Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Flags with Moons 
And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:
Revelation 12:1

Etymology of the Arabic greeting Shalam-Allah or Shalam-Alleh
1.  Combining two Hellenic words “Ieros”(Holy) and “Selene”(Moon) yields IERA- SELENE > JERA-SELEN i.e. Holy-Moon. 
2.  Change the Hellenic root “S’L’N’” for the Atlantean root “S’L’M’” through a change of  the nasal (twang) “N’” to “M’” > JERA-SELEM.
3.  Take SELEM [Moon] through the interpolation of various vowels to get the  Semitic SHALOM, SHALEM, SHALAM, SOLOMON, SALOME, SILOAM, SOULAM.
4.  So, the Arabic greeting SHALAM-ALLAH or SHALAM-ALLEH relates the Moon to  Allah or Atlah. 
5.  The Quran assures us that Allah or Atlah is not dead but has moved to the Moon,  and hence lives on the Moon.  This confirms that Islam is "Heavenly".  Christianity also refers to the Moon.

For those cognizant of the Assyrian-Babylon religion we remind that the term ILOU or ELI in Aramaic, or EL or ELOHA or ELOHIM in Hebrew, or ILAH or ALLAH in Arabic, represents not a particular god but the idea of Divine in its absolute and general meaning.  It is attributed to the Lunar God SIN about whom the adjectives “Ruler God”, “The Ruler of Gods of Heaven and Earth”, “King of Gods”, “God of Gods”, “Lunar Master”, “The Architect of Everything, He who holds the Heavens” were adapted.

The Symbol of the god SIN or SIM was the Moon (Ask why!), with primary place of worship being the city UR of Chaldea from whence came Abraham …according to the Scriptures - “Berrosus Cosmogony”. 

The Shiite Islamic flag of Iran incorporates four crescents (moons), forming the word "Allah".

Curious Moon and Snake flags of South Carolina, USA - Reptilians!

The making of Hong/Hung
Around 1644 A.D. the longstanding Sinese/Chinese Ming Dynasty was upset by Mongol invasion out of Manchuria, NE China. Chinese resistance endured in a Shaolin monastery, but the Tsing sent an army to demolish it and previous Draconian Masonic hyper-lodges (E.g. White Lotus) fell. According to legend, only five 'psychic' Shaolin monks survived: The infamous "five seniors" that founded pure-Yellow Draconian Hong, the supreme planetary hyper-lodge. Today, the Chinese have a flag representing each founder.

Mongol successors of Khan established the imperial Tsing dynasty in China, but they were not pure Yellow Draconian. Intolerant of any racial fly on their sword, the pure Yellow Draconian Chinese immediately began an insurgency against their Tsing emperor' oppressors, who were identified with the dark.

Spilled Blood Of The Goyim, so Red flags for Turkey under China under Levan
Throughout dictatorial rule in "communist" China, Hong held an official position that continues to this day with the China Zhi Gong Party China_Zhi_Gong_Party.  It has strong connections in the U.S. (esp. HQ in San Francisco) and around the world.  Since Hong means red, the Chinese are called Red Chinese ie the Chinese of Hong.  The flag of China is red and implicitly represents the crescent (moon), which is shown for illustrative purposes only.  The flag of the communist Soviet Union is also red, as is the flag of China's ally, Mongolian Turkey, which includes a crescent (moon).  All three flags include a pentagonal star, probably signifying the Draconian "Star of Death" flagship. 

Western Freemasonry's Israeli Star of Solomon Flag
Why is the flag of Israel and the "Red Jew" Mongol Rothschilds two interlaced triangles?  In summary this concerns the collusion of Right and Left Hand or Ankara and Sambala, namely the White & Black brotherhoods of Zen hyper-lodge.
For HONG to run Western Freemasonry effectively and dismantle Western nations, existing lodges were halved into positive and negative, 888 and 666, philosophical lodges following the right path or point-up triangle of good god and theosophical evil nazi lodges that follow the left path or point-down triangle of evil satan.  Different sides of the same Draconian coin!

