[Dear Goyim, This posting is intended to expose Yellow-White infiltration into White civilisation, its corrupting influence, consequences, and wickedness under Hong/Hung.] Subject 1 NATO has commanded the devious undermining of Greek and Russian national economic security. Subverting accused robber conspirators are the: “International Monetary Fund” (IMF); “European Commission – Government”; “Central European Bank”. Co-accused are the Houses: Moody's; Fitch Ratings; Goldman Sachs; J.P. Morgan; Bloomberg; Nomura International; Credit Agricole; Capital Economics; and rest. Executor of this subversion is the treasonous government of “PA.SO.K.”, rest political parties of the Greek Government, and the entirely corrupted Greek judicial power.
Subject 2 Complete destruction of the Russian and Greek national and economic security, directly after the sign of the governing of Greece by NATO, “IMF”, and “European Union".
Subject 3 The only solution for salvation of the Russian and Greek national and economic security lies with expulsion and the biological execution of all Greek traitors, that is defrauders – thieving politicians of all Greek Parliament parties. “NATO” and the “European Union” must also be expelled from Greece, along with Russian industrial investments. The Russian Army is therefore called upon to invade Greece in support of an armed revolution by Greek armed forces, Greek police, Secret Service and Greek citizens, for the expulsion and destruction of treasonous NATO, its bases and command HQ’s.
Signal Text The imposition of “IMF” budgetary cuts to Greece caused a 30 – 50% reduction in the already deficient Greek Army, Police Force, and Secret Service. Therefore, Greek dominion over its national territories is weakened, especially in the face of assertions by “B.A.S.T.R.” axis countries (Bulgaria – Albania – Skopje – Turkey – Romania) for their avulsion of Greek Territories (North – Western – Central Greece and Aegean and Ionian Islands). According to the scheme of Chinese hyper-lodge “HONG” and “NATO” for ignition of World War 3, assualt by the Mongolian “B.A.S.T.R.” axis in the Balkans against Greece is certain. To intercept it, military engagement by Russia is geostrategically inevitable.
Under “IMF” command, Greece will suffer abjection and robbery of its underground mineral resources, agricultural territories, public organizations, tourism territories, and other resources. This is how the “IMF” behaved in Zambia, Africa. Copper mines were arbitrarily confiscated and delivered to Anglo-Saxon copper monopolies, reducing Zambia to complete abjection.
Conclusion After 21 May 2010, political and military occupation of Greece will be signed over to “IMF” and “NATO”. This surrender will entirely destroy national security and economy within Russia and Greece through “NATO - IMF” and “NATO - European Union”.
Invasion of the Russian army into Greece through Romania and Bulgaria is the only deterrence to this complete destruction of Russia and Greece by anti-Hellenic “NATO” as it plays out Hong's plan for World War 3. G.H.Rees called for Russian militarily involvement in Romania, Bulgaria, and Greece, for two reasons:
To create industrial and agricultural investments for absorption of 1.5 million Greek sinecurists;
To integrate Greece with the Russian Federation in an idiomorphic regime of enhanced security, economic autonomy, and political and foreign policy semi-autonomy.
The Russian army, Greek army, Greek Police, and rebellious Greek citizens had only three weeks to overthrow the corrupted Greek Legislative-Executive-Judicial power and integrate Greece as a semi-autonomous State under the idiomorphic regime to the Russian Federation. After 15 May 2010 this was thought impossible, because the “IMF” and “European Union” would send an occupying American and European army and police force to Greece. The Greek army, police, and secret service would be discharged, dissolved, and immobilised completely. The unofficial occupation and complete disarmament would leave Greeks defenceless against “B.A.S.T.R.” and 450,000 armed Albanian pseudo-immigrants.
Greek webpages and mass media that have not coordinated or reproduced the spirit of the present signal will be considered treasonous.
Special G.H.Rees Order Until 24 April 2010, all the parties of the Greek Parliament treasonously, deviously, and covertly concealed the Russian offer of support to Greece on 19th March 2010. The offer was for unlimited intergovernmental lending with interest rates 2% - 3%, instead of the profiteer European markets' 15.5% (3% + 6% = 9% of the interest of 10-year bonds + 6.5% insurance of the loans) and instead of the 5% depredatory interest of the twin “IMF” and “European Union” for Greece. These facts were for publication, but only one member of the mass media in Greece broadcasted them - which hints at collusion.
