Acropoli" (New Acropolis); and
"LA.O.S." (People’s Orthodox Alarm) of Greece.  All have deviously adopted the two end-for-end "Epsilon" of Andromedian and Sirian Hellenes and will ensure it is in evidence when they attack the "Russia-Islam-China" axis at WWIII/"Armageddon".  Hence, treacherously implicated by the deception are Hindus, Greeks, White Andromedian nations, White Atlantean "Berbers", and Black Dogon of Mali.  Thus incriminated collectively and falsely, all their nations face genocide for the long-planned anti-Chinese, anti-Dragonian puny criminal violence of theosophists.

You may have read Revelation 13:17 (KJV) of the Draconian Holy Bible, dear reader.  It states... "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."  Well, once again, theosophists are adhering to scripture.  This time, its with radio signal "barcode 666", which is an injectable, subcutaneous transmitter chip for locating selected victims for genocide by "Russia-Islam-China".  Whites of U.S.A.-Europe-Japan are also targeted for murder by the newly founded Hebrew-Saxon "Vasiliko Komma" (Royal Party) of Greece of the fallen Kings and Princes of Greece, Holstein Glucksburg, as ordered by the Nazi part of "A.O.A." namely "Xrysh Aygh" (Golden Dawn) of London. 

In 1994, "Epsilon – 666" Theosophist Masons of Greece brought elder senators of Dogon to the Mystra of Peloponnesus, in order to prove virtually and falsely that Dogon leaders assent to being accomplices in crimes of the theosophist chiefs of "NATO".  In fact, they would not assent by passing the "baton", the Andromedian and Sirian symbol of the two end-for-end "Epsilon", for others to join them. 

Hebrew-Saxon Golden Dawns of London and Greece through their Nazi webpage of the "Xrysh Aygh" "" and the pseudo-Nazi provoking webpage "" of the Greek-Hebrew secret service of "KYP/EYP" of Greece published lies on the internet.  They attempted to slander the Black Dogon of Mali and the White Atlantean "Berbers", carriers of the Andromedian-Sirian symbol of the two end-for-end "Epsilon", with false ethnological "information".  It was alleged that Black Dogon and White Atlantean "Berbers" or "Guanche" of Canary Islands are matriarchal people, that is carriers of the "Anti-Christ feminism 666" of "Epsilon-666" of Greece.

Within the Atlantean common script of the “Berbers” – “Guanches” appear several Hellenic letters, variations of the Andromedian G.H.Rees emblem of the end-for-end “Epsilon” in a vertical form of hyper cosmo-anthropoid (= universal organism) end-for-end “Epsilons”:
end-for-end = boustrophÄ“don.  See “Boustrophedon” writing style of Ancient Hellenes. (Now extinct due to the genocide of Asia Minor Hellenism.) 
End-To-End Epsilon

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Indigo Children 666

In between the chats of the "incarnated Epsilon" and the "incarnated spirit-forms of Apollo as Indigo Children", in the facebook page "The River Is You" of E.N.D. (End National Debt), there are statements in the manner of: "In the following five months from February to June 2013, entirely unique and unprecedented in the line of the entire history of mankind, happenings will occur under God Apollo, from the Chthonian abodes of the earth below, and up from the approximate interplanetary space, from where respectively the spirits and dwellings in flesh under Apollo will resurface, to the exterior of our planet".

As "ascending from beneath the earth's Chthonian-subterranean dwellings of Apollo" the "incarnated Epsilon Indigo" of E.N.D. refer to Draconian-assembled "Greys" as former extra-terrestrials now sub-terranean.  This description corresponds with geologist Phil Schneider's.  He had supreme security access to subterranean bases and staff teams that included "Grey" extra-intraterrestrials, witnessing frictions and facilitations between the American government and the "greys".  [See videos concerning Phil Schneider, who was assassinated by American secret services. 

