Friday, 19 August 2016

Palaiologos Dragazis

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 19 September 2010

Chaos that will be created in Athens from the descent of expelled and butchered Greeks by the invasion of the armies of the “B.A.S.T.R.” axis (Bulgaria – Albania – Skopje – Turkey – Romania) in Northern – Western – Central – and Insular Greece.  The Government of the political party “La.O.S.” (cryptozionist right wing theosophical party, People’s Orthodox Alert of Karatzaferis, Glucksburg and Palaiologos Dragazis) will take over the government of the Third World War, “New Byzantine Empire” from Greece.

Greek People are informed that all “Epsilon” members have bought survival houses around Mystras – Peloponnese and buildings destined to be Government buildings of “La.O.S.” in Mystras (“Restored Palaces – Courts”), one of whom is the theosophist Panagiotis Toulatos leader of Christiano-Dodecatheism cult.  The first assaults of the Turkish Army will be received by Northern Greece namely Southern Hellenic Epirus, Macedonia, (the Islands of the Aegean) and Western Thrace.  “B.A.S.T.R.” army assaults in those regions must normally be preceded by tests and the modernisations of the invasion alert Sirens System of Greece, but this is done only in Peloponnese, which will never be assaulted by “B.A.S.T.R.”.  Assault by Greek forces into Peloponnese to eliminate the Karatzaferis Government is possible and will be notified through G.H.Rees documents.  G.H.Rees speaks here about a Greek Army that may rebel against the Government of Karatzaferis of “La.O.S.”, Paul Glucksburg, and pseudo-Palaiologos pseudo-Dragazis Yohann Christiansen Holstein Glucksburg.  Greek Forces will attack, not against the population of Peloponnese, but against the treasonous Government of the Turk-Albanian agent provocateur Kara-Zafferi in order to foil the second step of the total destruction of Greece.  Through transfer of the Greek Government to Constantinople, further treasonous actions will be performed under the name "Empire 666 of Constantinople", including provocative assault against the “R.I.C.” axis (Russia – Islam – China) in which the counter-attack by “R.I.C.” will result in complete genocide of the West - first victims worldwide Hellenism. 

Regarding security and protection of the Karatzaferis-Glucksburg-Palaiologos Dragazis Government in Mystras – Peloponnese, the Hebrew-Saxon and Turk-Albanian gang dedicated to complete destruction of Greece...  An extremely valuable Mechanized Infantry Brigade, incorporating heavy “Leopard” battle tanks and the minimum armored “M-113” dwarfed “APCs” (Armored Personnel Carriers), has been retired from Evros by the Hebrew Mason traitor politicians of Athens and transferred to Tripoli – Peloponnese to be coordinated with the pre-existing Brigade of Tripoli.  The matter of this treason was commented upon by the journalist Konstantinides from his TV-Station broadcast of “Astra” in Volos.  He asked his public: “If someone knows if there is a chance of Peloponnese to receive and assault of Turkish – Bulgarian – Albanian or any other Army?”  His question was rhetorical and ironic because no one is about to attack against Peloponnese (Southern Greece), certainly not one from the armies of the “B.A.S.T.R.” axis.

G.H.Rees notifies the General who commands the Division of Tripoli, its two Brigadiers, and the rest officers and soldiers of the 5th Division Tripoli to assault, wipe-out and bring down the Governmental Palaces built for the treasonous Government of Athens in Mystras.  The Palaces must not entertain the treasonous coup d’etat Karatzaferis' Government of “La.O.S.”, Glucksburg, and Palaiologos Dragazis, to which the traitor Hebrew Democracy President, Ioannina Karolos was programmed to deliver the baton of Governance from “PASOK” with the bluff title “Government of National Salvation”.  In case the 5th Division in Tripoli does not act as requested
  • Mystras of Peloponnese will be the first focus of high-treason against Hellenes,
  • total genocide of Hellenes through the transfer of the entire Karatzaferis Government from Mystras to Constantinople against the “R.I.C.” axis (Russia – Islam – China), and 
  • complete genocide of Worldwide Hellenism by “R.I.C.” counter-attack. 
G.H.Rees pleads with all the officers and the soldiers of the 5th Division Tripoli to assault with all means available to bring down the buildings and the pseudo-Parliaments of the coup d’etat Government of Karatzaferis of “La.O.S.”, of Glucksburg, and of pseudo-Palaiologos pseudo-Dragazi Yohann Christiansen Holstein Glucksburg; they are all Hebrew-Saxon and Turk-Albanian enemies of Greece.  If you don’t bring down those Governmental Buildings of “La.O.S.”, then this coup d’etat Government will be transferred to Constantinople after the hypocritical political turn of “NATO” in favor of Greece and allegedly against “B.A.S.T.R”.   As a typical leader of “NATO” armies, this Government of “Epsilon” » )+( ▼ 666 of “La.O.S.” from Constantinople will attack “R.I.C.”, resulting in complete destruction of White nations of the West - beginning with Worldwide Hellenism.

