Geostrategic codes and abbreviations of Freemasonry
Hellenes as "IAPETOS" = 666.
Pythagoras found falsely that "All beings came from the Psychogonic Cube, of 6 units sides", namely 666.
Hebrew John of the New Testament, Ch 1C 11-18, refers to 666 as the number-word of the one Satanic political beast or nation.
Romans as “Lateinos” = 666.
Tibet-India-outer Mongolia, TIM, 666/B.
USA-Europe-Japan, US.E.J, 666/A.
Marcatoi/Marcati ("Marked") encourage Hellenes to mark their skin with
bar code 666 , as agreed in the Schengen Treaty.
Notes applicable to 666
Referred to as devilish theosophical Nazi-Buddhists and Nephilim, following the principle of destruction esp. financial. Signature colours are typically red and black. Symbolism: Minus, -; Inverted pyramid/triangle pointing toward the tunnels that lead to Hades, ▼; Anti-clockwise rotating swastika, 卐; On or of the left hand side, SINister (Sin is chief reptilian Draconian/Dragonian demon god - hence the capitals.), LHS.
Black Race nations: 888/A(-).
China: 888.
[“888” of the Chinese Dragon is the key-number-word of the word Jesus:
J’E’S’U’S’ (ΙΗΣΟΥΣ)¨: 888 = Ι’(10) + Η’(8) + Σ’(200) + Ο’(70) + Υ’(400) + Σ’(200).
is said that demonic Draconian monks spread rumors that Alexander the
Great found the city of “OPIS” and renamed it “OPI” (hole - ΩΠΗ) so that
the key-number-word appears: Ω’(800) + Π’(80) + Η’(8) = 888]
China-Japan-Tibet-Hebrews-Saxons-Mongols, (CJTHSM), 888/B(+).
China-Korea (CK), 888/C(+).
Japan-Tibet-Hebrews-Saxons-Mongolia (JTHSM), 888/C(-).
Russia-Islam-China, RIC, 888A(+).
Whites of Russia and Islamic States, 888/B(-).
Notes applicable to 888
Referred to as Christian-Socialist heavenly philosophicals and Elohim, following the principle of survival.
Signature colours are typically blue and white. Symbolism: Plus, +; Pyramid/triangle pointing toward Leva/Levan/Levaniah/Luna/Moon/Selene/Star of Death, △; Clockwise rotating 'swastika', 卍; On or of the right hand side, RHS.
Azerbaijan-Turkmenistan- Uzbekistan-Tadzhikistan-China: TIC-B or A.T.OU.TA.C..
Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania (Alliance of gathered
close to Greece for invasion, fifty per cent genocide, and initiation of
world war three. Has variations that incorporate other parties, for example, the sponsoring and treasonous Pentagon): BASTR, BASTR/P.
North Korea, 777-A.
South Korea, 777-B.
Turkey-Syria-Iran-Pakistan-China, TIC-A or TU.S.I.PA.C..
Codes for rule by China

JUDAISM: "The best among the Gentiles deserves to be killed" as "The best of snakes ought to have its head crushed" Simeon bar Yochai, pp 617, Jewish Encyclop., Funk and Wagnall. ***** "...we take the CHILDREN of our enemy, which is the white race, and we bring 'em to the basement of the synagogues, where we drain the blood and watch 'em die there." Rabbi Abe Finklestein. ***** "Goyim were born only to serve us... the people of Israel." Sephardi Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, Jewish News, 19 Oct. 2010.
Related Articles and References
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- Alphabetic Brief Blog Notes
- Before Chemtrails?
- Judaic racism against Gentiles
- Know Your Enemy (Transcript)
- Lingchi horror - PEOPLE OVER 18 ONLY
- Rabbi Abe Finklestein
- Race War against Blacks and Whites
- Seven
- Synagogue of Satan
- Three World Wars
- Thunderbolts of Truth (transcript), Part 1
- Thunderbolts of Truth (Transcript), part 2
- Topical Biblical Excerpts
Sunday, 31 January 2016
Wednesday, 27 January 2016
Genocide of Whites by neo-Nazi Golden Dawn's Empire 666
A crypto-Hebrew or crypto-Jewish resident evil has undertaken acts of treason within all White and Mongul (semi-draconian White-Yellow ) nations, as well as Buddhist and Hindu Religions. Enemy agents will undertake a weak attack by the West (codenamed the Tiger) against nations of the Shanghai Pact (codenamed the Dragon - namely the Russia-Islam-China alliance). This will provoke an overwhelming, genocidal counterattack leading to total destruction of all traitor-infected nations.
Crypto-Hebrew Mongul leaderships of today’s nazi organisations evolved from the 3rd Reich, that is, from German-Hebrew theorists of nazism and German-Jewish banker sponsors Rothschild, Baum und Baum, Loeb und Loeb (Levi and Levi) and others. All were bitterly hated by Prussian noblemen, senior officers of the German military, and German Intelligence Services. One such person was the Greek-born Admiral of the German Navy and leader of “Abwehr”, the German Secret Service.
Wilhelm Von Canaris, together with other “Wehrmacht” generals, orchestrated two unsuccessful attempts to murder German-Jewish Hitler and the Jewish leaders of the 3rd Reich. Consequently, he and German patriot generals were murdered by German-Jewish “SS” officers of the German-Hebrew “GE.STA.PO” (GEMEINE STAATLICHE POLIZEI), headed by Jewish H. Himmler.
Canaris had notified Abwehr of the Jewish descent of leaders and funders of the 3rd Reich. Predicting his own assassination, he delivered documents to relatives on the order that they should be passed on after his death to the Greek Chief General Alexandros Papagos, founder of G.H.REES in 1947.
Nazism was always under command of Freemasonry's hierarchy, down to the nazi counterlodges of “Thoule” and ”Annehnerbe” (accepted heirs of the supposedly dodecatheist and “nibeloungen” reincarnations of Draconian demons of
Jahweh/Yahweh and Saturn-Savvaoth), ”Golden- Morgenrote” (“Golden Dawn”) and others. They defended the criminal structure of (Mongol-Jewish) nazism in eight conscious frauds:
1. “There are White Race Aryans”
The only Aryans that ever existed were White Persians, according to ancient Greek historian Stravon (Strv: IA(11):510.511.514) and others.
2. “Leaders of the 3rd Reich are (were) White Aryans”
No, not Whites but White-Yellow Mongol Hebrews. They, in collusion with fake-White Mongol Jews, genocided tens of millions of Whites.
3. “The 3rd Reich exterminated in concentration camps real Jews-Semites”Those sent to German concentration camps were not Mongol White-Yellow Jews but “Askenazim pseudo-Jews”; descendants of ancient Greek residents of “Askania” in Troada, Asia Minor who converted to Judaism before the coming of Mongol Jesus Christ. It is verified by objective historians (Rose de Garondie former leader of French leftist party, Faurisson etc.) that the extermination of six million Jews through the use of poisonous gas is false.
The camps had sixty thousand casualties of hunger and disease during the last months of the war, resulting from a blockade. Some ingredients were added preparatory to liberation, including dead Greek “Askanians”, evidence of previously non-existant poison gases, and false zeros to the death toll. Hence, Jews themselves set up the disgusting lie of six million dead Jews in the Holocaust, so that they can get away unpunished for their past and current crimes against humanity; commited by Jews of America and Israel against Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afgahanistan, and Palestine through unprovoked and undeclared wars using poisons, microbes, and radiation in chemtrails.
4. “SLAVS do not belong in the White race"Referring to Scythian pelasgian White Russians, Balkanians, Ukrainians, Georgians, and Byelorussians etc., against whom is aimed the sickening racial hatred of Hebrew Mongul leaders of the 3rd Reich (Hitler-Himmler etc.). This is fully revealed in the writings of anti-pelasgian medium, prophet and black magician of the moon, named Ezekiel (see Holy (satanic) Bible, Ezekiel ,chapters 38 and 39). Here, Jahweh/Yahweh reveals his plans for genocide of Gog and Magog (that is the northern pelasgian Scythian Russians) and the “Messeh” (pelasgian Scythians of Moscow).
Under the influence of lunar Draconian Jahweh/Yahweh and his ally, the Andromedian traitor Savvaoth, this program could be realised through control and manipulation of nazism within Freemasonry. Extra-dimensional devils and demons (ETs/aliens) would be spread by black magick, causing civil strife and civil pelasgic genocide between White Pelasgian Scythians or "Slavs” and the white branch of White pelasgian Goths or Germans or Neo-Goths (Hettaians). The third world war results, between White pelasgian American-Europeans–Indians of the Trilateral Pact (USA-Europe-Japan) and White pelasgians of Islamic nations and Russia of the R.I.C pact.
Nazi gangs are acting against international unity and security for the White Andromedian Pelasgic Race. Failure to dismantle the gangs will result in defense with stabilised nitric mercury.
5. “Gypsies (of Indian descent) do not belong in the White Race”“Gypsies” and “Gyftoi” are descendants of the last Indian classes, the “paries”. They fled India and enslavement by high “Brahma” priests of Hinduism, Buddhism, remaining classes of the “Maharadjah”, military officers, landowners and such like. With the exception of a small number of coloured indigenous Aboriginal Minorities of the “Constellation of Sirius”, Indians and gypsies are descendants of the White Andromedian pelasgic race of the “Constellation of Andromeda”.
This is proven by the analysis of the pre-historic Indian epic “Mahabharata” and other ancient Indian manuscripts: Indians were dedicated descendants and citizens of the “Varuna”, Andromedian Uranidaes of Hesiod’s Theogony, and Diaus-Pitar (that is, Zeus (Dias) Father). Indian and Gypsy languages are a development and deviation from Sanskrit language which, along with the well-known ancient Greek language and Latin, constitute the three fragmented parts of ancient unified Andromedian language.
G.H.Rees has completely restored this archaic pre-historic Hellenic language of our Andromedian Fathers (Fathers Ouranidaes), but considers neo-Hellenes unworthy of possessing this mental tool. It includes in its words "Mathematical Equations” and “Unified Theory”, before which today’s Hebrew-Saxon theories of physics are nothing more than incorrect solutions in the first form of ancient Andromedian comprehensive school!
A White Andromedian Indian was the first theoretical physicist to overthrow and cancel the “Theory of Relativity”. Hebrew impostor Einstein was a forger and distorter of the equations of the greatest mathematician and physicist of all time, the Greek Karatheodoris. What applies to Indians also is true of White Andromedian Persians, Afghans, and Iraqis who are today faced with genocide from Mongul Hebrew-Saxon leaders of USA, England, and Europe.
6. “The Black race is dismissed by the White nations as being inferior”From the archives of the “Dogon” tribe in “Mali” Africa, it is verified that when our White Andromedian “Gods” arrived at Earth they gave the Dogon the “Nomos”, the mathematical laws of the Andromedian sciences of “Natural Harmony”. By this, “Ecological Balance” could be restored. Therefore, the Black “Sirian” race is the natural owner of the planet and legitimate host to the White race as a guest “scientific mission”. Whites are therefore obliged to show the utmost respect towards their hosts: Take notice now greedy degenerate criminal nazists and fascists of all countries, especially “Aryans” and pseudo-Aryans of “The Golden Dawn”, the “New Acropolis”, and other Nazi gangs of Greece. Break up all Nazi gangs immediately, especially those that tried to generate an ideology by distorting and forging G.H.Rees documents.