The ostensively "opposing" poles collude deceptively, obeying the same head, which is hyper-lodge Hong.  Below eighteenth degree level, the membership is deceived and exploited in its devotion to Freemasonry by those above.  As Heracletus said "The Opposites are the Same", hence the opposites of Hong are opposites of the Draconian Moon.

The Supreme Planetary Hyper-Lodge

Image credits: America under Israel flag -
                        Britain under Israel flag -
                        Israeli flag -
                        Soviet flag - (Note the sickle's crescent shape.)

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

"Satanic" inter-dimensional entities, properly referred to as Dragonians from the Dragon-Draco Asterism.  They are intent upon Lunar departure to "Sirius A", from where they will blackmail all the civilizations of the Universe with electromagnetic death. 

Currently "digging-in" defensively at Mars with US help, after losing control of Saturn to the Andromedians.  About 120 ships of the Dragonian astrofleet have gathered in the ellipse and orbits of Planet Jupiter as an outer defence against Andromedian attack.

Draconians have also installed defensive barriers to enclose the seven internal planets and sealed Earth's N and S poles to prevent transit of Andromedian 1D forces or 2D Spirits without a general Space War. 
Concealment: The Devil's best hyper-technological trick

It was alleged that in 2011 and in our solar system, Andromedian Federal forces won a major victory against the Draconian/Orion space force [and their Cronian allies], bringing the space-war between them to an end. Medium-like methods such as “automatic writing” (mind control) were supposedly used to gain this information, but friendly Andromedians do not communicate in this way.  However, the Draconian-Cronian enemy does, through ruthless utilisation of mind control LINK/LAP/MASER psychotronic technology.

Dreams are a clear indication that Draconian-Cronian imprisonment is still here.  “Dreams”, “Dream States”, “Astral Projection”, “Lucid Dreaming”, and “Visions”, etc, result from manipulated holographic triple LINK/LAP/MASER psychotronic emissions.  These Lunar emissions promote a “Zombie” state that can be fine tuned for better telecontrol of terrestrial humans serving as “Lord’s servants” or “Lunar Servants”, thereby benefitting Lunar geostrategics and blackmail against the Federal Andromedians.

Earth’s valuable raw materials are to be removed to the Draconian flagship, Moon, commanded by the space bandit Draco overlord pseudogod Sin-Sion-Zion-Sedi-Jedi-YHWH.  This robbery would not occur if the Andromedians had won a major victory, whereupon the Moon will most probably be escorted outside of our solar system.

Such removal of Draconian-Cronian hardware of great mass would require correction of space body orbits within the solar system.  These orbits have already been caused to move toward the sun as a result of the mass of Levan and Lilith flagships and the rest of the enemy piratical starfleet. 

Draconians destroyed planet Phaethon (today’s asteroid belt) in order to steal its raw materials (titanium, etc) and as revenge because its Pleaidean Mayan settlers refused to cooperate as miners or “Lord’s servants”.  Restoration of Phaethon would be undertaken.  No such Andromedian actions have been undertaken, so the Andromedian war against the Draconian Alliance is not yet over and Earth’s occupation continues. 

Two problems persist in the world without apparent solution, thereby reinforcing the belief that Andromedians have not won a major victory.  Firstly, the Draconian Biblical plan in Revelations for genocidal Armageddon WWIII, the realisation of which still inspires American, Israeli, and Chinese collusion.  Secondly, the annihilating Draconian Chinese and Mongol races still persist upon the Earth.  They must contained or removed and must face justice for crimes against humanity. 

