Genocide of Whites by neo-Nazi Golden Dawn's Empire 666
A crypto-Hebrew or crypto-Jewish resident evil has undertaken acts of treason within all White and Mongul (semi-draconian White-Yellow ) nations, as well as Buddhist and Hindu Religions. Enemy agents will undertake a weak attack by the West (codenamed the Tiger) against nations of the Shanghai Pact (codenamed the Dragon - namely the Russia-Islam-China alliance). This will provoke an overwhelming, genocidal counterattack leading to total destruction of all traitor-infected nations.
Crypto-Hebrew Mongul leaderships of today’s nazi organisations evolved from the 3rd Reich, that is, from German-Hebrew theorists of nazism and German-Jewish banker sponsors Rothschild, Baum und Baum, Loeb und Loeb (Levi and Levi) and others. All were bitterly hated by Prussian noblemen, senior officers of the German military, and German Intelligence Services. One such person was the Greek-born Admiral of the German Navy and leader of “Abwehr”, the German Secret Service.
Wilhelm Von Canaris, together with other “Wehrmacht” generals, orchestrated two unsuccessful attempts to murder German-Jewish Hitler and the Jewish leaders of the 3rd Reich. Consequently, he and German patriot generals were murdered by German-Jewish “SS” officers of the German-Hebrew “GE.STA.PO” (GEMEINE STAATLICHE POLIZEI), headed by Jewish H. Himmler.
Canaris had notified Abwehr of the Jewish descent of leaders and funders of the 3rd Reich. Predicting his own assassination, he delivered documents to relatives on the order that they should be passed on after his death to the Greek Chief General Alexandros Papagos, founder of G.H.REES in 1947.
Nazism was always under command of Freemasonry's hierarchy, down to the nazi counterlodges of “Thoule” and ”Annehnerbe” (accepted heirs of the supposedly dodecatheist and “nibeloungen” reincarnations of Draconian demons of
Jahweh/Yahweh and Saturn-Savvaoth), ”Golden- Morgenrote” (“Golden Dawn”) and others. They defended the criminal structure of (Mongol-Jewish) nazism in eight conscious frauds:
1. “There are White Race Aryans”
The only Aryans that ever existed were White Persians, according to ancient Greek historian Stravon (Strv: IA(11):510.511.514) and others.
2. “Leaders of the 3rd Reich are (were) White Aryans”
No, not Whites but White-Yellow Mongol Hebrews. They, in collusion with fake-White Mongol Jews, genocided tens of millions of Whites.
3. “The 3rd Reich exterminated in concentration camps real Jews-Semites”Those sent to German concentration camps were not Mongol White-Yellow Jews but “Askenazim pseudo-Jews”; descendants of ancient Greek residents of “Askania” in Troada, Asia Minor who converted to Judaism before the coming of Mongol Jesus Christ. It is verified by objective historians (Rose de Garondie former leader of French leftist party, Faurisson etc.) that the extermination of six million Jews through the use of poisonous gas is false.
The camps had sixty thousand casualties of hunger and disease during the last months of the war, resulting from a blockade. Some ingredients were added preparatory to liberation, including dead Greek “Askanians”, evidence of previously non-existant poison gases, and false zeros to the death toll. Hence, Jews themselves set up the disgusting lie of six million dead Jews in the Holocaust, so that they can get away unpunished for their past and current crimes against humanity; commited by Jews of America and Israel against Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afgahanistan, and Palestine through unprovoked and undeclared wars using poisons, microbes, and radiation in chemtrails.
4. “SLAVS do not belong in the White race"Referring to Scythian pelasgian White Russians, Balkanians, Ukrainians, Georgians, and Byelorussians etc., against whom is aimed the sickening racial hatred of Hebrew Mongul leaders of the 3rd Reich (Hitler-Himmler etc.). This is fully revealed in the writings of anti-pelasgian medium, prophet and black magician of the moon, named Ezekiel (see Holy (satanic) Bible, Ezekiel ,chapters 38 and 39). Here, Jahweh/Yahweh reveals his plans for genocide of Gog and Magog (that is the northern pelasgian Scythian Russians) and the “Messeh” (pelasgian Scythians of Moscow).