If not, then you will understand through the use of armed violence and exotic explosives! Your friends, supposedly “White”,White yellow Mongul Anglosaxons,your friends Monguls of Russian and Chinese Mongolia,and your friends Draconian Chinese,have made criminal history in Africa Killing and virtually spit roasting the Black people of Africa. While today they are being genocided through “vaccines” and liquid “medicine” containing various pathogens like “Aids” and ”Ebola”.
7. “Mongols of Mongolia, Russia, China, Tibet, and Japan are Aryan Atlanteans of the White Race”!
Greek nazis and fascists are being arrested as self-proven idiots shouting (supposedly) “Monguls-Albanians-Bulgarians-Turks-and others keep out of Greece”. On the contrary, according to the theory of Nazism, you have apparently accepted White-Yellow Mongols of Mongolia, Tibet, Japan, Nepal, etc. as members of the “White Race”.
It is known that all Nazi Theorists like Sven Hedin, Karl Haushoffer, Lincoln Von Trebits etc. received their initiation in monasteries of mongolian anti-Hellenic White-Yellow Tibet, Nepal, and Japan. It is a fact that Hungarian–Hebrew Baron Ugern Von Strenberg attempted to re-establish “the Gengis-Kahn empire” in far east Mongolia. It is also a fact that all administrative buildings and Hebrew-Mongol leaders of the 3rd Reich were heavily guarded by regiments of Tibetan monks wearing SS unifroms of the Hebrew-Mongol H.Himmler (much like “Nepalese Gourka special forces “guards of the Hebrew-Saxon English Mongol Kings and lords of England).
Even though you are aware of these facts, you seem mentally blind and devoted to Tibetan Nazism, much like the nazi “Scientist”, “Epsilon” Gkiolvas. After a long stay in the semi-Draconian White-Yellow Mongolian Tibet, he returned to Greece to teach nazis and fascists of “Golden Dawn” and “ New Acropolis” that the “only true Andromedians on the planet are the Mongol White-Yellow “Dzopas of Tibet”.
Nazism and fascism are not pelasgian born theories for the survival and progress of white civilisation. They are Mongolian Hebrew, Draconian Chinese inventions for provoking and promoting “racial” discrimination and civil wars between White nations; anti-Andromedian, anti-hellenic theories for destroying the White races.
We aren’t going to let nazists, fascists, and “Indigo Children” under demonic possession by Jahweh/Yahweh spirits or supposed ”spirits of the dodecatheon”, traitorously lead White armies to slaughter in the Asian deserts by R.I.C. (Russia-Islam-China) counterattack. By then labelled “Antichrist 666”, Hellenism and the rest of the White nations would also be annihilated by the supposedly “Christian 888” R.I.C. - murdering two thirds of the world population, five billion people as per the Georgia Guidestones.
We will not let you demonically possessed “Greek” traitor Nazis and fascists collude with traitorous LAOS to appoint Mongol Hebrew-Saxon pseudo-paleologos, pseudo-Dragazis Dan-666 Holstein-Glucksburg as “Emperor of the Hellenic (Greek) Christian-dodecatheon Empire 666”. Nor will we let you sneaky Mongolian wolves appoint Karazaferi, the Turk-Albanian Mongol provocateur leader of LAOS nazi party <+>, as “Prime Minister”. Nor let you pseudo-Hellenes, Nazis and fascists appoint as “Chief-General” of “Empire666” the Mongol Hebrew-Saxon “heir” Paul B’ Holstein-Glucksburg in order to bring World War Three, codenamed “Armageddon”.
Proof of Nazi and fascist Mongolian treason: Never did you disobedient brutes denounce in writing the anti-Hellenic “B.A.S.T.R.” axis, the way it has been by Greek-patriotic G.H.Rees. That is because your traitorous idealistic background stems from the Mongols of Mongolia “Oulan-Bator-ourgka” of the former “USSR”, Tibet, Japan-Nepal-Butan and rest of Asian mongols.
8. “The planet will be governed by White Aryan Chinese, as the sixth subrace of the sixth Atlantian race”!
This is written in the writings of the “Nea Acropolis” Nazi organization and constitutes the geopolitical theory of “Golden Dawn”, “LAOS (People's Orthodox Alarm)” and “Epsilons“ of LAOS. Of course it is of no interest to Nazis that these were written for the first time by Russian Hebrew theosophist Blavatsky who was initiated into Masonry in India. They were copied by Argentinian Hebrew Livraga, founder of “New Acropolis”.
Following this we can easily account for the “High priest of Epsilons” I. Foyrakis saying “The Chinese will play a vital role in history” and see why Hungarian Jew and Nazi theorist, Lincoln Von Trebits not only received his initiation in the monasteries of Tibet, but also in the planetary hyper-lodge “HONG” of China. According to the book entitled “Nazism, a secret society”, while dancing away with his Hebrew-Chinese “brothers” “TIAO-KIOU-KIAO” used to shout out “Long live the Ming emperors, down with the Tsigk emperors of China”! Thereby proving that Nazis of all countries defend pure Yellow Draconian Chinese and semi-Draconian White-Yellow Mongols of: Mongolia (former USSR), Japan, Tibet, and same race Hebrew-Saxons who are theoretically considered enemies, because the multi-named Draconian "extra-terrestrial" Sion is progenitor and creator of the Draconian Chinese and “God” of all Mongols and the Hebrew Mongols considered enemies.
Nazi schizophrenia
Although taught that “It is destined by the gods for Chinese to rule the planet”, Nazis serve and vote for LAOS which will turn axes USA-Europe-Japan and Tibet-India-Mongolia against Russia-Islam-China.
Mentally blinded Nazis demand, protest, and write for deportation of ALL foreign immigrants except those who must remain in Greece for planetary and national security reasons, without demanding the deportation of those who MUST be deported for the same reasons.
G.H.Rees has written countless times for mass deportation of Chinese and Mongols (Albanians-Bulgarians-Chazars Azerians-Tzetzens, Hebrews-saxons etc, and black Mongolian Indonesians etc) from Greece, so as to rule out the possibility of their launching an attack on Greek unarmed civilians and the Greek army when the Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania alliance attacks Greece.
All Romanians must be deported whether Whites of southern Romania or Romanian Pnonia Mongols, due to Romania’s participation in the B.A.S.T.R. axis. The rest of White Balkan Pelasgian Scythes (Poles and Serbs etc) along with White Scythians of Russia (Russians-Belorussians-Georgians-Ukranians etc) MUST NOT be deported. Russians and the rest Scythians must be detached from the R.I.C axis, thus breaking it down and reuniting the fatally divided White Andromedian Pelasgic Race.
White Islamic people (Pakistanis, Iraqis, Persians) and Indians MUST NOT be deported from Greece, so that they too can be detached from the R.I.C axis, with the intention of breaking down the R.I.C./“Shanghai Pact” and reuniting the fatally divided White Andromedian pelasgic race.
Black race immigrants MUST NOT be deported, because it is the duty of descendants of interstellar Andromedian civilisers to protect and reconstruct the Black indigenous Sirian race, and because the majority of the Black race is Islamic we must detach it from the R.I.C. axis in order to deteriorate the R.I.C axis, leaving Draconian China morally, politically, and militarily isolated. China would be left incapable of starting world war three, codenamed “Armageddon”, for the complete genocide of White and Black races. The warmongering “European Union” of the Hebrew Baroso/Barouch/Burowghs has decided to act in the exact opposite direction to that mentioned in G.H.Rees' instructions, just like suicidal Nazis.
Yellows and fake-White, Yellow-White Mongols to annihilate all Whites and Blacks
A crypto-Hebrew or crypto-Jewish resident evil has undertaken acts of treason within all White and Mongul (semi-draconian White-Yellow ) nations, as well as Buddhist and Hindu Religions. Enemy agents will undertake a weak attack by the West (codenamed the Tiger) against nations of the Shanghai Pact (codenamed the Dragon - namely the Russia-Islam-China alliance). This will provoke an overwhelming, genocidal counterattack leading to total destruction of all traitor-infected nations.
Crypto-Hebrew Mongul leaderships of today’s nazi organisations evolved from the 3rd Reich, that is, from German-Hebrew theorists of nazism and German-Jewish banker sponsors Rothschild, Baum und Baum, Loeb und Loeb (Levi and Levi) and others. All were bitterly hated by Prussian noblemen, senior officers of the German military, and German Intelligence Services. One such person was the Greek-born Admiral of the German Navy and leader of “Abwehr”, the German Secret Service.
Wilhelm Von Canaris, together with other “Wehrmacht” generals, orchestrated two unsuccessful attempts to murder German-Jewish Hitler and the Jewish leaders of the 3rd Reich. Consequently, he and German patriot generals were murdered by German-Jewish “SS” officers of the German-Hebrew “GE.STA.PO” (GEMEINE STAATLICHE POLIZEI), headed by Jewish H. Himmler.
Canaris had notified Abwehr of the Jewish descent of leaders and funders of the 3rd Reich. Predicting his own assassination, he delivered documents to relatives on the order that they should be passed on after his death to the Greek Chief General Alexandros Papagos, founder of G.H.REES in 1947.
Nazism was always under command of Freemasonry's hierarchy, down to the nazi counterlodges of “Thoule” and ”Annehnerbe” (accepted heirs of the supposedly dodecatheist and “nibeloungen” reincarnations of Draconian demons of
Jahweh/Yahweh and Saturn-Savvaoth), ”Golden- Morgenrote” (“Golden Dawn”) and others. They defended the criminal structure of (Mongol-Jewish) nazism in eight conscious frauds:
1. “There are White Race Aryans”
The only Aryans that ever existed were White Persians, according to ancient Greek historian Stravon (Strv: IA(11):510.511.514) and others.
2. “Leaders of the 3rd Reich are (were) White Aryans”
No, not Whites but White-Yellow Mongol Hebrews. They, in collusion with fake-White Mongol Jews, genocided tens of millions of Whites.
3. “The 3rd Reich exterminated in concentration camps real Jews-Semites”Those sent to German concentration camps were not Mongol White-Yellow Jews but “Askenazim pseudo-Jews”; descendants of ancient Greek residents of “Askania” in Troada, Asia Minor who converted to Judaism before the coming of Mongol Jesus Christ. It is verified by objective historians (Rose de Garondie former leader of French leftist party, Faurisson etc.) that the extermination of six million Jews through the use of poisonous gas is false.
The camps had sixty thousand casualties of hunger and disease during the last months of the war, resulting from a blockade. Some ingredients were added preparatory to liberation, including dead Greek “Askanians”, evidence of previously non-existant poison gases, and false zeros to the death toll. Hence, Jews themselves set up the disgusting lie of six million dead Jews in the Holocaust, so that they can get away unpunished for their past and current crimes against humanity; commited by Jews of America and Israel against Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afgahanistan, and Palestine through unprovoked and undeclared wars using poisons, microbes, and radiation in chemtrails.
4. “SLAVS do not belong in the White race"Referring to Scythian pelasgian White Russians, Balkanians, Ukrainians, Georgians, and Byelorussians etc., against whom is aimed the sickening racial hatred of Hebrew Mongul leaders of the 3rd Reich (Hitler-Himmler etc.). This is fully revealed in the writings of anti-pelasgian medium, prophet and black magician of the moon, named Ezekiel (see Holy (satanic) Bible, Ezekiel ,chapters 38 and 39). Here, Jahweh/Yahweh reveals his plans for genocide of Gog and Magog (that is the northern pelasgian Scythian Russians) and the “Messeh” (pelasgian Scythians of Moscow).