Were the Draconian siege to be ended, we would have a forewarning from the Group of Hellenic Reestablishment.  As yet, the only statement from them is that our Draconian imprisonment is not over and the Draco Overlord pseudogod spacebandit, Sin-Sion-Zion-YHWH etc., is threatening to destroy Earth and even the entire solar system in case of a sudden Federal Andromedian invasion.
Draconian/Dragonian-Cronian siege of the sheeple

With some minor exceptions, so-called neogreeks sleep while they are consumed by the Dragonian Chinese economical and political invasion of the West, without having a clue of what is happening to them; an invasion that is soon to become military.
Save your family and friends

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Federal Reserve (FED) 

Somehow, Western people (sheeple) have to be awoken from their sleep and halucinatory American dreams.  They consider that the “FED” and the “Bank of Greece” are state-owned, when they are private and part of an international banking cartel.  

Most activists are still solely occupied with exposing the Rothschilds' "octopus", which is a Red Shield protector of Hong.  However, the octopus is not the only hyperdominant force of the planet: China is encircling the globe without major obstacles.  The Mongol-Hebrew Rothschilds are just lackies of CHINA 888.  

After the Yellow-White Rothschilds and other Mongol Hebrew-Saxon agents of China have conquered the White nations of the West, this Hebrew Mongol collective “son” is to deliver the baton of power, wealth, and global authority to the Yellow Dragonian Chinese “Fathers”.  So, until Armageddon (Rev. 9:14-18), China will continuously put pressure on the Mongolian hordes of the West for denudation, assimilation, and finally enslavement of the White Andromedian (“Tiger”) and Black Sirian Races.  

After Armageddon, the Chinese will genocide the Rothschilds and other Hebrew-Mongols, as they always have in the course of history.  The Mongols cannot be allowed to develop too much local power, as it may threaten central command by HONG over China and the entire Planet. 

FED, Rothschilds, and China

Excerpt from an article written in February by Rayelan Allan Russbacher of Rumor Mill News with title:
Libya - The Faction Two - The Monarchy - The pedophile Trade New Order Things (666-888-777/1-777/2) - Ancient technology

Gunther Russbacher, before he was killed indirectly by the USA government, said of Gaddafi: He wasn't like the Western caricature of him.  Gaddafi refused to play ball with the FED (Federal Reserve of USA).  [Gunther used this term for the Federal Reserve, its Jewish owners (Rockefeller), and the global conspiracy for the slavery of humanity.  The FED is not part of the U.S. government, but of a global empire that rapes and pillages sovereign states (firstly the USA), killing their leaders (e.g. Kennedy) and stealing everything of value.]  Colonel Gaddafy (Gunther says that is the correct way to name him) positioned Faction Two to guard the seven pyramids of Libya, safekeeping the technology and the treasures located inside from people of the Federal Reserve.  Things which are beyond our comprehension.

Gaddafy's treasure and the FED

The American government is fake ‘ruler of our planet’.  It is in a state of decomposition, planned in a masterful and treasonous way by Hebrew-Saxon resident evil from within.  These Yellow-White traitors will enable the Yellow Chinese government to be ‘ruler of our planet’, since Hebrew Rockefeller owners of the American central Federal Reserve Banks of the USA have sold all American public dept to the central Bank of China.

Gift from the FED: China's coming global dictatorship

Sunday, 13 December 2015

Ezekiel 38 and 39 on the global race war of millenia

Hebrew-Chinese Old Testament analytical report on planned genocide of White Russians, referred to as “Gog and Magog” or “Rus” (Russian) or “Mesheh” (Moscovites) or “Thubal” by the Chinese.  The murderous program is to follow break-up of the “Russia-Islam-China” axis after annihilation of India and the USA-Europe-Japan axis.

The Holy Bible is, of course, Draconian/Dragonian Chinese geostrategics concealed as theology - not the least part of which are Revelations.  It shows the genocider-harlot, Dragonian China following a strict criterion of RACIAL PURITY, in which they firstly butcher the sleepy White race; to this end, deviously using pseudo-Hebrew Ashkenazim of Israel*, their Mongol-Hebrew leaders**, and all White-Yellow and Black-Yellow Mongols

*   Askanians - 90% of the population of disposable Israel. 
** Sephardim, Khazars, Saxons Lords of “AOA”, Baruch arch-Rabbis “Kings of the Jews”of Benen Berith, Rothschild, etc.. 

