Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Weather Control Technology

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 03 September 2010

Subject of Post: Confirmed meteorological war of “USA” and China against Russia with purpose the provocation of famine and hunger worldwide and epidemic illnesses in the Russian Federation, preparative to the foundation of the global Chinese dictatorship or “Kingdom of Jehovah”

Greek and other European University Professors of “USA” are researching for the American army.  They and researchers of “Livermore” and analogue “USA” laboratories leaked information that satellite “MASER” (Microwave Amplification by Stimulation Emission of Radiation) weather control technology was delivered a long time ago to the Chinese Army from the American Pentagon, through treasonous Hebrew and Saxon generals of “USA”.  ["USA" refers to America's corrupted administration of USA.  Ed.]

G.H.Rees was informed that Hebrew rabbis and their corresponding Saxon Lords are justifying the use of satellite “LASERS” ("light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation") and “MASERS” for incendiarism of forests and agricultural cultivations against Russia and other nations, by “USA” and by China.  Note application of instructions from “John’s Revelation – New Testament” in chapters about
  • “Fire which drops from the heaven and burns the forests and the grains” (8:7), 
  • “broiling weather which will burn people and plants” (16:8-9), and 
  • “hunger and epidemic illnesses” (6:5-8) 
all of which now threaten Russia, due to polluted drinking water from unburied bodies of humans and animals.

G.H.Rees recommends the immediate organisation of a Ministry of Weather Control and Ministry of Breadstuffs (Grain – Barley – etc) for the Russian domain.  A double network of absorption “MASERS” and emission “MASERS” should be built into Russian areas of agricultural cultivations, in order to intercept low barometric rainfall and high barometric storms at will.  Failure to install the equipment will result in Russian citizens not surviving Chinese and Hebrew-Saxon “NATO” attacks against humanity.

A parallel network of Wilhelm Reich technology should be positioned for orgone emission and absorption, to create corresponding high barometric and low barometric pressures.  This will enable interception of
  • storms provoked by “HAARP” of “USA” and absorption “MASER” satellites of “USA” and China, and 
  • broiling weather provoked by “HAARP” emission “MASER” satellites of “USA” and China.
Storms resulting from low barometric pressures from “HAARP”, such as struck Northwestern Russia after 10 August 2010, must be intercepted by the reverse method given for intercepting broiling weather.  High barometric pressures are provoked by American “HAARP” and “MASER” satellites of “USA” and China.

Emission “MASERs” of counter-clockwise radiation must be situated in erect positions.  Rear reflective “LINK” parabolic elements must be fitted for rectilinear radiation production.  Alternatively, absorption “MASERS” of clockwise radiation must be used in reverse position, with the rear reflective “LINK” parabolic element for rectilinear radiation production disassembled. 

Meteorological war as pre-emptive strikes of the Third World War, entail
  • artificial broiling weather and storms, and 
  • incediarism of forests and agricultural cultivations 
against Russia and other countries of the planet.  Pause in the use of “HAARP” (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) in Alaska and Northern Europe, and satellite “MASERS” and “LASERS” of “USA” and of China must be achieved. 

The objective is to break-up nations from famine, epidemic illnesses, and lack of drinking water, prior to their complete annihilation by the armies of China “888” and Korea “777” in the Third World War or “Armageddon”: A war to end all wars, conspiratorially designed by the “USA” of America and China.  According to the “Talmud”, five-billion Whites, Blacks, and Mongolians are to be genocided, after which a global Chinese dictatorship government is to be formed in Shanghai.  Only the pure-Yellow race of China is to survive in the new “Kingdom of Jehovah”. 

[Readers might give consideration to the topic of geological warfare.  Ed.]

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