Wednesday, 31 August 2016

PA.SO.K [Greek Socialist Party]

From Hellen and Chaos' blog,Thursday 21 October 2012

Greek-Hebrew “PA.SO.K.” executed fascist anti-constitutional coup d’etat of April and May 2010 for the balloting of laws without the constitutionally forced 180 votes of the 3/5 of the Parliament of the Greek Constitution Article 28/2.  Their intention was legalisation of the possessory German-Hebrew pseudo-Constitution or “Memorandum” and delivery of the Greek Government and country to the possessory German-Hebrew Troika in Athens, which orders the dialysis of the Greek Armed Forces and the Greek Police.  Greece would then be exposed to annihilation by the armies of “B.A.S.T.R.”, “R.I.C.”, and the Albanian “UCK” and “UCC – Cameria” within Greece.

Treason is being undertaken:
  • reduction of Hellenic national domination and 
  • reduction and shrinkage of the borders and territories of Greece, as planned and committed by the three hundred traitors of the Greek Parliament and Charles, Hebrew “Democracy President”. 
See treasonous addresses of the Hebrew president of the Parliament of “New Democracy” Psarouda Benaki Horemi or Ben – Hiram, during balloting and takeover of treasonous duties by the Hebrew Charles, about “Future reduction of the Hellenic National Domination, future shrinkage of the Greek borders, and future abolition of the Greek democratic regime and constitution”
(See Link: ). 
The Greek-Hebrew traitors of “PA.SO.K.” and German-Hebrew possessory troika of 2010 are to undertake this, following its pre-programming by the previous Greek-Hebrew colluding Government of “New Democracy”.
(Read Link: 

The accomplished complete dialysis of the 1st Army Corps Kozani contained the devious purpose of all the Greek-Hebrew Governments [“New Democracy” and “PA.SO.K.” and of the five Greek-Hebrew political parties of the Parliament] to treasonously open a backdoor enabling free and uncontrolled ground invasion of Greece by Albanian AND Turkish armies and from the marine Greek-Albanian borders.  Four Turkish Frigates (F241 – F247 – F490 – F491), two Turkish Submarines Type U-209, several Turkish Landing Navy Ships, one Turkish Oil-Tanker (A580), four Turkish Missile-Boats, and one Turkish brigade of Special Forces Marines are permanently stationed against Greece in the Albanian Combat Naval Base of Durres.
(See link: 
This Naval base was built free of charge for Albania and Turkey against Greece by the Blue (New Democracy) and Green (PASOK) Hebrew traitors of Athens.  They borrowed money from foreign Banks and deviously charged Greece, in order to bankrupt the country.  Foreign debt already stands at 400 billion Euros and internal debt at 700 billion Euros, a total debt of 1,1 trillion Euros, which is today used as a pretext for the possessory German-Hebrew Troika in Athens and the Turk-Hebrew Minister (of the destruction) of Defence Venizelos – Tourgoutsoglou; Greek armed forces are to be broken up, allegedly “for reasons of lack of funds”. 

G.H.Rees insists that non masons Greek patriot officers and civilians enforce death penalties to the
  • 300 traitors of Parliament, 
  • members of the treasonous government of “PA.SO.K.”, and
  • masonic traitor generals, who in the 18th Masonic Degree gave Masonic oaths to break up all nations and countries in order to found the international hyper-government of “The Kingdom of Sin – Sion – Sinai – Sedi – Jehovah” of Sina – China.  
The traitors have done these things by delivering and betraying everything, including Hellenes as slaves for slaughter by the Chinese.  Death penalties must be enforced against traitor Greek masons, superior and supreme judges who do treasonous works with the Greek-Hebrew masonic politicians and generals. 
(See Links: and
of the Hebrew-mason traitor Jeffrey Papandreou, propagandist of the global Chinese dictatorship – HyperGovernment of the Dragonian hate-Hellenist Humo-Saurian Ban Ki-Moon.) 

A coup d’etat by Turkish Generals against their Government is to immediately follow realisation of the coup d’etat by Greek generals of political parties “PA.SO.K.” and “La.O.S.”.  Collusively, they are to allegedly overthrow “PA.SO.K.” and the rest parliamentary political parties of Greece.  We call you to research the web page “Hellen and Chaos”
You will realise that G.H.Rees does whatever is possible to foil the coup d’etat of the Greek Generals of “PA.SO.K.” and of “LA.O.S.” against the “playfellow” (colluding) Greek politicians.

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Monday 09 August 2010

Subject 3: Provocation of military assault by the “B.A.S.T.R.” axis against Greece, by the treasonous Greek-Hebrew Government of “PA.SO.K.”. 

Under “NATO” command and in order to prepare a pretext for military assault by “B.A.S.T.R.”, for the annihilation and military occupation of the Northern, Central, Western – and Insular Greece, the traitor Hebrew Prime Minister of Greece Papandreou – Mineiko – Tsad ordered his Greek-Hebrew ministers of “PA.SO.K.” to discontinue and hold signatures of agreement between Greece and neighbour countries of the “B.A.S.T.R.” axis. 

Act for the urgent overthrow of the treasonous Hebrew Government of Papandreou Tsad in Greece.  With its treasonous actions, this government is provoking ignition of the Balkan War of the “B.A.S.T.R.” axis against Greece, under collusion with
  • the “La.O.S.” party (People’s Orthodox Alert) of the Turk-Albanian agent provocateur of “Intelligence Service” Karatzaferis, and
  • “PA.SO.K.”.  
A subsequent global war would follow, between the axles “US.E.J.” (USA – Europe – Japan) and “T.I.M.” (Tibet – India – Mongolia) against “R.I.C.” (Russia – Islam – China) or “Shanghai Pact”.  It is intended to result in the annihilation of Greece and Russia. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 04 July 2010

Action-delay tactics are used by the treasonous Greek Government of “PA.SO.K.”, incited and ordered by “NATO”, namely deliberate devious platitudes about
  • co-production of the “BMP-3”, 
  • specification requests, 
  • cost ceiling, etc, and 
  • the objective time-consuming obstacles of construction and operational exploitation of the “BMP-3” by the Greek army.  
These parameters also concern
  • duration of multiple times for construction, 
  • training of Greek crews and commanders for mechanical and operational incorporation into the Greek Army, and 
  • coordination drills with the rest weapons of the Greek Army (battle tanks, mechanized infantry, artillery, mechanics, etc), 
  • unavailability of the Russian “BMP-3” for defense of Greece against the assault by “B.A.S.T.R.” axis (Bulgaria – Albania – Skopje – Turkey – Romania). 
“NATO” and the treasonous philo-NATO Governments of “New Democracy” and “PA.SO.K.” have ensured that Greece is without armored personnel carriers or “APC”s.  Therefore, the main Greek “Leopard” battle tanks etc. will be lethally exposed and at the time of writing in Hellen and Chaos, 120mm munitions had not been purchased.  Of course, this was planned by anti-Hellenic “NATO” for the devastation of Greece by the armies of “B.A.S.T.R.”.  Russia will subsequently be entrapped and genocided, according to the scheme of the Chinese Hyperlodge “HONG”.  Therefore, the only geostrategic solution for Russia is swift capture of Romania, Bulgaria, and Greece by the Russian army, followed by
  • destruction of their “NATO” bases and 
  • overthrow and hanging of the three treasonous philo-NATO governments and politicians. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 27 June 2010

The treasonous Greek Government of “PA.SO.K.” is a “NATO” government ordered to destroy Greece economically and defensively.  The Russian proposal to provide four-hundred-and-fifty Russian produced “APC BMP-3” armoured personnel carriers (by exchanging these weapons with Greek agricultural products if necessary) will initially be accepted.  Later, following various manipulations by the “PA.SO.K. Empire of Greece” the proposal will be rejected. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 21 August 2010

With pretext the following news of the “PA.SO.K.” Governmental supporter blog

The dead monk “Paisios”, who was supporter of the New Age Maitreya - Sufist 666 traitor Patriarch Bartholomew, announced to the monks of “Holy Mount Athos” Chalkidiki that they must buy flour and oil, because we will have war in Greece in three months, in November!  (According to G.H.Rees scientific research there is no soul of Paisios, but there is a hologram and demons imitating the soul of Paisios with advanced Lunar technology.)  This warning – as  is known from the blog “Hellen and Chaos” - has been already written by G.H.Rees in telegrams to the Russian Government. 

An attack was committed against a “PA.SO.K.” supporter columnist-blogger because he told of the "ghost of Paisios" warning.  Colluding official Mount Athos and Governmental circles obviously wanted this news to remain concealed and destined for only a small circle of “chosen ones”.  They alone would be forewarned and prepared with survival solutions.  Other Greek people must remain ignorant.  Hopefully this news was leaked by accident to the internet and together with G.H.Rees' prior warnings, the Greek army is now prepared to face the challenge.  

Political mumbo jumbo from Papandreou of ‘’PA.SO.K.’’: ‘’Our democracy is not terrorized.  (From minorflares).  We condemn flatly and we stand severe and inexorable to everyone who is attempting vainly to disturb with terroristic actions (from minorflares) the social peace and to damage the profile of the country internationally in a very difficult period.  For the government, the security of the civilian (and the theft from us of 400 billion euro from the civilian) is right of the civilian, in his life, in his job, and in his every day life.  The government and the public services will continue the systematic, organized effort, which has given specific results the last year.  Our arm is the operational alertness and the reflexes of the Greek police and the squad ‘’DIAS’’, who create into extremely difficult conditions, a surrounding of security and safety for the civilian.  Our shield, the strong persuasion of the whole Greek society so that no one can terrorize our democracy (with minorflares).  Our democracy can not be terrorized (from minorflares), and those who conspire against it will find us all together, against them.’’ 

