+/-OTO: Ordo Templis Orientis [positive] and Ordo Templis Occidentis [negative]
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 26 November 2009
The Temple of the Holy (OTO) is formed of seventy-two Masonic orders or rites-doctrines, only one of which is the Scottish rite obeyed by Greek Masonry. Twenty-four rites are led by each of the Semitic tribes of Hebrews, Arabs, and of the Turanian Mongols.
“Enmities” are developed within these three groups, so that the strategic and geopolitical “demands the god Sin” can be met. For example, the Germany-Japan “axis” of World War II was created with the cooperation of O.T.O. Bavaria and O.T.O. Japan, in association of Turanian Mongols Ming-Khan of Bavaria and Turanian Mongols Ming-Khan of Japan, Tibet, Manchuria. A.O.A. ordered those Turanian O.T.O.'s to turn against the O.T.O. under Israeli command, namely O.T.O. of Great Britain-U.S.A. and the Arabic O.T.O. with Egypt as centre.
The pseudo-enmities between A.O.A. and the leaderships of O.T.O. unfortunately functioned as true-enmities between lower degree members of O.T.O. and all members of the “non-Semitic goyim assembly” of M.T.M., namely of Memphis Templis Misraim. Hellen and Chaos provides analysis of M.T.M. activity, but here adds only that the Scottish O.T.O. under Israeli command “born and rose and commanded” the lodges “Thoule”, “Golden Dawn”, “Illuminati of Bavaria”, “Anehnerbe”, “Edelweiss”, to create the myth of Atlantean Aryans and the ideological structure of Nazism and Fascism.
Turkey’s Ikonia originating Hebrew-Mongol, Kara-ali / Kara-aman-ali / Karamanlis is called by the Kahal of Archrabbinia as “Brother Amanael” meaning … all Hellenes, lets glorify Jehovah and his servant Mohammad, amen.
…(Brother) Amanael is also a member of the covert Masonic hierarchy and is directly accountable to the deputy Arch-rabbi of Athens. After their nomination, members of the covert Masonic leadership in Greece are automatically considered to be the ambassadors of U.S.A., U.S.S.R., and Great Britain, who are at the same time arch-rabbis and members of O.T.O..
The Ambassador of U.S.S.R., Igor Andropov, is called “Levites Priest Lieberman” by the Kahal of Athens. This was discovered through recordings by G.H.Rees, of Archrabbinia “reception psalmodies”.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 28 May 2015
Sporadic aerial bombardment by the U.S. air force against Jihadi sounitic targets , are not aimed at their destruction, but rather the strengthening of their fanaticism so that they are more determined to take Baghdad and establish their ‘’Semitic Chalifate’’. Then, jihad or ‘’Holy War’’ will be declared against
Apparently, no Islamic ‘’sunni’’ state will take part in WWIII, such as ‘’ISIS’’ jihadists, Saudi Arabia, Turkey (Chanafite school of ‘’sunni’’ islam), and others, since they will already have dissolved. However, to justify the destruction of ‘’sunni’’ Islamic states via
The sunni state of the jihadists of ‘’ISIL’’ is nearing completion of its crimes through the upcoming ‘’ Baghdad massacre’’. After the armies of BASTR have invaded and genocided half of Greece, as masterplanned by the American Pentagon and ordered by the ‘’NSA’’, it has been programmed by ‘’Hong’’, ‘’AOA’’, ‘’OTO’’, and the ‘’NSA’’ that sunni Turkey will have completed its crimes.
Following the crimes of ISIL-Turkey-Saudi Arabia-Qatar-etc, ‘’Hong’’, ‘’AOA’’, ‘’OTO’’ of London, ‘’NSA’’ of USA, China, the Hebrew government of Moscow and the pseudo Hebrew governments of shiite Islamic states (Iran etc.), will militarily assault all
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 20 November 2010
4. You will abort definitively and irrevocably "Hong's" collusively planned military attack by "NATO" against "R.I.C." and the genociding military counter-attack by "R.I.C." against the white nations of India-Europe-"U.S.A.". The third world war or "Armageddon" was planned by hyper-lodge "Hong" of China and "A.O.A." and "O.T.O." of London.