Subterranean Greys under the Draconians are to resurface from the subterranean abodes within Earth's mantle to carry out wicked orders of the supreme intergalactic criminal: Sin/Sion/Sina/Jedai/Sendai/Jude/Judas of the Draconian moon.  They will exit to the outer surface of Earth's crust, posing as "Anunnaki" celestial Apollonian allies of various Satanic groups: "Epsilon 666", "Indigo Children 666", "Empire of Constantinople 666" of L.A.O.S. 666, and "Golden Dawn 666", where they are intended to be received as "Chthonian demons of God Apollo".  The evil Greys will impersonate trapped Andromedan pelasgian Hellenes of the hollow earth, in order to disgrace honourable Hellenes of the outer crust with crimes against humanity (Implicitly rejecting that Earth is not core, mantle, and crust.  Ed.).  Chief targets are to be armed and unarmed civilians of Russia-Islam-China, whose subsequent overwhelming counter-attack is intended to entirely annihilate the alleged Western "antichrist populations 666". 
Indigo Children 666, I

G.H.Rees has programmed the biological cleansing of all Neo Greeks and “Indigo Children” possessed by lunar Draconian demons of Sin-Sion-Sina-Jude-Juda-Jehova.  Those possessed falsely impersonate long gone “Gods” of the Greek Andromedian Dodecatheon of Zeus, with the aim of provoking Hellenes (Greeks) into accepting and leading NATO against Russia-Islam-China, through the “Hellenic Empire 666” of Constantinople.  Greece is to ignite WWIII and bear all provocative war crimes and crimes against humanity to be committed by NATO against R.I.C..
Indigo Children 666, II

Hoping to make some minimal order out of the chaos of the scattered brains of the "Epsilon", "mediums" of the type of Dionysios Illarionas and the "incarnated Indigo Children" of the Facebook page "The River Is You" of E.N.D., claim that they "see the light and communicate with God Apollo". G.H.Rees considers it important to cite the following clarifications on this matter:

[G.H.Rees material is published in .  It concerns the matter at hand, rather than Indigo Children, so will not be followed here.  Suffice to say, enemy claims of communicating with God Apollo has proved sufficient to provoke response.  Should readers be curious, they can visit the post.]
Indigo Children 666, III

G.H.Rees calls upon the self-righteous dictator-medium of the Dracos that impersonate the Twelve Gods of Zeus, namely Dionysios Illarionas, a member of the E.N.D. Facebook page “The River is You”.  He must testify and apologise publicly in writing, through the internet and especially through the “EllhnKaiChaos” blog for an oversized depiction of the Moon over the Hellenic horizon being uploaded and followed with comments of so-called “incarnated spirit-forms of Apollo”, “Indigo Children 666”.  Illarionas is already familiar with G.H.Rees' discussions that according to testimony of the Draconian Judeo-Christian “Holy Scripture” book of “Revelation”, Sin-Sion-PseudoTheBeing-PseudoJehova-Sendai-Jedai-Jade-Jed-Jude-Judas is based upon the Moon (Rev. 12:1).  It is also a basic teaching of Hinduism A’ and Buddhism is that the Moon is hostile towards people and they must avoid getting in contact with its radiation. 

G.H.Rees will not allow anyone to bring about genocide Hellenes or White Race and Black nations through provocations of Greece toward WW3, as supervised by Draconian Demons of the Moon, “Epsilon 666” and possessed “Indigo Children 666” within whom the Draconian demons are incarnated impersonations of the spirit-forms of god Apollo. 
Indigo Children 666, IV

There is no longer a time schedule given by Andromedians of Saturn as to their intervention on planet Earth.  If any time limit is announced by “Indigo Children” of E.N.D. 666 or “Epsilon 666”, it will be a “bluff” concerning arrival of “alien Saturnalian rebels” (fake Andromedians) and “Chthonic former alien Gray Draconians” (fake Apollonians of the inner Earth).  Saturnalians and Grays are forces allied to “Greek Empire 666” of Constantinople of the “Epsilon 666”, its “Indigo Children 666 of E.N.D.”, “Golden Dawn 666”, and “L.A.O.S. 666”.  These forces plan attack of “NATO”, under seemingly Greek command, against the axis of Russia-Islam-China (R.I.C.).   A massive R.I.C. counter-attack is to bring total genocide of Black and White civilians of “NATO”, with Hellenes being the first for slaughter.
Indigo Children 666, V


The level of collusion between the Hebrew-Saxon American Government and Sorras’ gang of frauds is such that it does not allow for simple explaining of the type “Does Sorras’ money exist or not, and are his bonds real or not?”.  Authenticity is of no interest to the Chinese and Hebrew-Saxon cartels of the West, which as it turns out, have received explicit orders to promote Sorras as immediate sponsor of the “666 Government at Mystras”, “Empire 666 at Constantinople”, “Epsilon 666”, ”Golden Dawn 666”, and “L.A.O.S 666”.  This is easily verified by the fact that in Sorras’ page “The River Is You” on Facebook, the only ones leaving comments were and are members and followers of “Epsilon 666”, that is the “Indigo Children 666" incarnated spirits of (pseudo-)Apollo. 

