Sunday, 31 January 2016

Geostrategic codes and abbreviations of Freemasonry

Hellenes as "IAPETOS" = 666.
Pythagoras found falsely that "All beings came from the Psychogonic Cube, of 6 units sides", namely 666.
Hebrew John of the New Testament, Ch 1C 11-18, refers to 666 as the number-word of the one Satanic political beast or nation.
Romans as “Lateinos” = 666. 
Tibet-India-outer Mongolia, TIM, 666/B. 
USA-Europe-Japan, US.E.J, 666/A.
Various Marcatoi/Marcati ("Marked") encourage Hellenes to mark their skin with bar code 666 , as agreed in the Schengen Treaty. 
Notes applicable to 666
Referred to as devilish theosophical Nazi-Buddhists and Nephilim, following the principle of destruction esp. financial.  Signature colours are typically red and black.  Symbolism: Minus, -; Inverted pyramid/triangle pointing toward the tunnels that lead to Hades, ▼; Anti-clockwise rotating swastika, 卐;  On or of the left hand side, SINister (Sin is chief reptilian Draconian/Dragonian demon god - hence the capitals.), LHS. 

Black Race nations: 888/A(-). 
China: 888.
[“888” of the Chinese Dragon is the key-number-word of the word Jesus:
J’E’S’U’S’ (ΙΗΣΟΥΣ)¨: 888 = Ι’(10) + Η’(8) + Σ’(200) + Ο’(70) + Υ’(400) + Σ’(200).
It is said that demonic Draconian monks spread rumors that Alexander the Great found the city of “OPIS” and renamed it “OPI” (hole - ΩΠΗ) so that the key-number-word appears: Ω’(800) + Π’(80) + Η’(8) = 888]
China-Japan-Tibet-Hebrews-Saxons-Mongols, (CJTHSM), 888/B(+).
China-Korea (CK), 888/C(+).
Japan-Tibet-Hebrews-Saxons-Mongolia (JTHSM), 888/C(-). 
Russia-Islam-China, RIC, 888A(+). 
Whites of Russia and Islamic States, 888/B(-).
Notes applicable to 888
Referred to as Christian-Socialist heavenly philosophicals and Elohim, following the principle of survival.  Signature colours are typically blue and white.  Symbolism: Plus, +; Pyramid/triangle pointing toward Leva/Levan/Levaniah/Luna/Moon/Selene/Star of Death, △; Clockwise rotating 'swastika', 卍;  On or of the right hand side, RHS. 

Azerbaijan-Turkmenistan- Uzbekistan-Tadzhikistan-China: TIC-B or A.T.OU.TA.C.. 
Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania (Alliance of gathered close to Greece for invasion, fifty per cent genocide, and initiation of world war three.  Has variations that incorporate other parties, for example, the sponsoring and treasonous Pentagon): BASTR, BASTR/P. 
North Korea, 777-A. 
South Korea, 777-B. 
Turkey-Syria-Iran-Pakistan-China, TIC-A or TU.S.I.PA.C..

Codes for rule by China

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