5. You will abort definitively and irrevocably the break-up of the Greek state into small states that would either remain independent or be annexed to neighbouring countries. This was planned by "Hong" of China, "A.O.A." and "O.T.O." of London, through the traitorous Greek electoral bill "Kallikratis".
White Hellenes arrived on Earth from the constellation of Andromeda through Sirius, intending to impart knowledge of ecological science to the native Sirian Black race. Some peoples have folk traditions and ancient written history about this, namely the Hindu, Greeks, Dogon of Africa, and remaining White Atlantean "Berbers". These peoples are to be deceptively grouped under the Andromedian two end-for-end "Epsilon" symbol, as ordered by the supreme planetary Masonic hyperlodge, "Hong" of China, through the Mongolian "Zen" hyper-lodge of Tibet, to Western Hebrew-Saxonic Mongolian Masonic hyperlodges, "A.O.A." and "O.T.O." of London.
The anthropological consonance between White "Berbers" of Africa and "Guanche" of the Canary Islands with Atlanteans of Atlantis is deviously and totally silenced by a Sinic, Chinese and Zionist system of pseudo-science. This system is developed, taught and used by "Hong" and Hebrew-Saxon Mongolian "A.O.A." and "O.T.O." of London.
If "Hong" of China and the inferior "A.O.A." and "O.T.O." of London let the truth be known about the origins of the "Berbers" of northwestern Africa and of the "Guanche" of the Canary islands, it would be catastrophic for the genocidal scheme of "Hong", China i.e. the murder of five billion people of White, Black, White-Yellow, and Black-Yellow races by "B.A.S.T.R.", "R.I.C.", "C.J.T.H.S.M." and "C.K." at the third world war, "Armageddon". Hence, the ethnological and anthropological fraud is to be maintained.
If the origins of the White "Berbers" of Africa, White "Guanche" of the Canary Islands, and history of the sunken Atlantis was disclosed, other truths would follow. For example,
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 06 November 2011
Visible lodges behind the National (Ethnic - Gentile) “M.T.M.” (Memphis Templis Misraim –negative- & Moses Templis Melhisedec –positive-) are the “Illuminati”. They protect the anonymity of “A.O.A.” and “O.T.O.” memberships (Ordo Templis Occidentis –negative- & Ordo Templis Orientis –positive-). Meanwhile, Chinese-Hebrew “Mass Media” publishing houses “Esoptron – Kedros” are publishing false and devious articles in “Third Eye” and “Nexus” magazines about alleged world war between Chinese secret societies and the "Illuminati", which serve to deny previous documents of G.H.Rees proving that
Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 27 December 2011
Greek-Americans who are indignant at the treason of the Hebrew-Saxonic American government have evidence at hand proving that the Chinese hyper-lodge ‘Hong’ through the masonic hyperlodge ‘AOA’/‘Adeptis Ordo Atlantis’ in London and ‘OTO’/‘Ordo Templis Occidentis’ in London, manipulates the American-Hebrew government and the American-Saxonic government through the Hebrew lodge of the ‘Great Oak’ in New York.
The aforementioned evidence was provided on the website ‘Ellhn kai chaos’ (‘Hellene and Chaos’) proving that the Chinese government nowadays gives orders to Western hyper-lodges ‘AOA’ and ‘OTO’ in London as well as to the American government. The American government is wrongly considered ‘ruler of our planet’, since it is in a state of decomposition, planned masterfully and treasonously by Hebrews and Saxons of the American government who intend to render the Chinese government ‘ruler of our planet’. Hebrews of the USA, the Rockefeller owners of the American central Federal Reserve Bank, have sold all American public debt to the central Bank of China.
Transmission of G.H.Rees message to the Hellenegeneous member of the Russian Duma/Parliament, Mr Ivam Savvidis:
…the common plan between Chinese hyperlodge ‘Hong’ and Western hyper-lodges ‘AOA’ and ‘OTO’ in London as well as the Hebrew hyperlodge of the ‘Great Oak’ in New York, which manipulates [white noise on the line] the Hebrew and the Saxon politicians of the American government and also the Hebrew and the Saxon military generals… [white noise on the line, and the line is cut off]...
