The “Hebrew holocaust” of world war II was ordered by Jews of Europe. It entailed the survival of (hyper-)rich “sephardim” bankers and sacrifice of poor “ashkenazim”.
Leader of the French left, Roger Garaudy, was disgusted by the political frauds of Hebrews in France. As an historian, he discovered that the gas chambers and 6,000,000 dead Hebrews in German concentration camps of forced labor (and not “genocide camps”) is “a basic myth of Israeli foreign policy”. It is a myth that functions as deterrent to research and punishment for crimes and violations of international law committed after WW2 by Israel, Hebrews and Saxons. Garaudy,s book entitled “Basic Myths of Israeli Foreign Policy” was forbidden in France because it exposes Hebrew-Saxons of USA, Britain, Holland, Denmark, Germany and the rest nations, as “Crooks and Diachronic Assassins of Nations”. Those truths must die, together with those who found them.
Roger Garaudy's work was confirmed by historian Faurisson in his book “Jewish Holocaust, lie and truth”. Faurisson proved that:
- The furnaces of the labour camps were for those who died of natural causes;
- It was impossible to incinerate 6,000,000 Hebrews according to the manufacturer’s data;
- The Germans kept Hebrews for forced labour in German industry during the war, as they also did for prisoners of other races.
G.H.Rees adds that labour was forced only upon Hebrew “Ashkenazim”, Jewish Hellenes from As(h)kania of Asia Minor (today’s Western Turkey). They lived in groups, unlike the real Hebrew “Sephardim” - like prime Minister of Israel, Golda Meir, and president of the European Economic Community, Simon Veil - who lived in small private apartments and were not subjected to forced labour.
Furthermore, about 60,000 and not 6,000,000 Hellenogene “Ashkenazim” perished in the camps due to illness, hunger, and lack of heat, but Hebrews consistently refuse to publicly disclose the names of the claimed 6,000,000 dead, because lists from the municipalities of European cities would show they never existed! The World Encyclopaedia, 1934, confirmed 3.5 million Jews in Europe, many of whom fled, so how could 6 million die in the camps?
Ashkenazim Holocaust, I
Criminal assassins of WW2 and eternal distorters of every truth, Hebrews reversed reality and presented themselves falsely as victims of an unproven “holocaust”. Historians Forisson and Roger Garaudy revealed that:
A) there were never gas chambers.
B) The blast furnaces started to function in 1945, the last year of WW2. Sixty thousand and not six million “Ashkenazim” Jews were incinerated after death by natural causes in “forced labour camps” that were not “genocidal camps”.
The Ashkenazi branch of Jewry is not Mongolian, but is Pelasgian-White (Hellenes Askanians of Bithynia of Asia Minor, see Iliad b-863, o-793) deriving from the area of Askania lake, south of Proussa. Askanios was the son of troy’s king, Aeneas.
“Sephardi” Jews of A’ category, Hitler-Mueller-Eichmann etc. used pseudo Jews of “B’ category”, i.e. the Hellenogenes Ashkenazim-Askanians as slaves and as animals for slaughtering goyim (see the 2 Biblical testaments). Their purpose was to advertise and politically exploit a fake Jewish holocaust, so that nations would be paralysed and without resistance against Jewish financial crime and war (see Palestinians, Serbs, Iraqis etc and of the rest of the White Race). A devious criminal invention would insist that “whoever blames the Jews is an Hitleric anti-semite Nazi like the Pelasgian Germans of 1940”.
Today the Sephardim falsely class Mongoloid Khazar-Jews and Tatar-Jews of Eastern Europe as “Ashkenazim”. Residents of Israel are 95% Hellenogenes Ashkenazim workers and plain professionals, while 5% are Sephardim company directors (“elite” Mongol Jew descendants of Abraham or Havra-Han). The Popular Workers’ Party of Israel has blamed Sephardi rabbis-bankers-politicians of 1940 as theoretical and financial perpetrators of mass transfers of Ashkenazim into German forced labour camps.
Sephardim Jews of the N.S.C. (national security council) - USA, via the Chinese “Tiao-Kiou-Kiao” Jews of Shanghai and Beijing (see study of the French Jean Boyer), plan to annihilate three million Hellenic Askanians of Israel; the “final Jewish holocaust”. It will give them an ethical alibi for paralyzing Asian nations with guilt, as “genocidal criminals”, so that they accept submission to the “international Jewish hyper government of the reign of God”.
However, “Tiao-Kiou-Kiao”, today’s leaders of China plan annihilation of Sephardi (White-Yellow Pelasgian-Chinese) Jews. They also plan total annihilation of Saxon Mongols of the Western Trilateral pact nations, their Islamic Mongol partners, and Russians.
The text “Masmia Jeshua”, 49A, of the archrabbi Abravanel, gives context:
“The arrival of messiah will take place after a big war where the 2/3 of humanity (i.e. 4 billion) will be annihilated”.
