Monday, 29 August 2016


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 30 July 2010

Hebrews slaughtered unarmed humanitarians carrying food and drugs to Hellenic cretan Palestinians under genocide and siege in their ancient city of Gaza. 

According to the Draconian's Christian “Old Testament”, Abraham relocated to Egypt and gave his wife Sarah as a harlot to the Pharaoh of Egypt.  In return, he got as a price of this prostitution many flocks of sheep, gold and silver.  Upon returning to Palestine, he began genociding the resident Cretan colonists, the Philistine or Palestinian Hellenes (“Genesis 12:10-20” and “Genesis 13:1-4”). 

In the “Old Testament” (“Genesis 33:18-20”, “Genesis 34:1-31”), Abraham and Sarah gave birth to Isaac.  Isaac gave birth to Jacob who gave birth to twelve sons, as the twelve genitors of the twelve tribes of Israel, and daughters, amongst them “Dinah”.  In order to steal the flocks, gold and  silver, and rape Hellenic women of the Cretan Palestinian City “Sihem”, the twelve criminal Mongolian genocidal sons, sent their sister “Dinah” to display herself outside the palace of the King of “Sihem”, so that the successor son of the King could be seduced by her.  The ploy was successful, leading the stupid successor to ask her father Jacob for “Dinah's” hand in marriage.  Jacob and his twelve sons deviously agreed under the term of circumcision for all the men of “Sihem”.  On the third day after the circumcisions, a day of maximum pain in circumcised genitals, the sons of Jacob butchered all the men of the Hellenic city of “Sihem”.  Fortunes were robbed, wives, flocks and children captured, and left behind was a dead annihilated Hellenic Palestinian City. 

It is stated in the “Old Testament's” Deuteronomy [Chapters 7:1, 2, 16, 22, and 9:1, 2, 3, and 9:1, 2, 3, and 11:23, and 12:2, 29 and 15:6, and 19:1, and 20:10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 28:12,13 and 31:3, and 33:17, 19 (Septuagint translation: «ΕΘΝΗ ΕΞΟΛΟΘΡΕΥΣΟΥΣΙ»] that Hebrews will exterminate the nations of Palestinians – Philistines, proving they had programmed every detail in the genocide of seven million Whites before the invasion of Hellenic Palestine and after annihilation of Hellenic Egyptians in Egypt.  Six Palestinian nations of Cretan – Hellenic origin were destroyed: Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, Jebusites, and Whites Chettean Asia Minor colonists.  Only minor traces of those nations were left alive, namely modern Palestinians, who blood-thirsty murdering Hebrews today oppress and try to annihilate as they did on 31 May 2010 in the international waters of Palestinian Gaza. 

Criminal Judean and of the Hebrew-Saxon Israelites have been doing genocide since 5000 years before Mongol Christ (BMC).  They are the doomed chosen people of Satan over the earth, the devil Sin – Sion – Sinai – Jedi – Jude – Judas; Jedi, annihilator of planetary populations and nations, murderer and thief of planetary raw materials.  Samewise, this happened to the ships of unarmed humanitarians in 31 May of 2010 in international waters, with purpose the complete food and drugs blockade of the Hellenic Palestinians of Gaza.  According to the ancient Mongolian, Zionistic, and Sinistic (Chinese) program of Deuteronomy, paragraph 14, Hellenogenic descendants of Cretans must die and to be annihilated till the last one, because they are the genetic offspring of the “Devil Zeus”, according to “Genesis” and “Revelation” of the satanic “Holy Scripture” [Revelation 2:12-13 and Genesis 3:14-15.  In the first fragment, the “Devil” is falsely considered to be Zeus, the Andromedian Planetary Commander of Jupiter.  This deception was enabled by the Hellenic Priesthoods of the Hellenic city of Pergamon in Asia Minor [today's Mongolian Hebrew Turkey] becoming possessed by demons of the Dragonian Sin – Sion – Sinai – Jedi and then falsely impersonating the hyper-scientist commanders [“Gods of the Hellenic Dodecatheon”].  Thus were the sciences of Zeus converted into religions of black magic and the Satanism of Jedi.  [The world's largest religious Holy Temple of Zeus, constructed in Pergamon, was relocated entirely to a museum in Berlin, Germany.] 

“Old Testament” Hebrew prophets: Blood-drinkers and human-eaters, rabid Hellene hating Satanic mediums, namely black magicians of the space Chinese hyper-criminal Dragonian God, Sin – Sion – Sinai – Zion – Jedi – Jude – Judas that forced Hebrews to continuously genocide the Hellenic coastal cities of Palestine: Gaza, Akkaron, Ioppe, Azotus, Ascalon, and the Phoenician cities Tyre and Sidon [whose genitor was the Hellene Phoenix, son of the Hellene King of Argos Agenor].  Today, the genocidal crimes of Hebrews against Hellenic Palestinian Gaza are an application of orders from rabid man-beast genociding Hebrew prophets, mediums and black magicians of the Dragonian
Sin – Sion – Sinai – Zion – Jedi – Jude – Judas. 