Under the influence of lunar Draconian Jahweh/Yahweh and his ally, the Andromedian traitor Savvaoth, this program could be realised through control and manipulation of nazism within Freemasonry. Extra-dimensional devils and demons (ETs/aliens) would be spread by black magick, causing civil strife and civil pelasgic genocide between White Pelasgian Scythians or "Slavs” and the white branch of White pelasgian Goths or Germans or Neo-Goths (Hettaians). The third world war results, between White pelasgian American-Europeans–Indians of the Trilateral Pact (USA-Europe-Japan) and White pelasgians of Islamic nations and Russia of the R.I.C pact.
Nazi gangs are acting against international unity and security for the White Andromedian Pelasgic Race. Failure to dismantle the gangs will result in defense with stabilised nitric mercury.
5. “Gypsies (of Indian descent) do not belong in the White Race”“Gypsies” and “Gyftoi” are descendants of the last Indian classes, the “paries”. They fled India and enslavement by high “Brahma” priests of Hinduism, Buddhism, remaining classes of the “Maharadjah”, military officers, landowners and such like. With the exception of a small number of coloured indigenous Aboriginal Minorities of the “Constellation of Sirius”, Indians and gypsies are descendants of the White Andromedian pelasgic race of the “Constellation of Andromeda”.
This is proven by the analysis of the pre-historic Indian epic “Mahabharata” and other ancient Indian manuscripts: Indians were dedicated descendants and citizens of the “Varuna”, Andromedian Uranidaes of Hesiod’s Theogony, and Diaus-Pitar (that is, Zeus (Dias) Father). Indian and Gypsy languages are a development and deviation from Sanskrit language which, along with the well-known ancient Greek language and Latin, constitute the three fragmented parts of ancient unified Andromedian language.
G.H.Rees has completely restored this archaic pre-historic Hellenic language of our Andromedian Fathers (Fathers Ouranidaes), but considers neo-Hellenes unworthy of possessing this mental tool. It includes in its words "Mathematical Equations” and “Unified Theory”, before which today’s Hebrew-Saxon theories of physics are nothing more than incorrect solutions in the first form of ancient Andromedian comprehensive school!
A White Andromedian Indian was the first theoretical physicist to overthrow and cancel the “Theory of Relativity”. Hebrew impostor Einstein was a forger and distorter of the equations of the greatest mathematician and physicist of all time, the Greek Karatheodoris. What applies to Indians also is true of White Andromedian Persians, Afghans, and Iraqis who are today faced with genocide from Mongul Hebrew-Saxon leaders of USA, England, and Europe.
6. “The Black race is dismissed by the White nations as being inferior”From the archives of the “Dogon” tribe in “Mali” Africa, it is verified that when our White Andromedian “Gods” arrived at Earth they gave the Dogon the “Nomos”, the mathematical laws of the Andromedian sciences of “Natural Harmony”. By this, “Ecological Balance” could be restored. Therefore, the Black “Sirian” race is the natural owner of the planet and legitimate host to the White race as a guest “scientific mission”. Whites are therefore obliged to show the utmost respect towards their hosts: Take notice now greedy degenerate criminal nazists and fascists of all countries, especially “Aryans” and pseudo-Aryans of “The Golden Dawn”, the “New Acropolis”, and other Nazi gangs of Greece. Break up all Nazi gangs immediately, especially those that tried to generate an ideology by distorting and forging G.H.Rees documents.
If not, then you will understand through the use of armed violence and exotic explosives! Your friends, supposedly “White”,White yellow Mongul Anglosaxons,your friends Monguls of Russian and Chinese Mongolia,and your friends Draconian Chinese,have made criminal history in Africa Killing and virtually spit roasting the Black people of Africa. While today they are being genocided through “vaccines” and liquid “medicine” containing various pathogens like “Aids” and ”Ebola”.
7. “Mongols of Mongolia, Russia, China, Tibet, and Japan are Aryan Atlanteans of the White Race”!
Greek nazis and fascists are being arrested as self-proven idiots shouting (supposedly) “Monguls-Albanians-Bulgarians-Turks-and others keep out of Greece”. On the contrary, according to the theory of Nazism, you have apparently accepted White-Yellow Mongols of Mongolia, Tibet, Japan, Nepal, etc. as members of the “White Race”.
It is known that all Nazi Theorists like Sven Hedin, Karl Haushoffer, Lincoln Von Trebits etc. received their initiation in monasteries of mongolian anti-Hellenic White-Yellow Tibet, Nepal, and Japan. It is a fact that Hungarian–Hebrew Baron Ugern Von Strenberg attempted to re-establish “the Gengis-Kahn empire” in far east Mongolia. It is also a fact that all administrative buildings and Hebrew-Mongol leaders of the 3rd Reich were heavily guarded by regiments of Tibetan monks wearing SS unifroms of the Hebrew-Mongol H.Himmler (much like “Nepalese Gourka special forces “guards of the Hebrew-Saxon English Mongol Kings and lords of England).
Even though you are aware of these facts, you seem mentally blind and devoted to Tibetan Nazism, much like the nazi “Scientist”, “Epsilon” Gkiolvas. After a long stay in the semi-Draconian White-Yellow Mongolian Tibet, he returned to Greece to teach nazis and fascists of “Golden Dawn” and “ New Acropolis” that the “only true Andromedians on the planet are the Mongol White-Yellow “Dzopas of Tibet”.
Nazism and fascism are not pelasgian born theories for the survival and progress of white civilisation. They are Mongolian Hebrew, Draconian Chinese inventions for provoking and promoting “racial” discrimination and civil wars between White nations; anti-Andromedian, anti-hellenic theories for destroying the White races.
We aren’t going to let nazists, fascists, and “Indigo Children” under demonic possession by Jahweh/Yahweh spirits or supposed ”spirits of the dodecatheon”, traitorously lead White armies to slaughter in the Asian deserts by R.I.C. (Russia-Islam-China) counterattack. By then labelled “Antichrist 666”, Hellenism and the rest of the White nations would also be annihilated by the supposedly “Christian 888” R.I.C. - murdering two thirds of the world population, five billion people as per the Georgia Guidestones.
We will not let you demonically possessed “Greek” traitor Nazis and fascists collude with traitorous LAOS to appoint Mongol Hebrew-Saxon pseudo-paleologos, pseudo-Dragazis Dan-666 Holstein-Glucksburg as “Emperor of the Hellenic (Greek) Christian-dodecatheon Empire 666”. Nor will we let you sneaky Mongolian wolves appoint Karazaferi, the Turk-Albanian Mongol provocateur leader of LAOS nazi party <+>, as “Prime Minister”. Nor let you pseudo-Hellenes, Nazis and fascists appoint as “Chief-General” of “Empire666” the Mongol Hebrew-Saxon “heir” Paul B’ Holstein-Glucksburg in order to bring World War Three, codenamed “Armageddon”.
Proof of Nazi and fascist Mongolian treason: Never did you disobedient brutes denounce in writing the anti-Hellenic “B.A.S.T.R.” axis, the way it has been by Greek-patriotic G.H.Rees. That is because your traitorous idealistic background stems from the Mongols of Mongolia “Oulan-Bator-ourgka” of the former “USSR”, Tibet, Japan-Nepal-Butan and rest of Asian mongols.
8. “The planet will be governed by White Aryan Chinese, as the sixth subrace of the sixth Atlantian race”!
This is written in the writings of the “Nea Acropolis” Nazi organization and constitutes the geopolitical theory of “Golden Dawn”, “LAOS (People's Orthodox Alarm)” and “Epsilons“ of LAOS. Of course it is of no interest to Nazis that these were written for the first time by Russian Hebrew theosophist Blavatsky who was initiated into Masonry in India. They were copied by Argentinian Hebrew Livraga, founder of “New Acropolis”.
Following this we can easily account for the “High priest of Epsilons” I. Foyrakis saying “The Chinese will play a vital role in history” and see why Hungarian Jew and Nazi theorist, Lincoln Von Trebits not only received his initiation in the monasteries of Tibet, but also in the planetary hyper-lodge “HONG” of China. According to the book entitled “Nazism, a secret society”, while dancing away with his Hebrew-Chinese “brothers” “TIAO-KIOU-KIAO” used to shout out “Long live the Ming emperors, down with the Tsigk emperors of China”! Thereby proving that Nazis of all countries defend pure Yellow Draconian Chinese and semi-Draconian White-Yellow Mongols of: Mongolia (former USSR), Japan, Tibet, and same race Hebrew-Saxons who are theoretically considered enemies, because the multi-named Draconian "extra-terrestrial" Sion is progenitor and creator of the Draconian Chinese and “God” of all Mongols and the Hebrew Mongols considered enemies.
Nazi schizophrenia
Although taught that “It is destined by the gods for Chinese to rule the planet”, Nazis serve and vote for LAOS which will turn axes USA-Europe-Japan and Tibet-India-Mongolia against Russia-Islam-China.
Mentally blinded Nazis demand, protest, and write for deportation of ALL foreign immigrants except those who must remain in Greece for planetary and national security reasons, without demanding the deportation of those who MUST be deported for the same reasons.
G.H.Rees has written countless times for mass deportation of Chinese and Mongols (Albanians-Bulgarians-Chazars Azerians-Tzetzens, Hebrews-saxons etc, and black Mongolian Indonesians etc) from Greece, so as to rule out the possibility of their launching an attack on Greek unarmed civilians and the Greek army when the Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania alliance attacks Greece.
All Romanians must be deported whether Whites of southern Romania or Romanian Pnonia Mongols, due to Romania’s participation in the B.A.S.T.R. axis. The rest of White Balkan Pelasgian Scythes (Poles and Serbs etc) along with White Scythians of Russia (Russians-Belorussians-Georgians-Ukranians etc) MUST NOT be deported. Russians and the rest Scythians must be detached from the R.I.C axis, thus breaking it down and reuniting the fatally divided White Andromedian Pelasgic Race.
White Islamic people (Pakistanis, Iraqis, Persians) and Indians MUST NOT be deported from Greece, so that they too can be detached from the R.I.C axis, with the intention of breaking down the R.I.C./“Shanghai Pact” and reuniting the fatally divided White Andromedian pelasgic race.
Black race immigrants MUST NOT be deported, because it is the duty of descendants of interstellar Andromedian civilisers to protect and reconstruct the Black indigenous Sirian race, and because the majority of the Black race is Islamic we must detach it from the R.I.C. axis in order to deteriorate the R.I.C axis, leaving Draconian China morally, politically, and militarily isolated. China would be left incapable of starting world war three, codenamed “Armageddon”, for the complete genocide of White and Black races. The warmongering “European Union” of the Hebrew Baroso/Barouch/Burowghs has decided to act in the exact opposite direction to that mentioned in G.H.Rees' instructions, just like suicidal Nazis.
Yellows and fake-White, Yellow-White Mongols to annihilate all Whites and Blacks
Thursday, 21 January 2016
Hebrew-Saxon American university academics all agreed with their rabbis "We must genocide two-thirds of people... in order to avoid overopulation"!
Eric R. Pianka
Research the humanoid (Yellow-White) Hebrew-Mongolian monster Eric R. Pianka, biology professor in Texas, USA. He proposed the annihilation of two-thirds of the global population, to American academics. Five billion people to be killed by artificially produced airborne Ebola virus, which is lethal by internal bleeding within the first three days in ninety-five percent of cases.
