Drake, Raymond
Researcher of the Moon and author of "gods and spacemen throughout history". He also concluded that Christianity based in the Christian - Islamic - Judean Bible is the pre-historic religion of China.
Drake concluded that Moon made a first attempt to enter Earth's
orbit around 20.000 B.C., that failed. It made a collision course towards Earth which was
intercepted by the Andromedian Uranides. The second attempt was
successful and Moon entered Earth's orbit around 11.436 B.C. (See
G.H.REES and Raymond Drake research, Tiahuanaco Bolivia encarvings, etc). Actually, Hellene and Chaos [Friday, August 27, 2010] writes that Drake's “Comparative Mythology” places the arrival of the
Moon in about 10.000 B.MH.C. (Before Mongol Hebrew Christ).
Drake was also involved in producing the Comparative Hierography and "Small Yellow Master Of Atlantis", writing that White Atlanteans instigated by the Chinese of Atlantis successfully invaded Europe. The Chinese of Atlantis had provoked disputations between the White Andromedians
of Atlantis and the White Andromedian Hellenes of Europe or Aegis, resulting in a global superpower war.
The Whites and Yellows of Atlantis were nearly pushed back into the Atlantic Ocean by a massive Athenian counter-attack. [Read “Timaeus” and “Critias” of Plato about the civil war between
Hellas and Atlantis in 9.600 B.MH.C.. See “Comparative Mythology” of
the Publicist Raymond Drake for “Corruption of Atlantis by the small
Yellow Masters (Chinese)”]. You will observe that Hellene and Chaos has published slight variations in references - Ed..
spent many years digging through huge archives of material, looking in
his case for supposed anomalies that could support his scenarios of
space aliens impacting human history. As Drake himself said, "I aspired
to collect as many facts as possible from ancient literature to
chronicle for the past what Charles Fort has so brilliantly done for the
present century."" link to en.wikipedia.org
Water World, Levan, and Vrill-Cronian hybrid humosaurians

JUDAISM: "The best among the Gentiles deserves to be killed" as "The best of snakes ought to have its head crushed" Simeon bar Yochai, pp 617, Jewish Encyclop., Funk and Wagnall. ***** "...we take the CHILDREN of our enemy, which is the white race, and we bring 'em to the basement of the synagogues, where we drain the blood and watch 'em die there." Rabbi Abe Finklestein. ***** "Goyim were born only to serve us... the people of Israel." Sephardi Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, Jewish News, 19 Oct. 2010.
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