On Sorras’ Facebook page “The River Is You”, his “Epsilon 666” followers obeyed orders by writing spiritual nonsense through………lexarithms, in which they refer to Sorras as “the incarnated spirit of Apollo” and other disgusting, traitorous comments of the supposed “incarnated Indigo Children”. 

Hellenes and five billion condemned people are to perish in WWIII, brought about by Sorras’ E.N.D. if it is not exterminated in time.  In an attempt to fully disclose the treason of E.N.D against Greece and planetary security, G.H.Rees calls upon all webpages to upload the “Epsilon“ hymns to the demonically possessed Artemis Sorras
Indigo Children 666, VI


Identification with under demonic possession "Indigo Children 666"):
"Enlightened children-angels on earth-blue ray"; 
....Blue-ray....(hysterical laugh!!)....What's next in line?  An lp-cd so maybe Mr Koemtzopoulos!!;
All posts are under the name of Koemtzopoulos that is head of the Greek department of this Epsilonist bullcrap of Salusa and his name resounds in the Hebrew-Mongol Koen->Coon->Khan->Han!

Identification of the "Indigo Children" and Salusa - team of Koemtzopoulos with the theosophical Buddhist-Nazi society. We can read inside by Koemtzopoulos and Salusa (<<Galactic Federation of Light>>):
a) Extraterrestrial, olympian, and ascended masters are three categories of entities (described in detail in;
Use of the term <<ascended master>> arises directly from terminology of the global <<theosophical society>>.
Indigo Children 666, VII

Incarnated spirits of pseudo-Apollo.  “Pseudo-followers” of the “reincarnated God Dionysus and Apollo Tyaneus Christ 666”, that is the Mongol Hebrew-Saxon imposter of the Danish court “pseudo-paleologos pseudo-Dragazis DAN-666 Christian-Oldenburg-Holstein-Glucksburg, to place the armies of the White races of the West under leadership of White-Yellow Mongols-Hebrew-Saxons-and Japanese generals of “US.E.J” (USA-Europe-Japan), and Mongol generals of T.I.M (Tibet-India-Mongolia), who will traitorously lead these White armies to take action against the armies of R.I.C. (Russia-Islam-China) in the Asian deserts. 
Indigo Children 666, VIII

Monday, 11 April 2016


Under the command of its founders Hebrew-Saxon hyperlodge “A.O.A.” London (Ordo Adeptis Atlantis –negative- and Ordo Astrum Argentinum –positive-), a network of Masonic Lodges with the name “Illuminati” Hebrewsaxons of Bavaria Germany is operating today.

They are visible lodges behind the national (ethnic-gentile) “M.T.M.” (Memphis Templis Misraim –negative- and Moses Templis Melhisedec –positive-), functioning to protect the anonymity of the members of “A.O.A.” and “O.T.O.” (Ordo Templis Occidentis –negative- & Ordo Templis Orientis –positive-) and Chinese-Hebrew “Mass Media” interests like publishing houses “Esoptron – Kedros” (magazine “Third Eye”, “Nexus”) that publish false and misleading articles about alleged “World War of the Chinese secret societies, against The Illuminati” with two purposes:
A) To deny previous documents of G.H.Rees, proving that the +/-“A.O.A.” and +/-“O.T.O” of London and NOT the Illuminati, are commanding all Arch-Rabbineia (Synagogues) and all the Masonic National (Gentile) +/-“M.T.M.” of the West.
B) To deny previous documents of G.H.Rees, proving that war between hyper-lodges of the West [“A.O.A.” and “O.T.O” London and their subordinate lodges of “The Illuminati”] and “Hong” of China is a lie.  (  The deception is to provoke military assault by USA-Europe-Japan and Tibet-India-Mongolia against Russia-Islam-China, in order for Russia-Islam-China annihilate all opposition.  [See Fraud about alleged “War between Hong and the Illuminati” in the magazine “Hellenic Nexus” October 2007 of the Greek-Hebrew publishers Stinis (Stein) and Boudouris (Abvela).] 

Benjamin Fulford is a Hebrew-Canadian “journalist” and agent of Chinese secret societies.  He was the “Journalist” who first published false, devious “news” (disinformation) of alledged “War between the Eastern Lodges and the Illuminati of the West”.  David Rockefeller is a Hebrew-Sepharadi (Separati - Separate “Elite”), Hebrew-Mongol international bankster and “Illuminati” member.  There is photographic evidence of the two meeting in Japan.