Point 22
Hebrew-Saxon American university academics all agreed with their rabbis "We must genocide two-thirds of people... in order to avoid overopulation"!
Eric R. Pianka
Research the humanoid (Yellow-White) Hebrew-Mongolian monster Eric R. Pianka, biology professor in Texas, USA. He proposed the annihilation of two-thirds of the global population, to American academics. Five billion people to be killed by artificially produced airborne Ebola virus, which is lethal by internal bleeding within the first three days in ninety-five percent of cases.
Point 22
Galactic Federation (Government) of Light and Pleiadians
A grand fraud and the psychological operation (psyop) of the Dragonians.
a) The “Galactic Federation of Light” shares a complex emblem with Theosophical Masonic gangs of the pseudo-“Epsilon”-“Olympians”-“Krinaetoi” (Rosicrucian Lodge of the Crinum & Eagle) etc., etc.. The emblem includes “reversed, curved epsilons” presented as )+(. It belongs to Cronians (Saturnians - Savaothians) aka Yahweh demons and is extremely similar to that used by the allegedly returned Dodecatheon of Zeus. Beyond the epsilons, )+(, the wider complex emblem contains the “Star of David” or the “cabbalistic hexagram of Solomon”, signifying Lunar Dragonian forces and their communications with Earthling subordinates; a completely obvious alliance being the collusion of Theosophist Cronians 666 with Lunar Dragonians 888.
b) The “Galactic Federation of Light” presents their ship’s governors as Metatron or Mataron of the demon possessed lunatic loser and black magician pseudo-Eumolpos (enemy of G.H.Rees), namely Gabriel, Uriel, Michael, etc.. This cancerous Yahwehic-Dragonian sewage of the galaxy is accountable to Universal Justice for bathing Earth in blood for some 13,500 years - especially of White Andromedian Pelasgians and Black Sirians.
c) The “Galactic Federation of Light” presents formations of bright, luminous, semi-transparent spherical bodies and/or holograms in the sky: Christs/Angels and the Judeo-Christian Cross Symbol. G.H.Rees has already informed people about the form of these enemy ships of the thinner second dimension of matter rarification. They are really Lunar ships, visible as geometric, spectral solids.
d) The “Galactic Federation of Light” and their alleged allies, the “Pleiadians” admit they communicate with Earthling subordinates and spokesmen by “channelling” through “mediums” using “demonic possession - trance - catalepsy”. Such methods are used by black magickians Cronus and Yahweh et al, extra-dimensional spacebandits and annihilators of planets and solar systems.
G.H.Rees communicates with Andromedians of the Federal Government in Saturn’s orbit by using only science and technology of passive and active netrino/naser telecommunication devices! It is strictly forbidden to use any parapsychological or spiritual activity-method and any para-psychological harassment must be dealt with promptly.
The “Galactic Federation of Light” and their alleged allies, the “Pleiadians”, are not the parked new moons and moonlets in Saturn's and Jupiter's orbit. That is, they are not the Galactic Federal Government Armada of multi-dimensional hyper-ships (War Planets) forcing a military quarantine against the seven inner planets (Angels: "...The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches...", Rev.1:20!) of our solar system, namely the Dragonian defensive inner perimeter or “cage”.
The "Galactic Federation of Light and Pleiadians" is actually a psychological operation, with both parties being role-played by Dragonian demons and their colluding allies, the Cronians/Saturnians/Savaothians. The purpose is:
1. To prepossess the arrival of Galactic (KNOZ-3) Governmental Forces;
2. To simultaneously present themselves at the beginning of their long planned genocidal “Armageddon” to the Nations of the West as Metatron/AntiChrist/pseudoZeus/stellar/666 forces. They will drive the armies of the bankrupted West into an initial weak assault against Russia-Islam-China or “Shanghai Pact”. Right after, the exact same ships will change their emblems and present as angelic/Christ (Rabbi Jehoshua)/888. They will abandon the helpless armies of the West inside the Mongolian deserts, where they will be butchered by Dragonian China 888 and Korea 777. Those same ships will support the overwhelming counter-attack of Yellow terrestrial Dragonian Chinese and Koreans, completely annihilating the White, Black and Mongolian races.
The Dragonian-Lunar “Galactic Federation of Light” are are subjected to a tight military quarantine of the inner seven planets, with their human hostages. Their allies, the “Pleiadians” must account to Universal Justice for crimes against the White Race. They should admit to being Cronian-Andromedian traitors and pseudoscientist magickians, knowing that the true Pleiadians they impersonate are absent.
Cronians present themselves as Pleiadians to the Freemasons they have possessed and turned into lunatic tele-controlled zombies. Any ships claiming to be of Pleiadians, will of course belong to the Cronian-Dragonian alliance.
The Galactic Federation of Lies and pseudo Pleiadians
All religions from different cultures, at different times, in different continents, speaking different languages confrim the presence of an underground serpent or dragon race that co-exists with and commands or guides the human race - from within Earth's crust.
Thunderbolts of Truth, part 1
A grand fraud and the psychological operation (psyop) of the Dragonians.
a) The “Galactic Federation of Light” shares a complex emblem with Theosophical Masonic gangs of the pseudo-“Epsilon”-“Olympians”-“Krinaetoi” (Rosicrucian Lodge of the Crinum & Eagle) etc., etc.. The emblem includes “reversed, curved epsilons” presented as )+(. It belongs to Cronians (Saturnians - Savaothians) aka Yahweh demons and is extremely similar to that used by the allegedly returned Dodecatheon of Zeus. Beyond the epsilons, )+(, the wider complex emblem contains the “Star of David” or the “cabbalistic hexagram of Solomon”, signifying Lunar Dragonian forces and their communications with Earthling subordinates; a completely obvious alliance being the collusion of Theosophist Cronians 666 with Lunar Dragonians 888.
b) The “Galactic Federation of Light” presents their ship’s governors as Metatron or Mataron of the demon possessed lunatic loser and black magician pseudo-Eumolpos (enemy of G.H.Rees), namely Gabriel, Uriel, Michael, etc.. This cancerous Yahwehic-Dragonian sewage of the galaxy is accountable to Universal Justice for bathing Earth in blood for some 13,500 years - especially of White Andromedian Pelasgians and Black Sirians.
c) The “Galactic Federation of Light” presents formations of bright, luminous, semi-transparent spherical bodies and/or holograms in the sky: Christs/Angels and the Judeo-Christian Cross Symbol. G.H.Rees has already informed people about the form of these enemy ships of the thinner second dimension of matter rarification. They are really Lunar ships, visible as geometric, spectral solids.
d) The “Galactic Federation of Light” and their alleged allies, the “Pleiadians” admit they communicate with Earthling subordinates and spokesmen by “channelling” through “mediums” using “demonic possession - trance - catalepsy”. Such methods are used by black magickians Cronus and Yahweh et al, extra-dimensional spacebandits and annihilators of planets and solar systems.
G.H.Rees communicates with Andromedians of the Federal Government in Saturn’s orbit by using only science and technology of passive and active netrino/naser telecommunication devices! It is strictly forbidden to use any parapsychological or spiritual activity-method and any para-psychological harassment must be dealt with promptly.
The “Galactic Federation of Light” and their alleged allies, the “Pleiadians”, are not the parked new moons and moonlets in Saturn's and Jupiter's orbit. That is, they are not the Galactic Federal Government Armada of multi-dimensional hyper-ships (War Planets) forcing a military quarantine against the seven inner planets (Angels: "...The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches...", Rev.1:20!) of our solar system, namely the Dragonian defensive inner perimeter or “cage”.
The "Galactic Federation of Light and Pleiadians" is actually a psychological operation, with both parties being role-played by Dragonian demons and their colluding allies, the Cronians/Saturnians/Savaothians. The purpose is:
1. To prepossess the arrival of Galactic (KNOZ-3) Governmental Forces;
2. To simultaneously present themselves at the beginning of their long planned genocidal “Armageddon” to the Nations of the West as Metatron/AntiChrist/pseudoZeus/stellar/666 forces. They will drive the armies of the bankrupted West into an initial weak assault against Russia-Islam-China or “Shanghai Pact”. Right after, the exact same ships will change their emblems and present as angelic/Christ (Rabbi Jehoshua)/888. They will abandon the helpless armies of the West inside the Mongolian deserts, where they will be butchered by Dragonian China 888 and Korea 777. Those same ships will support the overwhelming counter-attack of Yellow terrestrial Dragonian Chinese and Koreans, completely annihilating the White, Black and Mongolian races.
The Dragonian-Lunar “Galactic Federation of Light” are are subjected to a tight military quarantine of the inner seven planets, with their human hostages. Their allies, the “Pleiadians” must account to Universal Justice for crimes against the White Race. They should admit to being Cronian-Andromedian traitors and pseudoscientist magickians, knowing that the true Pleiadians they impersonate are absent.
Cronians present themselves as Pleiadians to the Freemasons they have possessed and turned into lunatic tele-controlled zombies. Any ships claiming to be of Pleiadians, will of course belong to the Cronian-Dragonian alliance.
The Galactic Federation of Lies and pseudo Pleiadians
All religions from different cultures, at different times, in different continents, speaking different languages confrim the presence of an underground serpent or dragon race that co-exists with and commands or guides the human race - from within Earth's crust.
Thunderbolts of Truth, part 1
Monday, 18 January 2016
Gaddafi/Qaddafi/Gaddafy, Colonel Muammar
1- Gaddafi nationalized Libya's oil trade and used its revenues for creating valuable social infrastructure, including the world's largest water supply and irrigation network. He proposed to construct at least the same for all African states, for free.
2- Before Qaddafi, only 1/5 of the population had sufficient education while the remainder had no access to education.
3- During Qaddafi's tenure, education and college became free for Libyans, while eighty-three per cent of Libyans were educated.
4- Qaddafi's Government made healthcare free and accessible to all Libyans! If treatment wasn't available in Libya, the state would pay travel expenses abroad!
5- Basic food prices dropped when Gaddafi came to power. The electricity power grid was extended throughout Libya, while its independence in agricultural products was assisted by huge water supply and irrigation projects.
6- Gaddafi built the "Great man-made River". It holds a position in the Guinness Book of Records and turned the desert coast of Libya into fertile valleys. Its pipeline is considered the eighth wonder of the world! However, Hebrew-Saxon NATO [666] bombed and destroyed the project to prevent the rural independence of Libya.
At the September 2010 anniversary of the opening of the final phase of the Libyan "Great man-made River", questions were raised, like how a so small country and a population of four million may manufacture something so big without borrowing a cent from international banksters. This bothered Hong and her Zionist puppets, like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds.
Libya had four underground deposits of water that provide an endless supply for Libyans. A network of pipes prevent evaporation beneath the desert, feeding two hundred and seventy deep wells - much cheaper than desalinated water. Scientists say the ultimate goal was to turn Libya into an autonomous agricultural paradise. Such independence and self-sufficiency is prohibited by Hong and the banksters.
7- Every Libyan citizen was entitled to land, agricultural tools, livestock, and seeds. Houses and apartment buildings were built throughout Libya so that every citizen could have his own home or apartment - for free! Gaddafi vowed not to home his parents who lived in a tent, until the last Libyan citizen was housed.