The existing evidence, which are provided by Greek-Americans working for the American secret intelligent services, already prove that the Chinese hyperlodge ‘Hong’ (though the supreme western Masonic hyperlodges ‘AOA’ and ‘OTO’ in London… [the line is cut off continuously] …as well as through the lodge of the ‘Great Oak’ in New York) gives orders to the Hebrews and the Saxons of the American government and to the Hebrews and the Saxons of the European governments. The purpose is to orchestrate a weak attack of the NATO army against the Pact of Shanghai armies consisting of the armies of Russia and China and Islamic countries, in order to provoke the strong counter-attack of the Pact of Shanghai armies and the invasion of the Chinese army in every country of the planet. By doing so, China aims at ensuring its national and ethnic supremacy over the state and personal assets of all the countries of the planet, with the excuse that this way it will be receiving back all the revenues of the monetary loans which it gave to the USA and to the governments of the European countries as American state bonds and as European state bonds respectively.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 15 March 2012
Disgraceful treasonous actions of hypocritical Hebrew-Americans (A.O.A. + O.T.O. + N.S.A.): Not only is the American Government accused of pedaling drugs to its own people, but...
The barefaced Americans have the nerve to criticise drugs trafficking by Iran. In 2001, under pretext of the NSA-staged terrorism of 9/11, the "USA" went into Afghanistan intending to restart the heroin and opium trade that had stopped temporarily. For their own reasons, the leadership of the Islamic Taliban had cut two-thirds of opium production from the notorious poppy fields of Afghanistan, which feeds many Afghan people.
Upon occupation of Afghanistan, the Americans quickly restored drug production from the poppy fields. Moreover, they safe-guarded them with their army and appointed a puppet governor of Afghanistan from Unocal; a multinational energy company with whom the Taliban had previously destroyed a deal to pass a natural gas pipeline through Afghanistan.
Governmental drug running is nothing new to America... During the Vietnam war, the CIA conducted broad drugs trafficking by using a network of pilots under the name “Air America”. They built a huge air base in the middle of the jungle with secret black budget funding and used cargo planes to carry drugs (opium, etc) for creating paramilitary groups of local warlords destined to fight for the interests of the Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency. America's long-term purpose in Vietnam was not necessarily to win the war against very tough Mongolian warriors, Vietcong, but was for “Wall Street: Business as usual” and continuation of the general provocation of the West towards the East (known as "drag nach osten").
War crimes would be prefabricated against Asians, in order to drop great blame upon White and Black nations and enflaming a more rabid counter-assault against the West! In Vietnam, such provocation was not caused by betrayed White and Black citizens of the West. Instead, it was commanded by Hong and engineered behind the scenes by Hebrew-Saxonic and therefore Mongolian masonic-hyperlodges O.T.O. and A.O.A. London. With the NSA acting as a deputy of O.T.O. in the USA, they command America, in collusion with “Kings of the Jews” arch-rabbis Baruch of New York.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 07 August 2011
Even the shadowy (supposedly) pluripotential hyper-organisation “NSA” (National Security Agency) is very low down in the masonic hierarchy. Such groups etc are just facets to hide the real mighty Draconian superintendents, being just an aggregation of willful slaves for forwarding and executing Hong's directives. Giannis Karageorgiou of G.H.Rees confirms this, stating that the Bilderberg group is a mere instrument, very low down in the Draconian hierarchy. Final decisions come from ''Hong'' via Zen of Tibet-India for processing in London's A.O.A and then O.T.O. until they reach the lower groups in the hierarchy of Western Hebrew-masonry.
Have a look at the outline of the Draconian hierarchy, as provided by G.H.Rees. See how low down the NSA is – the so-called Hyper Inaccessible Shadow NSA, classified as Top Secret Umbra, as Giannis Karageorgiou previously revealed.
