Outer Planets
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 04 June 2016
Information was transmitted by Andromedian forces at the four outer planets, using “heavy, slow neutrino transmitters”. The signal was received by “heavy, slow neutrino receivers” of the “space search division” of G.H.Rees in the city of Patras, Greece. G.H.Rees also sent messages from its heavy neutrino (neutrino-naser) transmitters to Andromedian forces of the Galactic Government Astrofleet stationed in the vicinity of planet Saturn.
Since 2000 A.D., the combat division of the Andromedian Starfleet has arrived at the orbits of planet Saturn and has been negotiatingfor unconditional surrender of the Draconian forces of the moon that occupy the inner planets of our solar system. Following surrender of the moon and its escorting by Andromedian ships safely out of our solar system, the now shrinking orbits of the planets can be stabilised and reversed through use of “space engineering” to avoid ultimate impact with our sun. G.H.Rees asked for more details of the mission and negotiations but was turned down on account of confidentiality.
The space research division of G.H.Rees at Patras, Greece, informed Andromedian forces at planet Saturn that lunar Draconian forces allied with Cronian Andromedian traitors who betrayed the Galactic Government of Andromeda, have planned a fake “arrival of Andromedian forces” on planet earth. Mutinous Saturnian (Cronian) forces will pose as true Andromedians, so as to deceive the armed forces of “U.S.-Europe-Japan, 666” (“US.E.J”) and drag them to a world war against the armies of “Russia-Shiite Islam-China, 777, 888” (“R.I.C”, Korea is coded 777). These fake saturnian forces will also commit “war crimes” and “crimes against humanity” against the armies and populations of “R.I.C”, so that counterattacking “R.I.C” will ultimately genocide the unarmed civilians of “US.E.J”.
Andromedian forces at Saturn have informed G.H.Rees that saturnian traitors and other Andromedian mutineers will be allowed to perform “acts of expiation” and manage to survive in the constellation of Andromeda. However, the genocide of White race populations of “US.E.J” through execution of the evil plans of the lunar Draconian forces will “result in irrevocable death penalties and exclusion from any possible means of survival via “acts of expiation”. This Andromedian warning applies to ALL Draconian and Touranian governments and populations of the planet”.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 08 May 2010
The ships Selene and Lilith were forced to abandon the constellation of Arcturus because of the collapse and death of the sun in the Epsilon Bootes system. They searched for refuge in a new planetary system, for survival of populations rescued from the planets of E’ Bootes. After arrival in Earth's solar system, Selene and Lilith didn’t encounter unified forces of Galactic Government ships, but instead a situation of conflict between the leader of planet Saturn who overthrew Galactic representation of the Uranides from planet Uranus. The leader of planet Jupiter (Zeus) counterattacked Saturn in order to reconnect the present planetary system with the Central Galactic Authority. (Read Hesiod Theogony about the conflicts of the dynasties of Uranus against Saturn.)
In the space war intervention that followed, Metatron Yahweh of the moon enlisted forces defeated by Zeus of Saturn and -as considered natural- all Earthly Saturnian priesthoods. Zeus enlisted forces of the Uranides and corresponding Earthly priesthoods of Uranides. The situation that followed was chaotic...
The camp of Metatron contained
In the event that G.H.Rees receives a negative answer from you by the specified date, it will be presumed that you refuse to carry out the above order. Refusal will be included in the signal of 24/6/2016 to planet Saturn. It will also be noted in the signal that the Russian government “gives its consent and conspires with Draconian hyper-lodge “HONG” of China for the genocide of 2/3 of the planet’s population by the yellow Draconian races of China and Korea”.
Inconsistent Russian actions against Hellenes includes consenting to the setting up on Skopjian territory of the biggest U.S+NATO military base on the planet and inaction to pseudo-Macedonian Skopjians of Bulgarian-Slavic-Touranian descent receiving Bulgarian passports from the Bulgarian government. That is a military base of Russia's supposedly most hated enemy, which raises high suspicions of a Touranian Hebrew government collusion between the U.S and Russia, both aiming at waging WWIII. As for the rest of inconsistent Russian actions, G.H.Rees has already informed the Galactic Andromedian Government forces orbiting Saturn.
G.H.Rees has provided summaries of information transmitted by Andromedian forces in the four outer planets, via “heavy, slow neutrino transmitters” in the vicinity of planet Saturn. Transmissions were received by “heavy, slow neutrino receivers” of the “space search division” of G.H.Rees in the city of Patras, Greece.
Summaries provided by G.H.Rees falls into three categories
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 04 June 2016
Information was transmitted by Andromedian forces at the four outer planets, using “heavy, slow neutrino transmitters”. The signal was received by “heavy, slow neutrino receivers” of the “space search division” of G.H.Rees in the city of Patras, Greece. G.H.Rees also sent messages from its heavy neutrino (neutrino-naser) transmitters to Andromedian forces of the Galactic Government Astrofleet stationed in the vicinity of planet Saturn.