Under the influence of lunar Draconian Jahweh/Yahweh and his ally, the Andromedian traitor Savvaoth, this program could be realised through control and manipulation of nazism within Freemasonry. Extra-dimensional devils and demons (ETs/aliens) would be spread by black magick, causing civil strife and civil pelasgic genocide between White Pelasgian Scythians or "Slavs” and the white branch of White pelasgian Goths or Germans or Neo-Goths (Hettaians). The third world war results, between White pelasgian American-Europeans–Indians of the Trilateral Pact (USA-Europe-Japan) and White pelasgians of Islamic nations and Russia of the R.I.C pact.
Nazi gangs are acting against international unity and security for the White Andromedian Pelasgic Race. Failure to dismantle the gangs will result in defense with stabilised nitric mercury.
5. “Gypsies (of Indian descent) do not belong in the White Race”“Gypsies” and “Gyftoi” are descendants of the last Indian classes, the “paries”. They fled India and enslavement by high “Brahma” priests of Hinduism, Buddhism, remaining classes of the “Maharadjah”, military officers, landowners and such like. With the exception of a small number of coloured indigenous Aboriginal Minorities of the “Constellation of Sirius”, Indians and gypsies are descendants of the White Andromedian pelasgic race of the “Constellation of Andromeda”.
This is proven by the analysis of the pre-historic Indian epic “Mahabharata” and other ancient Indian manuscripts: Indians were dedicated descendants and citizens of the “Varuna”, Andromedian Uranidaes of Hesiod’s Theogony, and Diaus-Pitar (that is, Zeus (Dias) Father). Indian and Gypsy languages are a development and deviation from Sanskrit language which, along with the well-known ancient Greek language and Latin, constitute the three fragmented parts of ancient unified Andromedian language.
G.H.Rees has completely restored this archaic pre-historic Hellenic language of our Andromedian Fathers (Fathers Ouranidaes), but considers neo-Hellenes unworthy of possessing this mental tool. It includes in its words "Mathematical Equations” and “Unified Theory”, before which today’s Hebrew-Saxon theories of physics are nothing more than incorrect solutions in the first form of ancient Andromedian comprehensive school!
A White Andromedian Indian was the first theoretical physicist to overthrow and cancel the “Theory of Relativity”. Hebrew impostor Einstein was a forger and distorter of the equations of the greatest mathematician and physicist of all time, the Greek Karatheodoris. What applies to Indians also is true of White Andromedian Persians, Afghans, and Iraqis who are today faced with genocide from Mongul Hebrew-Saxon leaders of USA, England, and Europe.
6. “The Black race is dismissed by the White nations as being inferior”From the archives of the “Dogon” tribe in “Mali” Africa, it is verified that when our White Andromedian “Gods” arrived at Earth they gave the Dogon the “Nomos”, the mathematical laws of the Andromedian sciences of “Natural Harmony”. By this, “Ecological Balance” could be restored. Therefore, the Black “Sirian” race is the natural owner of the planet and legitimate host to the White race as a guest “scientific mission”. Whites are therefore obliged to show the utmost respect towards their hosts: Take notice now greedy degenerate criminal nazists and fascists of all countries, especially “Aryans” and pseudo-Aryans of “The Golden Dawn”, the “New Acropolis”, and other Nazi gangs of Greece. Break up all Nazi gangs immediately, especially those that tried to generate an ideology by distorting and forging G.H.Rees documents.
If not, then you will understand through the use of armed violence and exotic explosives! Your friends, supposedly “White”,White yellow Mongul Anglosaxons,your friends Monguls of Russian and Chinese Mongolia,and your friends Draconian Chinese,have made criminal history in Africa Killing and virtually spit roasting the Black people of Africa. While today they are being genocided through “vaccines” and liquid “medicine” containing various pathogens like “Aids” and ”Ebola”.