The arch-butcher of Hellenic Cretan Palestinians, Joshua of Navi, unleashed genetic slaughteragainst Hellenic City – States: Gai, Jericho, Hebron, Jerusalem, Jarmuthia, Lahis, Eglonos, Makkedonos, Livnas, Gezerias, Debirias, Ashdoth (Today’s Hebrew port Ashdot, where Hebrew bandits captured the fleet that carried humanitarian help in favor of Gaza in 31 May 2010), Kadis, Gaza, Gesenia, and rest cities.  This is described in the Old Testament, book “Joshua of Navi” Chapters 10, 11, 12, 13. 

In “Joshua of Navi” 15:47 Hebrews write that “Gaza and the towns and the villages of Gaza, up to the torrent of Egypt (Nile River) and the grand sea (Mediterranean Sea) will be the domination limit of the Hebrews”.  In “Joshua of Navi” 13:1-6 between others it is written that “The Gaza people, must be annihilated by the Hebrews”, so says the lord Sin – Sion – Sinai – Jedi – Jude – Judas or Elohim or Eloh or Allah.  So then, worship Elloh – Allah, Islamists of Palestine and of the other Islamic Nations. 

Hebrews clearly and directly write (“Judges 1:1-18”, “A’ Kings 18:1-18”, “A’ Chronicles 7:20-28”, “Amos 1:6-8”, “Sofonias 2:4-7”, and especially in “Zachariah 9:1-15”) that the space Chinese arch-Criminal Sin – Sion – Sinai – Zion – Jedi – Jude – Judas or Eloh or Allah, through his black magicians and Hebrew prophets/mediums ordered Hebrews to genocide all settlers of the Gaza strip, as children of Hellas.  They must eat the flesh and drink the blood of Hellenes until drunk from it, until the last one Palestinian Hellene Cretan colonist.  These orders are applied today by Hebrew criminals against humanity. 

In 1947-1948, 750,000 Palestinians – Cretans – Hellenes were expelled from Palestinian cities and villages.  Israel still refuses to allow their return or to compensate them for the land stolen.

G.H.REES calls the Hebrews of all countries, and especially the Hebrews of Europe – USA – and Russia, to force right now through military force against Israel, the direct pause of the blockade and of the genocide of Hellenes – Cretans – Palestinians of Palestine.  If they don’t act likewise, we will ask through our technological communications capabilities from the arrived in Saturn’s orbit, to force the same blockade and the same genocide against the Hebrews, Hebrew-Saxons - Anglo-Saxon Mongols and against the rest Mongols of Earth. 

The Crypto-Zionistic Judeo-Christian “Orthodox” Church of Greece, in its rituals in their Judeo-Christian temples, is yelling with the phrases: “Curse the Philistines – Palestinians” namely “Curse” the Cretan colonists - Hellenes of Palestine. 

 G.H.Rees demands from the crypto-Zionist Judeo-Christian “Orthodox” Church of Greece to show proven regret for its verbal crimes against Palestinian Hellenic Cretan settlers of Palestine.  The Greek “Orthodox” Church must alone and without other partners, staff ships and to load them with food, drugs, electric generators, and any other medical or other survival supplies.  In cooperation with the Palestinian Authorities in Athens, the Church must transfer the supplies under its responsibility, braking the blockade of Gaza whilst flying the double headed Eagle over the yellow flag on the ships’ masts.  If the combat fleet of Israel also blocks this mission to reach Gaza, then G.H.Rees demands that the Greek “Orthodox” Church declares a global protest and persecution against Israel, because finally the true holocaust is happening somewhere else from the position that the Hebrews are indicating i.e. in the alleged and non-existing genocide of Hebrews by the Third Reich.  G.H.Rees notes that the anti-Hellenic crypto-Zionist Judeo-Christians are yelling “Cursed the Palestinians Philistines, and Blessed the people of Israel” inside their Churches in the Greek temples. 


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Monday 31 May 2010

Masonic traitor Greek airforce generals (Ioannis Giangos A’Geetha and rest), army generals, admirals, and disgraceful Greek traitor pilots, trained inferior Israeli pilots in flying skills, in order to more efficiently kill unarmed Palestinians of Hellenic – Cretan origin.  This occurred during the illegal Israeli military invasion against Greek territories (Greek ships). 

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