Here is an extract concerning Ordo Templis Orientis (OTO), from Verner Gerson's book "Nazism: Secret Society":
"And, regarding the occult second-level OTO - Ordo Templis Orientis (seconded only to the Hebrew-Masonic third-level superintendent of the west, London's AOA - Adeptis Ordo Atlantis), we have to make the following revealing points:
OTO, as pretty much all organisations of this kind, is divided into two ''circles''...
an outer or ''preparatory'' one, and
an inner or ''leading'' one.
We have in our hands the articles of association of the former of the two circles. Based on symbols of astrological houses, it seems totally harmless and innocent at first sight.
But it becomes less so, once we consider that the instruction and the ''initiation'', which were strictly personal, confidential and oral, were based on a sexual practice which was ''implemented'' collectively.
But let us see some of the more important provisions in the articles of assiociation. We should, of course, make sense between the lines, in order to understand the real meaning, especially as regards the
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 26 November 2009
The Temple of the Holy (OTO) is formed of seventy-two Masonic orders or rites-doctrines, only one of which is the Scottish rite obeyed by Greek Masonry. Twenty-four rites are led by each of the Semitic tribes of Hebrews, Arabs, and of the Turanian Mongols.
“Enmities” are developed within these three groups, so that the strategic and geopolitical “demands the god Sin” can be met. For example, the Germany-Japan “axis” of World War II was created with the cooperation of O.T.O. Bavaria and O.T.O. Japan, in association of Turanian Mongols Ming-Khan of Bavaria and Turanian Mongols Ming-Khan of Japan, Tibet, Manchuria. A.O.A. ordered those Turanian O.T.O.'s to turn against the O.T.O. under Israeli command, namely O.T.O. of Great Britain-U.S.A. and the Arabic O.T.O. with Egypt as centre.
The pseudo-enmities between A.O.A. and the leaderships of O.T.O. unfortunately functioned as true-enmities between lower degree members of O.T.O. and all members of the “non-Semitic goyim assembly” of M.T.M., namely of Memphis Templis Misraim. Hellen and Chaos provides analysis of M.T.M. activity, but here adds only that the Scottish O.T.O. under Israeli command “born and rose and commanded” the lodges “Thoule”, “Golden Dawn”, “Illuminati of Bavaria”, “Anehnerbe”, “Edelweiss”, to create the myth of Atlantean Aryans and the ideological structure of Nazism and Fascism.
Turkey’s Ikonia originating Hebrew-Mongol, Kara-ali / Kara-aman-ali / Karamanlis is called by the Kahal of Archrabbinia as “Brother Amanael” meaning … all Hellenes, lets glorify Jehovah and his servant Mohammad, amen.
…(Brother) Amanael is also a member of the covert Masonic hierarchy and is directly accountable to the deputy Arch-rabbi of Athens. After their nomination, members of the covert Masonic leadership in Greece are automatically considered to be the ambassadors of U.S.A., U.S.S.R., and Great Britain, who are at the same time arch-rabbis and members of O.T.O..
The Ambassador of U.S.S.R., Igor Andropov, is called “Levites Priest Lieberman” by the Kahal of Athens. This was discovered through recordings by G.H.Rees, of Archrabbinia “reception psalmodies”.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 28 May 2015
Sporadic aerial bombardment by the U.S. air force against Jihadi sounitic targets , are not aimed at their destruction, but rather the strengthening of their fanaticism so that they are more determined to take Baghdad and establish their ‘’Semitic Chalifate’’. Then, jihad or ‘’Holy War’’ will be declared against
- ‘’Christian crusaders’’, i.e USA+NATO Europe,
- ‘’shiite’’ islamists, that is pseudo Hebrews,
- governments of Iran-Iraq-Pakistan, and
- ‘’shiites’’ of the non-Hebrew government of Syrian President Assad (despite the fact that 80% of Syrians are ‘’sunni’’).
