Galactic Federation (Government) of Light and Pleiadians
A grand fraud and the psychological
operation (psyop) of the Dragonians.
a) The “Galactic Federation of Light” shares a complex emblem with Theosophical Masonic gangs of the pseudo-“Epsilon”-“Olympians”-“Krinaetoi” (Rosicrucian Lodge of the Crinum & Eagle) etc., etc.. The emblem includes “reversed, curved epsilons” presented as )+(. It belongs to Cronians (Saturnians - Savaothians) aka Yahweh demons and is extremely similar to that used by the allegedly returned Dodecatheon of Zeus. Beyond the epsilons, )+(, the wider complex emblem contains the “Star of David” or the “cabbalistic hexagram of Solomon”, signifying Lunar Dragonian forces and their communications with Earthling subordinates; a completely obvious alliance being the collusion of Theosophist Cronians 666 with Lunar Dragonians 888.
b) The “Galactic Federation of Light” presents
their ship’s governors as Metatron or Mataron of the demon
possessed lunatic loser and black magician pseudo-Eumolpos (enemy of
G.H.Rees), namely Gabriel, Uriel, Michael, etc.. This cancerous Yahwehic-Dragonian sewage of the galaxy is accountable to Universal
Justice for bathing Earth in blood for some 13,500 years - especially of White Andromedian Pelasgians and Black Sirians.
c) The “Galactic Federation of Light” presents formations of bright, luminous, semi-transparent spherical bodies and/or holograms in the sky: Christs/Angels and the Judeo-Christian Cross Symbol. G.H.Rees has already informed people about the form of these enemy ships of the thinner second dimension of matter rarification. They are really Lunar ships, visible as geometric, spectral solids.
d) The “Galactic Federation of Light” and their alleged allies, the “Pleiadians” admit they communicate with Earthling subordinates and spokesmen by “channelling” through “mediums” using “demonic possession - trance - catalepsy”. Such methods are used by black magickians Cronus and Yahweh et al, extra-dimensional spacebandits and annihilators of
planets and solar systems.
G.H.Rees communicates with Andromedians of the Federal Government in Saturn’s orbit by using only science and technology of passive and active netrino/naser telecommunication devices! It is strictly forbidden to use any parapsychological or spiritual activity-method and any para-psychological harassment must be dealt with promptly.
The “Galactic Federation of Light” and their alleged allies, the “Pleiadians”, are not the parked new moons and moonlets in Saturn's and Jupiter's orbit. That is, they are not the Galactic Federal Government Armada of multi-dimensional hyper-ships (War Planets) forcing a military quarantine against the seven inner planets (Angels: "...The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches...", Rev.1:20!) of our solar system, namely the Dragonian defensive inner perimeter or “cage”.
The "Galactic Federation of Light and Pleiadians" is actually a psychological operation, with both parties being role-played by Dragonian demons and their colluding allies, the Cronians/Saturnians/Savaothians. The purpose is:
1. To prepossess the arrival of Galactic (KNOZ-3) Governmental Forces;
2. To simultaneously present themselves at the beginning of their long planned genocidal “Armageddon” to the Nations of the West as Metatron/AntiChrist/pseudoZeus/stellar/666 forces. They will drive the armies of the bankrupted West into an initial weak assault against Russia-Islam-China or “Shanghai Pact”. Right after, the exact same ships will change their emblems and present as angelic/Christ (Rabbi Jehoshua)/888. They will abandon the helpless armies of the West inside the Mongolian deserts, where they will be butchered by Dragonian China 888 and Korea 777. Those same ships will support the overwhelming counter-attack of Yellow terrestrial Dragonian Chinese and Koreans, completely annihilating the White, Black and Mongolian races.
The Dragonian-Lunar “Galactic Federation of Light” are are subjected to a tight military quarantine of the inner seven planets, with their human hostages. Their allies, the “Pleiadians” must account to Universal Justice for crimes against the White Race. They should admit to being Cronian-Andromedian traitors and pseudoscientist magickians, knowing that the true Pleiadians they impersonate are absent.
Cronians present themselves as Pleiadians to the Freemasons they have possessed and turned into lunatic tele-controlled zombies. Any ships claiming to be of Pleiadians, will of course belong to the Cronian-Dragonian alliance.
The Galactic Federation of Lies and pseudo Pleiadians
All religions from different cultures, at different times, in different continents, speaking different languages confrim the presence of an underground serpent or dragon race that co-exists with and commands or guides the human race - from within Earth's crust.
Thunderbolts of Truth, part 1

JUDAISM: "The best among the Gentiles deserves to be killed" as "The best of snakes ought to have its head crushed" Simeon bar Yochai, pp 617, Jewish Encyclop., Funk and Wagnall. ***** "...we take the CHILDREN of our enemy, which is the white race, and we bring 'em to the basement of the synagogues, where we drain the blood and watch 'em die there." Rabbi Abe Finklestein. ***** "Goyim were born only to serve us... the people of Israel." Sephardi Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, Jewish News, 19 Oct. 2010.
Related Articles and References
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- Rabbi Abe Finklestein
- Race War against Blacks and Whites
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- Thunderbolts of Truth (transcript), Part 1
- Thunderbolts of Truth (Transcript), part 2
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