7. “Mongols of Mongolia, Russia, China, Tibet, and Japan are Aryan Atlanteans of the White Race”!
Greek nazis and fascists are being arrested as self-proven idiots shouting (supposedly) “Monguls-Albanians-Bulgarians-Turks-and others keep out of Greece”. On the contrary, according to the theory of Nazism, you have apparently accepted White-Yellow Mongols of Mongolia, Tibet, Japan, Nepal, etc. as members of the “White Race”.
It is known that all Nazi Theorists like Sven Hedin, Karl Haushoffer, Lincoln Von Trebits etc. received their initiation in monasteries of mongolian anti-Hellenic White-Yellow Tibet, Nepal, and Japan. It is a fact that Hungarian–Hebrew Baron Ugern Von Strenberg attempted to re-establish “the Gengis-Kahn empire” in far east Mongolia. It is also a fact that all administrative buildings and Hebrew-Mongol leaders of the 3rd Reich were heavily guarded by regiments of Tibetan monks wearing SS unifroms of the Hebrew-Mongol H.Himmler (much like “Nepalese Gourka special forces “guards of the Hebrew-Saxon English Mongol Kings and lords of England).
Even though you are aware of these facts, you seem mentally blind and devoted to Tibetan Nazism, much like the nazi “Scientist”, “Epsilon” Gkiolvas. After a long stay in the semi-Draconian White-Yellow Mongolian Tibet, he returned to Greece to teach nazis and fascists of “Golden Dawn” and “ New Acropolis” that the “only true Andromedians on the planet are the Mongol White-Yellow “Dzopas of Tibet”.
Nazism and fascism are not pelasgian born theories for the survival and progress of white civilisation. They are Mongolian Hebrew, Draconian Chinese inventions for provoking and promoting “racial” discrimination and civil wars between White nations; anti-Andromedian, anti-hellenic theories for destroying the White races.
We aren’t going to let nazists, fascists, and “Indigo Children” under demonic possession by Jahweh/Yahweh spirits or supposed ”spirits of the dodecatheon”, traitorously lead White armies to slaughter in the Asian deserts by R.I.C. (Russia-Islam-China) counterattack. By then labelled “Antichrist 666”, Hellenism and the rest of the White nations would also be annihilated by the supposedly “Christian 888” R.I.C. - murdering two thirds of the world population, five billion people as per the Georgia Guidestones.
We will not let you demonically possessed “Greek” traitor Nazis and fascists collude with traitorous LAOS to appoint Mongol Hebrew-Saxon pseudo-paleologos, pseudo-Dragazis Dan-666 Holstein-Glucksburg as “Emperor of the Hellenic (Greek) Christian-dodecatheon Empire 666”. Nor will we let you sneaky Mongolian wolves appoint Karazaferi, the Turk-Albanian Mongol provocateur leader of LAOS nazi party <+>, as “Prime Minister”. Nor let you pseudo-Hellenes, Nazis and fascists appoint as “Chief-General” of “Empire666” the Mongol Hebrew-Saxon “heir” Paul B’ Holstein-Glucksburg in order to bring World War Three, codenamed “Armageddon”.
Proof of Nazi and fascist Mongolian treason: Never did you disobedient brutes denounce in writing the anti-Hellenic “B.A.S.T.R.” axis, the way it has been by Greek-patriotic G.H.Rees. That is because your traitorous idealistic background stems from the Mongols of Mongolia “Oulan-Bator-ourgka” of the former “USSR”, Tibet, Japan-Nepal-Butan and rest of Asian mongols.
8. “The planet will be governed by White Aryan Chinese, as the sixth subrace of the sixth Atlantian race”!