G.H.Rees also calls the Greek Army, the men of the three weapons of the Greek armed Forces, to display total disobedience to orders calling them to depart to Asiatic deserts under the pretext of “Peace Keeping Forces” or under any other pretext or any other excuse on behalf of “NATO”.  The Greek army must totally disobey the forthcoming coup d’etat Government of “La.O.S.”, which will order them to depart to Asia as offensive “NATO” forces against the “R.I.C.” axis.  Traitor Hebrew-Saxons
  • Paul Hostein Glucksburg [destined to become Arch-General of “EMPIRE – 666” Constantinople], 
  • pseudo-Palaiologos pseudo-Dragazis Christiansen Holstein Glucksburg [destined as “Emperor” of this “EMPIRE”], and 
  • Turk-Albanian traitor agent-provocateur Kara-Zafferi of “La.O.S.” 
will send the Greek army to be butchered by the counter-attacking armies of “R.I.C.” in the Asiatic deserts of Siberia, Mongolia, and China. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 28 August 2015

There is temporary agreement between Russia and “NATO” for delivery of Constantinople (Istanbul) under Greek command.  Neo-Greeks are to accept as their Emperor and incarnated “New Christ 666”, the “King Ioannis” (pseudo - Palaiologos Dragazis) Hebrew-Mongol Draconian agent provocateur of the Danish Court (Dan-Mark) (or alternatively “Ioannis Batatzis” of Moscow's Russian-Hebrews, a recent proposal in the "Epsilon Group" Newspaper "Eleftheri Ora").  

Anestis Keramidas (neo-Nazi theoretician of La.O.S. – Golden Dawn) of the masonic-controlled theosophical “Epsilon Group” promotes “pseudo – Palaiologos Dragazis” by presenting a leaflet picture of the new “Constantinople Emperor” or “New Christ 666” or the Anti-Christ (old video):

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Wednesday 17 October 2012

After genocide of half the Greeks, the American Pentagon, under the orders of “AOA” London, is about to change policy by 180 degrees.  It will order the American Army and “NATO” to assault against the armies of “B.A.S.T./R.” and completely annihilating the corresponding countries, especially Turkey.  The Greek “Government of National Emergency” will become dominant over the countries of “B.A.S.T.R.” and especially Constantinople, being of
  • “Golden Dawn”, 
  • “La.O.S.” and 
  • “Epsilon 666” based in Mystras of Peloponnese under the
    • Denmark (Dan-Mark) Hebrew-Saxon pseudo-Palaiologos pseudo-Dragazis as Emperor, 
    • Hebrew-Saxon Paul Glucksburg Holstein – Dan-Mark as chief-general and 
    • Michaloliakos or the Turk-Albanian – mongol Karatzaferis Kara-Zafferi as prime-minister).
According the above mentioned schemes of the Hebrew-Saxonic “AOA” London under command of the Chinese “Hong”, Constantinople is planned to become capital of 
  • “Empire 666 Christiano-Dodecatheism” of the 
  • “Neo-Greek Byzantium” of the 
  • “New Aquarius World Order 666” of the 
  • “New Christ 666” Palaiologos Dragazis. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 15 April 2010

Dragonian spirits of the moon” are planned to appear in the Earth’s atmosphere.  This demonstration of laser holography in close proximity space is aimed at convincing the stupid Earthly population that allegedly heavenly Anti-Christ demons 666 and heavenly Anti-Christ or Stellar = 666 and their ships, are materializing.  If successful, this will reinforce the status of the Hellene Anti-Christ 666 Palaiologos Dragazis Emperor of the “Neo-Byzantine Empire 666” of “La.O.S.” with its capital in Constantinople, helping to legitamise political-religious leadership for the assault of “US.E.J” and “T.I.M.”  armies against “R.I.C.”.  Later, these “Anti-Christ” holograms - Phantoms of Spirits - will “Dematerialize”- disappear, abandoning the armies of “US.E.J.” and “T.I.M.” to butchery by “R.I.C.” in Asiatic deserts. 

It is a lie to say that “Moon [is] under occupation of Dragonians and Hellenes of the Dodecatheon of Zeus, who capture the souls of Earthlings in orbital platforms, and who as a “Stellar Antichrist 666” will support the “Hellenic Empire 666” of the party “La.O.S.”, and Palaiologos Dragazis and the axles “US.E.J.” (USA – Europe – Japan) and “T.I.M.” (Tibet – India – Mongolia) in their military assault against the axis “R.I.C.” (Russia – Islam – China)”!   This lethal lie against Greece is perpetuated by the theoretician of “La.O.S.”, Mason General Gerasimos Kalogerakis, who in his book “The Return of the Gods” stupidly copies the Hebrew-Masonic teachings about “Moon under (allegedly) Hellenic dominance”. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Monday 03 May 2010

G.H.REES to the Hellenic Personnel:
“NSA” of USA is planning military attack by US.E.J. and T.I.M. (Tibet - India - Mongolia) against the colluding R.I.C., under the typical commander-in-chief Paul Glucksburg or the alternative “King” “Palaiologos Dragazis”.  Article 5 of the “NATO agreement” forces participation of allies, including Hellas, into the military attack of US.E.J. and T.I.M. against R.I.C.. 