8- During the "dictatorship" of Gaddafi, Libya became the African country with the highest living standards, rated in the system HDI of the United Nations - higher than Russia, Brazil and Saudi Arabia.
9-In 2007, in the regular version of African Development, it was written that "Unlike other oil-producing countries like Nigeria, Libya used the revenue from oil for the development of the country."
10- Gaddafi believed that economic democracy can only be achieved when the gross domestic product of a country is distributed to each citizen. Hence, oil trade revenue was placed into a special account of the Libyan Central Bank and shared with every Libyan citizen. Cruel, nasty Gaddafi!
11- Gaddafi fought for the emancipation of women. Libya is the only Islamic state where women are free and have access to the educational system. He simultaneously adopted wage labor for women, forbade marriage before twenty, and banned female circumcision. These certainly were not accepted with shouts of joy from the misogynist Islamic fundamentalists. The © Vancouver Sun newspaper wrote:
The personal guard of Muammar Gaddafi ,was known as " The Angels "! In 1979 Muammar Gaddafi founded the military academy of women in Tripoli, and promised his mother to improve the situation of women in Libya. In 1998 one of his women guards was killed and several others injured when his convoy was ambushed. They wanted to be his bodyguards and to have a Military Academy opened. According to Gaddafi: "Women should be trained in battle, so that they are not easy prey to their enemies". Many of the women guards and "revolutionary nuns" (women who have dedicated their lives to the ideals of the revolution of 1969) say they would never marry. Instead they chose to devote their lives to protect the man who made them free and unique in the Arab world.
Gaddafi wanted women to retain their femininity and be able to ALONE choose whatever career they want. One bodyguard, Fatia, said that "Without our leader, women in Libya would not be anything. He gave us life. I am ready to die for him. He is the father, brother and friend whom you can trust."
12- In 2010, Gaddafi was the only Arab leader to apologise publicly for Arab involvement in the slave trade and the imprisonment of African Blacks. Treacherous Arab leaders were furious, as their hypocrisy and servility towards foreign capital had been exposed. Gaddafi consequently became isolated in the Arab world.
13- Gaddafi proposed a formal supervisory mechanism to assist Africans in Europe, USA, Caribbean, and South America. In a speech, he told them he would: "...entrust teams... to check how well they are. This is my duty and my role towards the children of Africa. I am a Soldier of Africa. I am here for you and work for you, therefore I will not abandon you, but will always follow you."
14- Gaddafi wanted all African countries to break free from the shackles of all kinds of addictions. He spent considerable sums and resources to take on this project and took initiatives for ceasefires in African war regions (Congo, Uganda, Ethiopia), in order to integrate African countries into a continent, called "United States of Africa."
15- Freemasons never forgave that he nationalized the oil fields of Libya, causing cancellation of their genocide plans. Despite Gaddafi's desire for integration of African countries taking many years of effort, it did gain a new "MOMENTUM" across all Africa.
16- One million Chinese infiltrators were deported or expelled from Libya, thereby ensuring work for four million Libyans and their racial homogeneity.
17- The word "mathaba" was introduced into the Libyan vocabulary, meaning the gathering of people with a common purpose. Resistance and revolutionary movements from around the globe met to share ideas, knowledge and practices; many are displayed on the video attached. This led to Gaddafi being proclaimed a "terrorist", although Nelson Mandela publicly declared that in "the darkest moments of our struggle, when our backs were against the wall, Muammar Gaddafi was the only one who stood beside us."
At a meeting of African Union members, Jacob Zuma said that NATO must not in any way assassinate Gaddafi and should make an immediate ceasefire so Libyans can freely decide the leader they want. NATO slandered Gadaffi, murdered his people (children, relatives, coworkers) to make him "break" and make the wrong move to confirm media lies that he's crazy! That's Hebrew-Saxons Western intelligence services for you, shadowy instruments of China that stealthily dismantle entire countries.
Qaddafi sought to see the African race freed from the shackles of global economic terrorism, imbued with human rights, independence, education, welfare and infrastructure. Gaddafi was a terrorist who undermined the Satanic plans of the Chinese and Hebrew-Saxons for genocide of the Black race and complete destruction of the African continent through mining all its natural resources. Such is the hypocritical object of the international community, killing Gaddafi without saying a word about murdered civilians in Libya by NATO. Gaddafi stood firm and did the opposite of what Chinese and Hebrew-Saxon genociders expected. He was unpredictable, a brave man who panicked "elites" unaccustomed to his ilk. Consider members of the treasonous Hebrew-Greek government amongst others in the West.
Gaddafi wanted to free slaves, build hospitals, roads, schools, irrigation and water supply networks, and give money to Libyans! What kind of leader does that, what the hell was he doing? Freemasons finance countries and build with their own construction companies. Ultimately, masonry bankrupts the countries it lends to, Greece for example, in order and to earn part of the loan disbursed and to seize projects as collateral loan guarantees. These services would not be required if infrastructures were already in place. Now that the masonic NATO has demolished Libya to its foundations, other masons can offer to help rebuild it! Gaddafi gave to the goyim, all people of the planet, a practical example of escape from Chinese and Hebrew-Saxon bondage.
Related, source:
Excerpt from an article written in February 2011 by Raelyan Allan of Rumor Mill News entitled Libya - The Faction Two - The Monarchy - The pedophile Trade New Order Things (666-888-777/1-777/2) - Ancient technology
Gunther Russbacher said Gaddafy was misrepresented by Western media and wasn't cooperating with the FED [as Gunther called the private, Rockefeller-owned Federal Reserve bank of USA] or the global conspiracy for enslavement of humanity in which it is a part. Colonel Gaddafy (spelt this way, according to Gunther) also placed Faction Two to guard the seven pyramids in Libya, keeping the Federal Reserve away from hyper-technology and treasures within.
Berlusconi, Gaddafy, and Gunther were members of the now defunct Paedophile Eradication Team (PET) with "License to Kill" all paedophiles. Even as leader of the revolution for many years, the Colonel took part in its operations. He and his military overthrew King Idris for being surrounded by many young boys and allowing European friends to take some of them away. The King's friends included the most evil people in the world.
Crown of England agents worked overtime to prevent the economic/political/social change Faction Two prepared for April/March 2011, believing that the secrets of objects buried in the pyramids would help them beat the team that destroys them. Gaddafy also set adulthood for women at 20 years, after which they were free to marry. This prevented marriage of eight year old girls with sick old cockroaches!
It was "right" to kill Gaddafy and celebrate! Supposed democracy in Libya, being aimed only at killing members of the Libyan government of Muammar Gaddafy, disrupted unity between members of the masonic R.I.C. axis (Russia-Islamic States-China) or "Pact of Shanghai". So did Gaddafy's attempt at creating a humanitarian United States of Africa, which also delayed and caused postponement of the third world war between R.I.C. and US.E.J. (USA-Europe-Japan).
The Chinese and Korean Army aims to genocide all races of the planet, five billion people. Gaddafy repeatedly postponed and prevented the establishment of their "Kingdom of Jehovah" global dictatorship on planet Earth.
Western Intelligence Services 666 murdered Gaddafy
1- Gaddafi nationalized Libya's oil trade and used its revenues for creating valuable social infrastructure, including the world's largest water supply and irrigation network. He proposed to construct at least the same for all African states, for free.
2- Before Qaddafi, only 1/5 of the population had sufficient education while the remainder had no access to education.
3- During Qaddafi's tenure, education and college became free for Libyans, while eighty-three per cent of Libyans were educated.
4- Qaddafi's Government made healthcare free and accessible to all Libyans! If treatment wasn't available in Libya, the state would pay travel expenses abroad!
5- Basic food prices dropped when Gaddafi came to power. The electricity power grid was extended throughout Libya, while its independence in agricultural products was assisted by huge water supply and irrigation projects.
6- Gaddafi built the "Great man-made River". It holds a position in the Guinness Book of Records and turned the desert coast of Libya into fertile valleys. Its pipeline is considered the eighth wonder of the world! However, Hebrew-Saxon NATO [666] bombed and destroyed the project to prevent the rural independence of Libya.
At the September 2010 anniversary of the opening of the final phase of the Libyan "Great man-made River", questions were raised, like how a so small country and a population of four million may manufacture something so big without borrowing a cent from international banksters. This bothered Hong and her Zionist puppets, like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds.
Libya had four underground deposits of water that provide an endless supply for Libyans. A network of pipes prevent evaporation beneath the desert, feeding two hundred and seventy deep wells - much cheaper than desalinated water. Scientists say the ultimate goal was to turn Libya into an autonomous agricultural paradise. Such independence and self-sufficiency is prohibited by Hong and the banksters.
7- Every Libyan citizen was entitled to land, agricultural tools, livestock, and seeds. Houses and apartment buildings were built throughout Libya so that every citizen could have his own home or apartment - for free! Gaddafi vowed not to home his parents who lived in a tent, until the last Libyan citizen was housed.
8- During the "dictatorship" of Gaddafi, Libya became the African country with the highest living standards, rated in the system HDI of the United Nations - higher than Russia, Brazil and Saudi Arabia.
9-In 2007, in the regular version of African Development, it was written that "Unlike other oil-producing countries like Nigeria, Libya used the revenue from oil for the development of the country."
10- Gaddafi believed that economic democracy can only be achieved when the gross domestic product of a country is distributed to each citizen. Hence, oil trade revenue was placed into a special account of the Libyan Central Bank and shared with every Libyan citizen. Cruel, nasty Gaddafi!
11- Gaddafi fought for the emancipation of women. Libya is the only Islamic state where women are free and have access to the educational system. He simultaneously adopted wage labor for women, forbade marriage before twenty, and banned female circumcision. These certainly were not accepted with shouts of joy from the misogynist Islamic fundamentalists. The © Vancouver Sun newspaper wrote:
The personal guard of Muammar Gaddafi ,was known as " The Angels "! In 1979 Muammar Gaddafi founded the military academy of women in Tripoli, and promised his mother to improve the situation of women in Libya. In 1998 one of his women guards was killed and several others injured when his convoy was ambushed. They wanted to be his bodyguards and to have a Military Academy opened. According to Gaddafi: "Women should be trained in battle, so that they are not easy prey to their enemies". Many of the women guards and "revolutionary nuns" (women who have dedicated their lives to the ideals of the revolution of 1969) say they would never marry. Instead they chose to devote their lives to protect the man who made them free and unique in the Arab world.
Gaddafi wanted women to retain their femininity and be able to ALONE choose whatever career they want. One bodyguard, Fatia, said that "Without our leader, women in Libya would not be anything. He gave us life. I am ready to die for him. He is the father, brother and friend whom you can trust."
12- In 2010, Gaddafi was the only Arab leader to apologise publicly for Arab involvement in the slave trade and the imprisonment of African Blacks. Treacherous Arab leaders were furious, as their hypocrisy and servility towards foreign capital had been exposed. Gaddafi consequently became isolated in the Arab world.
13- Gaddafi proposed a formal supervisory mechanism to assist Africans in Europe, USA, Caribbean, and South America. In a speech, he told them he would: "...entrust teams... to check how well they are. This is my duty and my role towards the children of Africa. I am a Soldier of Africa. I am here for you and work for you, therefore I will not abandon you, but will always follow you."
14- Gaddafi wanted all African countries to break free from the shackles of all kinds of addictions. He spent considerable sums and resources to take on this project and took initiatives for ceasefires in African war regions (Congo, Uganda, Ethiopia), in order to integrate African countries into a continent, called "United States of Africa."