- Jewish Saxon rabbis and English lords (Adeptis Ordo Atlantis),
- Hebrew-Saxon university lecturers of USA and England, all members of Hebrew Saxon masonic lodges of ‘’AOA’’ and ‘’OTO’’ of London, and
- ‘’NSA’’ hyper-government of the USA,
Apparently, no Islamic ‘’sunni’’ state will take part in WWIII, such as ‘’ISIS’’ jihadists, Saudi Arabia, Turkey (Chanafite school of ‘’sunni’’ islam), and others, since they will already have dissolved. However, to justify the destruction of ‘’sunni’’ Islamic states via
- military counterattack of ‘’shiite’’ governments and states and
- attack of non-Islamic forces (i.e USA and others),
The sunni state of the jihadists of ‘’ISIL’’ is nearing completion of its crimes through the upcoming ‘’ Baghdad massacre’’. After the armies of BASTR have invaded and genocided half of Greece, as masterplanned by the American Pentagon and ordered by the ‘’NSA’’, it has been programmed by ‘’Hong’’, ‘’AOA’’, ‘’OTO’’, and the ‘’NSA’’ that sunni Turkey will have completed its crimes.
Following the crimes of ISIL-Turkey-Saudi Arabia-Qatar-etc, ‘’Hong’’, ‘’AOA’’, ‘’OTO’’ of London, ‘’NSA’’ of USA, China, the Hebrew government of Moscow and the pseudo Hebrew governments of shiite Islamic states (Iran etc.), will militarily assault all
- non-sunni Islamic states,
- sunni states (Turkey–ISIL-Saudi Arabia-Qatar), and
- national sunni Arab regimes,
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 20 November 2010
4. You will abort definitively and irrevocably "Hong's" collusively planned military attack by "NATO" against "R.I.C." and the genociding military counter-attack by "R.I.C." against the white nations of India-Europe-"U.S.A.". The third world war or "Armageddon" was planned by hyper-lodge "Hong" of China and "A.O.A." and "O.T.O." of London.
5. You will abort definitively and irrevocably the break-up of the Greek state into small states that would either remain independent or be annexed to neighbouring countries. This was planned by "Hong" of China, "A.O.A." and "O.T.O." of London, through the traitorous Greek electoral bill "Kallikratis".
White Hellenes arrived on Earth from the constellation of Andromeda through Sirius, intending to impart knowledge of ecological science to the native Sirian Black race. Some peoples have folk traditions and ancient written history about this, namely the Hindu, Greeks, Dogon of Africa, and remaining White Atlantean "Berbers". These peoples are to be deceptively grouped under the Andromedian two end-for-end "Epsilon" symbol, as ordered by the supreme planetary Masonic hyperlodge, "Hong" of China, through the Mongolian "Zen" hyper-lodge of Tibet, to Western Hebrew-Saxonic Mongolian Masonic hyperlodges, "A.O.A." and "O.T.O." of London.
The anthropological consonance between White "Berbers" of Africa and "Guanche" of the Canary Islands with Atlanteans of Atlantis is deviously and totally silenced by a Sinic, Chinese and Zionist system of pseudo-science. This system is developed, taught and used by "Hong" and Hebrew-Saxon Mongolian "A.O.A." and "O.T.O." of London.
If "Hong" of China and the inferior "A.O.A." and "O.T.O." of London let the truth be known about the origins of the "Berbers" of northwestern Africa and of the "Guanche" of the Canary islands, it would be catastrophic for the genocidal scheme of "Hong", China i.e. the murder of five billion people of White, Black, White-Yellow, and Black-Yellow races by "B.A.S.T.R.", "R.I.C.", "C.J.T.H.S.M." and "C.K." at the third world war, "Armageddon". Hence, the ethnological and anthropological fraud is to be maintained.
If the origins of the White "Berbers" of Africa, White "Guanche" of the Canary Islands, and history of the sunken Atlantis was disclosed, other truths would follow. For example,
- the international philosophy (of the ass/anus) and theosophy (of the ass/anus) practiced in Masonic lodges of the planet.
- leaders of the negative ▼ Nazi part of "Ordo Adeptis Atlantis" and "Xrysh Aygh" (Golden Dawn) of London would be exposed as pseudo-White Atlanteans; White-Yellow Mongolian Hebrew Magicians and Saxon Lords pretending to be White Atlanteans like the "Berbers".
