Monday, 18 January 2016

Gaddafi/Qaddafi/Gaddafy, Colonel Muammar
1- Gaddafi nationalized Libya's oil trade and used its revenues for creating valuable social infrastructure, including the world's largest water supply and irrigation network. He proposed to construct at least the same for all African states, for free.

2- Before Qaddafi, only 1/5 of the population had sufficient education while the remainder had no access to education.

3- During Qaddafi's tenure, education and college became free for Libyans, while eighty-three per cent of Libyans were educated.

4- Qaddafi's Government made healthcare free and accessible to all Libyans! If treatment wasn't available in Libya, the state would pay travel expenses abroad!

5- Basic food prices dropped when Gaddafi came to power. The electricity power grid was extended throughout Libya, while its independence in agricultural products was assisted by huge water supply and irrigation projects.

6- Gaddafi built the "Great man-made River". It holds a position in the Guinness Book of Records and turned the desert coast of Libya into fertile valleys. Its pipeline is considered the eighth wonder of the world! However, Hebrew-Saxon NATO [666] bombed and destroyed the project to prevent the rural independence of Libya.

At the September 2010 anniversary of the opening of the final phase of the Libyan "Great man-made River", questions were raised, like how a so small country and a population of four million may manufacture something so big without borrowing a cent from international banksters. This bothered Hong and her Zionist puppets, like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds.

Libya had four underground deposits of water that provide an endless supply for Libyans. A network of pipes prevent evaporation beneath the desert, feeding two hundred and seventy deep wells - much cheaper than desalinated water. Scientists say the ultimate goal was to turn Libya into an autonomous agricultural paradise. Such independence and self-sufficiency is prohibited by Hong and the banksters.

7- Every Libyan citizen was entitled to land, agricultural tools, livestock, and seeds. Houses and apartment buildings were built throughout Libya so that every citizen could have his own home or apartment - for free! Gaddafi vowed not to home his parents who lived in a tent, until the last Libyan citizen was housed.

8- During the "dictatorship" of Gaddafi, Libya became the African country with the highest living standards, rated in the system HDI of the United Nations - higher than Russia, Brazil and Saudi Arabia.

9-In 2007, in the regular version of African Development, it was written that "Unlike other oil-producing countries like Nigeria, Libya used the revenue from oil for the development of the country."

10- Gaddafi believed that economic democracy can only be achieved when the gross domestic product of a country is distributed to each citizen. Hence, oil trade revenue was placed into a special account of the Libyan Central Bank and shared with every Libyan citizen. Cruel, nasty Gaddafi!

11- Gaddafi fought for the emancipation of women. Libya is the only Islamic state where women are free and have access to the educational system. He simultaneously adopted wage labor for women, forbade marriage before twenty, and banned female circumcision. These certainly were not accepted with shouts of joy from the misogynist Islamic fundamentalists.  The © Vancouver Sun newspaper wrote:

The personal guard of Muammar Gaddafi ,was known as " The Angels "! In 1979 Muammar Gaddafi founded the military academy of women in Tripoli, and promised his mother to improve the situation of women in Libya. In 1998 one of his women guards was killed and several others injured when his convoy was ambushed. They wanted to be his bodyguards and to have a Military Academy opened. According to Gaddafi: "Women should be trained in battle, so that they are not easy prey to their enemies". Many of the women guards and "revolutionary nuns" (women who have dedicated their lives to the ideals of the revolution of 1969) say they would never marry. Instead they chose to devote their lives to protect the man who made ​​them free and unique in the Arab world.
Gaddafi wanted women to retain their femininity and be able to ALONE choose whatever career they want. One bodyguard, Fatia, said that "Without our leader, women in Libya would not be anything. He gave us life. I am ready to die for him. He is the father, brother and friend whom you can trust." 

12- In 2010, Gaddafi was the only Arab leader to apologise publicly for Arab involvement in the slave trade and the imprisonment of African Blacks.  Treacherous Arab leaders were furious, as their hypocrisy and servility towards foreign capital had been exposed.  Gaddafi consequently became isolated in the Arab world. 

13- Gaddafi proposed a formal supervisory mechanism to assist Africans in Europe, USA, Caribbean, and South America.  In a speech, he told them he would: "...entrust teams... to check how well they are.  This is my duty and my role towards the children of Africa.  I am a Soldier of Africa.  I am here for you and work for you, therefore I will not abandon you, but will always follow you." 

14- Gaddafi wanted all African countries to break free from the shackles of all kinds of addictions.  He spent considerable sums and resources to take on this project and took initiatives for ceasefires in African war regions (Congo, Uganda, Ethiopia), in order to integrate African countries into a continent, called "United States of Africa."