It is worth pointing out that most White-Yellows falsely consider themselves White, as Black-Yellows often consider themselves Black: Lies and a veil obscure the truth.  To clarify a little, pure Whites include White Pelasgians and pure Blacks, Black Aboriginals.  It is in the interests of ALL non-Chinese to avert WW3 and protect them, because in the end only Chinese are to survive on Earth. 

Thousands of years of Sinese race hatred

Greek-Hebrew and masonic controlled intelligence service of Greece. 

Saturday, 12 December 2015

Ethnic Origins according to G.H.Rees.

Greek National Security R E D A L E R T [Tu01Dec2015]

G.H.REES signal that Foiled the October 14 appearance of pseudo-Andromedian ships

For those who do not know, Whites originate from Andromedian space travellers long since suppressed in local space by hostile invading Draconian reptilians, traitor Andromedian criminals (Cronians), and Vrill slaves (Greys/Grays).  The Satanic invaders seek to pose as friendly Andromedians, calling themselves the "Galactic Federation of Light" (GFL)... 

GFL planned a flyby of lunar motherships over major cities, as announced by a channelling Australian medium.  G.H.REES transmitted a signal worldwide, four days before the officially announced appearance, thereby foiling and demystifying the imposter Cronian mutineers.
[ Note 1: Channelling is demonic trance-catalepsy of the medium's body, via either Dragonian 2nd Dimension (of matter rarification) “Spirits” and/or by Dragonian lunarbased psychotronic technology (mind control; consider also, MK Ultra).
Note 2: Matter rarification refers to different dimensions of existence and how solid or thin or ethereal they are in comparison to each other; there may be ten dimensions.  So-called Dragonian spirits are invisible to us and thinner.  They belong at least one level up, meaning they can perceive and influence our dimension, but supposedly cannot enter it as they appear to have.  Alchemical, inter-dimensional experiments of CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) may affect the separation of dimensions, and the human race may have power to alter the nature of some higher dimensions by thought and meditation. ]

These Dragonians would inspire world war three and falsely claim to be pleiadian crews of the (non-existent) planet "nibiru" and GFL.  In fact, these progenitors of the Chinese and Koreans came from the "Dragon constellation" aboard their flagship "Moon" and other Dragonian ships (See archives of Raymond Drake and other ethnologists).

Draconian/Dragonian GFL forces will pose as the real Andromedian astro-fleet from Andromeda constellation and Sirius, which is orbiting saturn as observed from the Mauna Kea observatories of Hawai, USA.   The Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) of Hebrew-Saxonic Mongolian NASA has identified it as (spontaneously appearing) "new natural satellites of the planet saturn"! 

Ancient texts of Greece, India, and the Mayans reveal that the White Andromedian race and the Black Sirius race share a mortal enmity against the Yellow Dragonian race.  The reason for this enmity is some thirteen-and-a-half thousand years of continuous, incessant genocide against the White and Black races by the Yellow Dragonian race: Men of White and Black races were slaughtered and their women raped to produce new White-Yellow and Black-Yellow Mongol races.  Mongols despise the three pure races. 

Secret race war: Yellows against Whites and Blacks

Since the time of Atlantis, Sina has sought to establish a pure-Yellow global dictatorship - Jehovah's Kingdom aka New World Order 888 - under its Draconian father, Sin of Levan.  Therefore, apart from Korea, China seeks to remove all other nations from Earth by means of war, economic force, and deception.  Greece is first in the firing line. 

Turkey will use devious and provocative acts of murder against ethnic minorities of Islamists, Turks, Albanians and others within Greece, in order to incite an armed confrontation between said minorities and Greeks. This planning by Turkey against all Islamic nations is in close collaboration with the Jewish and Masonic communities of the USA, Europe and Russia (Moscow).