Rockefeller gave the public interview at a time when Fulford had issued alleged “threats” of the Eastern Draconian lodge (Hong) against Illuminati of the West.  It is obvious that we have a blatant collusion here, and Rockefeller just wished to add prestige to Fulford and to his co-intelpro Chinese-Hebrew operation.
Illuminati I


All but few "alternative researchers" have placed Illuminati at the top of Freemasonry's pyramid.  Only G.H.Rees pointed to the infamous Hong hyper-lodge as being top player in the hierarchy.  Illuminati, CFR, Trilaterals, Bilderbergers, Bohemians, Skull and Bones, MJ 12, NSA etc. are executive branches of the true overlord, Hong.  All the projected groups sit below Hong.  The Illuminati are a low ranking society, purposely projected as the "boss", to draw attention from Hong.   
Illuminati II


Illuminati Sino-Zionists' Columbia and the Thunders of Zeus.  From orbit, Columbia declared in favour of a “Global (sino-zionist) government and a world without borders”. 
Illuminati III

The New World Order comes directly from China, therefore all Illuminati, masons, rabbis, priests, bankers, and the entire NWO structure comes from the father, son and holy ghost of Sin-Sion-Sendai-Jendai-Judas false-god.  Under its false god, Hong has spawned all NWO off-shoots.
Illuminati IV


A journalist is asking himself why a Chinese mega city is empty (except for the 10000 “guinea pig” Chinese put there to test the facilities).  The Chinese claim of wanting to home their Mongol friends there is a lie, as the Hybrids are mere robot slaves and meat for their grinder.  The shining mega city in question is a copycat of others around the Western world; a reptilian gift to their allies, particularly the so called Elite, the Illuminati, Freemasons, mad banking cartel, industrial military complex, and all the good and obedient children. 
Illuminati V

The future is not pre-determined and there is no fate, although it is carefuly programmed by Dragonian space and terrestrial headquarters.  So don't be fate-worshipper and prophecy-worshipping victim of their traps and programs.  "Prophecies" and such like are deviously promoted through new and old methods of mind control, by priesthoods using symbology, neuro-linguistic programming, Illuminati cards, etc.).  Foil the genocidal schemes against you.
Illuminati VI

"All truly dogmatic religions have issued from the Kabalah and return to it. Everything scientific and grand in the religious dreams of the Illuminati, Jacob Boehme, Swedenborg, Saint-Martin, and others, is borrowed from the Kabalah; all the Masonic associations owe to it their secrets and their symbols." - Ref. Morals and Dogma, pages 744-745, Albert Pike 33*. 
Illuminati VII

“NASA” has observed gigantic Andromedian “War Planet” space ships with its telescopes.  They arrived after 2001 and parked in an offensive battle position, orbiting planet Saturn.  They confront a smaller Dragonian Starfleet parked in defensive position and orbiting planet Jupiter.  See links:,,

Illuminati VIII

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Icke-Isaac, David

In Sunday 6th November 2011, hellenandchaos accused Hebrew-Saxons David Icke-Isaac and Alex Jones of being dangerous cointelpro agents of the Chinese Draconians.  The rabbi kid David Icke-Isaac has been proved to be a Draconian demon-possessed friend and agent of the space and terrestrial Draconians.

Friends of G.H.Rees posted in Icke's propaganda forum, useful survival information for White and Black races, in order to protect and defend against the Chinese invasion and grave threat:

Agents, shills, and masons of Icke in his forum tried to mockup and ridicule the vital information.  They posted fake G.H.Rees documents (!!!) that allegedly condemn the G.H.Rees friends of the Icke forum.  At the end the forum and without prior warning, moderators twice erased and blocked the friends of G.H.Rees account!!!  This is not a random act on behalf of the traitor Draconian agent David Icke because the massive revelations of G.H.Rees against the Draconian Chinese invasion was a threat to the Hebrew-Chinese interests that Icke represents: Total Chinese dictatorship all over the planet or “Kingdom of Jehowah-Sin-Sion-Zion-Sina-China” or "NEW WORLD 888" after destruction all White and Black nations.  (To this project, all Hebrew masons and gentiles swear an oath in their masonic lodges.)  G.H.Rees calls upon friends to invade Icke and Alex Jones forums and attack them in any way possible!