- all White and Black nations and states,
- idiotic, suicidal Hebrew-Saxon Mongol leaders of "A.O.A." and "O.T.O." of London,
- Mongolian Hebrew rabbis, and
- national Masonries of all states.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 06 November 2011
Visible lodges behind the National (Ethnic - Gentile) “M.T.M.” (Memphis Templis Misraim –negative- & Moses Templis Melhisedec –positive-) are the “Illuminati”. They protect the anonymity of “A.O.A.” and “O.T.O.” memberships (Ordo Templis Occidentis –negative- & Ordo Templis Orientis –positive-). Meanwhile, Chinese-Hebrew “Mass Media” publishing houses “Esoptron – Kedros” are publishing false and devious articles in “Third Eye” and “Nexus” magazines about alleged world war between Chinese secret societies and the "Illuminati", which serve to deny previous documents of G.H.Rees proving that
- “+/-A.O.A.” and “+/-O.T.O” of London command all arch-rabbineia (synagogues) and Masonic National (Gentile) “+/-M.T.M.” of the West, not the Illuminati.
- hyper-lodges of the Western “A.O.A.”, “O.T.O”, and
their subordinate “Illuminati” lodges are colluding in a fake clash with hyper-lodge “Hong” of China (http://hellenandchaos.
blogspot.com/2011/10/highest- draconian-masonic-hyper-lodge. html), with purpose to provoke a military assault by USA-Europe-Japan and Tibet-India-Mongolia under typical fake (virtual) Greek command against Russia-Islam-China, which will then counterattack and genocide White people of USA-Europe-India and the Black race, enabling founding of the “Kingdom of Jehowah Sin/Sion/Sina (China).
Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 27 December 2011
Greek-Americans who are indignant at the treason of the Hebrew-Saxonic American government have evidence at hand proving that the Chinese hyper-lodge ‘Hong’ through the masonic hyperlodge ‘AOA’/‘Adeptis Ordo Atlantis’ in London and ‘OTO’/‘Ordo Templis Occidentis’ in London, manipulates the American-Hebrew government and the American-Saxonic government through the Hebrew lodge of the ‘Great Oak’ in New York.
The aforementioned evidence was provided on the website ‘Ellhn kai chaos’ (‘Hellene and Chaos’) proving that the Chinese government nowadays gives orders to Western hyper-lodges ‘AOA’ and ‘OTO’ in London as well as to the American government. The American government is wrongly considered ‘ruler of our planet’, since it is in a state of decomposition, planned masterfully and treasonously by Hebrews and Saxons of the American government who intend to render the Chinese government ‘ruler of our planet’. Hebrews of the USA, the Rockefeller owners of the American central Federal Reserve Bank, have sold all American public debt to the central Bank of China.
Transmission of G.H.Rees message to the Hellenegeneous member of the Russian Duma/Parliament, Mr Ivam Savvidis:
…the common plan between Chinese hyperlodge ‘Hong’ and Western hyper-lodges ‘AOA’ and ‘OTO’ in London as well as the Hebrew hyperlodge of the ‘Great Oak’ in New York, which manipulates [white noise on the line] the Hebrew and the Saxon politicians of the American government and also the Hebrew and the Saxon military generals… [white noise on the line, and the line is cut off]...
The existing evidence, which are provided by Greek-Americans working for the American secret intelligent services, already prove that the Chinese hyperlodge ‘Hong’ (though the supreme western Masonic hyperlodges ‘AOA’ and ‘OTO’ in London… [the line is cut off continuously] …as well as through the lodge of the ‘Great Oak’ in New York) gives orders to the Hebrews and the Saxons of the American government and to the Hebrews and the Saxons of the European governments. The purpose is to orchestrate a weak attack of the NATO army against the Pact of Shanghai armies consisting of the armies of Russia and China and Islamic countries, in order to provoke the strong counter-attack of the Pact of Shanghai armies and the invasion of the Chinese army in every country of the planet. By doing so, China aims at ensuring its national and ethnic supremacy over the state and personal assets of all the countries of the planet, with the excuse that this way it will be receiving back all the revenues of the monetary loans which it gave to the USA and to the governments of the European countries as American state bonds and as European state bonds respectively.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 15 March 2012
Disgraceful treasonous actions of hypocritical Hebrew-Americans (A.O.A. + O.T.O. + N.S.A.): Not only is the American Government accused of pedaling drugs to its own people, but...