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

PanAm flight 103

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 01 November 2011

As for the fall of PanAm flight 103, Gunther Russbacher said it was carried out by Faction One, a Palestinian group assisted by the CIA, Wall Street/City of London. The secret-Hebrew Government of the crypto-Hebrew Shiite Imams of Iran had paid the Palestinians / communists / terrorists to put a bomb on a U.S. plane in revenge for the U.S. Navy shooting down an Iranian Airbus.  Amongst researchers, this was a never-to-be-discussed open secret. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 12 February 2013

The "Theontes" (Stellar Volant Ones)  (where the greek word "theoi" meaning "gods" ultimately originates from in it's prototypal scientific meaning before the anti-physical unscientific meta-physical meaning that was introduced).  They are undogmatic supreme governmental-directed scientists; ("(th)eontes") "(d)eities" of the Hellenes.  As leaders of a scientific mission aimed at transmission of scientific knowledge to Earth's "native" Sirian Black race for the elevation and preservation of "harmony" toward our solar system's entire ecosystem.  They carried names  according to their scientific specialties, ranging from terms and functions of the stellar and galactic systems or "spirals" inside  the body of Pan ("everything in existence") of the intelligent universal living organism.  Pan, the supreme universal organism, is equivalently constituted from three quarters (in the primary order of magnification), the supreme:
  • Zeus (dias) of anti-clockwise visible matter, 
  • Apollo of crosswisely incoming semi-visible matter, and 
  • Hera of clockwise invisible matter.  
Each of the three major segments of Pan is also constituted from three additional segments of triple structure, Zeus -- Apollo -- Hera, that is of three Zeus', three Apollos, three Heras of secondary order of magnification.  Every segment of second order is composed triadly of third order Galactic Zeus, Hera spirals, and consequent intermediary Apollonian Galactic spirals.  Thus, Pan has nine Zeus, nine Apollos, and nine Heras of third order of magnification. 

The segmentation is continued inside the Universal Organism or Pan up to the ninth power of segmentation of our own heliosphere, which included the local trinity of Zeus - Apollo - Hera, that is the three local solar systems.  Segmentation continues further with three sub-solar micro-systems included in every planet: the three suns of the three systems in the interior of the hollow Earth that is our planet, named
  • "Chthonius Zeus" or "Pluto", 
  • "Chthonius Apollo" or "Dionysus" and 
  • "Chthonius Hera" or "Persephone" 
from ancient forefathers. 

G.H.Rees is questioning "Epsilons" and supposed "incarnated spirit-forms of Apollo".  Since intra-universal Apollos of all orders are interstellar and galactic members of the body of the universal organism, how can they be considered spirits?  Which Apollo do Epsilons refer to and of what order are the so-called spirits, are they incarnations?  If Epsilons claim that they are incarnations not of intra-universal Apollos, members of the body of Pan, but of the Andromedan supreme scientist supreme commander of creative arts Apollo that was under the task of healing the emotions and sentiments of the Earthly White and Black race through music, sculpture and the rest of the creative arts, then we inform you that the Andromedan ""god", "theos", "deity" above has a body of higher than ours matter rarefaction of finite geometry and consequently is not "ethereal" -- spirit".  Nor will that Apollo be listening to the prayers of stupid "Epsilons" or any "incarnated" spirits of Sin -- Sion -- Sina -- Jedai -- Sendai -- Jedai -- Jude -- Judas, namely Draconian spirits of the moon that impersonate the twelve gods ( ***dodeca***"theon" = twelve gods, nine in charge of the archaic scientific mission with each triad consisting of Zeus-Apollos-Heras possesing differing tasks, and one additional in case of replacement for each triad) of the Andromedan Zeus.  From another standpoint, this Andromedan god Apollo is completely absent, having abandoned the surface of our planet for self-seclusion within the hollow Earth via the north polar hole (see ancient term "Hyperborean Apollo"), anticipating, together with the rest of the Andromedans of the hollow Earth, arrival of the Andromedan Starfleet to Earth. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Wednesday 25 August 2010

The grand deception of the millennia was the forgery of “Pan” (Everything) by Yahweh and Savaoth.  It was committed by the White-Yellow mongol Judean “Apostle Paul” or Saul, Rabbi from Tarsus of Cilicia in Minor Asia. 

This felonious crook and “Saint” of the “Orthodox Church” told lies to the Athenians during his trip in Athens, that: “He went there to preach them the true God who is not far from each one of us, for in him (inside him) we live and move and have our being, as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring (his genus)".

Tricky Rabbi Paul (covertly) cancelled the whole Judeo-Christian teaching about “God (Extra-Cosmic) Creator”, allegedly accepting that humans and the rest beings are not creations by the hands of God but are offspring inside his body, namely cells of his body.  This accords with the true biological function of the body of “Panas”(=Everything) the Universal Organism. 

The devious Judean Paul attempted to merge “Yahweh – Savaoth” with “Pan-as” (Sym-Pan, Everything, Cosmos, Universal Organism), so that Athenians amenable to the Pan-principle would also accept the poisonous and false Satanic content.  Wise Athenians and the rest Hellenes, excepting some rare stupid exceptions (See Dragonian Bible: “Acts 17:22-34”), rejected the poisonous content, resulting in them being annihilated by the Judeo-Christian emperors of Rome B’ or “Byzantium”. 

Paul evidently wrote lies in the (evil) “Apostle Acts”, because he claims that the God was unknown to Athenians.  On the other hand, he confesses that this God was known to Athenian citizens like Demaratos, who wrote a poem dedicated to “Pan-as”(Everything) with the verse: “Because and offsprings – genus - cells of him we are”.


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 07 August 2012

Researching “John’s Revelation 12:1” of the Judeo-Christian “New Testament”...
The Moon is a base of the Woman – Heavenly Sion (Zion) namely of the planetary command of Jedi – Sin – Sion – Zion – Jude or Judas.  Research in “Psalms” of the Mongol medium David [Chapter 71 or 72:7] is where Jedi – Sin – Sion – Zion admits that “The Moon will be ΑΝΤΑΝΑΙΡΕΘΕΙ” namely it will be recalled, depart – it will get away from the orbit of Earth.  It will by then have completed the piratical robbery of raw materials and metals of our solar system, intending to settle in the Universal Coccygeal Centre, the solar system of maximum universal densities of counter-clockwise matter.  This is the solar system of “Sirius A”, which is to be blackmailed with electromagnetic death via
destruction of constellations, galaxies, and massive genocide of all populations of intelligent beings within the Universal Organism.

In honour of the true universal God or Universal Intelligent Organism or “PAN”(Everything) and in dishonor of Sin – Sion – Zion –Jedi, we are obliged to reveal the grand terminological fraud – forgery – and false impersonation of the millennia committed by the lunar Jedi – Sin – Sion – Sinai – Zion – Jude – Judas against the Universal God “PAN”(Everything) or “BEING”.  The lunar Sin – Sion – Jedi – Judas, through his Chinese and Hebrew prophet-mediums, falsely claimed that he is the Universal God “Pan” or “Being”.  This helped him to befool White and Black nations of the planet that
  • he is the Universal God “PAN” or “Being”, and that allegedly the 
  • Chinese and Hebrew genociders are his, the “Being's” chosen people with the God given right to genocide other nations. 
{The term “ΩΝ”-“Being” is participle of the verb “ΕΙΜΙ”-“I am” of the ancient Hellenic Language, and translates to:
● HEBREW: Because the Hebrew language is imperfect, it doesn’t have an isolate term for the articulate participle “The Being” and thus the Hebrews were using the periphrastic term of four words “Ja – Hamah – Va – Hamah” namely “I am that I am”. The original letters of the four words are forming the acronym “JHVH” in which arbitrarily the Rabbis of the various countries added vowels and converted it to “Jehovah” with omission of the last “H”, in “JEHOVA”, etc..} 

Monday, 29 August 2016


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 30 July 2010

Hebrews slaughtered unarmed humanitarians carrying food and drugs to Hellenic cretan Palestinians under genocide and siege in their ancient city of Gaza. 

According to the Draconian's Christian “Old Testament”, Abraham relocated to Egypt and gave his wife Sarah as a harlot to the Pharaoh of Egypt.  In return, he got as a price of this prostitution many flocks of sheep, gold and silver.  Upon returning to Palestine, he began genociding the resident Cretan colonists, the Philistine or Palestinian Hellenes (“Genesis 12:10-20” and “Genesis 13:1-4”). 

In the “Old Testament” (“Genesis 33:18-20”, “Genesis 34:1-31”), Abraham and Sarah gave birth to Isaac.  Isaac gave birth to Jacob who gave birth to twelve sons, as the twelve genitors of the twelve tribes of Israel, and daughters, amongst them “Dinah”.  In order to steal the flocks, gold and  silver, and rape Hellenic women of the Cretan Palestinian City “Sihem”, the twelve criminal Mongolian genocidal sons, sent their sister “Dinah” to display herself outside the palace of the King of “Sihem”, so that the successor son of the King could be seduced by her.  The ploy was successful, leading the stupid successor to ask her father Jacob for “Dinah's” hand in marriage.  Jacob and his twelve sons deviously agreed under the term of circumcision for all the men of “Sihem”.  On the third day after the circumcisions, a day of maximum pain in circumcised genitals, the sons of Jacob butchered all the men of the Hellenic city of “Sihem”.  Fortunes were robbed, wives, flocks and children captured, and left behind was a dead annihilated Hellenic Palestinian City. 

It is stated in the “Old Testament's” Deuteronomy [Chapters 7:1, 2, 16, 22, and 9:1, 2, 3, and 9:1, 2, 3, and 11:23, and 12:2, 29 and 15:6, and 19:1, and 20:10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 28:12,13 and 31:3, and 33:17, 19 (Septuagint translation: «ΕΘΝΗ ΕΞΟΛΟΘΡΕΥΣΟΥΣΙ»] that Hebrews will exterminate the nations of Palestinians – Philistines, proving they had programmed every detail in the genocide of seven million Whites before the invasion of Hellenic Palestine and after annihilation of Hellenic Egyptians in Egypt.  Six Palestinian nations of Cretan – Hellenic origin were destroyed: Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, Jebusites, and Whites Chettean Asia Minor colonists.  Only minor traces of those nations were left alive, namely modern Palestinians, who blood-thirsty murdering Hebrews today oppress and try to annihilate as they did on 31 May 2010 in the international waters of Palestinian Gaza. 