CONCLUSION: Traitor Draconian David Icke is in continuous Draconian demonic possession:
A) He is a rabbi kid with true Hebrew name Isaac, a Mongol agent of Chinese Draconians and Hong. 
B) He twice blocked from his forum G.H.Rees friends who warned about the Chinese economic – political – and military invasion of the West.
C) He conceals and protects existing terrestrial Draconian Chinese.  Also, Icke spreads misinformation and disinformation about space Draconians and their Moon e.g. preaching that Draconian demons can materialize in our dimension, in order to present their holograms as real and existant!!! 
D) Icke preaches “unconditional Love”, which entails preaching in favour of the Hebrew Mongol pseudo-Christ of the Draconians and loving your intended annihilators; the Chinese that will genocide and eliminate you completely!!  This preaching is extremely dangerous, stupid and suicidal.  It has a devious purpose, to neutralize the survival instincts of the White and Black races. 
E) Icke started his career by hearing voices in his head that ordered him about and he consulted mediums and psychics (demonically possessed channellers).  As G.H.REES has revealed, Draconians are using psychotronic methods to cause voices inside a victim’s head.  They demand certain actions, using mind control technology that controls the pituitary gland of mediums, psychics, and all Draconian magicians (agents of the Moon).

David Icke-Isaac I

 Volos 25.03.2010

Several treasonous Greek webpages have published documents concerning Icke's book “Lunar Matrix” (With English title: “Human Race Get off Your Knees”, Read LINK: ).  The Judean rabbi, White-Yellow Mongol and writer David Icke-Isaac has written a devious mix of truths stolen from the G.H.Rees documents and false data about the Moon.  The purpose is distortion and denial of G.H.Rees documents referring to:
The Dragonian Chinese moon as chief base of planning “Armageddon” for annihilation of the White Race, Black Race, and Mongolian races (Hebrews, Saxons, Tatars, etc.) by the pure-Yellow race of China and Korea. 

Due to the massive, diverse records and evidence published by G.H.Rees, the rabbikid David Icke-Isaac was forced into “Re-Disclosure” of old public material by G.H.Rees about moon; the Draconian's multi-named "Star of Death" flagship that originated from the Draco constellation.  Moon directs massive brain-washing radiations at Earth’s populations and is an originating place of evil apostate Dragonian spirit/demons that control by demonic trance catalepsy, special Earthling-marionette "Slaves of God".

After the above Hebrew-Saxon admissions following direct copies of G.H.Rees documents, the rabbi-kid David Icke-Isaac deviously derailled Western readers of his book with lies that massive lunar brainwashing is continuous, endless, and without a finishing timeline.  Readers would then not realize and foil the Hebrew-Saxonic “NATO” plan that is preparing to mobilize them against Russia-Islam-China for the Chinese “Armageddon” and for them to not rebel against their treasonous leaderships.

David Icke-Isaac didn’t write in his book about revelations within G.H.Rees documents.  For example, concerning the moon as a collecting center for souls caught by orbital platforms of entertainment in the afterlife.  These “Luna Parks” are built with invisible matter of 2nd Dimension of matter rarification and lights and sounds also from that dimension.  Many parks are in Earth’s geostationary orbits.  They prevent souls from escaping to outer space and revealing the genocidal and ecological crimes of Sin – Sion – Zion – Jedi – Sedi occurring inside the living body of Pana, the Universal Organism.

David Icke-Isaac is consciously doing five more frauds

Fraud 1
He wrongly characterises semi-Dragonian White-Yellow Mongol Japanese as (pure-Yellow) Dragonians of the Moon.  The Japanese arise from inter-breeding of White Andromedians and Yellow Dragonians.  They are not pure Dragonian. 

Only pure-Yellow Chinese and Koreans are one hundred per cent lunar Dragonian, dress like dragons and perform the dance of dragons in honour of their origin, the constellation of Draco.  Day after day, they are in a state of genocide hysteria against other-races, including White-Yellow and Black-Yellow Mongols.

Fraud 2
Icke-Isaac characterises semi-Dragonian White-Yellow Mongol Hebrew-Saxons of English and other European Royal families as saurian Dragonians of the Moon.  Labelling these Mongols as descendants of the “evil” ten-race Kingdom of Samaria helps conceal the Chinese and Koreans as pure lunar Dragonian genociders.

Furthermore, European states and Japan of the trilateral axis USA-Europe-Japan (“US.E.J.”) become identified with the ficticious “Theological Dragon” or “Satan Devil” of the Biblical Lunar-Dragonian “Revelations” and “Holy Scriptures”.  Here, the title of the lunar dragon and snake is deviously, falsely, and skillfully ascribed to the departed leader of White Andromedians in 9.600 B.C., Jupiter-Zeus.

