Sunday, 10 January 2016

Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant disaster
Radioactivity levels in the North West territories of U.S.A. and Canada are similar to daily measurements around Fukushima, Japan!  Also, according to the researcher Leuren Moret, scientists have announced that: The Northern third of Japan will become unhabitable and should be evacuated.

Radioactive particles can travel vast distances as through the Pacific Ocean to North America, the U.S. and Canada.  They are odourless, invisible to the human eye, and tasteless: Essentially, a long lasting "silent assassin" and useful weapon for global population reduction.
Radioactive poison for Gaia

Crimes of Technology Power Electric Company (Tepco)
1.  In 2009, Japanese news agency “Kyodo” said that a Japanese seismologist had forewarned “Tepco” (Technology Electric Power Company) that one big tsunami could prove catastrophic to Fukushima nuclear reactors.  Unfortunately, the scientific advice was “ignored”. 

2.  On 27/3/2011 the international “Mass Media” broadcast that the man in charge of five hundred heroic technicians and firefighters in the factory of Fukushima, called for their evacuation from the destroyed factory.  He stated, that radioactivity levels reached 10 million times above top security limits inside the factory. 

Without the mediation of other measurement, crooks running “Tepco” rushed to deny the claim.  They stated publicly that: “This measurement isn’t reliable” for reasons of profit.

3.  On 5/4/2011 measurements by the Japanese Service of Nuclear and Industrial security announced that in the Marine shores of Fukushima, 200 meters from the Nuclear factory, yeilded readings of radioactive isotope “Iodine 131” at seven million times above top security limits. This means that justification for evacuation was correct.  Water poured over the reactors by the five hundred technicians flowed beyond control towards the sea, where it was diluted in the water of the Marine shores from ten million times to seven-and-a-half million times over the top security levels.

The commanding council of “Tepco” is thereby proved guilty of genociding the Japanese people and of crimes against humanity.  After devious long pre-planning, Tepco concealed evidence necessary to Japanese and International scientific communities for protecting public health, ecology in Japan and the rest of the planet.

4.  Uncontrolled flow of water from the factory of Fukushima towards the sea, is the fourth crime of the commanding council of “Tepco”.  They knew that right after the Tsunami, with the destruction of essential equipment, the six nuclear reactors would overheat and melt their outer metallic shell.

Tepco knew from the beginning that pumps and large quantities of sea water would be needed for cooling the six reactors.  Water is applied to the heads of overheated uranium or plutonium beams and their “hive” of entry holes inside each reactor.  Any outflow to the environment would predictably be contaminated with uranium and plutonium, since it may flow across the beams.  Unsurprisingly, this happened.

“Tepco” knew that chemical elements in sea water would transmute into radioactive isotopes when brought into contact with outflow from the six reactors.  Such poisons would provoke cellular transmutation of “DNA” and “RNA”, leading to cancers, genetic sterilization, and subsequent extermination of the entire fauna within local Japanese shores.  Such extinction would include some species that do not survive elsewhere, leading to total destruction of the Japanese fishery.

The above catastrophy to planetary ecology, Japanese and international public health, and the Japanese economy should have been prevented.  One day after the tsunami, “Tepco” should have covered the ground around the nuclear factory with water-proof, armoured concrete and built two surrounding water-proof metallic walls.  One wall should touch the factory with the other at the limits of the concretized ground, thereby forming a tank for collecting radioactive sea water.

This construction should be supplemented with two nearby megatanks.  With metallic walls six to ten metres high, they would collect surplus radioactive sea water; around one million cubic meters being used each day for cooling the six melted reactors. 

“Tepco” not only deviously and consciously avoided taking the above mentioned ecology protection measures about which it very well knew, but additionally committed crimes against Japan and humanity for profit-motivation...  

A:  Right after the Tsunami, instead of organizing repair of reactor water pumps and appealing to the Japanese government, profit-motivated treasonous “Tepco” bosses disappeared from their offices and homes.  The Japanese government were left alone to make their desperate attempts, using surgical interventions by technicians and fire-fighters with sea water containing liquid carbon dioxide and liquid nitrogen, and fire-fighting ships stationed a precautionary 400 meters away “drenching the ...roof of the Fukushima factory”.  The distance was allegedly for “security reasons” because Japanese sailors feared a nuclear explosion, but at over ten megatonnes everything within twenty kilometers would be vapourised! 

B:  “Tepco” consciously gave false measurements of radioactivity in the Fukushima nuclear factory to the Japanese government, to Japanese nuclear physicists and to the International Academic community.  At the same time, "Tepco" concealed data on other radioactive isotopes, except Iodine (I) and Cesium (Cs), thereby ensuring ignorance about the true danger to public health in Japan, the rest of the planet, and global ecology.

C:  After the incident in Fukushima in 11/3/2011, treasonous “Tepco” did nothing toward de-heating the reactors, but instead brought Japan under threat of a ten megatonne nuclear explosion within the Fukushima nuclear plant.  This would have meant destruction of Northern Japan. 

D:  On 21/3/2011, “Tepco” under pressure of Japanese public and government opinion, organized crews for interventions within the factory.  For reasons of criminal profit, fire-fighting pumps equipped with tanks of water mixed with liquid nitrogen and liquid carbon dioxide were excluded. 

E:  Concerning need for mixed of water, liquid Nitrogen and liquid CO2 for cooling and deheating the six Fukushima reactors, G.H.Reese sent a written briefing entitled “Nuclear Security of Japan” towards “Tepco” through the Japanese government on 31/3/2011.  Subsequently, under pressure of the Japanese media, “Tepco” finally relented and used the mixture.   “Reactor No. 1” was cooled and the other five were de-heated to avoid explosion. 

F:  With instructions from the “Department of Nuclear Technology” of Hellenic G.H.REES Patra, the Nuclear Alarm in Fukushima stopped.  Now it remains to stop and the Radioactive Alarm.  “Tepco” continued its insidious criminal actions, allowing ten million cubic metres of water into the sea around the Fukushima shores, allegedly containing only ...”low level radiation” (Radioactive Iodine 131 was seven-and-a-half million times over maximum allowed limits).  Now “Tepco” plans to drop another ten million cubic metres of water into the sea, without attracting the attention of the Japanese government and “Mass Media”.  According to their own statements, this will be more radioactive than before! 
Japanese Nuclear Neglect at Fukushima

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