Criminal Judean and of the Hebrew-Saxon Israelites have been doing genocide since 5000 years before Mongol Christ (BMC).  They are the doomed chosen people of Satan over the earth, the devil Sin – Sion – Sinai – Jedi – Jude – Judas; Jedi, annihilator of planetary populations and nations, murderer and thief of planetary raw materials.  Samewise, this happened to the ships of unarmed humanitarians in 31 May of 2010 in international waters, with purpose the complete food and drugs blockade of the Hellenic Palestinians of Gaza.  According to the ancient Mongolian, Zionistic, and Sinistic (Chinese) program of Deuteronomy, paragraph 14, Hellenogenic descendants of Cretans must die and to be annihilated till the last one, because they are the genetic offspring of the “Devil Zeus”, according to “Genesis” and “Revelation” of the satanic “Holy Scripture” [Revelation 2:12-13 and Genesis 3:14-15.  In the first fragment, the “Devil” is falsely considered to be Zeus, the Andromedian Planetary Commander of Jupiter.  This deception was enabled by the Hellenic Priesthoods of the Hellenic city of Pergamon in Asia Minor [today's Mongolian Hebrew Turkey] becoming possessed by demons of the Dragonian Sin – Sion – Sinai – Jedi and then falsely impersonating the hyper-scientist commanders [“Gods of the Hellenic Dodecatheon”].  Thus were the sciences of Zeus converted into religions of black magic and the Satanism of Jedi.  [The world's largest religious Holy Temple of Zeus, constructed in Pergamon, was relocated entirely to a museum in Berlin, Germany.] 

“Old Testament” Hebrew prophets: Blood-drinkers and human-eaters, rabid Hellene hating Satanic mediums, namely black magicians of the space Chinese hyper-criminal Dragonian God, Sin – Sion – Sinai – Zion – Jedi – Jude – Judas that forced Hebrews to continuously genocide the Hellenic coastal cities of Palestine: Gaza, Akkaron, Ioppe, Azotus, Ascalon, and the Phoenician cities Tyre and Sidon [whose genitor was the Hellene Phoenix, son of the Hellene King of Argos Agenor].  Today, the genocidal crimes of Hebrews against Hellenic Palestinian Gaza are an application of orders from rabid man-beast genociding Hebrew prophets, mediums and black magicians of the Dragonian
Sin – Sion – Sinai – Zion – Jedi – Jude – Judas. 

The arch-butcher of Hellenic Cretan Palestinians, Joshua of Navi, unleashed genetic slaughteragainst Hellenic City – States: Gai, Jericho, Hebron, Jerusalem, Jarmuthia, Lahis, Eglonos, Makkedonos, Livnas, Gezerias, Debirias, Ashdoth (Today’s Hebrew port Ashdot, where Hebrew bandits captured the fleet that carried humanitarian help in favor of Gaza in 31 May 2010), Kadis, Gaza, Gesenia, and rest cities.  This is described in the Old Testament, book “Joshua of Navi” Chapters 10, 11, 12, 13. 

In “Joshua of Navi” 15:47 Hebrews write that “Gaza and the towns and the villages of Gaza, up to the torrent of Egypt (Nile River) and the grand sea (Mediterranean Sea) will be the domination limit of the Hebrews”.  In “Joshua of Navi” 13:1-6 between others it is written that “The Gaza people, must be annihilated by the Hebrews”, so says the lord Sin – Sion – Sinai – Jedi – Jude – Judas or Elohim or Eloh or Allah.  So then, worship Elloh – Allah, Islamists of Palestine and of the other Islamic Nations. 

Hebrews clearly and directly write (“Judges 1:1-18”, “A’ Kings 18:1-18”, “A’ Chronicles 7:20-28”, “Amos 1:6-8”, “Sofonias 2:4-7”, and especially in “Zachariah 9:1-15”) that the space Chinese arch-Criminal Sin – Sion – Sinai – Zion – Jedi – Jude – Judas or Eloh or Allah, through his black magicians and Hebrew prophets/mediums ordered Hebrews to genocide all settlers of the Gaza strip, as children of Hellas.  They must eat the flesh and drink the blood of Hellenes until drunk from it, until the last one Palestinian Hellene Cretan colonist.  These orders are applied today by Hebrew criminals against humanity. 

In 1947-1948, 750,000 Palestinians – Cretans – Hellenes were expelled from Palestinian cities and villages.  Israel still refuses to allow their return or to compensate them for the land stolen.

G.H.REES calls the Hebrews of all countries, and especially the Hebrews of Europe – USA – and Russia, to force right now through military force against Israel, the direct pause of the blockade and of the genocide of Hellenes – Cretans – Palestinians of Palestine.  If they don’t act likewise, we will ask through our technological communications capabilities from the arrived in Saturn’s orbit, to force the same blockade and the same genocide against the Hebrews, Hebrew-Saxons - Anglo-Saxon Mongols and against the rest Mongols of Earth. 

The Crypto-Zionistic Judeo-Christian “Orthodox” Church of Greece, in its rituals in their Judeo-Christian temples, is yelling with the phrases: “Curse the Philistines – Palestinians” namely “Curse” the Cretan colonists - Hellenes of Palestine. 

 G.H.Rees demands from the crypto-Zionist Judeo-Christian “Orthodox” Church of Greece to show proven regret for its verbal crimes against Palestinian Hellenic Cretan settlers of Palestine.  The Greek “Orthodox” Church must alone and without other partners, staff ships and to load them with food, drugs, electric generators, and any other medical or other survival supplies.  In cooperation with the Palestinian Authorities in Athens, the Church must transfer the supplies under its responsibility, braking the blockade of Gaza whilst flying the double headed Eagle over the yellow flag on the ships’ masts.  If the combat fleet of Israel also blocks this mission to reach Gaza, then G.H.Rees demands that the Greek “Orthodox” Church declares a global protest and persecution against Israel, because finally the true holocaust is happening somewhere else from the position that the Hebrews are indicating i.e. in the alleged and non-existing genocide of Hebrews by the Third Reich.  G.H.Rees notes that the anti-Hellenic crypto-Zionist Judeo-Christians are yelling “Cursed the Palestinians Philistines, and Blessed the people of Israel” inside their Churches in the Greek temples. 


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Monday 31 May 2010

Masonic traitor Greek airforce generals (Ioannis Giangos A’Geetha and rest), army generals, admirals, and disgraceful Greek traitor pilots, trained inferior Israeli pilots in flying skills, in order to more efficiently kill unarmed Palestinians of Hellenic – Cretan origin.  This occurred during the illegal Israeli military invasion against Greek territories (Greek ships). 

Friday, 19 August 2016

Palaiologos Dragazis

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 19 September 2010

Chaos that will be created in Athens from the descent of expelled and butchered Greeks by the invasion of the armies of the “B.A.S.T.R.” axis (Bulgaria – Albania – Skopje – Turkey – Romania) in Northern – Western – Central – and Insular Greece.  The Government of the political party “La.O.S.” (cryptozionist right wing theosophical party, People’s Orthodox Alert of Karatzaferis, Glucksburg and Palaiologos Dragazis) will take over the government of the Third World War, “New Byzantine Empire” from Greece.

Greek People are informed that all “Epsilon” members have bought survival houses around Mystras – Peloponnese and buildings destined to be Government buildings of “La.O.S.” in Mystras (“Restored Palaces – Courts”), one of whom is the theosophist Panagiotis Toulatos leader of Christiano-Dodecatheism cult.  The first assaults of the Turkish Army will be received by Northern Greece namely Southern Hellenic Epirus, Macedonia, (the Islands of the Aegean) and Western Thrace.  “B.A.S.T.R.” army assaults in those regions must normally be preceded by tests and the modernisations of the invasion alert Sirens System of Greece, but this is done only in Peloponnese, which will never be assaulted by “B.A.S.T.R.”.  Assault by Greek forces into Peloponnese to eliminate the Karatzaferis Government is possible and will be notified through G.H.Rees documents.  G.H.Rees speaks here about a Greek Army that may rebel against the Government of Karatzaferis of “La.O.S.”, Paul Glucksburg, and pseudo-Palaiologos pseudo-Dragazis Yohann Christiansen Holstein Glucksburg.  Greek Forces will attack, not against the population of Peloponnese, but against the treasonous Government of the Turk-Albanian agent provocateur Kara-Zafferi in order to foil the second step of the total destruction of Greece.  Through transfer of the Greek Government to Constantinople, further treasonous actions will be performed under the name "Empire 666 of Constantinople", including provocative assault against the “R.I.C.” axis (Russia – Islam – China) in which the counter-attack by “R.I.C.” will result in complete genocide of the West - first victims worldwide Hellenism. 

Regarding security and protection of the Karatzaferis-Glucksburg-Palaiologos Dragazis Government in Mystras – Peloponnese, the Hebrew-Saxon and Turk-Albanian gang dedicated to complete destruction of Greece...  An extremely valuable Mechanized Infantry Brigade, incorporating heavy “Leopard” battle tanks and the minimum armored “M-113” dwarfed “APCs” (Armored Personnel Carriers), has been retired from Evros by the Hebrew Mason traitor politicians of Athens and transferred to Tripoli – Peloponnese to be coordinated with the pre-existing Brigade of Tripoli.  The matter of this treason was commented upon by the journalist Konstantinides from his TV-Station broadcast of “Astra” in Volos.  He asked his public: “If someone knows if there is a chance of Peloponnese to receive and assault of Turkish – Bulgarian – Albanian or any other Army?”  His question was rhetorical and ironic because no one is about to attack against Peloponnese (Southern Greece), certainly not one from the armies of the “B.A.S.T.R.” axis.

G.H.Rees notifies the General who commands the Division of Tripoli, its two Brigadiers, and the rest officers and soldiers of the 5th Division Tripoli to assault, wipe-out and bring down the Governmental Palaces built for the treasonous Government of Athens in Mystras.  The Palaces must not entertain the treasonous coup d’etat Karatzaferis' Government of “La.O.S.”, Glucksburg, and Palaiologos Dragazis, to which the traitor Hebrew Democracy President, Ioannina Karolos was programmed to deliver the baton of Governance from “PASOK” with the bluff title “Government of National Salvation”.  In case the 5th Division in Tripoli does not act as requested
  • Mystras of Peloponnese will be the first focus of high-treason against Hellenes,
  • total genocide of Hellenes through the transfer of the entire Karatzaferis Government from Mystras to Constantinople against the “R.I.C.” axis (Russia – Islam – China), and 
  • complete genocide of Worldwide Hellenism by “R.I.C.” counter-attack. 
G.H.Rees pleads with all the officers and the soldiers of the 5th Division Tripoli to assault with all means available to bring down the buildings and the pseudo-Parliaments of the coup d’etat Government of Karatzaferis of “La.O.S.”, of Glucksburg, and of pseudo-Palaiologos pseudo-Dragazi Yohann Christiansen Holstein Glucksburg; they are all Hebrew-Saxon and Turk-Albanian enemies of Greece.  If you don’t bring down those Governmental Buildings of “La.O.S.”, then this coup d’etat Government will be transferred to Constantinople after the hypocritical political turn of “NATO” in favor of Greece and allegedly against “B.A.S.T.R”.   As a typical leader of “NATO” armies, this Government of “Epsilon” » )+( ▼ 666 of “La.O.S.” from Constantinople will attack “R.I.C.”, resulting in complete destruction of White nations of the West - beginning with Worldwide Hellenism.