The barefaced Americans have the nerve to criticise drugs trafficking by Iran. In 2001, under pretext of the NSA-staged terrorism of 9/11, the "USA" went into Afghanistan intending to restart the heroin and opium trade that had stopped temporarily. For their own reasons, the leadership of the Islamic Taliban had cut two-thirds of opium production from the notorious poppy fields of Afghanistan, which feeds many Afghan people.
Upon occupation of Afghanistan, the Americans quickly restored drug production from the poppy fields. Moreover, they safe-guarded them with their army and appointed a puppet governor of Afghanistan from Unocal; a multinational energy company with whom the Taliban had previously destroyed a deal to pass a natural gas pipeline through Afghanistan.
Governmental drug running is nothing new to America... During the Vietnam war, the CIA conducted broad drugs trafficking by using a network of pilots under the name “Air America”. They built a huge air base in the middle of the jungle with secret black budget funding and used cargo planes to carry drugs (opium, etc) for creating paramilitary groups of local warlords destined to fight for the interests of the Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency. America's long-term purpose in Vietnam was not necessarily to win the war against very tough Mongolian warriors, Vietcong, but was for “Wall Street: Business as usual” and continuation of the general provocation of the West towards the East (known as "drag nach osten").
War crimes would be prefabricated against Asians, in order to drop great blame upon White and Black nations and enflaming a more rabid counter-assault against the West! In Vietnam, such provocation was not caused by betrayed White and Black citizens of the West. Instead, it was commanded by Hong and engineered behind the scenes by Hebrew-Saxonic and therefore Mongolian masonic-hyperlodges O.T.O. and A.O.A. London. With the NSA acting as a deputy of O.T.O. in the USA, they command America, in collusion with “Kings of the Jews” arch-rabbis Baruch of New York.
From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 07 August 2011
Even the shadowy (supposedly) pluripotential hyper-organisation “NSA” (National Security Agency) is very low down in the masonic hierarchy. Such groups etc are just facets to hide the real mighty Draconian superintendents, being just an aggregation of willful slaves for forwarding and executing Hong's directives. Giannis Karageorgiou of G.H.Rees confirms this, stating that the Bilderberg group is a mere instrument, very low down in the Draconian hierarchy. Final decisions come from ''Hong'' via Zen of Tibet-India for processing in London's A.O.A and then O.T.O. until they reach the lower groups in the hierarchy of Western Hebrew-masonry.
Have a look at the outline of the Draconian hierarchy, as provided by G.H.Rees. See how low down the NSA is – the so-called Hyper Inaccessible Shadow NSA, classified as Top Secret Umbra, as Giannis Karageorgiou previously revealed.
Here is an extract concerning Ordo Templis Orientis (OTO), from Verner Gerson's book "Nazism: Secret Society":
"And, regarding the occult second-level OTO - Ordo Templis Orientis (seconded only to the Hebrew-Masonic third-level superintendent of the west, London's AOA - Adeptis Ordo Atlantis), we have to make the following revealing points:
OTO, as pretty much all organisations of this kind, is divided into two ''circles''...
an outer or ''preparatory'' one, and
an inner or ''leading'' one.
We have in our hands the articles of association of the former of the two circles. Based on symbols of astrological houses, it seems totally harmless and innocent at first sight.
But it becomes less so, once we consider that the instruction and the ''initiation'', which were strictly personal, confidential and oral, were based on a sexual practice which was ''implemented'' collectively.
But let us see some of the more important provisions in the articles of assiociation. We should, of course, make sense between the lines, in order to understand the real meaning, especially as regards the
- ''members'',
- ''servants'', and
- ''children''.
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