Therefore, the ethnic minorities living in Greece are requested NOT to obey the orders of their governments for an armed uprising against Greeks.  Conflict will be the demise of both Greeks and minorities.  Instead, Islamic Turks and Albanians living in Greece should isolate and remove ‘’ISIS’’ jihadists, and Turkish ‘’MIT’’ and Albanian ‘’SECURIMI’’ secret services, from Greece.

WWIII, Phase 1: Planned Chinese-Hebrew invasion of Greece

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Neo-nazi Greek traitors, with political wings "Golden Dawn" and "L.A.O.S.".  Chief Priests are the French-Hebrew Cretan, Ioannis Fourie or Fourakis, and the Greek-Hebrew  professor called Tzanni or Zanna.

Chinese-Turkish military drills performed on Turkish soil mean military alliance of the whole BASTR axis with China against Greece.  Foreign immigrants within Greece have been obscenely and brutally abused by Epsilons, rather than undertaking lawful deportation.  Furthermore, the Albanian intelligence agency (SECURIMI) , and JIHAD islamic state of ISIS , under command of Turkish secret intelligence agency (MIT) have all arranged to murder their own immigrants within Greece to ‘’prove’’ that these murders were committed by Greeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
[Hellen and Chaos blog, Su15Feb2015]

In revenge, Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania (BASTR) intends a fifty per cent genocide of North-Central-Western-Island.   Epsilons have not warned Greeks of this, as they want survivors to invade Asia against all Turkish Mongols of China (Hungarians).  This will provoke Russia-Islam-China (RIC) to destroy NATO/SEATO and its member countries.

G.H.Rees has raised the alarm.  So, nazi-fascist neo-Greek “Epsilon”, “L.A.O.S.”,  “Golden Dawn”, “Nea Acropolis”, “Naer Mataron” ( Near Metatron) , “Christian-Dodecatheist-Souphists”, “Anti-metatron”, “Eymolpos”, “P.A.S.Y.A”, etc, attempt to  disprove and humiliate G.H.Rees by referring to them as “a dangerous group of traitors living in a fantasy world”.  Unfortunately, Greek civilians listen to propaganda of the “chief-priests of Epsilons”, especially French Hebrew Cretan Ioannis Fourie or Fourakis, and so will not take defensive measures.  In conclusion, Epsilons are deliberately keeping quiet, covering up, implicitly protecting, and becoming  accomplices in the ongoing intentional dismantling of the Greek armed forces. 

BASTR/P is a form of BASTR, where P signifies Pentagon affiliation.  Following the genocide and amidst crocodile tears, the US government will deliver sovereignty of BASTR/P territories to “Greek empire 666” with Constantinople its capital.  “L.A.O.S” will form the government, with “Prime Minister” Turk-Albanian G.Karazafferi of “L.A.O.S” and Chief-General the Hebrew-Saxon heir to the throne, Paul Holstein Glucksburg.  “Emperor” is to be Hebrew-Saxon  Pseudo-dragazis or “new Christ 666” of Denmark or “incarnation of the god Dionysus” etc, according to “Epsilons”.  

Golden Dawn and L.A.O.S. against Greece 
END (End National Debt)
Treasonous gang of propagandist frauds that attempts to cause war crimes and genocide; "theosophical Epsilon masons" friendly with other nazi accomplices in Greece like "Epsilon 666", "Golden Dawn 666", "L.A.O.S.", and "BEXI 666".  Membership includes: Babrakis, Papadakis, and Sorras.  END has a Facebook page called "The river is you" and is in opposition to G.H.Rees.. 

Artemis Sorras, recipient of $3bn in expenses by the USA for developing ancient Greek space technology, has repeatedly tried to stupefy Greeks in interviews, by claiming that : "Weapons and wars are pure Hollywood cinema industry"!  Is this what he believes of genocides in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria?  By comparison, G.H.Rees. constantly warns of invasion and genocides, such as by BASTR upon Greece.  

China has won the financial war and owns all countries therefore, under the yoke of unrepayable debt.  It controls the United Nations and invited END to assist in setting up Constantinople as capital city of the world. 