G.H.Rees also calls the Greek Army, the men of the three weapons of the Greek armed Forces, to display total disobedience to orders calling them to depart to Asiatic deserts under the pretext of “Peace Keeping Forces” or under any other pretext or any other excuse on behalf of “NATO”.  The Greek army must totally disobey the forthcoming coup d’etat Government of “La.O.S.”, which will order them to depart to Asia as offensive “NATO” forces against the “R.I.C.” axis.  Traitor Hebrew-Saxons
  • Paul Hostein Glucksburg [destined to become Arch-General of “EMPIRE – 666” Constantinople], 
  • pseudo-Palaiologos pseudo-Dragazis Christiansen Holstein Glucksburg [destined as “Emperor” of this “EMPIRE”], and 
  • Turk-Albanian traitor agent-provocateur Kara-Zafferi of “La.O.S.” 
will send the Greek army to be butchered by the counter-attacking armies of “R.I.C.” in the Asiatic deserts of Siberia, Mongolia, and China. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 28 August 2015

There is temporary agreement between Russia and “NATO” for delivery of Constantinople (Istanbul) under Greek command.  Neo-Greeks are to accept as their Emperor and incarnated “New Christ 666”, the “King Ioannis” (pseudo - Palaiologos Dragazis) Hebrew-Mongol Draconian agent provocateur of the Danish Court (Dan-Mark) (or alternatively “Ioannis Batatzis” of Moscow's Russian-Hebrews, a recent proposal in the "Epsilon Group" Newspaper "Eleftheri Ora").  

Anestis Keramidas (neo-Nazi theoretician of La.O.S. – Golden Dawn) of the masonic-controlled theosophical “Epsilon Group” promotes “pseudo – Palaiologos Dragazis” by presenting a leaflet picture of the new “Constantinople Emperor” or “New Christ 666” or the Anti-Christ (old video):

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Wednesday 17 October 2012

After genocide of half the Greeks, the American Pentagon, under the orders of “AOA” London, is about to change policy by 180 degrees.  It will order the American Army and “NATO” to assault against the armies of “B.A.S.T./R.” and completely annihilating the corresponding countries, especially Turkey.  The Greek “Government of National Emergency” will become dominant over the countries of “B.A.S.T.R.” and especially Constantinople, being of
  • “Golden Dawn”, 
  • “La.O.S.” and 
  • “Epsilon 666” based in Mystras of Peloponnese under the
    • Denmark (Dan-Mark) Hebrew-Saxon pseudo-Palaiologos pseudo-Dragazis as Emperor, 
    • Hebrew-Saxon Paul Glucksburg Holstein – Dan-Mark as chief-general and 
    • Michaloliakos or the Turk-Albanian – mongol Karatzaferis Kara-Zafferi as prime-minister).
According the above mentioned schemes of the Hebrew-Saxonic “AOA” London under command of the Chinese “Hong”, Constantinople is planned to become capital of 
  • “Empire 666 Christiano-Dodecatheism” of the 
  • “Neo-Greek Byzantium” of the 
  • “New Aquarius World Order 666” of the 
  • “New Christ 666” Palaiologos Dragazis. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 15 April 2010

Dragonian spirits of the moon” are planned to appear in the Earth’s atmosphere.  This demonstration of laser holography in close proximity space is aimed at convincing the stupid Earthly population that allegedly heavenly Anti-Christ demons 666 and heavenly Anti-Christ or Stellar = 666 and their ships, are materializing.  If successful, this will reinforce the status of the Hellene Anti-Christ 666 Palaiologos Dragazis Emperor of the “Neo-Byzantine Empire 666” of “La.O.S.” with its capital in Constantinople, helping to legitamise political-religious leadership for the assault of “US.E.J” and “T.I.M.”  armies against “R.I.C.”.  Later, these “Anti-Christ” holograms - Phantoms of Spirits - will “Dematerialize”- disappear, abandoning the armies of “US.E.J.” and “T.I.M.” to butchery by “R.I.C.” in Asiatic deserts. 

It is a lie to say that “Moon [is] under occupation of Dragonians and Hellenes of the Dodecatheon of Zeus, who capture the souls of Earthlings in orbital platforms, and who as a “Stellar Antichrist 666” will support the “Hellenic Empire 666” of the party “La.O.S.”, and Palaiologos Dragazis and the axles “US.E.J.” (USA – Europe – Japan) and “T.I.M.” (Tibet – India – Mongolia) in their military assault against the axis “R.I.C.” (Russia – Islam – China)”!   This lethal lie against Greece is perpetuated by the theoretician of “La.O.S.”, Mason General Gerasimos Kalogerakis, who in his book “The Return of the Gods” stupidly copies the Hebrew-Masonic teachings about “Moon under (allegedly) Hellenic dominance”. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Monday 03 May 2010

G.H.REES to the Hellenic Personnel:
“NSA” of USA is planning military attack by US.E.J. and T.I.M. (Tibet - India - Mongolia) against the colluding R.I.C., under the typical commander-in-chief Paul Glucksburg or the alternative “King” “Palaiologos Dragazis”.  Article 5 of the “NATO agreement” forces participation of allies, including Hellas, into the military attack of US.E.J. and T.I.M. against R.I.C.. 

If the Hellenic military accepts participation in this campaign by US.E.J. against R.I.C, then Hellas and Israel [comprising Hellenistic Ashkanians or Ashkenazim] will be genocided as a priority by the counterattack of R.I.C..  The ensuing nuclear-chemical-biological WWIII will result, as planned by Hebrew “Professors” and the “Sephardi” rabbi’s of NSA, in cooperation with the Hebrew Chinese “Tiao-Kiou-Kiao” of Shanghai China.  The traitors intend to relocate to China right before genocide of US.E.J. by R.I.C., in order to govern the planet from there, as an “international sino-zionistic hyper government”, because Sin = Zion. 

The Hebrew-Saxon “NSA” of USA is not a maker of decisions.  It is an executive branch of the space invader Draconians/Orionides/Boötedes and other members of the “Draconian Empire” under rebel command of the constellation Draco [from where the Yellow race of Sin or Zion-Sion or Sina, known as “Sines” or Sinese-Chinese, originated]. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 26 January 2012

If James Stavridis understands on-time the Chinese-Hebrew provocation toward WWIII, then he must immediately resign the position of “NATO” commander and inform other Greek-American colleagues to not accept any position in “NATO” leadership at this time.  If they act as “NATO leaders” then they will be charged with responsibilities of perpetration and provocation against Greece, in respect of the
  • “R.I.C.” axis' counter-attack against the “US.E.J.” axis (USA – Europe – Japan), and 
  • preliminary assaults made now against Syria and Iran, with chief-general Greek, James Stavridis, or other alternative Greek chief-General.  
Asian, Russian, and Chinese armies are about to be informed or have already been informed that “NATO” under Greek leadership will assault them.  Political leadership of this “NATO” assault is programmed to be the “Constantinople Empire 666” under the
  • Hebrew-Saxon “Emperor Palaiologos Dragazis” (Yohan Von Danemark Christiansen Holstein Glucksburg), under the 
  • Turkalbanian G. Karazafferi of “La.O.S.” (People’s Orthodox Alert, ultra-rightwing political party of Greece), and under the 
  • Hebrew-Saxon Chief-General Paul Holstein Glucksburg.  
Those three persons will falsely appear in front of the Russian, Islamic, and Chinese armies as alleged Greeks, although those three persons are in reality Hebrew-Saxon and Turk-Albanian agents – provocateurs of the Third World War.  They deviously false-impersonate Greek Nationalists – Saviors, so that counter-attacking armies of “R.I.C.” or “Shanghai Pact” can genocide the unarmed Greek population and Greece can be the pretext – provocateur for genocide of all White nations of the West by armies of “R.I.C.”. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 11 March 2012

Erdogan is a Hellenogene of Pontiac origin who betrayed his roots and his race to ally himself with Mongol Turks and the dolme Hebrew-Turks of the leadership of Turkey.   He accepted the obvious lunar-obeying, lunar-possessed Islamic Religion (See Quran Doctrine: Allah of Elloh lives in the (Draconian) Moon, and see flags of the Islamic nations bearing the crescent moon)… the Erdogan government period didn’t create some broad hot war episode or partial or broad conflict with Greece and avoided the worst outcome.   There was no assault, despite the weak strategic, economic, and defense position of the fully betrayed-from-the-inside Greece.  Most important of all, the Mongolian anti-Hellenic axis “B.A.S.T.R.” didn’t invade under Turkish leadership (Bulgaria - Albania – Skopje – Turkey – Romania), despite today’s covert instigation and armament of NATO, which right after the invasion of BASTR will reverse sides and fictitiously roleplay the “phil-Hellene”.  Thus, for reasons including internal Greek politics (for example the break-up of the provocateur right-wing neo-Nazi political party “La.O.S.” of Greece, following G.H.Rees revelations), “B.A.S.T.R.” didn’t execute the invasion against Greece in order to activate Hong’s Chinese scheme:
  • final provocation “Purim” of the Third World War with the afterwards poisonous gift of “Constantinople” from the disingenuous “NATO” and 
  • “anti-Christ” religious and political hyper-provocateur “New Christ 666 pseudo-Palaiologos pseudo-Dragazis Christiansen” and the following 
  • campaign of “NATO” under virtual Greek leadership (“pseudo-Palaiologos Christiansen”), against the remnants of “B.A.S.T.R.” in the territories of deep Asia and Turkestan and China, namely essentially against the “Pact of Shanghai”, a fact that will fully ignite “Armageddon” resulting in the 
  • massive counterassault of  “R.I.C.” (Russia – Islam – China) and 
  • final genocide of the 2/3rds of the global population with first annihilated the Hellenic and Hellenogenes populations in two phases. 