Fraud 3
Also characterised as saurian Dragonians of the moon are semi-Dragonian White-Yellow Mongol Hebrew-Saxon Banksters (Rockefeller, Morgan etc.) and politicians of “USA”.  Along with the first two frauds, this strengthens characterisation of the “US.E.J.” axis as evil Dragonian.  Hence, “US.E.J.” can legitimately be genocided with “Evil India” at Armageddon by the grace of God (Sin – Sion – Sina – Zion – Jedi – Sedi – Pseudo-Jehovah) and his good Chinese that (allegedly) are not Dragonians, but are Yellow angels of God and Jesus Christ.

Fraud 4
Icke characterises the two-race Kingdom of Jerusalem, namely Judean rabbis, as divine and “good”.  They, “together with divine forces (read: Chinese Army) will genocide “Evil India”, evil “US.E.J. 666”, the White-Yellow and Black-Yellow Mongols (HebrewSaxons – Tatars – Indonesians – etc.), the “Rus” and “Mesheh” namely the Russians and the people of Moscow (Read prophet Ezekiel Ch.38 and 39 in the “Old Testament” of the “Holy Scripture”) and the Black Pagan Race”.

The books of David Icke must be a manual of study for Mongol White-Yellow Judeans and Hebrew-Saxons.  They contain and display the treason of the Levites, Beniamites, and Judean rabbis of the two-race Kingdom of Jerusalem against the ten-race Samaritan Hebrew-Saxons.  The purpose of this treason is genocide of Hebrew-Saxons [in the Japan-Tibet-Hebrew Saxons-Mongols (“J.T.H.S.M.”) axis] and Judeans by the China and Korea axis (“C.K.”). 

Fraud 5
Icke-Isaac wrote falsely about transitions of lunar Dragonians from invisible thinner dimensions to denser visible dimensions and vice versa, in order:

1st)  To falsely justify the so called “materialization and dematerialization of Dragonian Spirits of the Moon”, planned for massive realisation in the Earth’s atmosphere.  This is to convince the earth's stupid people that allegedly “The heavenly Anti-Christ demons 666 and heavenly Anti-Christ or Stellar = 666 and their ships are materialising, in order to reinforce the Hellene Antichrist 666”.  However, later, these “Anti-Christ” holographic phantoms of spirits - will “dematerialize” - disappear, abandoning the “US.E.J.” and “T.I.M.” armies of Hellene Antichrist 666 to butchery by Russia-Islam-China in Asiatic deserts.

2nd)  In order to falsely justify so-called “materialization of Christian good spirits as soldiers of Jesus Christ” and allies of “R.I.C.”.  These visible spirits will be entirely holographic and for convincing stupid Earthly populations of the axes “US.E.J.” and “T.I.M.” that they must passively accept annihilation by the “Christian” axis “R.I.C.”.

G.H.Rees has proved scientifically that materialisation and dematerialisation of spirits is impossible.  It would be equal to a nuclear implosion and instant shrinkage of their body by a million times.  As a result, organic molecules would be unable to remain organized and in the same analogical original position.

David Icke-Isaac and the like-minded Hebrew-Saxon Alex Jones have formed a coalition, the ideas of which some besotted Greek webpages have published as “New Hebrew Gospels”.  This stupid and consciously treasonous ape-behaviour of the “foreign ideas worshippers” makes Icke-Isaac and Jones into spiritual guides of neo-Greeks, made vulnerable to the genocidal traps of “Hong” and its Freemasonry.  Worse still, intellectually deficient and stupid neo-Greek webpages have arisen that make farcical and miserable treasonous efforts at countering G.H.Rees.

(Read LINK:

G.H.Rees has for a long time published documents in the internet, predicting and armouring the minds of Hellenes against the lethal lies of Chinese “Hong” and its rabbi agents.  Same here again, debunking David Icke-Isaac. 

An independent researcher and webpage outside G.H.Rees (Read interview of David Icke in the Greek webpage: is informing us that David Icke-Isaac confessed that he is guided para-psychologically by voices inside his head.  G.H.Rees has already proven that from 9,600 B.C. until today the only para-psychological activity in our planet is that of Dragonian demons counterfeiting the Dodecatheon of Zeus, using Dragonian technology of “Maser” radiations emitted from the moon.  Therefore, the Judean David Icke-Isaac is indirectly confessing that his writings are dictations of lunar demons he claims to fight.