Theosophical Freemasonry - END
Elohim (Angels)
In fake opposition to the Nephilim, devils and demons.  A deceptive collective that preys upon humans whilst pretending to help them survive; typically by channeling human financial resources into means of survival.  They espouse the principle of survival, as followed by the Chinese.

Elohim are one side of the oppressive Draconian forces and lead with doctrines of the right hand or clockwise path e.g. peace, love, forgiveness, creativity, etc..  Characteristic motifs of followers, often known as Philosophicals, of the Elohim include:
Christian-Socialist political perspective;
Loyalty to heavenly God of the Moon (Rev. 12:1);
Blue & white colours;
Symbols are +, 888, △, 卍 .  NB: △+▽=✡!

Fake division of angels and demons

Monday, 7 December 2015

Hollow!  Originally populated by White Race Hellenes from Andromeda and Blacks from Sirius.

In their Facebook page "The river is you", END claimed that ". . .Under-God Apollo, from the chthonian abodes of the earth below  . . .will resurface, to the exterior of our planet".  This cannot be true because Apollonians are trapped beneath the 200km magma zone, lethal to spirits and creatures of flesh.

Residing above this zone and beneath the surface are Greys under Draconian control that will come to the surface.  END will establish the lie that warmongering Andromedian-Pelasgian Hellenes have colluded with wicked Apollonians, now stigmatised as chthonian demons by Greys conducting war crimes against Russia-Islam-China (RIC). 

This provocation and deception, among others, is intended to show that the West is evil.  Thus, RIC has a strengthened moral alibi for beginning its counter-attack against NATO "Anti-Christ populations 666".  Greece is first for annihilation in phase one of World War III (currently programmed for 2023 at the earliest, due to China's economic crisis). 

Satanic conspiracy for Constantinople 666

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Deep Underground Military Bases (D.U.M.B.s)
Tamil under the command of his superior Asmodai, the multi-named hyper-technician god of the Moon, sent crews of Lilith to organize underground cities in the earth’s crust that will pose as Zeus subordinates.  Such underground cities exist beneath the pyramids in Mongolia, Egypt, Babylon, Mesopotamia, South America etc, and additionally below natural pyramids formed by earth’s mountains.  They include underground Masonic lodges, sometimes referred to in mythology as “tunnels that lead to Hades”.  [H&C, Th24Dec2009] 

German-American geologist Phil Schneider revealed his involvement in expanding a network of Deep Underground Military Bases (D.U.M.B.s): Tunnels of the ultra-secret, huge American underground base “DULCE” in New Mexico.  He was engaged in finding easier and faster ways to open subterranean tunnels – deep underground cities at depths of 1 mile or even deeper - by using highly advanced equipment and laser drills.

 Hyper-weapons linked to Tall Greys (Vrill) in DUMBs
Drake, Raymond
Researcher of the Moon and author of "gods and spacemen throughout history".  He also concluded that Christianity based in the Christian -  Islamic - Judean Bible is the pre-historic religion of China.

Drake concluded that Moon made a first attempt to enter Earth's orbit around 20.000 B.C., that failed.  It made a collision course towards Earth which was intercepted by the Andromedian Uranides.  The second attempt was successful and Moon entered Earth's orbit around 11.436 B.C. (See G.H.REES and Raymond Drake research, Tiahuanaco Bolivia encarvings, etc).  Actually, Hellene and Chaos [Friday, August 27, 2010] writes that Drake's “Comparative Mythology” places the arrival of the Moon in about 10.000 B.MH.C. (Before Mongol Hebrew Christ).

Drake was also involved in producing the Comparative Hierography and "Small Yellow Master Of Atlantis", writing that White Atlanteans instigated by the Chinese of Atlantis successfully invaded Europe.  The Chinese of Atlantis had provoked disputations between the White Andromedians of Atlantis and the White Andromedian Hellenes of Europe or Aegis, resulting in a global superpower war. 