Palaiologos Dragazis is a spirit to be impersonated by a man from the Christiansen Glucksburg Danish Royal Dynasty (Yohan Von Danemark Christiansen Holstein Glucksburg) who is tasked with roleplaying as Hellen Antichrist 666, Emperor 666 of the NeoByzantine Empire based in Constantinople [“Constantinople Empire 666”], and agent provocateur of the now broken-up right wing crypto-Nazi La.O.S. political party intended to lead a strike against the Shanghai Pact that will provoke WW3.

Pact of Shanghai (Shanghai Cooperation Organisation - SCO)

Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 27 March 2010

With its proposal of 19.03.2010 to Greece, for full lending, economic and political support, the Russian Government destroyed “NATO's” micro-geostrategy for the Balkans.  It
foiled the programmed military assault and invasion by Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania and
destroyed “NATO's” and “SEATO's” macro-geostrategy for using Greece as their typical chief-leader when militarily assaulting the “Shanghai Pact” (“R.I.C.” Russia-Islam-China). 

Hong cannot forbid Greece from accepting the Russian Proposal of 19.03.2010, especially now after the broad publicising of this matter inside Greece by the Hellenic Webpage “HellenandChaos”.  It must now appear as though the (Zionist/Sionist) “USA” is eager to support Greece with Russia, in order that economic and the entailed political and military blackmails can be exercised with new American lending.  Greece could be forced to reduce its defense budget and stand-down its armed forces prior to being defeated by the armies of “B.A.S.T.R.”.  Later, Greece as typical Chief-General of “NATO”, will send its remaining army of “Empire 666” against armies of the “Shanghai Pact (R.I.C.)”.  Hong's program for the execution of World War III and complete genocide of Greeks and Russians could then be realised without obstacles. 

The General Bank of China funds American public debt and intergovernmental loans by its banks.  Economic collapse of the “USA” and its banks is programmed by Hong, for
  • right after the “NATO” assault against the “Shanghai Pact (R.I.C.)”, or 
  • immediately after sale of Greek debts from the American Banks to China through “Goldman Sachs”, other American financial carriers, or banks.
As indirect holders of debt through America, China is legally entitled to request ownership of all public and private property.  Thus, to China, indebted Greece inevitably becomes mortgageable and confiscable. 

In 17.02.2010 G.H.Rees' representative delivered to the Russian Embassy of Athens a report of geopolicy, geostrategy, and geoeconomics.  It was proved that if Russia doesn’t
  • foil the planned “NATO” military assault of “B.A.S.T.R.” (Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania) against Greece, and 
  • immediately drive China from the Shanghai Pact of the R.I.C. axis (Russia-Shiite Islamic Nations-China), 
then World War III will ignite, which is the end for Russians.  Whites and White-Yellow Mongols will be genocided by the Chinese and North Korean army, just as planned by Masonic Hyperlodge “HONG” of China against Russia and all White race and the Mongolic nations of Earth. 

G.H.Rees theorises that in 25.03.2010 Russia responded publicly with a negative answer to its report.  In contrast with the spirit and the conclusion of G.H.Rees' report, Mr. Konstantin Sivkov, first vice-president of the Russian Geopolitics Academy, theorised that World War III between two geostrategic coalitions is inevitable; namely “US.E.J” (USA-Europe-Japan) of “NATO-SEATO” and “R.I.C.” (Russia – Islamic Nations – China) or Shanghai Pact. 

Mr Sivkov takes the view that the coming global cultural crisis will arise from several disproportions, of which the following is one (read prototype English document of Mr. Sivkov): Differences between the Free Market (of the West, USA-Europe-Japan) with its power of money and the spiritual roots of various civilizations and Christian orthodox-Islamic-Buddhist religions found in Russia-Shiite Islamic Nations-China/Shanghai Pact. 

Today, nations that abuse and exhaust available resources in production and consumption are no longer of the West or “US.E.J.”.  It is the developed Islamic Nations and Russia through oil overproduction and China through economic over-production, namely the three members of “R.I.C.” of the East or Shanghai Pact. 

G.H.Rees proved the “Disproportions” of Sivkov in paragraphs “A”, “A1”, “A2”, “A3” are not real but are virtual, false, reversed, and altered by the Hebrew and Chinese Academies and Geopolitics Institutions of Moscow, Washington, and Beijing.  (Needless to say, it is not my intention to pointlessly reproduce everything detailed in .  The mentioned proofs are there for your consideration.  Ed.)  Countries of the two coalitions, namely “US.E.J.” and “R.I.C” or Shanghai Pact, are involved in
  • abusive offences against available planetary resources, 
  • oppression of poor countries by rich countries, 
  • oppression of nations by the multinational companies, and the 
  • materialism of the power of money from the lawless free market. 
Therefore, it is not necessary to use military force in order to annihilate non-existing inequalities and disproportions between the two coalitions of “US.E.J.” and of “R.I.C.”. 

It is necessary to expel China from the “R.I.C.” axis (Shanghai Pact) and Tibet from the “T.I.M” axis (Tibet-India-Mongolia) as an ally axis of “US.E.J.”.  Afterwards, “US.E.J” “R.I.” (Russia-Islamic Nations) and “I.M.” (India-Mongolia) should be combined, in order to create the hyper-axis “R.I.-US.E.J.-I.M.” under Russian command and against the axis “C.K.” (China-Korea).  The hyper-axis should end the modus operandi of the Chinese hyperlodge “Hong” which is causing economic, political, military, and national dissolution, toward genocide of all nations and countries, by China and North Korea. 

Sivkov claims that countries will not form coalitions because they already form three axles: “US.E.J.”, “T.I.M.”, and “R.I.C.” or Shanghai Pact.  G.H.Rees points out that people of the planet do not choose some political system or globalization model according to their faiths because they are violently forced to adopt one of the masonic globalisation models (666 West, or 777 Korea, or 888 China). 

In "H", Sivkov stated that two coalitions already exist: “US.E.J.” + “T.I.M.” and “R.I.C.”/Shanghai Pact.  The first is a coalition of so-called industrially advanced nations, represented by Western Civilization.  Clearly, “T.I.M.” is not part of Western Civilization and the geopolitical conclusion by Mr. Sivkov is wrong. 

What is the point of economic and political rescue for Greece by NATO following attack by B.A.S.T.R., if it is only to be later annihilated for fake-leadership of “NATO” under the treasonous philo-NATO governments of “New Democracy” and “PASOK”, and a future government of “La.O.S.” of “EMPIRE 666” in Constantinople.  “NATO” armies and nations are to be wiped out for the programmed attack against the Shanghai Pact or “R.I.C.” in the deserts of Siberia, Mongolia, and China. 

Collusion gangs of Dragonian spirits, through besotted earthly priesthoods, established all conflicting
  • religions (888 vs 666, etc), 
  • political ideologies (Capitalism, Communism, Nazism, Fascism, Socialism, Democracy, etc.), 
  • economical systems, and 
  • military pacts (NATO, Shanghai Pact, etc) of our Planet... 
The end purpose is division, conflict and annihilation of all human races, nations and states of our planet by the terrestrial Dragonian armies of the pure yellow Chinese and Korean races.  This is the Chinese “Armageddon” depicted in the Dragonian Judeo-Christian “Holy Scripture”.  According to G.H.Rees research, planet Earth became a theater of war; a projection of the space war of the “Constellation of Andromeda” and “Hyper Solar System of Sirius” against the “Constellation of Draco”. 

Maitreya or Mitrogaios or Mhtera Gaia (in Greek) or "Mother Earth" in English or "Gaia Goddess Demeter" is a theosophical masonic scheme through the theosophical "Tara Center" of London (or "Terra Center").  It is the imposition of the MRA666 Sufism panreligion upon Western nations of "US.E.J." and "T.I.M." of Tibet and India.  Its spiritual leader was to be the Hebrew-Pakistani leader of the Ahmadiya Sufism Global Newage Movement, Rahmand Ahmand else known as "Maitreya".  G.H.Rees long ago busted this Dragonian scheme.

Rahmand Ahmand will probably be replaced in this neo-religious leader role by the Danish "Anti-Christ 666", Dan-Christian of the Danish Royal House, posing as Emperor of the neo-Byzantine "Empire 666" of "La.O.S. 666" in Constantinopole.  This is part of the planned provocative Western attack against the Shanghai Pact, having both political and religious motivation (aka Holy War polarization of the new age Sufi neo-religion 666 against the orthodox religions of the Eastern axis). 

From Hellen and Chaos blog', Tuesday 23 February 2010

There is now evidence of a plan by “Hong” China, “AOA” London, and “NSA”-USA, to cause economic collapse of Russia.  During the planned attack by armies of “B.A.S.T./R.” (Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Rοmania) against Greece, “NATO” is to command destruction of Russian natural gas and oil pipelines in the Balkans by those armies. 

There is sufficient evidence showing that the leaders of the “Epsilon Group” of “La.O.S” will ignite World War Three for “Hellenic Empire 666” based in Constantinople:
  • Turk-Albanian George Karatzaferis as Prime minister, 
  • Pseudo-Paleologos Dragazis as Emperor, and 
  • Paul Glucksburg fallen successor of the Greek Throne of the Hebrew-Saxons of Denmark as Commander-in-Chief.  
Forces will be positioned by the “NSA”-USA as typical leaders of the axles “US.E.J.” (USA-Europe-Japan) and “T.I.M.” (Tibet-India-Mongolia), leading “NATO” and “SEATO” in the military attack against the axis “R.I.C.” (Russia-Islam-China).  Currently, motivation derives from the refusal of “R.I.C”
  • to make their citizens carry subcutaneous identification "Microchips 666" of the “Epsilon” of “La.O.S.”, and 
  • to swear economic and politico-military obedience to “Hellenic Empire 666” of “Epsilon” of “La.O.S.”. 
Purpose: “R.I.C.” armies are to completely genocide India and the White populations of “US.E.J.”by their overwhelming counter-attack. 

G.H.Rees provided some of the evidence (See point "E".) for the plans of “Hong” concerning complete genocide of
  • White and Black races, 
  • White-Yellow and Black-Yellow Mongols, and 
  • White, Black, White-Yellow and Black-Yellow populations of the Islamic Nations and Russia.  
China and North Korea will conduct the genocides, although they deviously pretend to be allies of the Islamic Nations and Russia. 

