Ethnic Origins according to G.H.Rees.
Greek National Security R E D A L E R T [Tu01Dec2015]
G.H.REES signal that Foiled the October 14 appearance of pseudo-Andromedian ships
For those who do not know, Whites originate from Andromedian space travellers long since suppressed in local space by hostile invading Draconian reptilians, traitor Andromedian criminals (Cronians), and Vrill slaves (Greys/Grays). The Satanic invaders seek to pose as friendly Andromedians, calling themselves the "Galactic Federation of Light" (GFL)...
GFL planned a flyby of lunar motherships over major cities, as announced by a channelling Australian
medium. G.H.REES transmitted a signal worldwide, four days before the
officially announced appearance, thereby foiling and demystifying the imposter Cronian
[ Note 1: Channelling is demonic trance-catalepsy of the
medium's body, via either Dragonian 2nd Dimension (of matter rarification) “Spirits”
and/or by Dragonian lunarbased psychotronic technology (mind control; consider also, MK Ultra).
Note 2: Matter rarification refers to different dimensions of existence and how solid or thin or ethereal they are in comparison to each other; there may be ten dimensions. So-called Dragonian spirits are invisible to us and thinner. They belong at least one level up, meaning they can perceive and influence our dimension, but supposedly cannot enter it as they appear to have. Alchemical, inter-dimensional experiments of CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) may affect the separation of dimensions, and the human race may have power to alter the nature of some higher dimensions by thought and meditation. ]
These Dragonians would inspire world war three and falsely claim to be pleiadian crews of the (non-existent) planet "nibiru" and GFL. In fact, these progenitors of the Chinese and Koreans came from the "Dragon constellation" aboard their flagship "Moon" and other Dragonian ships (See archives of Raymond Drake and other ethnologists).
Draconian/Dragonian GFL forces will pose as the real Andromedian astro-fleet from Andromeda constellation and Sirius, which is orbiting saturn as observed from the Mauna Kea observatories of Hawai, USA. The Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) of Hebrew-Saxonic Mongolian NASA has identified it as (spontaneously appearing) "new natural satellites of the planet saturn"!
Ancient texts of Greece, India, and the Mayans reveal that the White Andromedian race and the Black Sirius race share a mortal enmity against the Yellow Dragonian race. The reason for this enmity is some thirteen-and-a-half thousand years of continuous, incessant genocide against the White and Black races by the Yellow Dragonian race: Men of White and Black races were slaughtered and their women raped to produce new White-Yellow and Black-Yellow Mongol races. Mongols despise the three pure races.
Secret race war: Yellows against Whites and Blacks
Since the time of Atlantis, Sina has sought to establish a pure-Yellow global dictatorship - Jehovah's Kingdom aka New World Order 888 - under its Draconian father, Sin of Levan. Therefore, apart from Korea, China seeks to remove all other nations from Earth by means of war, economic force, and deception. Greece is first in the firing line.
Turkey will use devious and provocative acts of murder against ethnic minorities of Islamists, Turks, Albanians and others within Greece, in order to incite an armed confrontation between said minorities and Greeks. This planning by Turkey against all Islamic nations is in close collaboration with the Jewish and Masonic communities of the USA, Europe and Russia (Moscow).
Therefore, the ethnic minorities living in Greece are requested NOT to obey the orders of their governments for an armed uprising against Greeks. Conflict will be the demise of both Greeks and minorities. Instead, Islamic Turks and Albanians living in Greece should isolate and remove ‘’ISIS’’ jihadists, and Turkish ‘’MIT’’ and Albanian ‘’SECURIMI’’ secret services, from Greece.
WWIII, Phase 1: Planned Chinese-Hebrew invasion of Greece

JUDAISM: "The best among the Gentiles deserves to be killed" as "The best of snakes ought to have its head crushed" Simeon bar Yochai, pp 617, Jewish Encyclop., Funk and Wagnall. ***** "...we take the CHILDREN of our enemy, which is the white race, and we bring 'em to the basement of the synagogues, where we drain the blood and watch 'em die there." Rabbi Abe Finklestein. ***** "Goyim were born only to serve us... the people of Israel." Sephardi Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, Jewish News, 19 Oct. 2010.
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