Neo-nazi Greek traitors, with political wings "Golden Dawn" and "L.A.O.S.". Chief Priests are the French-Hebrew Cretan, Ioannis Fourie or Fourakis, and the Greek-Hebrew professor called Tzanni or Zanna.
Chinese-Turkish military drills performed on Turkish
soil mean military alliance of the
whole BASTR axis with China against
Greece. Foreign immigrants within Greece have been obscenely and brutally abused by Epsilons, rather than undertaking lawful deportation. Furthermore, the Albanian intelligence agency (SECURIMI) , and JIHAD islamic state of ISIS , under command of Turkish secret intelligence agency (MIT) have all arranged to murder their own immigrants within Greece to ‘’prove’’ that these murders were committed by Greeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
[Hellen and Chaos blog, Su15Feb2015]
In revenge, Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania (BASTR) intends a fifty per cent genocide of North-Central-Western-Island. Epsilons have not warned Greeks of this, as they want survivors to invade Asia against all Turkish Mongols of China (Hungarians). This will provoke Russia-Islam-China (RIC) to destroy NATO/SEATO and its member countries.
G.H.Rees has raised the alarm. So, nazi-fascist neo-Greek “Epsilon”, “L.A.O.S.”, “Golden Dawn”, “Nea Acropolis”, “Naer
Mataron” ( Near Metatron) , “Christian-Dodecatheist-Souphists”, “Anti-metatron”, “Eymolpos”, “P.A.S.Y.A”, etc, attempt to disprove and humiliate G.H.Rees by referring to
them as “a dangerous group of traitors living in a fantasy world”. Unfortunately, Greek civilians listen to propaganda of the “chief-priests of Epsilons”, especially French
Hebrew Cretan Ioannis Fourie or Fourakis, and so will not take defensive
measures. In conclusion, Epsilons are deliberately keeping quiet, covering up, implicitly protecting, and becoming
accomplices in the ongoing intentional dismantling of the Greek armed forces.
BASTR/P is a form of BASTR, where P signifies Pentagon affiliation. Following the genocide and amidst crocodile tears, the US government will
deliver sovereignty of BASTR/P
territories to “Greek empire 666” with Constantinople its
capital. “L.A.O.S” will form the government, with “Prime Minister” Turk-Albanian G.Karazafferi of “L.A.O.S” and Chief-General the Hebrew-Saxon heir to
the throne, Paul Holstein Glucksburg. “Emperor” is to be Hebrew-Saxon
Pseudo-dragazis or “new Christ 666” of Denmark or “incarnation of the
god Dionysus” etc, according to “Epsilons”.
Golden Dawn and L.A.O.S. against Greece

JUDAISM: "The best among the Gentiles deserves to be killed" as "The best of snakes ought to have its head crushed" Simeon bar Yochai, pp 617, Jewish Encyclop., Funk and Wagnall. ***** "...we take the CHILDREN of our enemy, which is the white race, and we bring 'em to the basement of the synagogues, where we drain the blood and watch 'em die there." Rabbi Abe Finklestein. ***** "Goyim were born only to serve us... the people of Israel." Sephardi Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, Jewish News, 19 Oct. 2010.
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