15- Freemasons never forgave that he nationalized the oil fields of Libya, causing cancellation of their genocide plans.  Despite Gaddafi's desire for integration of African countries taking many years of effort, it did gain a new "MOMENTUM" across all Africa.

16- One million Chinese infiltrators were deported or expelled from Libya, thereby ensuring work for four million Libyans and their racial homogeneity.

17- The word "mathaba" was introduced into the Libyan vocabulary, meaning the gathering of people with a common purpose.  Resistance and revolutionary movements from around the globe met to share ideas, knowledge and practices; many are displayed on the video attached.  This led to Gaddafi being proclaimed a "terrorist", although Nelson Mandela publicly declared that in "the darkest moments of our struggle, when our backs were against the wall, Muammar Gaddafi was the only one who stood beside us."
At a meeting of African Union members, Jacob Zuma said that NATO must not in any way assassinate Gaddafi and should make an immediate ceasefire so Libyans can freely decide the leader they want.  NATO slandered Gadaffi, murdered his people (children, relatives, coworkers) to make him "break" and make the wrong move to confirm media lies that he's crazy!  That's Hebrew-Saxons Western intelligence services for you, shadowy instruments of China that stealthily dismantle entire countries.

Qaddafi sought to see the African race freed from the shackles of global economic terrorism, imbued with human rights, independence, education, welfare and infrastructure.  Gaddafi was a terrorist who undermined the Satanic plans of the Chinese and Hebrew-Saxons for genocide of the Black race and complete destruction of the African continent through mining all its natural resources.  Such is the hypocritical object of the international community, killing Gaddafi without saying a word about murdered civilians in Libya by NATO.  Gaddafi stood firm and did the opposite of what Chinese and Hebrew-Saxon genociders expected.  He was unpredictable, a brave man who panicked "elites" unaccustomed to his ilk.  Consider members of the treasonous Hebrew-Greek government amongst others in the West.

Gaddafi wanted to free slaves, build hospitals, roads, schools, irrigation and water supply networks, and give money to Libyans!  What kind of leader does that, what the hell was he doing?  Freemasons finance countries and build with their own construction companies.  Ultimately, masonry bankrupts the countries it lends to, Greece for example, in order and to earn part of the loan disbursed and to seize projects as collateral loan guarantees.  These services would not be required if infrastructures were already in place.  Now that the masonic NATO has demolished Libya to its foundations, other masons can offer to help rebuild it!  Gaddafi gave to the goyim, all people of the planet, a practical example of escape from Chinese and Hebrew-Saxon bondage.

Related, source:
Excerpt from an article written in February 2011 by Raelyan Allan of Rumor Mill News entitled Libya - The Faction Two - The Monarchy - The pedophile Trade New Order Things (666-888-777/1-777/2) - Ancient technology 
Gunther Russbacher said Gaddafy was misrepresented by Western media and wasn't cooperating with the FED [as Gunther called the private, Rockefeller-owned Federal Reserve bank of USA] or the global conspiracy for enslavement of humanity in which it is a part.  Colonel Gaddafy (spelt this way, according to Gunther) also placed Faction Two to guard the seven pyramids in Libya, keeping the Federal Reserve away from hyper-technology and treasures within. 

Berlusconi, Gaddafy, and Gunther were members of the now defunct Paedophile Eradication Team (PET) with "License to Kill" all paedophiles.  Even as leader of the revolution for many years, the Colonel took part in its operations.  He and his military overthrew King Idris for being surrounded by many young boys and allowing European friends to take some of them away.  The King's friends included the most evil people in the world.

Crown of England agents worked overtime to prevent the economic/political/social change Faction Two prepared for April/March 2011, believing that the secrets of objects buried in the pyramids would help them beat the team that destroys them.  Gaddafy also set adulthood for women at 20 years, after which they were free to marry.  This prevented marriage of eight year old girls with sick old cockroaches!

It was "right" to kill Gaddafy and celebrate!  Supposed democracy in Libya, being aimed only at killing members of the Libyan government of Muammar Gaddafy, disrupted unity between members of the masonic R.I.C. axis (Russia-Islamic States-China) or "Pact of Shanghai".  So did Gaddafy's attempt at creating a humanitarian United States of Africa, which also delayed and caused postponement of the third world war between R.I.C. and US.E.J. (USA-Europe-Japan).

The Chinese and Korean Army aims to genocide all races of the planet, five billion people.  Gaddafy repeatedly postponed and prevented the establishment of their "Kingdom of Jehovah" global dictatorship on planet Earth. 
Western Intelligence Services 666 murdered Gaddafy

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