This is written in the writings of the “Nea Acropolis” Nazi organization and constitutes the geopolitical theory of “Golden Dawn”, “LAOS (People's Orthodox Alarm)” and “Epsilons“ of LAOS. Of course it is of no interest to Nazis that these were written for the first time by Russian Hebrew theosophist Blavatsky who was initiated into Masonry in India. They were copied by Argentinian Hebrew Livraga, founder of “New Acropolis”.
Following this we can easily account for the “High priest of Epsilons” I. Foyrakis saying “The Chinese will play a vital role in history” and see why Hungarian Jew and Nazi theorist, Lincoln Von Trebits not only received his initiation in the monasteries of Tibet, but also in the planetary hyper-lodge “HONG” of China. According to the book entitled “Nazism, a secret society”, while dancing away with his Hebrew-Chinese “brothers” “TIAO-KIOU-KIAO” used to shout out “Long live the Ming emperors, down with the Tsigk emperors of China”! Thereby proving that Nazis of all countries defend pure Yellow Draconian Chinese and semi-Draconian White-Yellow Mongols of: Mongolia (former USSR), Japan, Tibet, and same race Hebrew-Saxons who are theoretically considered enemies, because the multi-named Draconian "extra-terrestrial" Sion is progenitor and creator of the Draconian Chinese and “God” of all Mongols and the Hebrew Mongols considered enemies.
Nazi schizophrenia
Although taught that “It is destined by the gods for Chinese to rule the planet”, Nazis serve and vote for LAOS which will turn axes USA-Europe-Japan and Tibet-India-Mongolia against Russia-Islam-China.
Mentally blinded Nazis demand, protest, and write for deportation of ALL foreign immigrants except those who must remain in Greece for planetary and national security reasons, without demanding the deportation of those who MUST be deported for the same reasons.
G.H.Rees has written countless times for mass deportation of Chinese and Mongols (Albanians-Bulgarians-Chazars Azerians-Tzetzens, Hebrews-saxons etc, and black Mongolian Indonesians etc) from Greece, so as to rule out the possibility of their launching an attack on Greek unarmed civilians and the Greek army when the Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania alliance attacks Greece.
All Romanians must be deported whether Whites of southern Romania or Romanian Pnonia Mongols, due to Romania’s participation in the B.A.S.T.R. axis. The rest of White Balkan Pelasgian Scythes (Poles and Serbs etc) along with White Scythians of Russia (Russians-Belorussians-Georgians-Ukranians etc) MUST NOT be deported. Russians and the rest Scythians must be detached from the R.I.C axis, thus breaking it down and reuniting the fatally divided White Andromedian Pelasgic Race.
White Islamic people (Pakistanis, Iraqis, Persians) and Indians MUST NOT be deported from Greece, so that they too can be detached from the R.I.C axis, with the intention of breaking down the R.I.C./“Shanghai Pact” and reuniting the fatally divided White Andromedian pelasgic race.
Black race immigrants MUST NOT be deported, because it is the duty of descendants of interstellar Andromedian civilisers to protect and reconstruct the Black indigenous Sirian race, and because the majority of the Black race is Islamic we must detach it from the R.I.C. axis in order to deteriorate the R.I.C axis, leaving Draconian China morally, politically, and militarily isolated. China would be left incapable of starting world war three, codenamed “Armageddon”, for the complete genocide of White and Black races. The warmongering “European Union” of the Hebrew Baroso/Barouch/Burowghs has decided to act in the exact opposite direction to that mentioned in G.H.Rees' instructions, just like suicidal Nazis.
Yellows and fake-White, Yellow-White Mongols to annihilate all Whites and Blacks

JUDAISM: "The best among the Gentiles deserves to be killed" as "The best of snakes ought to have its head crushed" Simeon bar Yochai, pp 617, Jewish Encyclop., Funk and Wagnall. ***** "...we take the CHILDREN of our enemy, which is the white race, and we bring 'em to the basement of the synagogues, where we drain the blood and watch 'em die there." Rabbi Abe Finklestein. ***** "Goyim were born only to serve us... the people of Israel." Sephardi Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, Jewish News, 19 Oct. 2010.
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