Six Russian ministers are totally informed on “Hong's” criminal Chinese plans and of “NSA”-USA against Russia and the Islamic Nations.  Since Russian ambassadors have the automatic duty to parallel report to presidents and prime ministers of their countries, G.H.Rees' evidence will have reached the Russian President Medvedev, Prime Minister Putin, and six Russian ministers.  The documents were also delivered to the Russian Embassy in electronic form, namely CD-PDF, for instant transfer through codified internet. 

Despite the disclosures, the Russian Government is advised to cancel and arrest the planned military assault by “B.A.S.T.R.”, planned by the “NSA” against Greece.  If this assault materialises, then Russia will definitely be involved in all phases of “Hong's” World War scheme, with resulting total genocide of Russian White and White-Yellow Mongols by armies of the “Kingdom of Jehovah” (Sin-Sina-Sion-Zion), namely China and North Korea. 

G.H.Rees asks Hellenic non-mason officers of the Three Weapons, police, and secret service, to immediately exterminate all
  • Greek politicians of all parties, 
  • the -without exception- masonic traitor Greek generals and followers of the Chinese “Global Kingdom of Jehovah”,
  • Greek masonic sects of the Chinese “Kingdom of Jehovah” who belong to the Greek magistracy and to the executive power.  
They prepare the annihilation of the Greek Army by the armies of “B.A.S.T./R.”. 

G.H.Rees calls all governments and especially of Islam and Russia, to send secret service agents to immediately annihilate
  • members of Greek traitor provocateurs “Epsilon”, 
  • members of parliament, 
  • members of “La.O.S.”, and 
  • leaders of “La.O.S”
    • George Karatzaferis, 
    • pseudo-Paleologos Dragazis, 
    • Paul Glucksburg.  
All the above zombies are conspiring toward World War Three and their own final genocide by Chinese and Korean armies, under the orders of “Hong” China and the “NSA”-USA.
Read G.H.Rees documents in the following web pages:,,, etc..

Governments of the “NATO” Pact must dissolve “NATO” right now and withdraw its military forces from all Islamic and Asiatic countries. Through “NATO”, “Hong” of China and the American “NSA” lead Western countries toward genocide from the counter-attacking Chinese army.

Governments of the “Shanghai Pact” or “R.I.C” must dissolve the “Shanghai Pact” and cancel their ally status with China.  Supreme hyper-lodge “HONG” of China is preparing total genocide after defeat of the axis “US.E.J.”, namely of “NATO” by armies of “R.I.C”.

Goverments of India and External Mongolia must immediately expel all Tibetans from their territories and dissolve the axis “T.I.M.” (Tibet-India-Mongolia) because the American Pentagon is ready to send troops for the “Deliverance” of the provocateur Tibet from China.  By allying to this provocateur “NATO” assault for alleged “deliverance of Tibet”, ordered by the “NSA” against China, then according to the scheme of Chinese “Hong” the Chinese army will genocide 1.5 billion Hindus and Mongols of External Mongolia through their counter-attack. 

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Over Chthonian

Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 08 May 2010

The goyim of masonry must continue to believe in the spiritual origin of “miracles”.  Knowing that it is really technological could wipe out the psychological terror forced upon them with the use of cabbala.  More importantly, goyim must not become aware that the technology that causes magickal phenomena for the brotherhood of the left path is the same as it is for the brotherhood of the right path.  Transmission frequencies used by underchthonians and overchthonians are under the command of sovereign master Metatron Asmodai. 

The camp of Metatron contains
  • overchthonian forces of Saturn, Selene, and Lilith, 
  • chthonian forces of Selenians and Lilithians, and 
  • underchthonian forces of Cronians that were defeated by Zeus.

The camp of Zeus contains 
  • overchthonian forces of planets Uranus and Jupiter, 
  • chthonian forces of Uranus, and 
  • underchthonian forces of Uranides, defeated by Saturn.
A strategic need arose for overchthonian Cronians, Selenians, and Lilithians to pose as overchthonian forces of planets Neptune (ruled by Poseidon), Pluto, and Uranus in order for Zeus' forces to take the blame for crimes of the diabolical space forces of Metatron.  This is revealed in the book of apocalypse in our Bible: “The Dragon that is dragging with his tail the third of the stars”, which are actually the 3 outer out of the 9 planets of our solar system.
Strategic needs of the Draconian-Cronian Alliance have been fulfilled completely through a state-of-the-art technological double game, in which miracles of God-Christ-Angels impress religious "Heavenly" followers and black magick by Devils-Demons impresses religious "Devilish" disciples.  The environment/matrix manipulating transmitters are operated by overchthonians, chthonians, and underchthonians; Alelu-Yahweh, Alelu-Ia. 

Friday, 5 August 2016

Outer Planets

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 04 June 2016

Information was transmitted by Andromedian forces at the four outer planets, using “heavy, slow neutrino transmitters”.  The signal was received by “heavy, slow neutrino receivers” of the “space search division” of G.H.Rees in the city of Patras, Greece.  G.H.Rees also sent messages from its heavy neutrino (neutrino-naser) transmitters to Andromedian forces of the Galactic Government Astrofleet stationed in the vicinity of planet Saturn.

Since 2000 A.D., the combat division of the Andromedian Starfleet has arrived at the orbits of planet Saturn and has been negotiatingfor unconditional surrender of the Draconian forces of the moon that occupy the inner planets of our solar system.  Following surrender of the moon and its escorting by Andromedian ships safely out of our solar system, the now shrinking orbits of the planets can be stabilised and reversed through use of “space engineering” to avoid ultimate impact with our sun.  G.H.Rees asked for more details of the mission and negotiations but was turned down on account of confidentiality. 

The space research division of G.H.Rees at Patras, Greece, informed Andromedian forces at planet Saturn that lunar Draconian forces allied with Cronian Andromedian traitors who betrayed the Galactic Government of Andromeda, have planned a fake “arrival of Andromedian forces” on planet earth.  Mutinous Saturnian (Cronian) forces will pose as true Andromedians, so as to deceive the armed forces of “U.S.-Europe-Japan, 666” (“US.E.J”) and drag them to a world war against the armies of “Russia-Shiite Islam-China, 777, 888” (“R.I.C”, Korea is coded 777).  These fake saturnian forces will also commit “war crimes” and “crimes against humanity” against the armies and populations of “R.I.C”, so that counterattacking “R.I.C” will ultimately genocide the unarmed civilians of “US.E.J”.

Andromedian forces at Saturn have informed G.H.Rees that saturnian traitors and other Andromedian mutineers will be allowed to perform “acts of expiation” and manage to survive in the constellation of Andromeda.  However, the genocide of White race populations of “US.E.J” through execution of the evil plans of the lunar Draconian forces will “result in irrevocable death penalties and exclusion from any possible means of survival via “acts of expiation”.  This Andromedian warning applies to ALL Draconian and Touranian governments and populations of the planet”. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 08 May 2010

The ships Selene and Lilith were forced to abandon the constellation of Arcturus because of the collapse and death of the sun in the Epsilon Bootes system.  They searched for refuge in a new planetary system, for survival of populations rescued from the planets of E’ Bootes.  After arrival in Earth's solar system, Selene and Lilith didn’t encounter unified forces of Galactic Government ships, but instead a situation of conflict between the leader of planet Saturn who overthrew Galactic representation of the Uranides from planet Uranus.  The leader of planet Jupiter (Zeus) counterattacked Saturn in order to reconnect the present planetary system with the Central Galactic Authority. (Read Hesiod Theogony about the conflicts of the dynasties of Uranus against Saturn.) 

In the space war intervention that followed, Metatron Yahweh of the moon enlisted forces defeated by Zeus of Saturn and -as considered natural- all Earthly Saturnian priesthoods.  Zeus enlisted forces of the Uranides and corresponding Earthly priesthoods of Uranides. The situation that followed was chaotic...

The camp of Metatron contained
  • overchthonian forces of Saturn, Selene, Lilith, 
  • chthonian forces of Selenians (moon), Lilithians (Lilith) and 
  • underchthonian forces of Cronians (Saturn) defeated by Zeus. 
The opposing camp of Zeus contained 
  • overchthonian forces of planets Uranus and Jupiter, 
  • chthonian forces of Uranus, and 
  • underchthonian forces of Uranides defeated by Saturn. 
Chief rabbinical initiation imparts additional knowledge, concerning dominance of the ships allied to Metatron-Saturn.  There was a surprising withdrawal of Zeus-Uranus ships from the space battle while they were dominant, to
  • the inner cavity of Earth (through north and south polar holes),
  • the outer planets Neptune (Poseidon), Pluto, Uranus, and outer orbital level of Saturn.  
  • raise a wider alarm by exiting the solar system. 
There came a strategic need for overchthonian Cronians, Selenians, and Lilithians to pose to the hostage humans of Earth as overchthonian forces of planets Neptune (Poseidon), Pluto, and Uranus.  Hence, forces of Zeus would be blamed for the crimes of hidden Draconians, as is revealed in the book of apocalypse in the Bible: “The Dragon that is dragging with his tail the third of the stars”, which are actually the 3 outer out of the 9 planets of our solar system.

Cinema movies have presented the Galactic Government to the global audience as an evil fascistic empire that attacks Earth, as in Star-Wars movie.  Draconian Alliance ships of Selene and Saturn poseurs are to attack Earth if they are defeated.  Then the Galactic Federation will find it impossible to disembark crews to Earth and make friends with Earthlings, since historically they have been labelled Fascist Devils of corruption, destruction (caused by Draconian weapon systems), and disinformation (via holographic transmitters). 

The blame will be absolute against the Galactic Government through the Atlantian and Saturnian underchthonian Centaurian abnormity that will -with the order of Yahweh- soon climb to the surface of the planet (from within the Earth's crust) posing as Zeus and Apollo or Apollionos or Abaddon, as was mentioned in the scheme of the Apocalypse of our Holy scripture, chapter Theta, verse 11. 
Dear sirs of the Russian government:

On 24 June 2016, the “ space research” division of G.H.Rees based in Patras, Greece, will transmit a signal towards the Galactic Andromedian Government astrofleet orbiting Saturn.  The signal will convey Earth's Governments reply to the Galactic Government’s command for “cancellation-annulment” of the lunar Draconian programmed WWIII between U.S.-Europe-Japan (666) and Russia-Siitic (Shiite) Islam-China (888).  G.H.Rees must receive the Russian Government's reply by 18/6/2016, as to whether or not it will carry out the order-command. 