Hebrew-Saxon Alex Jones agrees with David Icke-Isaac without capability of scientific evidence and is also a medium/spiritualist.  Like Icke, he is a projectile weapon, directed by lunar demonic and technological possession that he supposedly fights.
David Icke-Isaac II

Moon matrix, the moon manipulates humanity!

After thirty years and thousands of freely distributed pages by G.H.Rees to Hellenic people, the three powers, John Lear, and David Icke copy and steal the disclosures first published by this legendary Helleno-centric organization (G.H.Rees) and they present them as theirs!  They copy and distort with small differences for disorientation.  

G.H.Rees has blown open all the schemes of the sinists/zionists, Chinese and Mongol Hebrews.  Secret services attempt to locate and annihilate the G.H.Rees Prytaneum in Athens, while all the staff of G.H.Rees bleed economically and socially, etc. due to their work in favor of Hellas and planetary security.

Meanwhile, Hellenic webpages and the rest webpages write articles and glorify Hebrew-Saxons like David Icke etc., who act with plenty of money, comfort, cover and with safety.  They never refer to the G.H.Rees documents that not only reveal the plain truth and the archaic pre-lunar Hellenic knowledge, but also give ingenious solutions to all those problems that were intentionally produced by traitor politicians of treasonous parliaments against national and planetary security.

About the Draconians of multiple dimensions (more properly referred as Dragonians from the Dragon Asterism), Icke now speaks clearly about a “Moon Matrix” base for them and the manipulation of humanity.  Eva-Leva-Levan-Levaniah-Moon-Selene-Selini-Star of Death is a hybrid planet-flagship for psychotronic and space war.  

Just like our previous post with John Lear and his 2007 so called “disclosures” that were copy-pasted from G.H.Rees articles over the past 30 years, we now have Icke acting likewise.  Rabbis defeated in multiple fronts are now forced to gradually reveal those truths to the broad public and they use their Hebrew agent-writer-“prophet” to continue the game of distortion, disorientation, and disinformation towards his thousands of faithful followers.  Just like he spread disinformation about alleged Dragonian materialisation-dematerialisation transitions between dimensions, which G.H.Rees proved physically impossible, Icke now correctly writes about a “Moon Matrix” together with various useless cracked-barrel philosophies!  He still avoids disclosing about:

The nation and civilization of the Dragon, namely reference to the earthly Dragonian Sinese/Chinese (See, Etymology: Sin-ic Wall, e.g. nation of the Lunar Sin); 
The dragon nation's connection with the moon and space Dragonians from the Dragon-Draco Asterism;
The true masonic Cronian-Dragonian hierarchy with transmission command centres in Tibet and China;
The supreme Chinese hyperlodge Hong and its schemes for planetary genocide, code named “Armageddon” in the Dragonian Bible; 
Diachronic criminal actions of the Sinists against the White race Pelasgians and Black race Sirians, in the beginning directly (See: China’s province Yunnan=Ionas=Hellenism of the East Asia Minor and Asia, territories of Pelasgians that were completely annihilated by the Chinese.  Present day Turkish Turanian Mongols refer to Greece as Yunnanistan) and afterwards through their secondary clerks, the White-Yellow Hebrews and Saxons, products of the continuing historical genocide of White Race Pelasgians. 

An excerpt from David Icke-Isaac's webpage was provided:

David Icke-Isaac III

The colluding American “mass media”, orchestrated by the Chinese-Korean controlled “United Nations”, censored and deleted G.H.Rees' posts about illegal immigrants from their allegedly “alternative – awakening” webpages “godlikeforum” and “David Icke forum”.  Ban Ki Moon has blamed the White Race for illegal immigrants and the refugees crisis. 

A most important anti-Draconian planet security document of G.H.Rees, dated 2008, was published in “David Icke Forum”:
It was censored and deleted in record time by the allegedly “anti-Draconian” Hebrew-Saxon David Icke-Isaac!  THE CONCLUSIONS ARE YOURS!!!

Message to David Icke's Forum of Fixed (Pseudo-)Skeptics

Search the Sauromates or Savromates or Sauromats or Sarmats tribes.  These were ancient invading hordes of Asian Mongols, first in Scythia, later in mainland Europe. 

The ancient Hellenic Pelasgian White indigenus tribes and the ancient Historian Herodotus called them "Sauromates", which in ancient Hellenic means: "People with eyes of the lizard" (learn Ancient Greek and you will find everything), Saura=lizard, mates=mati=eye!

Except for their reptilian appearance they had massive reptilian-snake-Draco symbols and drawings in their shields, armor, customs. These were real Draconians (reptilian dna).