The book “Zohar”, vol. b, 43A, of the Hebrew “Talmud”, agrees:
“The extermination of the Christians is a necessary sacrifice” – ultimate Jewish doctrine. Financial collapse, corruption, and degeneration of nations by Jews and artificial Jews (masons) in nation leading positions. Jewish media and religions (“Jehovah Witnesses”, “Pentecostals”, “Adventists” etc) will condemn the nations as “corrupted and incapable of governing themselves”. Nations paralysed with guilt will become passive toward Jewish war crimes and a global Zionist dictatorship of “God’s reign”.
Final conclusion: Jews, Saxons, and Mongol war criminals are to ignite a third world war beginning in Iraq-Kurdistan (Orient Compact) and continuing in Serbia (West Compact). Nemesis, fine for the Jews, but for Saxons and the rest of the White-Yellow Mongolians: death, annihilation.
Ashkenazim Holocaust, II
The true “Holocaust” is not the false “Hebrew Holocaust” of the Hebrews in the forced labour camps of the 3rd Reich, but is the holocaust of the 7 Hellenic Palestinian Nations. They were annihilated and wildly robbed in Palestine under leadership of Satanist and leader Joshua of Navi, successor of Moses. Unknown millions of Egyptian Hellenes were annihilated and wildly robbed prior to exodus from Egypt under Moses. The holocaust of the Hellenic Palestinian city of “Sihem” and other ancient peoples entailed genocide and wild robbery. These atrocities were committed under the pretext of “idolatry”, taught to ancient nations by demonic priesthoods following the god of Mongolian Israelites; thereby ensuring an immoral religious alibi for genocide through religious wars.
The Hebrew-occupied democratic Athens and treasonous Thebes and Sparta destroyed Greece with civil wars and genocides of the Hellenic islands. Through the black magic of Satanic prophet Daniel and instructions for the Persian priesthoods of King Cyrus, Hellenic Babylon was destroyed and genocided, following the same for Hellenic Assyrians of Ninevi. Hellenes of Mesopotamia were also slaughtered, in a holocaust that painted the waters of the Persian Gulf, the river Tigris, and the river Euphrates red with blood.
The first world war was provoked by the alleged anarchist Serbian of Hebrew origin, Gabriel Princip. Under orders of Serbian rabbis, he murdered the Prince successor of Austro-Hungary. Conflict resulted, between the German-Austrian coalition and Pan-Slavic Russia. Also involved were England, France, America, and other nations. Some eighty million White European Pelasgians died, from war, illnesses, and hunger: Real holocaust!
In September 1939, the bastard son of Hebrew banker Rothschild of Frankfurt, Adolf Hisler or Hitler, invaded Poland according to “Purim” and following an alleged military border assault by Poland against Germany. His allies were:
- Hebrew Mongol Benjamin Moses or Benito Mussolini of Italia;
- White-Yellow Mongol Hirohito, emperor of Japan;
- Hebrew Mongol Jew-ghashvili-Stalin;
- Hebrew Mongol Churchill or Cherzl of England;
- Hebrew Mongol Roosevelt or Rosenwelt of USA.
- German Hebrew Mongol Alfred Rosenberg, Nazi nationalist socialist theoretician.
- Hebrew-American Mongol Adam Smith, writer of capitalist theory.
The crypto-Zionistic Judeo-Christian “orthodox” Church of Greece, in its Judeo-Christian temple rituals is yelling:
“Cursed the Philistines – Palestinians” meaning Cretan colonist Hellenes of Palestine. This Church also yells:
“Blessed be the people of Israel”, namely the annihilating people of Israel. G.H.Rees demands from the crypto-Zionistic Judeo-Christian “Orthodox” Church of Greece that it shows proven regret for its verbal slurs against Hellenic Cretan settler Palestinians of Palestine. It must declare a global protest and persecution against Israel for a real holocaust that is happening currently. In the case of non-compliance by the “Holy” Synod - Athens of the “Orthodox” Church, G.H.Rees promises extremely painful measures for Greek Church Eparchs.
Genocidal crimes against Greeks are economic, against humanity, and constitute ‘’holocaust crimes’’ by Jewish prime ministers George Papandreou, Samaras-Ben-Hiram-Zanna, Chiprah, as well as their Jewish and mason ministers. Such crimes must be punished according to Jewish law, that is the Moses law of ‘’a life for a life’’. Based on this, G.H.Rees calls all Greeks to an armed uprising and to impose the death penalty on the Jews and masons, as they are responsible for the Greek genocide being committed. In case Greek militants, police officers and citizens do not impose the above fair death penalties upon Jews and masons of the legislative-judicial-executive authorities in Greece according to code ’’120’’ of the Greek constitution, the military section of G.H.Rees will carry out the above penalties.
The military section of G.H.Rees performed drills on 28/11/15, using special mixtures of highly powerful explosive materials. The following have been designated as primary targets:
The parliament building;
Court buildings;
Police headquarters;
Ministry of public order;
Ministry of Defence;
Greek intelligence service building;
Ministry of justice;
Masonic lodge of ‘’the Great East’’;
Theosophic society of Greece.
Ashkenazi Holocaust, III
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