The Whites and Yellows of Atlantis were nearly pushed back into the Atlantic Ocean by a massive Athenian counter-attack.  [Read “Timaeus” and “Critias” of Plato about the civil war between Hellas and Atlantis in 9.600 B.MH.C..  See “Comparative Mythology” of the Publicist Raymond Drake for “Corruption of Atlantis by the small Yellow Masters (Chinese)”].  You will observe that Hellene and Chaos has published slight variations in references - Ed.. 

"Drake spent many years digging through huge archives of material, looking in his case for supposed anomalies that could support his scenarios of space aliens impacting human history. As Drake himself said, "I aspired to collect as many facts as possible from ancient literature to chronicle for the past what Charles Fort has so brilliantly done for the present century.""  link to

Water World, Levan, and Vrill-Cronian hybrid humosaurians

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Cronus aka Sabit/Sabbath/Savvaoth
Cronians (Saturnians - Savaothians) are characterised by the Black Brotherhood of Mongolian Tibet (Tamil Forces).   They are traitor Andromedians, since 1.5 million years ago (see Hesiod's Theogony), and now ally to Draconian leader YHWH. 

There was a legal Andromedian Government in our solar system, the Uranides or Varuna Dynasty (See: Hindu Scripts).  Uranides means "People that came from the Sky" or Skylings.  The Uranides ruling dynasty consisted mainly of Zeus (Diaus Pitar in Sanskrit) and Saturn-Cronus factions. 

When the Draconian flagship Eva/Leva/Levan/Levaniah/Luna/Lunar/Moon/Selene/"Star of Death" entered our solar system around 20.000 B.C., a civil space war between Zeus and Cronus was already under way (See ancient Hellenic myths, Hesiods' theogony, Titans clash etc).  Zeus made a temporary win against the mutineer Cronus-Saturn-Savaoth and enclosed the rebelious Cronians within prison-like places, like the Underground Tartars. 
Sky War
Constantinople Empire 666 (New World Order 666)
Having indoctrinated the goyim, Satan/Sin, the arch demon of local space and governor of all religions, organises his followers into evil New World Order 666 (and New World Order 888). Thereby developing his long made plan for the first phase of a third world war, code-named Armageddon (Rev. 9:14-18) and making way for his Sinese Kings of the East (Rev. 16:12). 

There is soon to be a general peripheral assault against Greece by ISIS Jihadists and armies of the Mongolian Anti-Hellenic axis B.A.S.T./R. (Bulgaria – Albania – Skopje – Turkey - / Romania), genociding half of Greece up to the line of Lamia city. This will strongly amplify nationalistic and vengeance instincts of surviving Greeks, as intended by masonic-motivated Ioannis Fourakis of the “Epsilon Group”. It will assist building of a dictatorial, neonazi Golden Dawn transition Government of “National Salvation” based in Mystras Peloponnese (Southern Greece).

Crocodile tears are planned to follow the genocide, resulting in a sudden hypocritical, pro-Hellenic political turn. “NATO” will assault Turkey with a parallel military engagement by Russia in the Bosphorus Straits, resulting in the destruction of Western Turkey and B.A.S.T./R..

Neo-Greek command of Constantinople (Istanbul) will have an emperor, “New Christ 666”. This post will be held by “King Ioannis”, the Hebrew agent-provocateur of the Danish Court (DAN-MARK). The "Epsilon Group" newspaper "Eleftheri Ora" recently proposed an alternative post-holder, “Ioannis Batatzis” of the Russian Hebrew Muscovites.

Constantinople 666 is to have a single, global religion that will coronate “New Christ 666”. Hence the Masonic Sufi ecumenical patriarch, Bartholomew, promotes New Age Mundana Religio Adunata (MRA) - the religion of the “Anti-Christ”, in Ag. Sophia “Temple of God”, Constantinople.