Since 2000 A.D., the combat division of the Andromedian Starfleet has arrived at the orbits of planet Saturn and has been negotiatingfor unconditional surrender of the Draconian forces of the moon that occupy the inner planets of our solar system. Following surrender of the moon and its escorting by Andromedian ships safely out of our solar system, the now shrinking orbits of the planets can be stabilised and reversed through use of “space engineering” to avoid ultimate impact with our sun. G.H.Rees asked for more details of the mission and negotiations but was turned down on account of confidentiality.
The space research division of G.H.Rees at Patras, Greece, informed Andromedian forces at planet Saturn that lunar Draconian forces allied with Cronian Andromedian traitors who betrayed the Galactic Government of Andromeda, have planned a fake “arrival of Andromedian forces” on planet earth. Mutinous Saturnian (Cronian) forces will pose as true Andromedians, so as to deceive the armed forces of “U.S.-Europe-Japan, 666” (“US.E.J”) and drag them to a world war against the armies of “Russia-Shiite Islam-China, 777, 888” (“R.I.C”, Korea is coded 777). These fake saturnian forces will also commit “war crimes” and “crimes against humanity” against the armies and populations of “R.I.C”, so that counterattacking “R.I.C” will ultimately genocide the unarmed civilians of “US.E.J”.
Andromedian forces at Saturn have informed G.H.Rees that saturnian traitors and other Andromedian mutineers will be allowed to perform “acts of expiation” and manage to survive in the constellation of Andromeda. However, the genocide of White race populations of “US.E.J” through execution of the evil plans of the lunar Draconian forces will “result in irrevocable death penalties and exclusion from any possible means of survival via “acts of expiation”. This Andromedian warning applies to ALL Draconian and Touranian governments and populations of the planet”.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 08 May 2010
The ships Selene and Lilith were forced to abandon the constellation of Arcturus because of the collapse and death of the sun in the Epsilon Bootes system. They searched for refuge in a new planetary system, for survival of populations rescued from the planets of E’ Bootes. After arrival in Earth's solar system, Selene and Lilith didn’t encounter unified forces of Galactic Government ships, but instead a situation of conflict between the leader of planet Saturn who overthrew Galactic representation of the Uranides from planet Uranus. The leader of planet Jupiter (Zeus) counterattacked Saturn in order to reconnect the present planetary system with the Central Galactic Authority. (Read Hesiod Theogony about the conflicts of the dynasties of Uranus against Saturn.)
In the space war intervention that followed, Metatron Yahweh of the moon enlisted forces defeated by Zeus of Saturn and -as considered natural- all Earthly Saturnian priesthoods. Zeus enlisted forces of the Uranides and corresponding Earthly priesthoods of Uranides. The situation that followed was chaotic...
The camp of Metatron contained
- overchthonian forces of Saturn, Selene, Lilith,
- chthonian forces of Selenians (moon), Lilithians (Lilith) and
- underchthonian forces of Cronians (Saturn) defeated by Zeus.
The opposing camp of Zeus contained
- overchthonian forces of planets Uranus and Jupiter,
- chthonian forces of Uranus, and
- underchthonian forces of Uranides defeated by Saturn.
- the inner cavity of Earth (through north and south polar holes),
- the outer planets Neptune (Poseidon), Pluto, Uranus, and outer orbital level of Saturn.
- raise a wider alarm by exiting the solar system.
There came a strategic need for overchthonian Cronians, Selenians, and Lilithians to pose to the hostage humans of Earth as overchthonian forces of planets Neptune (Poseidon), Pluto, and Uranus. Hence, forces of Zeus would be blamed for the crimes of hidden Draconians, as is revealed in the book of apocalypse in the Bible: “The Dragon that is dragging with his tail the third of the stars”, which are actually the 3 outer out of the 9 planets of our solar system.
Cinema movies have presented the Galactic Government to the global audience as an evil fascistic empire that attacks Earth, as in Star-Wars movie. Draconian Alliance ships of Selene and Saturn poseurs are to attack Earth if they are defeated. Then the Galactic Federation will find it impossible to disembark crews to Earth and make friends with Earthlings, since historically they have been labelled Fascist Devils of corruption, destruction (caused by Draconian weapon systems), and disinformation (via holographic transmitters).
The blame will be absolute against the Galactic Government through the Atlantian and Saturnian underchthonian Centaurian abnormity that will -with the order of Yahweh- soon climb to the surface of the planet (from within the Earth's crust) posing as Zeus and Apollo or Apollionos or Abaddon, as was mentioned in the scheme of the Apocalypse of our Holy scripture, chapter Theta, verse 11.
Cinema movies have presented the Galactic Government to the global audience as an evil fascistic empire that attacks Earth, as in Star-Wars movie. Draconian Alliance ships of Selene and Saturn poseurs are to attack Earth if they are defeated. Then the Galactic Federation will find it impossible to disembark crews to Earth and make friends with Earthlings, since historically they have been labelled Fascist Devils of corruption, destruction (caused by Draconian weapon systems), and disinformation (via holographic transmitters).
