Friday, 11 November 2016


The Draconian flagships Selene and Lilith were forced to abandon the constellation of Arcturus because of the collapse and death of the Epsilon Bootes system'sun.  For rescued populations from the planets of E’Bootes, they searched for refuge and survival in a new planetary system.  There was a fortunate opportunity, because after their arrival in our planetary system, they didn’t encounter unified forces of Galactic Government ships.  Instead, there was a situation of conflict between the leader of the planet Saturn who overthrew galactic representatives of the Uranides from planet Uranus and the leader of planet Jupiter (Zeus).  Zeus counterattacked Saturn in order to reconnect the present planetary system with the Central Galactic Authority. (Read Hesiod Theogony about the conflicts of the dynasties of Uranus against Saturn.) 

In the local space war that followed, Draconian Yahweh (YHWH/Metatron/Sion etc.), commander of flagship Selene, enlisted forces of Saturn previously defeated by Zeus and all Earthly Saturnian priesthoods. Zeus enlisted forces of the Uranides and their corresponding Earthly priesthoods. A chaotic situation followed, in which the camp of Zeus contained overchthonian forces of Uranus and Jupiter, chthonian forces of Uranus, and underchthonian forces of Uranides rescued after initial defeated by Saturn.

Geological alternations followed the sinking of Atlantis by Selene's gravity cannons, resulting in the destruction of opposing European and Hellenic Atlantian armies - see Timaios and Kritias by Plato; a book that makes it possible for Andromedian Hellenes to investigate their history.  Hesiod’s Theogony also clearly mentions the conflict between the Uranides, Cronos (Saturn), and Zeus. 

Knowledge granted to masons in chief rabbinical initiations concerns the strategic need for underchthonian Centaurian Cronians [Andromedian traitors of Saturn who allied themselves to the Draconians, but were initially defeated by Zeus' forces. Ed.] and underchthonian Atlantians to pose as underchthonians of Zeus and underchthonian Uranides of inner Earth.  The latter forces would thereby be blamed for evils of the forces of the abyss or underworld, through corrupting and degenerating transmissions to Earthlings on the surface. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Monday 23 May 2011

Moon came to our solar system around 20,000 B.C., when there was a legal Andromedian Government in our system - the Uranides or Varuna Dynasty (See: Hindu Scripts).  Uranides means "People that came from the Sky" = Skylings.  The Uranide ruling dynasty consisted mainly of Zeus (Diaus Pitar in Sanskrit) and Saturn-Cronus factions.  By the time moon entered in our solar system there was a civil space war between Zeus and Cronus (See ancient Hellenic myths, Hesiods' theogony, Titans clash etc).  Zeus made a temporary win against the mutineer Saturn-Cronus-Savaoth/Sabbaoth faction and confined the rebellious Cronians to prison-like places, like Underground Tartars. 

Some mutineer Cronians managed to escape from Tartars and quickly made an alliance with the reptilian Draconians of the Moon against the Uranides of Zeus.  In big monotheistic religions, the Draconian leader El Sendai would subsequently be referred to along with Cronus-Saturn-Savaoth as a common "Universal God": Lord Yahweh (Sendai in Mongol-Hebrew or Jendai-Jade in Chinese) and Lord Savaoth/Sabbaoth (Saturn).  In a mega-fraud of religious manipulation, the Draconians and Cronians used their hyper-technology to create "God"! 


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 16 December 2010

The piratical, criminal V.I.S.P. (Visible – Invisible Space Powers) are based locally on a neighbouring stellar body (Moon), which entered our solar system about 11,500 B.C. [Typo!  Read 20,000 B.C., but gained stable orbit around Earth in 11,500 B.C..  Ed.].  These forces attacked pre-existing V.I.S.P. Andromedians, friendly to the White Andromedian Pelasgian Terran race.  Decodification of ancient Hellenic texts reveals a coalition between the Draconian invaders and V.I.S.P. Cronian Saturnians against the V.I.S.P. Uranides-Zeus coalition; incorrectly referred to in the specialized press of America as the “Dragonian Empire”. 

To avoid total destruction of the external surface of Earth in a space war, the defensive V.I.S.P. Uranides-Zeus retreated tactically into the internal cavity of the planet (read: “Hollow Earth” theory) from North and South Pole openings.  They also retreated to the four external planets of our solar system.

V.I.S.P. Sin-Yahweh Bootide-Cronians self-installed into underground cavities of the Earth’s external surface (crust), from where they operate as the alleged Hellenic “Dodecatheon” and later as “Demons” of known idolatry and Satanism.  V.I.S.P. Uranides-Zeus of the inner Earth are to be falsely labelled “Devil – Demons” and blamed for corrupting the planet.  

Decodification of ancient Hebrew texts and latest instructions of Hebrew-Saxon lodges to their top members reveals that the philo-Sinic, philo-Hebrew V.I.S.P. Bootes-Snake-Draco-Cronian alliance will receive an overpowering war assault by a superior Andromedian V.I.S.P..  Forces friendly to the coalition of V.I.S.P. Uranides-Zeus and the Pelasgian White race intend to restore the planet to justice conditions that prevailed prior to 11,500 B.C.. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 28 August 2015

The Draconian Satan, Sin/Sion/Zion/Sendai/Jendai/Jade/Judas of the spaceship Moon (Levan) is the spaceborn Chinese reptilian arch-villain and local suzerain.  He is creator of the genociding terrestrial Draconian Chinese who first disembarked to Earth (Atlantis) some 13,500 years ago, when the Draconian Moon gained stable orbit around Earth.  A world war between the Athenian Empire and Chinese Atlantian forces began, but due to Athenian success, Sion intervened in support of his spawn by initiating a local space war between the Draconian-Cronians alliance (Yahweh / Savaoth) mutineers and Uranides / Zeus Hellenic Andromedian forces loyal to the lawful Galactic Government. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Wednesday 17 November 2010

A long time ago, G.H.Rees revealed that Vrill/Greys/Orionids are cooperating closely with lunar Dragonian forces from the Boötes constellation, mostly occupying underground lodges of the external surface.  See the old G.H.Rees chart of the inner-outer Earth, which shows positions of the Grey-Cronian-Dragonian faction and remaining forces of Federal Andromedians who withdrew to inner Earth.  This withdrawl coincided with departure of former Andromedian Planetary Governmental forces(Uranides (“Varuna”) – Zeus/Uranus), around the time of the grand Athenian-Atlantean global war and parallel local space war in 9.600 B.C.. 


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 30 July 2010

Research ancient Hindu texts about space wars between the pre-existing “Solar Deities” of Father Zeus/Diaus Pitar of the Varuna dynasty/Uranides of Andromeda, celestials who came from Uranus [whom in disgraceful Draconian religious writings is called Devil and Satan], and “Lunar Deities” of the Dragonian/Draco Sin/Sion/Zion/Jedi/Sedi/Jude/Judas.  Zion is worshipped as the alleged “Being” or “Y.H.W.H.”/“Yahweh” in Hebrew, by Hebrews, Chinese, and Koreans.  Rabbis took the Israeli alphabet proving that they are Mongols. 

As “God Father” of the Mongol White-Yellow rabbi/medium/Dragonian magician Jesus Christ or Yehosoua or Yehosuva (=Yahweh’s Saviour), Zion genocided White and Black race Christians.  Research ancient Hellenic texts such as “The Arcadians” of the historian-geographer Pausanias, in which it is certified that “Hellenic Arcadians were pro-Selenes or pre-lunar people”, namely inhabitants of Earth before arrival of the Dragonian Moon. 

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