Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Grays/Greys/Deros/Vrills (Orionids)

Underground forces are characterized by "holy" scripture as “The Devil” and by masonry as “Tamil Forces”.  They form the religious infrastructure of Buddhism and Induism (Siddharism), being forces invocated by theosophical lodges and propagandized by the “pro-Hellenic” organizations like the “New Acropolis” department of the Theosophical Society (Tamil). 

It was the underground Vrill forces of America, Zen of Mongolia-Tibet and others that created telepathetic “shows” of power to the SS of Himler, during special initiations in Bavarian towers.  Through “New Right” politician members of theosophical lodges, the Vrill will again try to turn Europe into Nazi Europe, led by Hellas (Greece).  In this, Greece will be presented to the European public as “degenerate warmongering Zeus and Apollonians”, “Black sexual magic of degenerate Venus” and with other insults as the final defamation of Zeus' staff and the annihilation of those who still love and believe in the archetypal Hellenistic galactic civilization for the planet.  (See: “Nazism: Secret Society” and “The Apocrypha of Enoch”. The above mentioned sinozionist scheme was "blown open", "busted!" several times by G.H.REES). 
Vrill, I

"And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power."  Revelation 9:3.  
The locusts are interpreted for us, as flying alien crafts from space and the "hollow earth 666" or “Deros” or pseudo-Apollonian “Grays” of the “Epsilon” and “End National Debt” of fraud Art. Sorras (Sorras was given $3bn in expenses by the USA for developing ancient Greek space technology.).  These UFOs are arrayed in the external earthy spherical mantle outside the earthy flaming zone.  Phil Schneider, classified geologist of underground American bases, was assassinated because he revealed the existence of underground bases of lunar aliens “Deros—Gray”. 

"And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name is Apollyon."  Revelation 9:11

Apollyon is a corruption of the name Apollo, namely the real Andromedian god and leader of White Andromedian nations of the hollow earth or “abyss” inside the impenetrable earthy flaming zone.  Andromedians have no genetic or cultural connection with Draconian pseudo-Apollonian aliens from outer space.  Same non-connection applies to enemies living in underground passages outside the earthy flaming zone and ready to emerge around the outer surface of our planet in their UFOs, namely the hollow earth “Deros—Gray” of the “Epsilon --- 666” and frauds of “E.N.D.--- 666”.

"And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented for five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man."  Revelation 9:5

Apollo is to be ascribed false censure, as “king of the abyss” that is king of the “Deros—Gray” aliens of the external spherical mantle outside the earthy flaming zone who have been ordered by lunar headquarters to “harm the people for five months”.  By impersonating Andromedians of the inner surface of the hollow earth inside of the earthy flaming zone, crimes of the space criminals can be ascribed to Zeus, as leader, and all the other gods of the true Hellenic Andromedian Pantheon of Twelve Gods.
Vrill, II

Any announcement of the arrival of Andromedians to Earth will be incorrect and false, instead applying to “indigo children” of "E.N.D. 666" or “Epsilon 666” imposters; a “bluff” false arrival of “alien Saturnalian rebels” as fake “Andromedians” and “chthonic former alien Gray Draconians” as false Apollonians of the inner Earth.  Both are forces allied to “Greek Empire 666” of Constantinople, “Epsilon 666”, “indigo children 666 of E.N.D.”, “Golden Dawn 666”, and “LA.O.S. 666”.  They are aiming at the attack of “NATO” under traitorous Greek command against the Russia-Islam-China axis and the massive counterattack of R.I.C., bringing total genocide of the White civilians in “NATO” countries, with Hellenes being first for slaughter.

Only Saturnalian rebels and their Gray Draconian allies would ask for cooperation and alliance with armed forces of an earthly country for the execution of Draconian Chinese and Mongols of Russia and Islam.  They won’t be Real Andromedians.

It is expected that arrival of fake Andromedians and Apollonians will precede arrival of real Andromedians and Apollonians who, once here on the surface of Earth will kill all unrepentant Draconian populations (China 888 and Korea 777) and unrepentant Mongolian populations of the Hebrews-Saxons-Bulgarians-Turkish-Albanians and other Mongol slaughterers of humanity.  They will not require cooperation or alliance with countries of “NATO” and shall proceed immediately without assistance, so that no armies of R.I.C. remain to counterattack and kill the Andromedian White race. 
Vrill, III

Planet destruction by the Dragonian-Orionid-Cronian mutineers' alliance could threaten our local star system orbits and planetary balance or those of Sirius.  Existence of the Universal Organism and all intelligent beings of the within it will be placed in grave danger.  This is why planetary destruction in "Armageddon" World War III and the genocide of all terran races must be stopped at all costs, except for the pure yellow Sinic Terran-Dragonian Race. 
Vrill, IV

Abductors and expert geneticists.
Vrill, V

American geologist of German origin Phil Schneider revealed to the world his involvement in expansion of deep underground military bases (D.U.M.B's), especially the huge ultra secret American underground base “DULCE” in New Mexico.  Schneider's professional skill and experience as a geologist were used to find easier and faster ways to open subterranean tunnels and deep underground cities at depths of 1 mile or even deeper, by using highly advanced laser drills and other advanced equipment.

In 1979, Schneider reported that his team suddenly encountered “Tall Greys” (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities) working at the same time in some “DULCE” Departments!  There was an exchange of fire in panicked response.  Two Greys were dropped dead by shots from Schneider’s Team.  As he reported, one of the Greys made a “cyclic motion” with his hands, launching an electromagnetic pulse (aka thunder beam) from his chest and bare hands.  It hit Schneider in the chest, also burning and removing fingers from one hand.  As the electricity pulse grounded, his shoes were also burned.  Years later, Schneider, still marked from the strike to his chest and hands, became ill with cancer. 

G.H.Rees long ago reveled that Greys are cooperating closely with the Lunar Boötes Dragonian faction on the external surface of Earth, by occupying underground lodges of the external surface.  An old G.H.Rees chart of the Inner-Outer Earth shows positions of Greys-Cronians-Dragonian factions against forces of remaining Federal Andromedians inside the Inner Earth where they withdrew upon departure of the Uranides (“VARUNA”).  Zeus/Uranus former Andromedian Planetary Governmental Forces divided into three parts around the time of the grand Athenian-Atlantean global war and the parallel local space war in 9.600 B.C.. 
Vrill, VI

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