15- Freemasons never forgave that he nationalized the oil fields of Libya, causing cancellation of their genocide plans. Despite Gaddafi's desire for integration of African countries taking many years of effort, it did gain a new "MOMENTUM" across all Africa.
16- One million Chinese infiltrators were deported or expelled from Libya, thereby ensuring work for four million Libyans and their racial homogeneity.
17- The word "mathaba" was introduced into the Libyan vocabulary, meaning the gathering of people with a common purpose. Resistance and revolutionary movements from around the globe met to share ideas, knowledge and practices; many are displayed on the video attached. This led to Gaddafi being proclaimed a "terrorist", although Nelson Mandela publicly declared that in "the darkest moments of our struggle, when our backs were against the wall, Muammar Gaddafi was the only one who stood beside us."
At a meeting of African Union members, Jacob Zuma said that NATO must not in any way assassinate Gaddafi and should make an immediate ceasefire so Libyans can freely decide the leader they want. NATO slandered Gadaffi, murdered his people (children, relatives, coworkers) to make him "break" and make the wrong move to confirm media lies that he's crazy! That's Hebrew-Saxons Western intelligence services for you, shadowy instruments of China that stealthily dismantle entire countries.
Qaddafi sought to see the African race freed from the shackles of global economic terrorism, imbued with human rights, independence, education, welfare and infrastructure. Gaddafi was a terrorist who undermined the Satanic plans of the Chinese and Hebrew-Saxons for genocide of the Black race and complete destruction of the African continent through mining all its natural resources. Such is the hypocritical object of the international community, killing Gaddafi without saying a word about murdered civilians in Libya by NATO. Gaddafi stood firm and did the opposite of what Chinese and Hebrew-Saxon genociders expected. He was unpredictable, a brave man who panicked "elites" unaccustomed to his ilk. Consider members of the treasonous Hebrew-Greek government amongst others in the West.
Gaddafi wanted to free slaves, build hospitals, roads, schools, irrigation and water supply networks, and give money to Libyans! What kind of leader does that, what the hell was he doing? Freemasons finance countries and build with their own construction companies. Ultimately, masonry bankrupts the countries it lends to, Greece for example, in order and to earn part of the loan disbursed and to seize projects as collateral loan guarantees. These services would not be required if infrastructures were already in place. Now that the masonic NATO has demolished Libya to its foundations, other masons can offer to help rebuild it! Gaddafi gave to the goyim, all people of the planet, a practical example of escape from Chinese and Hebrew-Saxon bondage.
Related, source:
Excerpt from an article written in February 2011 by Raelyan Allan of Rumor Mill News entitled Libya - The Faction Two - The Monarchy - The pedophile Trade New Order Things (666-888-777/1-777/2) - Ancient technology
Gunther Russbacher said Gaddafy was misrepresented by Western media and wasn't cooperating with the FED [as Gunther called the private, Rockefeller-owned Federal Reserve bank of USA] or the global conspiracy for enslavement of humanity in which it is a part. Colonel Gaddafy (spelt this way, according to Gunther) also placed Faction Two to guard the seven pyramids in Libya, keeping the Federal Reserve away from hyper-technology and treasures within.
Berlusconi, Gaddafy, and Gunther were members of the now defunct Paedophile Eradication Team (PET) with "License to Kill" all paedophiles. Even as leader of the revolution for many years, the Colonel took part in its operations. He and his military overthrew King Idris for being surrounded by many young boys and allowing European friends to take some of them away. The King's friends included the most evil people in the world.
Crown of England agents worked overtime to prevent the economic/political/social change Faction Two prepared for April/March 2011, believing that the secrets of objects buried in the pyramids would help them beat the team that destroys them. Gaddafy also set adulthood for women at 20 years, after which they were free to marry. This prevented marriage of eight year old girls with sick old cockroaches!
It was "right" to kill Gaddafy and celebrate! Supposed democracy in Libya, being aimed only at killing members of the Libyan government of Muammar Gaddafy, disrupted unity between members of the masonic R.I.C. axis (Russia-Islamic States-China) or "Pact of Shanghai". So did Gaddafy's attempt at creating a humanitarian United States of Africa, which also delayed and caused postponement of the third world war between R.I.C. and US.E.J. (USA-Europe-Japan).
The Chinese and Korean Army aims to genocide all races of the planet, five billion people. Gaddafy repeatedly postponed and prevented the establishment of their "Kingdom of Jehovah" global dictatorship on planet Earth.
Western Intelligence Services 666 murdered Gaddafy
Saturday, 16 January 2016
GADA (G.A.D.A.) of KYP
Athens' Attica General Police Directorate aka Hebrew-Masonic junta. From them, G.H.Rees demands complete respect and recognition for the webpage “Hellen and Chaos” and for its partners that have loyally served Hellenic National Security.
Prior to the publishing of G.H.Rees' research on Hong, Spyropoulos was apparently instructed by GADA to leave hints that his readers should expect Hong's exposure. The emetic Hebrew-Masonic blog Thes/nikis "The XALIA" then published its ironic article, dated 10/01/2011, referring to Hong as Hung and containing disinformation.
Athens' Attica General Police Directorate aka Hebrew-Masonic junta. From them, G.H.Rees demands complete respect and recognition for the webpage “Hellen and Chaos” and for its partners that have loyally served Hellenic National Security.
Prior to the publishing of G.H.Rees' research on Hong, Spyropoulos was apparently instructed by GADA to leave hints that his readers should expect Hong's exposure. The emetic Hebrew-Masonic blog Thes/nikis "The XALIA" then published its ironic article, dated 10/01/2011, referring to Hong as Hung and containing disinformation.
How could "The XALIA" state that Hong is also known as Hung? Being incapacitated, it is unlikely Spyropoulos discovered this himself. Much more likely, information came from the Hebrew-Masonic socialist junta, GADA of KYP and occupying
Troika, that watches G.H.Rees closely and persistently through phone call and e-mail surveillance. After publication in "The XALIA", G.H.Rees posted its research about hyper-lodge "Hong" (03.10.2011) in the blog ELLHN & CHAOS, having never previously written Hung.
Tuesday, 12 January 2016
Full of Blood
Reportedly a Jewish-rabbinical initiation ritual that is also carried out in Masonic lodges. It entails the sacrificial murder of innocent Black and White people, whose blood is used to baptise high level masons. Alluded to by rabbi Abe Finklestein.
Plague of vampires
John 8:44... [NLT] For you are the children of your father the devil, and you love to do the evil things he does.
Synagogue of Satan
Reportedly a Jewish-rabbinical initiation ritual that is also carried out in Masonic lodges. It entails the sacrificial murder of innocent Black and White people, whose blood is used to baptise high level masons. Alluded to by rabbi Abe Finklestein.
Plague of vampires
John 8:44... [NLT] For you are the children of your father the devil, and you love to do the evil things he does.
Synagogue of Satan
Fulford, Benjamin
Hebrew-Saxon hyper-lodge “A.O.A.” London (Ordo Adeptis Atlantis –negative- & Ordo Astrum Argentinum –positive-) commands a network of Masonic Lodges it founded, named “Illuminati” Hebrew-Saxons of Bavaria Germany. The “Illuminati” are intended to draw attention to themselves, thereby helping to conceal “A.O.A.” and “O.T.O.” memberships (Ordo Templis Occidentis –negative- & Ordo Templis Orientis –positive-). Meanwhile, Chinese-Hebrew “Mass Media” and publishing houses “Esoptron – Kedros” (magazine “Third Eye”, “Nexus”) publish false articles claiming a “World War of the Chinese secret societies, against The Illuminati” with two purposes: A) To deny documents of G.H.Rees proving that +/-“A.O.A.” and +/-“O.T.O” of London and NOT the Illuminati, are commanding all Arch-Rabbineia (Synagogues) and all the Masonic National (Gentile) +/-“M.T.M.” of the West;
B) To deny proofs by G.H.Rees, showing that hyperlodges of the West (“A.O.A.” and “O.T.O” London) and their subordinate “Illuminati” lodges are in fake collusional conflict with the Hyperlodge “HONG” of China. Purpose of the fakery is to provoke a nominally Greek-led, weak military assault by USA–Europe–Japan and Tibet–India–Mongolia against Russia–Islam–China. The intention being an overwhelming counterattack by Russia–Islam–China, genociding White people of USA-Europe-India and the Black race as a prelude to founding the “Kingdom of Jehowah Sin – Sion – Sina (China)/Kingdom of Jehovah/New World Order 888/New Jerusalem”.
Benjamin Fulford was the Hebrew-Canadian “Journalist” who first published disinformation about an alledged “War between Eastern Lodges and Illuminati of the West”. As an agent of the secret societies of China, Fulford was photographed next to Sepharadim (Separati - Separate “Elite”) Hebrew-Mongol “Illuminati” David Rockefeller (International Banker) in Japan.
Fulford had threatened Rockefeller's life through alleged “Threats” of the Eastern Draconian Lodges (HONG) against the Illuminati of the West. So, why did Rockefeller give Fulford a public interview, around that time? Obvious, blatant collusion, in that Rockefeller wished to add prestige to Fulford and his co-intelpro Chinese-Hebrew operation.
Creating a false precedent for WW3
Hebrew-Saxon hyper-lodge “A.O.A.” London (Ordo Adeptis Atlantis –negative- & Ordo Astrum Argentinum –positive-) commands a network of Masonic Lodges it founded, named “Illuminati” Hebrew-Saxons of Bavaria Germany. The “Illuminati” are intended to draw attention to themselves, thereby helping to conceal “A.O.A.” and “O.T.O.” memberships (Ordo Templis Occidentis –negative- & Ordo Templis Orientis –positive-). Meanwhile, Chinese-Hebrew “Mass Media” and publishing houses “Esoptron – Kedros” (magazine “Third Eye”, “Nexus”) publish false articles claiming a “World War of the Chinese secret societies, against The Illuminati” with two purposes: A) To deny documents of G.H.Rees proving that +/-“A.O.A.” and +/-“O.T.O” of London and NOT the Illuminati, are commanding all Arch-Rabbineia (Synagogues) and all the Masonic National (Gentile) +/-“M.T.M.” of the West;
B) To deny proofs by G.H.Rees, showing that hyperlodges of the West (“A.O.A.” and “O.T.O” London) and their subordinate “Illuminati” lodges are in fake collusional conflict with the Hyperlodge “HONG” of China. Purpose of the fakery is to provoke a nominally Greek-led, weak military assault by USA–Europe–Japan and Tibet–India–Mongolia against Russia–Islam–China. The intention being an overwhelming counterattack by Russia–Islam–China, genociding White people of USA-Europe-India and the Black race as a prelude to founding the “Kingdom of Jehowah Sin – Sion – Sina (China)/Kingdom of Jehovah/New World Order 888/New Jerusalem”.
Benjamin Fulford was the Hebrew-Canadian “Journalist” who first published disinformation about an alledged “War between Eastern Lodges and Illuminati of the West”. As an agent of the secret societies of China, Fulford was photographed next to Sepharadim (Separati - Separate “Elite”) Hebrew-Mongol “Illuminati” David Rockefeller (International Banker) in Japan.
Fulford had threatened Rockefeller's life through alleged “Threats” of the Eastern Draconian Lodges (HONG) against the Illuminati of the West. So, why did Rockefeller give Fulford a public interview, around that time? Obvious, blatant collusion, in that Rockefeller wished to add prestige to Fulford and his co-intelpro Chinese-Hebrew operation.