The blame will be absolute against the Galactic Government through the Atlantian and Saturnian underchthonian Centaurian abnormity that will -with the order of Yahweh- soon climb to the surface of the planet (from within the Earth's crust) posing as Zeus and Apollo or Apollionos or Abaddon, as was mentioned in the scheme of the Apocalypse of our Holy scripture, chapter Theta, verse 11.
Dear sirs of the Russian government:
On 24 June 2016, the “ space research” division of G.H.Rees based in Patras, Greece, will transmit a signal towards the Galactic Andromedian Government astrofleet orbiting Saturn. The signal will convey Earth's Governments reply to the Galactic Government’s command for “cancellation-annulment” of the lunar Draconian programmed WWIII between U.S.-Europe-Japan (666) and Russia-Siitic (Shiite) Islam-China (888). G.H.Rees must receive the Russian Government's reply by 18/6/2016, as to whether or not it will carry out the order-command.
On 24 June 2016, the “ space research” division of G.H.Rees based in Patras, Greece, will transmit a signal towards the Galactic Andromedian Government astrofleet orbiting Saturn. The signal will convey Earth's Governments reply to the Galactic Government’s command for “cancellation-annulment” of the lunar Draconian programmed WWIII between U.S.-Europe-Japan (666) and Russia-Siitic (Shiite) Islam-China (888). G.H.Rees must receive the Russian Government's reply by 18/6/2016, as to whether or not it will carry out the order-command.
In the event that G.H.Rees receives a negative answer from you by the specified date, it will be presumed that you refuse to carry out the above order. Refusal will be included in the signal of 24/6/2016 to planet Saturn. It will also be noted in the signal that the Russian government “gives its consent and conspires with Draconian hyper-lodge “HONG” of China for the genocide of 2/3 of the planet’s population by the yellow Draconian races of China and Korea”.
Inconsistent Russian actions against Hellenes includes consenting to the setting up on Skopjian territory of the biggest U.S+NATO military base on the planet and inaction to pseudo-Macedonian Skopjians of Bulgarian-Slavic-Touranian descent receiving Bulgarian passports from the Bulgarian government. That is a military base of Russia's supposedly most hated enemy, which raises high suspicions of a Touranian Hebrew government collusion between the U.S and Russia, both aiming at waging WWIII. As for the rest of inconsistent Russian actions, G.H.Rees has already informed the Galactic Andromedian Government forces orbiting Saturn.
G.H.Rees has provided summaries of information transmitted by Andromedian forces in the four outer planets, via “heavy, slow neutrino transmitters” in the vicinity of planet Saturn. Transmissions were received by “heavy, slow neutrino receivers” of the “space search division” of G.H.Rees in the city of Patras, Greece.
Summaries provided by G.H.Rees falls into three categories
- coming only from Andromedians in the vicinity of planet Saturn,
- providing a mix of information from
- G.H.Rees research and
- Andromedians of Saturn,
- information deriving only from G.H.Rees research .
Research information from G.H.Rees was transmitted via heavy
neutrino (neutrino-naser) transmitters to planet Saturn and received by forces of the Galactic Government Andromedian astrofleet. Bearing in mind G.H.Rees' research information, all governments of Earth are notified of an ultimatum.
Since 2000 A.D., the combat division of the Andromedian starfleet arrived at the orbits of planet Saturn has been negotiating with Draconian forces of the moon for their unconditional surrender from the inner planets of our solar system. Following the ultimate surrender of the moon and its escorting by Andromedian ships safely out of our solar system, the now shrinking orbits of the planets will begin to expand naturally. "Space engineering" will stabilise these orbits and reverse their current shrinkage toward our sun. G.H.Rees asked for more details of the mission and negotiations but was turned down on account of “confidentiality of negotiations”.
Since 2000 A.D., the combat division of the Andromedian starfleet arrived at the orbits of planet Saturn has been negotiating with Draconian forces of the moon for their unconditional surrender from the inner planets of our solar system. Following the ultimate surrender of the moon and its escorting by Andromedian ships safely out of our solar system, the now shrinking orbits of the planets will begin to expand naturally. "Space engineering" will stabilise these orbits and reverse their current shrinkage toward our sun. G.H.Rees asked for more details of the mission and negotiations but was turned down on account of “confidentiality of negotiations”.
The space research division of G.H.REES at Patras, Greece, informed Andromedian forces at planet Saturn that lunar Draconian forces and forces of Cronian Andromedian traitors of the Galactic Government of Andromeda had joined
forces. They have planned a fake “arrival
of Andromedian forces” on planet earth. The mutinous Cronians will pose
as loyal Andromedians supporting the armed forces of “U.S.E.J-666”, thereby dragging them into a world war against the armies of “R.I.C
-777-888”. These fake Saturnians will commit “crimes against humanity” and “war crimes” on “R.I.C” armies and populations, thereby provoking overwhelming counterattack by “R.I.C” that will
ultimately genocide the unarmed civilians of “US.E.J”.
Andromedian forces at Saturn informed G.H.Rees that: “Even the Saturnian traitors and other Andromedian mutineers will be allowed to
commit “acts of expiation”, if they so wish, and manage to survive not
in our solar system but rather in the constellation of Andromeda.
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