In the event that G.H.Rees receives a negative answer from you by the specified date, it will be presumed that you refuse to carry out the above order.  Refusal will be included in the signal of 24/6/2016 to planet Saturn.  It will also be noted in the signal that the Russian government “gives its consent and conspires with Draconian hyper-lodge “HONG” of China for the genocide of 2/3 of the planet’s population by the yellow Draconian races of China and Korea”. 

Inconsistent Russian actions against Hellenes includes consenting to the setting up on Skopjian territory of the biggest U.S+NATO military base on the planet and inaction to pseudo-Macedonian Skopjians of Bulgarian-Slavic-Touranian descent receiving Bulgarian passports from the Bulgarian government.  That is a military base of Russia's supposedly most hated enemy, which raises high suspicions of a Touranian Hebrew government collusion between the U.S and Russia, both aiming at waging WWIII.  As for the rest of inconsistent Russian actions, G.H.Rees has already informed the Galactic Andromedian Government forces orbiting Saturn. 

G.H.Rees has provided summaries of information transmitted by Andromedian forces in the four outer planets, via “heavy, slow neutrino transmitters” in the vicinity of planet Saturn.   Transmissions were received by “heavy, slow neutrino receivers” of the “space search division” of G.H.Rees in the city of Patras, Greece. 

Summaries provided by G.H.Rees falls into three categories
  • coming only from Andromedians in the vicinity of planet Saturn,
  • providing a mix of information from 
    • G.H.Rees research and
    • Andromedians of Saturn,
  • information deriving only from G.H.Rees research .
Research information from G.H.Rees was transmitted via heavy neutrino (neutrino-naser) transmitters to planet Saturn and received by forces of the Galactic Government Andromedian astrofleet.  Bearing in mind G.H.Rees' research information, all governments of Earth are notified of an ultimatum. 

Since 2000 A.D., the combat division of the Andromedian starfleet arrived at the orbits of planet Saturn has been negotiating with Draconian forces of the moon for their unconditional surrender from the inner planets of our solar system.  Following the ultimate surrender of the moon and its escorting by Andromedian ships safely out of our solar system, the now shrinking orbits of the planets will begin to expand naturally.  "Space engineering" will stabilise these orbits and reverse their current shrinkage toward our sun.  G.H.Rees asked for more details of the mission and negotiations but was turned down on account of “confidentiality of negotiations”. 
The space research division of G.H.REES at Patras, Greece, informed Andromedian forces at planet Saturn that lunar Draconian forces and forces of Cronian Andromedian traitors of the Galactic Government of Andromeda had joined forces.  They have planned a fake “arrival of Andromedian forces” on planet earth.  The mutinous Cronians will pose as loyal Andromedians supporting the armed forces of “U.S.E.J-666”, thereby dragging them into a world war against the armies of “R.I.C -777-888”.  These fake Saturnians will commit “crimes against humanity” and “war crimes” on “R.I.C” armies and populations, thereby provoking overwhelming counterattack by “R.I.C” that will ultimately genocide the unarmed civilians of “US.E.J”. 
Andromedian forces at Saturn informed G.H.Rees that: “Even the Saturnian traitors and other Andromedian mutineers will be allowed to commit “acts of expiation”, if they so wish, and manage to survive not in our solar system but rather in the constellation of Andromeda. 

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

+/-OTO:  Ordo Templis Orientis [positive] and Ordo Templis Occidentis [negative]

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 26 November 2009

The Temple of the Holy (OTO) is formed of seventy-two Masonic orders or rites-doctrines, only one of which is the Scottish rite obeyed by Greek Masonry.  Twenty-four rites are led by each of the Semitic tribes of Hebrews, Arabs, and of the Turanian Mongols.

“Enmities” are developed within these three groups, so that the strategic and geopolitical “demands the god Sin” can be met.  For example, the Germany-Japan “axis” of World War II was created with the cooperation of O.T.O. Bavaria and O.T.O. Japan, in association of Turanian Mongols Ming-Khan of Bavaria and Turanian Mongols Ming-Khan of Japan, Tibet, Manchuria.  A.O.A. ordered those Turanian O.T.O.'s to turn against the O.T.O. under Israeli command, namely O.T.O. of Great Britain-U.S.A. and the Arabic O.T.O. with Egypt as centre. 

The pseudo-enmities between A.O.A. and the leaderships of O.T.O. unfortunately functioned as true-enmities between lower degree members of O.T.O. and all members of the “non-Semitic goyim assembly” of M.T.M., namely of Memphis Templis Misraim.  Hellen and Chaos provides analysis of M.T.M. activity, but here adds only that the Scottish O.T.O. under Israeli command “born and rose and commanded” the lodges “Thoule”, “Golden Dawn”, “Illuminati of Bavaria”, “Anehnerbe”, “Edelweiss”, to create the myth of Atlantean Aryans and the ideological structure of Nazism and Fascism.

Turkey’s Ikonia originating Hebrew-Mongol, Kara-ali / Kara-aman-ali / Karamanlis is called by the Kahal of Archrabbinia as “Brother Amanael” meaning … all Hellenes, lets glorify Jehovah and his servant Mohammad, amen.
…(Brother) Amanael is also a member of the covert Masonic hierarchy and is directly accountable to the deputy Arch-rabbi of Athens.  After their nomination, members of the covert Masonic leadership in Greece are automatically considered to be the ambassadors of U.S.A., U.S.S.R., and Great Britain, who are at the same time arch-rabbis and members of O.T.O..

The Ambassador of U.S.S.R., Igor Andropov, is called “Levites Priest Lieberman” by the Kahal of Athens.  This was discovered through recordings by G.H.Rees, of Archrabbinia “reception psalmodies”. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 28 May 2015

Sporadic aerial bombardment by the U.S. air force against Jihadi sounitic targets , are not aimed at their destruction, but rather the strengthening of their fanaticism so that they are more determined to take Baghdad and establish their ‘’Semitic Chalifate’’.  Then, jihad or ‘’Holy War’’ will be declared against
  • ‘’Christian crusaders’’, i.e USA+NATO Europe,
  •  ‘’shiite’’ islamists, that is pseudo Hebrews,
  • governments of Iran-Iraq-Pakistan, and 
  • ‘’shiites’’ of the non-Hebrew government of Syrian President Assad (despite the fact that 80% of Syrians are ‘’sunni’’).
The result is an insane and chaotic situation made up by
  • Jewish Saxon rabbis and English lords (Adeptis Ordo Atlantis), 
  • Hebrew-Saxon university lecturers of USA and England, all members of Hebrew Saxon masonic lodges of ‘’AOA’’ and ‘’OTO’’ of London, and 
  • ‘’NSA’’ hyper-government of the USA, 
all commanded by ‘’Hong’’ of China, whose primary role is the provocation and outbreak of WWIII between ‘US.E.J. (USA- Europe-Japan or 666) and R.I.C (Russia-Shiite Islam-China or 888). 

Apparently, no Islamic ‘’sunni’’ state will take part in WWIII, such as ‘’ISIS’’ jihadists, Saudi Arabia, Turkey (Chanafite school of ‘’sunni’’ islam), and others, since they will already have dissolved.  However, to justify the destruction of ‘’sunni’’ Islamic states via
  • military counterattack of ‘’shiite’’ governments and states and 
  • attack of non-Islamic forces (i.e USA and others), 
‘’Hong’’, ‘’AOA’’ and ‘’OTO’’ of London , and ‘’NSA’’ of USA require just cause.  The sunni forces will therefore be funded, supported and fanaticised toward crimes of war and against humanity, thereby justifying their total demise. 

The sunni state of the jihadists of ‘’ISIL’’ is nearing completion of its crimes through the upcoming ‘’ Baghdad massacre’’.  After the armies of BASTR have invaded and genocided half of Greece, as masterplanned by the American Pentagon and ordered by the ‘’NSA’’, it has been programmed by ‘’Hong’’, ‘’AOA’’, ‘’OTO’’, and the ‘’NSA’’ that sunni Turkey will have completed its crimes. 

Following the crimes of ISIL-Turkey-Saudi Arabia-Qatar-etc, ‘’Hong’’, ‘’AOA’’, ‘’OTO’’ of London, ‘’NSA’’ of USA, China, the Hebrew government of Moscow and the pseudo Hebrew governments of shiite Islamic states (Iran etc.), will militarily assault all
  • non-sunni Islamic states, 
  • sunni states (Turkey–ISIL-Saudi Arabia-Qatar), and
  • national sunni Arab regimes, 
for their total dissolution and demise. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 20 November 2010

4.  You will abort definitively and irrevocably "Hong's" collusively planned military attack by "NATO" against "R.I.C." and the genociding military counter-attack by "R.I.C." against the white nations of India-Europe-"U.S.A.".  The third world war or "Armageddon" was planned by hyper-lodge "Hong" of China and "A.O.A." and "O.T.O." of London. 

5.  You will abort definitively and irrevocably the break-up of the Greek state into small states that would either remain independent or be annexed to neighbouring countries.  This was planned by "Hong" of China, "A.O.A." and "O.T.O." of London, through the traitorous Greek electoral bill "Kallikratis". 

White Hellenes arrived on Earth from the constellation of Andromeda through Sirius, intending to impart knowledge of ecological science to the native Sirian Black race.  Some peoples have folk traditions and ancient written history about this, namely the Hindu, Greeks, Dogon of Africa, and remaining White Atlantean "Berbers".  These peoples are to be deceptively grouped under the Andromedian two end-for-end "Epsilon" symbol, as ordered by the supreme planetary Masonic hyperlodge, "Hong" of China, through the Mongolian "Zen" hyper-lodge of Tibet, to Western Hebrew-Saxonic Mongolian Masonic hyperlodges, "A.O.A." and "O.T.O." of London.

The anthropological consonance between White "Berbers" of Africa and "Guanche" of the Canary Islands with Atlanteans of Atlantis is deviously and totally silenced by a Sinic, Chinese and Zionist system of pseudo-science.  This system is developed, taught and used by "Hong" and Hebrew-Saxon Mongolian "A.O.A." and "O.T.O." of London. 