Creating a false precedent for WW3
Sunday, 10 January 2016
Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant disaster
Radioactivity levels in the North West territories of U.S.A. and Canada are similar to daily measurements around Fukushima, Japan! Also, according to the researcher Leuren Moret, scientists have announced that: The Northern third of Japan will become unhabitable and should be evacuated.
Radioactive particles can travel vast distances as through the Pacific Ocean to North America, the U.S. and Canada. They are odourless, invisible to the human eye, and tasteless: Essentially, a long lasting "silent assassin" and useful weapon for global population reduction.
Radioactive poison for Gaia
Crimes of Technology Power Electric Company (Tepco)
1. In 2009, Japanese news agency “Kyodo” said that a Japanese seismologist had forewarned “Tepco” (Technology Electric Power Company) that one big tsunami could prove catastrophic to Fukushima nuclear reactors. Unfortunately, the scientific advice was “ignored”.
2. On 27/3/2011 the international “Mass Media” broadcast that the man in charge of five hundred heroic technicians and firefighters in the factory of Fukushima, called for their evacuation from the destroyed factory. He stated, that radioactivity levels reached 10 million times above top security limits inside the factory.
Without the mediation of other measurement, crooks running “Tepco” rushed to deny the claim. They stated publicly that: “This measurement isn’t reliable” for reasons of profit.
3. On 5/4/2011 measurements by the Japanese Service of Nuclear and Industrial security announced that in the Marine shores of Fukushima, 200 meters from the Nuclear factory, yeilded readings of radioactive isotope “Iodine 131” at seven million times above top security limits. This means that justification for evacuation was correct. Water poured over the reactors by the five hundred technicians flowed beyond control towards the sea, where it was diluted in the water of the Marine shores from ten million times to seven-and-a-half million times over the top security levels.
The commanding council of “Tepco” is thereby proved guilty of genociding the Japanese people and of crimes against humanity. After devious long pre-planning, Tepco concealed evidence necessary to Japanese and International scientific communities for protecting public health, ecology in Japan and the rest of the planet.
4. Uncontrolled flow of water from the factory of Fukushima towards the sea, is the fourth crime of the commanding council of “Tepco”. They knew that right after the Tsunami, with the destruction of essential equipment, the six nuclear reactors would overheat and melt their outer metallic shell.
Tepco knew from the beginning that pumps and large quantities of sea water would be needed for cooling the six reactors. Water is applied to the heads of overheated uranium or plutonium beams and their “hive” of entry holes inside each reactor. Any outflow to the environment would predictably be contaminated with uranium and plutonium, since it may flow across the beams. Unsurprisingly, this happened.
“Tepco” knew that chemical elements in sea water would transmute into radioactive isotopes when brought into contact with outflow from the six reactors. Such poisons would provoke cellular transmutation of “DNA” and “RNA”, leading to cancers, genetic sterilization, and subsequent extermination of the entire fauna within local Japanese shores. Such extinction would include some species that do not survive elsewhere, leading to total destruction of the Japanese fishery.
The above catastrophy to planetary ecology, Japanese and international public health, and the Japanese economy should have been prevented. One day after the tsunami, “Tepco” should have covered the ground around the nuclear factory with water-proof, armoured concrete and built two surrounding water-proof metallic walls. One wall should touch the factory with the other at the limits of the concretized ground, thereby forming a tank for collecting radioactive sea water.
This construction should be supplemented with two nearby megatanks. With metallic walls six to ten metres high, they would collect surplus radioactive sea water; around one million cubic meters being used each day for cooling the six melted reactors.
“Tepco” not only deviously and consciously avoided taking the above mentioned ecology protection measures about which it very well knew, but additionally committed crimes against Japan and humanity for profit-motivation...
A: Right after the Tsunami, instead of organizing repair of reactor water pumps and appealing to the Japanese government, profit-motivated treasonous “Tepco” bosses disappeared from their offices and homes. The Japanese government were left alone to make their desperate attempts, using surgical interventions by technicians and fire-fighters with sea water containing liquid carbon dioxide and liquid nitrogen, and fire-fighting ships stationed a precautionary 400 meters away “drenching the ...roof of the Fukushima factory”. The distance was allegedly for “security reasons” because Japanese sailors feared a nuclear explosion, but at over ten megatonnes everything within twenty kilometers would be vapourised!
B: “Tepco” consciously gave false measurements of radioactivity in the Fukushima nuclear factory to the Japanese government, to Japanese nuclear physicists and to the International Academic community. At the same time, "Tepco" concealed data on other radioactive isotopes, except Iodine (I) and Cesium (Cs), thereby ensuring ignorance about the true danger to public health in Japan, the rest of the planet, and global ecology.
C: After the incident in Fukushima in 11/3/2011, treasonous “Tepco” did nothing toward de-heating the reactors, but instead brought Japan under threat of a ten megatonne nuclear explosion within the Fukushima nuclear plant. This would have meant destruction of Northern Japan.
D: On 21/3/2011, “Tepco” under pressure of Japanese public and government opinion, organized crews for interventions within the factory. For reasons of criminal profit, fire-fighting pumps equipped with tanks of water mixed with liquid nitrogen and liquid carbon dioxide were excluded.
E: Concerning need for mixed of water, liquid Nitrogen and liquid CO2 for cooling and deheating the six Fukushima reactors, G.H.Reese sent a written briefing entitled “Nuclear Security of Japan” towards “Tepco” through the Japanese government on 31/3/2011. Subsequently, under pressure of the Japanese media, “Tepco” finally relented and used the mixture. “Reactor No. 1” was cooled and the other five were de-heated to avoid explosion.
F: With instructions from the “Department of Nuclear Technology” of Hellenic G.H.REES Patra, the Nuclear Alarm in Fukushima stopped. Now it remains to stop and the Radioactive Alarm. “Tepco” continued its insidious criminal actions, allowing ten million cubic metres of water into the sea around the Fukushima shores, allegedly containing only ...”low level radiation” (Radioactive Iodine 131 was seven-and-a-half million times over maximum allowed limits). Now “Tepco” plans to drop another ten million cubic metres of water into the sea, without attracting the attention of the Japanese government and “Mass Media”. According to their own statements, this will be more radioactive than before!
Japanese Nuclear Neglect at Fukushima
Radioactivity levels in the North West territories of U.S.A. and Canada are similar to daily measurements around Fukushima, Japan! Also, according to the researcher Leuren Moret, scientists have announced that: The Northern third of Japan will become unhabitable and should be evacuated.
Radioactive particles can travel vast distances as through the Pacific Ocean to North America, the U.S. and Canada. They are odourless, invisible to the human eye, and tasteless: Essentially, a long lasting "silent assassin" and useful weapon for global population reduction.
Radioactive poison for Gaia
Crimes of Technology Power Electric Company (Tepco)
1. In 2009, Japanese news agency “Kyodo” said that a Japanese seismologist had forewarned “Tepco” (Technology Electric Power Company) that one big tsunami could prove catastrophic to Fukushima nuclear reactors. Unfortunately, the scientific advice was “ignored”.
2. On 27/3/2011 the international “Mass Media” broadcast that the man in charge of five hundred heroic technicians and firefighters in the factory of Fukushima, called for their evacuation from the destroyed factory. He stated, that radioactivity levels reached 10 million times above top security limits inside the factory.
Without the mediation of other measurement, crooks running “Tepco” rushed to deny the claim. They stated publicly that: “This measurement isn’t reliable” for reasons of profit.
3. On 5/4/2011 measurements by the Japanese Service of Nuclear and Industrial security announced that in the Marine shores of Fukushima, 200 meters from the Nuclear factory, yeilded readings of radioactive isotope “Iodine 131” at seven million times above top security limits. This means that justification for evacuation was correct. Water poured over the reactors by the five hundred technicians flowed beyond control towards the sea, where it was diluted in the water of the Marine shores from ten million times to seven-and-a-half million times over the top security levels.
The commanding council of “Tepco” is thereby proved guilty of genociding the Japanese people and of crimes against humanity. After devious long pre-planning, Tepco concealed evidence necessary to Japanese and International scientific communities for protecting public health, ecology in Japan and the rest of the planet.
4. Uncontrolled flow of water from the factory of Fukushima towards the sea, is the fourth crime of the commanding council of “Tepco”. They knew that right after the Tsunami, with the destruction of essential equipment, the six nuclear reactors would overheat and melt their outer metallic shell.
Tepco knew from the beginning that pumps and large quantities of sea water would be needed for cooling the six reactors. Water is applied to the heads of overheated uranium or plutonium beams and their “hive” of entry holes inside each reactor. Any outflow to the environment would predictably be contaminated with uranium and plutonium, since it may flow across the beams. Unsurprisingly, this happened.
“Tepco” knew that chemical elements in sea water would transmute into radioactive isotopes when brought into contact with outflow from the six reactors. Such poisons would provoke cellular transmutation of “DNA” and “RNA”, leading to cancers, genetic sterilization, and subsequent extermination of the entire fauna within local Japanese shores. Such extinction would include some species that do not survive elsewhere, leading to total destruction of the Japanese fishery.
The above catastrophy to planetary ecology, Japanese and international public health, and the Japanese economy should have been prevented. One day after the tsunami, “Tepco” should have covered the ground around the nuclear factory with water-proof, armoured concrete and built two surrounding water-proof metallic walls. One wall should touch the factory with the other at the limits of the concretized ground, thereby forming a tank for collecting radioactive sea water.
This construction should be supplemented with two nearby megatanks. With metallic walls six to ten metres high, they would collect surplus radioactive sea water; around one million cubic meters being used each day for cooling the six melted reactors.
“Tepco” not only deviously and consciously avoided taking the above mentioned ecology protection measures about which it very well knew, but additionally committed crimes against Japan and humanity for profit-motivation...
A: Right after the Tsunami, instead of organizing repair of reactor water pumps and appealing to the Japanese government, profit-motivated treasonous “Tepco” bosses disappeared from their offices and homes. The Japanese government were left alone to make their desperate attempts, using surgical interventions by technicians and fire-fighters with sea water containing liquid carbon dioxide and liquid nitrogen, and fire-fighting ships stationed a precautionary 400 meters away “drenching the ...roof of the Fukushima factory”. The distance was allegedly for “security reasons” because Japanese sailors feared a nuclear explosion, but at over ten megatonnes everything within twenty kilometers would be vapourised!
B: “Tepco” consciously gave false measurements of radioactivity in the Fukushima nuclear factory to the Japanese government, to Japanese nuclear physicists and to the International Academic community. At the same time, "Tepco" concealed data on other radioactive isotopes, except Iodine (I) and Cesium (Cs), thereby ensuring ignorance about the true danger to public health in Japan, the rest of the planet, and global ecology.
C: After the incident in Fukushima in 11/3/2011, treasonous “Tepco” did nothing toward de-heating the reactors, but instead brought Japan under threat of a ten megatonne nuclear explosion within the Fukushima nuclear plant. This would have meant destruction of Northern Japan.
D: On 21/3/2011, “Tepco” under pressure of Japanese public and government opinion, organized crews for interventions within the factory. For reasons of criminal profit, fire-fighting pumps equipped with tanks of water mixed with liquid nitrogen and liquid carbon dioxide were excluded.