Icke is misleading you in the wrong direction by emphasizing Europe-USA (Western Axis) and hiding the true Draconians on earth, a.k.a. the "nation of the Dragon"; the Chinese. China has symbols and massive rituals in honour of the reptile Dragons (Dragonturtles, etc) and the Dragonian spaceship moon that they worship (Chinese Lunar New Year, Chinese Lunar Mid-Autumn Festivals, etc). Even their flag has the crescent moon (formed implicitly by 4 small stars) and essentially is the same as the flag of their friend, Turanian Mongolian Turkey.
Freedom Of Expression?  Forum Truths, Half-Truths, And Nothing Like Truths!

Some forums that have for years put several IP and ISP internet account ban threats against web-blogs friendly to G.H.Rees and its documents.  Hellenocentric G.H.Rees has shown that they have spread disorienting lies or partial truths and challenges them about posting disinformation, banning G.H.Rees documents and threatening others who post them.  

Forums unable to prove they post only the truth have accused G.H.Rees of lying.  Their bans and threats against G.H.Rees documents and reasoned accusations concerning “Threads with Lies" meet with unreasonable accusations instead of arguments in: 
“God Like Production Forums”;
“Alex Jones Infowars Forums”;
“David Icke-Isaac Forums”;
“Above Top Secret Forums”;
Forums lose credibility in the absence of honest responses and arguments from administrators, thereby strengthening G.H.Rees accusations against them.  They instead choose silence, IP bans, and threats of ISP internet account bans against G.H.Rees documents and friends who post them in the forums.  

Theosophical mason Labrakis of END (End National Debt) in Greece, having grown up in America, is spreading devious lies across America and London through propagandist Hebrew-Saxon outlets such as Alex Jones and David Icke, who follow the lines and texts of their Sephardim Mongolian chief-rabbis and those of Mongolian Hebrew-Saxon hyperlodge “A.O.A” of London.  A lie in question is that ninety-five per cent of Israeli citizens are Hazars, of Turanian-Mongolian descent from Mount Caucasus. 

[95% of the people of Israel truly have absolutely nothing to do with the Hebrews of the Old Testament, but they are not Mongols as traitorously and deviously claimed by Labrakis of “E.N.D” and parroted by Hebrew-Saxon “researchers” of London and America.  In reality, the Askenazim people of Israel are White Hellenic-born Askanians originating in the area of Askania Lake near Prussa Troados in Asia Minor.] 

Rabbi David Icke leaves the Chinese untouched in discussions.  Provocateurs of the Chinese establishment are protecting the superior race of Chinese Draconians on Earth by spreading lies.  Icke mentions that Andromedians are exclusively of the 5th dimension, which is a lie.  Andromedians and the Galactic Government have deployed a fleet of craft and crews to our solar system, all lined up in six dimensions of matter rarification, from our own visible first dimension (3rd real) up to the sixth dimension (9th real).

Regarding true Federal Andromedians landing on Earth for our liberation from Draconian imprisonment, we would most probably observe true hyper-ships and hyper-crews (“Gods”) landing on Earth; not holograms or blue-beam Draconian pseudo-Eleusis triple laser holograms.  We would also have a forewarning from G.H.Rees.  
Federal Andromedians in Saturn’s orbit still force an extremely tight military quarantine against the Draconian occupied “inner solar system”.  They have negotiated with the reptilian Draco Overlord because he is threatening to destroy Earth with Armageddon and in the event of a sudden Federal Andromedian invasion, the entire solar system.  
Humans must watch and be ready to intercept and reject false-flag pseudo-Eleusis of “Andromedian” ships and crews that will in reality be Cronian mutineer allies of the Draconians.  They will pose as true Federal Andromedians (Spacefaring Hellenes) from Saturn’s orbit and will defame the returned “Dodecatheon of Zeus”.  Pseudo-Andromedians will deviously try to ignite sino-Zionistic Armageddon, in which NATO forces will be led up to the territories of China (“Red Apple Tree”), where the “Shanghai Pact” will completely devastate it and the bankrupted West - beginning with financially annihilated Greece.  (See the false flag pseudo-arrival Draconian psyops: Galactic Federation of Light, Andromedean Council, Alex Collier, David Wilcock, David Icke, etc..)

Icke is right in some things!  In his moon research, but under the false guidance of his rabbis, mediums-psychics and voices in his head (aka: lunar influence) he continues to conceal the truth and the whole picture.