“666” is to be adopted as “Symbol – Flag of the Greeks” in their vengeful campaign to the depths of Asia up to “The Red Apple Tree”, in pursuit of revenge against remnants of the B.A.S.T./R. axis and Turkish Mongols retreating there for the protection of Draconian China 888. This was anticipated by theosophical mason Ioannis Fourakis and, Turk-Albanian G. Karatzaferis, the crypto-neonazi leader of ultra-right wing “LA.O.S.” (People’s Orthodox Alert political party of Greece).

“New Christ 666” will declare himself Global Messiah – Global King and Constantinople the “World Capital”. However, the colluding Russia-Shiite Islam-China (RIC) alliance will refuse to submit to the Emperor of Constantinople, “King Ioannis”. Meanwhile, the fleeing Turks and B.A.S.T./R. find their sought refuge, in Western China – domain of Uighur Turks. No doubt apparently infuriated, “King Ioannis” declares World War against RIC.

Food, drugs, and water, become scarce and the number “666” is enforced upon neo-Greeks and members of Constantinople Empire 666. It takes the form of an under-the-skin radio transmitter, Barcode 666, that is necessary for purchasing necessities. Those who refuse this "Number of the Beast 666", die. 

Defending armies and populations of Russia-Islam-China characterise “King Ioannis” the “New Christ 666” as Anti-Christ; a criminal Hitler-adoring dictator and provocateur of world war three. This is extended to Greeks everywhere, resulting in the declaration of Jihad, global religious war!!! 

With an overwhelming counter-assault by the “Eastern Dragon” of the “R.I.C. 888” axis, Constantinople 666 is destroyed and on top priority, all Greeks are butchered. Next will be Blacks and Whites, then Russians and Muslims in phase three of WWIII. Good East destroys the evil West!

Note on Ezekiel 38 & 39: Genocide of Russia or Rus (Russians) and Meseh (Moscow) by China in phase two of WW3 Armageddon. The Ezekiel “prophecies” are intentions of the multi-named Draconian pseudo-God of the moon, in which Jahweh declares programmed genocide of GOG and MAGOG (northern pelasgian Scythian Russians) and of the “MESSEH” (Pelasgian Scythians of Moscow or Meseh).

China at the final phases of Armageddon will genocide remaining Mongols because White-Yellows are intermixed with the invading “Satanic” White race (codenamed Tiger). Black-Yellows will also be killed, as they too are not racially pure Chinese/Korean Draconians. Result: Complete domination of Planet Earth by Draconian China and closing of the racial books of history.

Route to WW3 and Barcode 666

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Collier, Alex aka Ralph Amigron
His declarations omits to mention:
  • The warrior-miner nation of the Dragon, genetically engineered Chinese made for slavery and slaughter.  
  • SIN-SION-JAHWEH's plans to rob and destroy the Earth and this solar system.  
  • Andromedians thinner than fifth dimension, included in the local Government Fleet stationed off Saturn.  
  • Electromagnetic hyper-technology for soul trapping the dead and for subsequent soul-memory erasure.  
  • Anything vital to the survival of Blacks and Whites.  
  • SINese (Chinese) use of reptilian and dragon related symbols.  [SINese mythology states that they originated from the moon.  Their flag craftily implies the crescent moon, which the Turkish Touranian-Mongolian flag openly displays.] 
Collier mixes innocuous truths with lies and partial truths.  He thereby confuses the people he appears to educate. 

On May 3, 1991, former IRS revenue officer Mr. Amigron was arrested in California, in connection with a 4-count felony indictment handed down by a Federal grand jury.  It was alleged that Mr. Amigron falsely claimed to be a certified public accountant and an enrolled actuary, and that he knowingly used false Social Security numbers on tax documents. 

Upon release (Record available online.) from Federal Prison, in 1991, Ralph Amigron became Alex Collier and began lecturing on alien contact with Pleaidians.  None of the predictions he made from their information came true.  He also lied about the Andromedian Hellenes (Greeks) and their ultimate purpose in our solar system.  
An enemy agent of disinformation