E: Concerning need for mixed of water, liquid Nitrogen and liquid CO2 for cooling and deheating the six Fukushima reactors, G.H.Reese sent a written briefing entitled “Nuclear Security of Japan” towards “Tepco” through the Japanese government on 31/3/2011. Subsequently, under pressure of the Japanese media, “Tepco” finally relented and used the mixture. “Reactor No. 1” was cooled and the other five were de-heated to avoid explosion.
F: With instructions from the “Department of Nuclear Technology” of Hellenic G.H.REES Patra, the Nuclear Alarm in Fukushima stopped. Now it remains to stop and the Radioactive Alarm. “Tepco” continued its insidious criminal actions, allowing ten million cubic metres of water into the sea around the Fukushima shores, allegedly containing only ...”low level radiation” (Radioactive Iodine 131 was seven-and-a-half million times over maximum allowed limits). Now “Tepco” plans to drop another ten million cubic metres of water into the sea, without attracting the attention of the Japanese government and “Mass Media”. According to their own statements, this will be more radioactive than before!
Japanese Nuclear Neglect at Fukushima
Saturday, 2 January 2016
Quasi-religious networks of the mind for controlling the "Slaves of God" (Freemasons) via tiered systems that impose New World Order false reality.
Hyper-lodge Hong was established and organized around 1600A.D. and until approximately 1900 formed the underworld of China. Sun, Yat Sen (1868-1925) was a member of Masonic lodge "Hong" (Trinity) and leader of the Chinese Ming revolution that overthrew Mongolian Tsing rule in 1912. Since then HONG has been in full control of external and internal politics of Draconian China, with branches virtually everywhere. It directs Western hyper-lodges and sub-lodges through collusion of the allegedly exiled to India Mongolian "Zen Tibet-India" hyper-lodge's (white and black fraternity). Sun, Yat Sen was also a physician, first Prime Minister of Republican China, founder and leader of Kuomintang party of the people.
An offshoot of Hong is the "Triads", an incredibly powerful underworld criminal organization with 4 million Chinolizard members worldwide. They are inhuman and treacherous toward the White and Black races, and in America they are encountered as "Triads" and "Tong". Their activities include: Financial crime; International illegal trade; Drug trafficking; Money laundering; Political and other extortions; And, murder of political opponents of HONG. Western police are unable to locate and dismantle them because of how they operate and are organized. Triads also enjoy cover-up by Western Freemasonry, under the command of Hong through Zen.
In the 18th century, Western Hebrew-Saxon (Mongolian) philosophical Masonry began in London. Its collusive Western 'opposite' is Nazi theosophical Freemasonry, founded upon orders of the Mongolian and Tibetan Jewish Blavatsky in the 19th century.
Hyper-lodges are divided into ostensibly opposing halves, beneath Hong and ultimately the Draconian Moon. This is the deceptive collusion of Right and Left Hand (left path) or Ankara and Sambala (White & Black brotherhood) of "Zen Tibet-India" hyper-lodge... for Hong to effectively dismantle Western nations and run Freemasonry. Existing lodges became either positive or negative, 888 or 666, philosophical lodges that follow the right path with point up triangle of good god or evil theosophical nazi lodges following the left path with point down triangle of evil satan. As Heracletus said, "The Opposites are the Same".
You can go to Taiwan and China to meet the Draconian reptilians of Hong, for gay and lesbogangbangs and orgies. These include practices known in Western Masonry as "Separation of Sefiroth" and "Crossing the Abyss".
(C) 2010 China Global Alliance freemason Address: 802 Road Fuxing, Kaohsiung City Lingya District No. 3, 9th Floor, Tel :07-2 -3318218 -3320084 Fax: 07
A dispute over the interrelationships of terrestrial Draconian hyper-lodges revealed by GHREES was attempted by theosophist mason E. Palinginis from the group of pseudo-Olympians under masonic General Kalogeraki and LA.OS i.e. Epsilon 666. It was claimed that both the Lodge of the Great Oak and its Masons were "nonexistent": All imagination! Not so, and anyway, Western esoteric Freemasons under the command of HONG have apparently written some books about Hong, the "Triads", and parallel secret Chinese groups.
Many executives now go against Hong's plans, so Chinese mandarins of Hong no longer trust either "AOA" or "OTO" London; for that matter they do not even trust themselves! Consequently there is a controlling dictatorship in China where objectors to the genocidal plans are killed on the spot. Also, pure yellow members of Trinity / Triads may directly coordinate their plans themselves, such as the setting of staged global soccer events.
Given these matters and the exposure of global Freemasonry, political puppets of the West and Greece can proceed directly to the headquarters of Hong in Shanghai to receive their orders, bypassing the Hebrew-Mason hierarchy of the West. Indeed, multiple visits to China by "Greek" officials have been observed.
Chinese Doctrine Tiger and Dragon
Devised by the Chinese Draconian terrestrial and space-based staff, where the West is the Tiger and China is the Dragon. Religious-masonic clergy cartels of East and West have arranged for a weak provocative attack by the Tiger against the Dragon, provoking the Dragon to fight back and destroy everything.
Triple agent (Chinese, Hebrew-mason of London, and Nazi Germany) Hebrew-Hungarian Lincoln Von Trebits (Ignatius Timothy Trebitsch-Lincoln) conveyed theories, programs, and instructions of Hong into Nazi Germany, materials that came via Golden Dawn theosophical lodge of London with the divisive purpose of turning European Whites against other sections of the White race. Golden Dawn, London, is director of neo-nazi organizations within neo-nazi international, its subsidiary Golden Dawn of Greece, and Lincoln Von Trebits (04Apr1879 - 04Oct1943) was a manchurian candidate servant, a remote Draconian Hebrew-nazi zombie of +/-A.O.A. London.
Western Freemasonry has its pyramidal management and the triangle of lunar Yahweh ('the eye in triangle') in all Masonic lodges, Christian churches, and Jewish synagogues. So, why three?... Firstly, Western Masons and rabbis submit to the Chinese emperors Han and Ming, secondly to the triangular-pyramidal imperial seal, and thirdly to the modern Chinese emperors of the Ming, successors of the highest Draconian hyper-lodge, Hong, with the highest emblem being the triangular Chinese imperial seal .... or ... Chinese imperial eye in triangle.
Exposure of Zen, AOA, and OTO hyper-lodges
Quasi-religious networks of the mind for controlling the "Slaves of God" (Freemasons) via tiered systems that impose New World Order false reality.
Hyper-lodge Hong was established and organized around 1600A.D. and until approximately 1900 formed the underworld of China. Sun, Yat Sen (1868-1925) was a member of Masonic lodge "Hong" (Trinity) and leader of the Chinese Ming revolution that overthrew Mongolian Tsing rule in 1912. Since then HONG has been in full control of external and internal politics of Draconian China, with branches virtually everywhere. It directs Western hyper-lodges and sub-lodges through collusion of the allegedly exiled to India Mongolian "Zen Tibet-India" hyper-lodge's (white and black fraternity). Sun, Yat Sen was also a physician, first Prime Minister of Republican China, founder and leader of Kuomintang party of the people.
An offshoot of Hong is the "Triads", an incredibly powerful underworld criminal organization with 4 million Chinolizard members worldwide. They are inhuman and treacherous toward the White and Black races, and in America they are encountered as "Triads" and "Tong". Their activities include: Financial crime; International illegal trade; Drug trafficking; Money laundering; Political and other extortions; And, murder of political opponents of HONG. Western police are unable to locate and dismantle them because of how they operate and are organized. Triads also enjoy cover-up by Western Freemasonry, under the command of Hong through Zen.
In the 18th century, Western Hebrew-Saxon (Mongolian) philosophical Masonry began in London. Its collusive Western 'opposite' is Nazi theosophical Freemasonry, founded upon orders of the Mongolian and Tibetan Jewish Blavatsky in the 19th century.
Hyper-lodges are divided into ostensibly opposing halves, beneath Hong and ultimately the Draconian Moon. This is the deceptive collusion of Right and Left Hand (left path) or Ankara and Sambala (White & Black brotherhood) of "Zen Tibet-India" hyper-lodge... for Hong to effectively dismantle Western nations and run Freemasonry. Existing lodges became either positive or negative, 888 or 666, philosophical lodges that follow the right path with point up triangle of good god or evil theosophical nazi lodges following the left path with point down triangle of evil satan. As Heracletus said, "The Opposites are the Same".
You can go to Taiwan and China to meet the Draconian reptilians of Hong, for gay and lesbogangbangs and orgies. These include practices known in Western Masonry as "Separation of Sefiroth" and "Crossing the Abyss".
(C) 2010 China Global Alliance freemason Address: 802 Road Fuxing, Kaohsiung City Lingya District No. 3, 9th Floor, Tel :07-2 -3318218 -3320084 Fax: 07
A dispute over the interrelationships of terrestrial Draconian hyper-lodges revealed by GHREES was attempted by theosophist mason E. Palinginis from the group of pseudo-Olympians under masonic General Kalogeraki and LA.OS i.e. Epsilon 666. It was claimed that both the Lodge of the Great Oak and its Masons were "nonexistent": All imagination! Not so, and anyway, Western esoteric Freemasons under the command of HONG have apparently written some books about Hong, the "Triads", and parallel secret Chinese groups.
Many executives now go against Hong's plans, so Chinese mandarins of Hong no longer trust either "AOA" or "OTO" London; for that matter they do not even trust themselves! Consequently there is a controlling dictatorship in China where objectors to the genocidal plans are killed on the spot. Also, pure yellow members of Trinity / Triads may directly coordinate their plans themselves, such as the setting of staged global soccer events.
Given these matters and the exposure of global Freemasonry, political puppets of the West and Greece can proceed directly to the headquarters of Hong in Shanghai to receive their orders, bypassing the Hebrew-Mason hierarchy of the West. Indeed, multiple visits to China by "Greek" officials have been observed.
Chinese Doctrine Tiger and Dragon
Devised by the Chinese Draconian terrestrial and space-based staff, where the West is the Tiger and China is the Dragon. Religious-masonic clergy cartels of East and West have arranged for a weak provocative attack by the Tiger against the Dragon, provoking the Dragon to fight back and destroy everything.
Triple agent (Chinese, Hebrew-mason of London, and Nazi Germany) Hebrew-Hungarian Lincoln Von Trebits (Ignatius Timothy Trebitsch-Lincoln) conveyed theories, programs, and instructions of Hong into Nazi Germany, materials that came via Golden Dawn theosophical lodge of London with the divisive purpose of turning European Whites against other sections of the White race. Golden Dawn, London, is director of neo-nazi organizations within neo-nazi international, its subsidiary Golden Dawn of Greece, and Lincoln Von Trebits (04Apr1879 - 04Oct1943) was a manchurian candidate servant, a remote Draconian Hebrew-nazi zombie of +/-A.O.A. London.
Western Freemasonry has its pyramidal management and the triangle of lunar Yahweh ('the eye in triangle') in all Masonic lodges, Christian churches, and Jewish synagogues. So, why three?... Firstly, Western Masons and rabbis submit to the Chinese emperors Han and Ming, secondly to the triangular-pyramidal imperial seal, and thirdly to the modern Chinese emperors of the Ming, successors of the highest Draconian hyper-lodge, Hong, with the highest emblem being the triangular Chinese imperial seal .... or ... Chinese imperial eye in triangle.
Exposure of Zen, AOA, and OTO hyper-lodges
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