If the Hellenic military accepts participation in this campaign by US.E.J. against R.I.C, then Hellas and Israel [comprising Hellenistic Ashkanians or Ashkenazim] will be genocided as a priority by the counterattack of R.I.C..  The ensuing nuclear-chemical-biological WWIII will result, as planned by Hebrew “Professors” and the “Sephardi” rabbi’s of NSA, in cooperation with the Hebrew Chinese “Tiao-Kiou-Kiao” of Shanghai China.  The traitors intend to relocate to China right before genocide of US.E.J. by R.I.C., in order to govern the planet from there, as an “international sino-zionistic hyper government”, because Sin = Zion. 

The Hebrew-Saxon “NSA” of USA is not a maker of decisions.  It is an executive branch of the space invader Draconians/Orionides/Boötedes and other members of the “Draconian Empire” under rebel command of the constellation Draco [from where the Yellow race of Sin or Zion-Sion or Sina, known as “Sines” or Sinese-Chinese, originated]. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 26 January 2012

If James Stavridis understands on-time the Chinese-Hebrew provocation toward WWIII, then he must immediately resign the position of “NATO” commander and inform other Greek-American colleagues to not accept any position in “NATO” leadership at this time.  If they act as “NATO leaders” then they will be charged with responsibilities of perpetration and provocation against Greece, in respect of the
  • “R.I.C.” axis' counter-attack against the “US.E.J.” axis (USA – Europe – Japan), and 
  • preliminary assaults made now against Syria and Iran, with chief-general Greek, James Stavridis, or other alternative Greek chief-General.  
Asian, Russian, and Chinese armies are about to be informed or have already been informed that “NATO” under Greek leadership will assault them.  Political leadership of this “NATO” assault is programmed to be the “Constantinople Empire 666” under the
  • Hebrew-Saxon “Emperor Palaiologos Dragazis” (Yohan Von Danemark Christiansen Holstein Glucksburg), under the 
  • Turkalbanian G. Karazafferi of “La.O.S.” (People’s Orthodox Alert, ultra-rightwing political party of Greece), and under the 
  • Hebrew-Saxon Chief-General Paul Holstein Glucksburg.  
Those three persons will falsely appear in front of the Russian, Islamic, and Chinese armies as alleged Greeks, although those three persons are in reality Hebrew-Saxon and Turk-Albanian agents – provocateurs of the Third World War.  They deviously false-impersonate Greek Nationalists – Saviors, so that counter-attacking armies of “R.I.C.” or “Shanghai Pact” can genocide the unarmed Greek population and Greece can be the pretext – provocateur for genocide of all White nations of the West by armies of “R.I.C.”. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 11 March 2012

Erdogan is a Hellenogene of Pontiac origin who betrayed his roots and his race to ally himself with Mongol Turks and the dolme Hebrew-Turks of the leadership of Turkey.   He accepted the obvious lunar-obeying, lunar-possessed Islamic Religion (See Quran Doctrine: Allah of Elloh lives in the (Draconian) Moon, and see flags of the Islamic nations bearing the crescent moon)… the Erdogan government period didn’t create some broad hot war episode or partial or broad conflict with Greece and avoided the worst outcome.   There was no assault, despite the weak strategic, economic, and defense position of the fully betrayed-from-the-inside Greece.  Most important of all, the Mongolian anti-Hellenic axis “B.A.S.T.R.” didn’t invade under Turkish leadership (Bulgaria - Albania – Skopje – Turkey – Romania), despite today’s covert instigation and armament of NATO, which right after the invasion of BASTR will reverse sides and fictitiously roleplay the “phil-Hellene”.  Thus, for reasons including internal Greek politics (for example the break-up of the provocateur right-wing neo-Nazi political party “La.O.S.” of Greece, following G.H.Rees revelations), “B.A.S.T.R.” didn’t execute the invasion against Greece in order to activate Hong’s Chinese scheme:
  • final provocation “Purim” of the Third World War with the afterwards poisonous gift of “Constantinople” from the disingenuous “NATO” and 
  • “anti-Christ” religious and political hyper-provocateur “New Christ 666 pseudo-Palaiologos pseudo-Dragazis Christiansen” and the following 
  • campaign of “NATO” under virtual Greek leadership (“pseudo-Palaiologos Christiansen”), against the remnants of “B.A.S.T.R.” in the territories of deep Asia and Turkestan and China, namely essentially against the “Pact of Shanghai”, a fact that will fully ignite “Armageddon” resulting in the 
  • massive counterassault of  “R.I.C.” (Russia – Islam – China) and 
  • final genocide of the 2/3rds of the global population with first annihilated the Hellenic and Hellenogenes populations in two phases. 


Palaiologos Dragazis is a spirit to be impersonated by a man from the Christiansen Glucksburg Danish Royal Dynasty (Yohan Von Danemark Christiansen Holstein Glucksburg) who is tasked with roleplaying as Hellen Antichrist 666, Emperor 666 of the NeoByzantine Empire based in Constantinople [“Constantinople Empire 666”], and agent provocateur of the now broken-up right wing crypto-Nazi La.O.S. political party intended to lead a strike against the Shanghai Pact that will provoke WW3.

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