If "Hong" of China and the inferior "A.O.A." and "O.T.O." of London let the truth be known about the origins of the "Berbers" of northwestern Africa and of the "Guanche" of the Canary islands, it would be catastrophic for the genocidal scheme of "Hong", China i.e. the murder of five billion people of White, Black, White-Yellow, and Black-Yellow races by "B.A.S.T.R.", "R.I.C.", "C.J.T.H.S.M." and "C.K." at the third world war, "Armageddon".  Hence, the ethnological and anthropological fraud is to be maintained. 

If the origins of the White "Berbers" of Africa, White "Guanche" of the Canary Islands, and history of the sunken Atlantis was disclosed, other truths would follow.  For example,
  • the international philosophy (of the ass/anus) and theosophy (of the ass/anus) practiced in Masonic lodges of the planet.  
  • leaders of the negative ▼ Nazi part of "Ordo Adeptis Atlantis" and "Xrysh Aygh" (Golden Dawn) of London would be exposed as pseudo-White Atlanteans; White-Yellow Mongolian Hebrew Magicians and Saxon Lords pretending to be White Atlanteans like the "Berbers".  
National (gentile) White "Negative Grand Easts" or theosophical "M.T.M.s" like the "Theosophical Society of Greece" and "Theosophical Societies" of other White nations are necessary for dragging armies of Western White states ("US.E.J.", "NATO", "SEATO") into a weak attack against "Russia-shiite Islam-China" ("R.I.C.") and China-Korea.  Without the racial pretence of their bosses, likelihood of this suicidal weak attack is reduced and international Freemasonry would likely collapse.  Therefore, counterattack by "R.I.C." and especially China could be obviated, further delaying genocide for
  • all White and Black nations and states,
  • idiotic, suicidal Hebrew-Saxon Mongol leaders of "A.O.A." and "O.T.O." of London,
  • Mongolian Hebrew rabbis, and 
  • national Masonries of all states.
From the governments of Russia, "U.S.A.", and "E.U.", G.H.Rees demands break-up of Masonic hyperlodges "A.O.A." and "O.T.O." of London, and their subservient national (gentile) "M.T.M." philosophical and theosophical lodges.  Also, break-up all peripheral Nazi organizations of "Xrysh Aygh" (Golden Dawn) and others like "Nea Akropolis" (New Acropolis), and close down all Nazi websites e.g. "" and "" of Greece.

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 06 November 2011

Visible lodges behind the National (Ethnic - Gentile) “M.T.M.” (Memphis Templis Misraim –negative- & Moses Templis Melhisedec –positive-) are the “Illuminati”.  They protect the anonymity of “A.O.A.” and “O.T.O.” memberships (Ordo Templis Occidentis –negative- & Ordo Templis Orientis –positive-).  Meanwhile, Chinese-Hebrew “Mass Media” publishing houses “Esoptron – Kedros” are publishing false and devious articles in “Third Eye” and “Nexus” magazines about alleged world war between Chinese secret societies and the "Illuminati", which serve to deny previous documents of G.H.Rees proving that
  • “+/-A.O.A.” and “+/-O.T.O” of London command all arch-rabbineia (synagogues) and Masonic National (Gentile) “+/-M.T.M.” of the West, not the Illuminati
  • hyper-lodges of the Western “A.O.A.”, “O.T.O”, and their subordinate “Illuminati” lodges are colluding in a fake clash with hyper-lodge “Hong” of China (, with purpose to provoke a military assault by USA-Europe-Japan and Tibet-India-Mongolia under typical fake (virtual) Greek command against Russia-Islam-China, which will then counterattack and genocide White people of USA-Europe-India and the Black race, enabling founding of the “Kingdom of Jehowah Sin/Sion/Sina (China). 

Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 27 December 2011

Greek-Americans who are indignant at the treason of the Hebrew-Saxonic American government have evidence at hand proving that the Chinese hyper-lodge ‘Hong’ through the masonic hyperlodge ‘AOA’/‘Adeptis Ordo Atlantis’ in London and ‘OTO’/‘Ordo Templis Occidentis’ in London, manipulates the American-Hebrew government and the American-Saxonic government through the Hebrew lodge of the ‘Great Oak’ in New York.

The aforementioned evidence was provided on the website ‘Ellhn kai chaos’ (‘Hellene and Chaos’) proving that the Chinese government nowadays gives orders to Western hyper-lodges ‘AOA’ and ‘OTO’ in London as well as to the American government.  The American government is wrongly considered ‘ruler of our planet’, since it is in a state of decomposition, planned masterfully and treasonously by Hebrews and Saxons of the American government who intend to render the Chinese government ‘ruler of our planet’.  Hebrews of the USA, the Rockefeller owners of the American central Federal Reserve Bank, have sold all American public debt to the central Bank of China.

Transmission of G.H.Rees message to the Hellenegeneous member of the Russian Duma/Parliament, Mr Ivam Savvidis:
…the common plan between Chinese hyperlodge ‘Hong’ and Western hyper-lodges ‘AOA’ and ‘OTO’ in London as well as the Hebrew hyperlodge of the ‘Great Oak’ in New York, which manipulates [white noise on the line] the Hebrew and the Saxon politicians of the American government and also the Hebrew and the Saxon military generals… [white noise on the line, and the line is cut off]...
The existing evidence, which are provided by Greek-Americans working for the American secret intelligent services, already prove that the Chinese hyperlodge ‘Hong’ (though the supreme western Masonic hyperlodges ‘AOA’ and ‘OTO’ in London…  [the line is cut off continuously]  …as well as through the lodge of the ‘Great Oak’ in New York) gives orders to the Hebrews and the Saxons of the American government and to the Hebrews and the Saxons of the European governments.  The purpose is to orchestrate a weak attack of the NATO army against the Pact of Shanghai armies consisting of the armies of Russia and China and Islamic countries, in order to provoke the strong counter-attack of the Pact of Shanghai armies and the invasion of the Chinese army in every country of the planet.  By doing so, China aims at ensuring its national and ethnic supremacy over the state and personal assets of all the countries of the planet, with the excuse that this way it will be receiving back all the revenues of the monetary loans which it gave to the USA and to the governments of the European countries as American state bonds and as European state bonds respectively.

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 15 March 2012

Disgraceful treasonous actions of hypocritical Hebrew-Americans (A.O.A. + O.T.O. + N.S.A.): Not only is the American Government accused of pedaling drugs to its own people, but...

The barefaced Americans have the nerve to criticise drugs trafficking by Iran.  In 2001, under pretext of the NSA-staged terrorism of 9/11, the "USA" went into Afghanistan intending to restart the heroin and opium trade that had stopped temporarily.  For their own reasons, the leadership of the Islamic Taliban had cut two-thirds of opium production from the notorious poppy fields of Afghanistan, which feeds many Afghan people. 

Upon occupation of Afghanistan, the Americans quickly restored drug production from the poppy fields.  Moreover, they safe-guarded them with their army and appointed a puppet governor of Afghanistan from Unocal; a multinational energy company with whom the Taliban had previously destroyed a deal to pass a natural gas pipeline through Afghanistan. 

Governmental drug running is nothing new to America... During the Vietnam war, the CIA conducted broad drugs trafficking by using a network of pilots under the name “Air America”.  They built a huge air base in the middle of the jungle with secret black budget funding and used cargo planes to carry drugs (opium, etc) for creating paramilitary groups of local warlords destined to fight for the interests of the Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency.  America's long-term purpose in Vietnam was not necessarily to win the war against very tough Mongolian warriors, Vietcong, but was for “Wall Street: Business as usual” and continuation of the general provocation of the West towards the East (known as  "drag nach osten"). 

War crimes would be prefabricated against Asians, in order to drop great blame upon White and Black nations and enflaming a more rabid counter-assault against the West!  In Vietnam, such provocation was not caused by betrayed White and Black citizens of the West.  Instead, it was commanded by Hong and engineered behind the scenes by Hebrew-Saxonic and therefore Mongolian masonic-hyperlodges O.T.O. and A.O.A. London.  With the NSA acting as a deputy of O.T.O. in the USA, they command America, in collusion with “Kings of the Jews” arch-rabbis Baruch of New York.

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 07 August 2011

Even the shadowy (supposedly) pluripotential hyper-organisation “NSA” (National Security Agency) is very low down in the masonic hierarchy.  Such groups etc are just facets to hide the real mighty Draconian superintendents, being just an aggregation of willful slaves for forwarding and executing Hong's directives.  Giannis Karageorgiou of G.H.Rees confirms this, stating that the Bilderberg group is a mere instrument, very low down in the Draconian hierarchy.  Final decisions come from ''Hong'' via Zen of Tibet-India for processing in London's A.O.A and then O.T.O. until they reach the lower groups in the hierarchy of Western Hebrew-masonry. 

Have a look at the outline of the Draconian hierarchy, as provided by G.H.Rees.  See how low down the NSA is – the so-called Hyper Inaccessible Shadow NSA, classified as Top Secret Umbra, as Giannis Karageorgiou previously revealed. 

Here is an extract concerning Ordo Templis Orientis (OTO), from Verner Gerson's book "Nazism: Secret Society":

"And, regarding the occult second-level OTO - Ordo Templis Orientis (seconded only to the Hebrew-Masonic third-level superintendent of the west, London's AOA - Adeptis Ordo Atlantis), we have to make the following revealing points:
OTO, as pretty much all organisations of this kind, is divided into two ''circles''...
an outer or ''preparatory'' one, and
an inner or ''leading'' one.
We have in our hands the articles of association of the former of the two circles.  Based on symbols of astrological houses, it seems totally harmless and innocent at first sight.

But it becomes less so, once we consider that the instruction and the ''initiation'', which were strictly personal, confidential and oral, were based on a sexual practice which was ''implemented'' collectively.

But let us see some of the more important provisions in the articles of assiociation. We should, of course, make sense between the lines, in order to understand the real meaning, especially as regards the
  • ''members'', 
  • ''servants'', and 
  • ''children''.  
We also make clear that, in addition to the group sexual rituals, which could be taken as ''normal'' before one enters the inner circle of the society, he had to go through active and passive sodomic trials, which in the secret symbolic jargon was called ''passing the abyss'' (reference to one of the mysteries of Kabbalah, related to the parting of the seven lower Sephiroth from the three upper ones.  For more information, one can read the works of Paul Villeau)."  In other words, the matter under discussion is ritualistic anal sexual intercourse between masonic "brothers".