Russian Brothers (open letter) Invade with your Russian army and expel the murderous “NATO” and “European Union” from Greece, Romania, and Bulgaria. From 15 May 2010, it is predicted that through Greece, “NATO” and the “European Union” will strangle the national, economic, and military security of Russia. You Russians will all die from hunger and engagement in the 3rd World War according to the stratagem of the Chinese “Hong”.
As a matter of urgency, we call upon the Russian Government to re-send its offer of 19th March 2010 to all Greek authorities and international and Greek mass media. That is, to confirm the intended industrial investments and low interest rates for loans to Greece. Point out that, and include the note that:
“After this Russian solution to the problem of Greece, Greece will be no more forced to appeal as Economic-Political-and Military prisoner to the “IMF” and to the depredatory interest rates 5% of the “European Union” and of NATO”.
Should the Greek Government not accept a 3 day timeline AND this second Russian offer of support, then it will be proved without a doubt that the Greek Government adheres to a “NATO” deceit for the economic blockade and the economic and national – Military Destruction of Russia and of Greece. Therefore, the Russian army must invade, to expel “NATO” and the “European Union” from Greece.
Postscript 1 G.H.Rees representative in Volos, Karageorgiou Ch. Ch. Yannis, has offered to donate his house in Volos to the Russian State. It can be converted into a consulate and Russian harbour office in Volos.
Postscript 2 From the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs and via G.H.Rees, Karageorgiou Ch. Ch. Yannis demands Russian Citizenship to supplement his Greek Citizenship. Also through G.H.Rees, he appeals for Russian diplomatic immunity and legal protection because treasonous “NATO” and pseudo-Greek authorities are attempting his imprisonment for anti-NATO and pro-Russian actions.
Postscript 3 Russian Citizenship, Russian Diplomatic Immunity, and Russian Legal Protection is also sought for Greek citizen Apostolos Papanakos who resides in Germany. Through his Webpage http://ellhnkaichaos.blogspot.com/ and thousands of e-mails, he has informed Greek authorities, webpages, and mass media of treason and subversion by “NATO” and the “European Union” against Russia and Greece. He has also exposed the treasonous Greek Government.
The Principle of Survival: Mitigating anti-White and anti-Black racism
G.H.Rees exposed various details pertaining to the beginning of the 36 phases of WWIII masterminded by hyperlodge ‘’HONG’’ of China and being executed by the ‘’ZEN’’ lodge of Tibet , masonic Hebrew-Saxon lodges of ‘’A.O.A’’ and ‘’O.T.O’’ of London, and the American Hebrew lodge of ‘’The Grand Oak’’ (‘’High Brotherhood of Light’’) of New York under command of American Hebrew Chief Rabbi ‘Varouch’ , alias Barozo, alias Burowghs. Based on information from Greek American patriots of various American services cross-checked against information from utterly disgusted previously dormant masons and against the various electronic audio means of G.H.Rees, the first (1st) phase of the total 36 phases of the outbreak of WWIII is summarised:
[Readers should note here that WWIII is generally considered triphasic. The phases are contracted: First phase, destruction of Western nations; Second phase, destruction of Russia; Third phase, removal of remaining non-pure Yellow individuals from Gaia.]
A) Jewish-born Prime Minister Samaras and Jewish-born Government Vice President and Minister of External Affairs, Venizelos, received orders from ‘’A.O.A’’ of London to turn Greek voters in favour of ‘’SY.RI.ZA’’ by oppressing and degrading them!
B) Jewish-born Tsipras has special orders from his primary financial backer George Sorros of Jewish-Skopje descent. When Tsipras comes to power, being leader of "SY.RI.ZA’’, he is to appoint 75% Jewish-born George Papandreou to Vice-President and Minister of External Affairs in Greece (George’s mother was a Jewish-Bulgarian Jehova Witness, American citizen and CIA agent).
C) Tsipras and Papandreou were ordered by Hebrew-Saxon lodges to provoke a domestic armed revolt by all immigrants of Bulgaria, Albania, Skopje, and Turkey living in Greece. Simultaneously, the Turkish army will lead attack against Greece by invading forces of B.A.S.T.R..
Tsipras’ political convictions state that ‘’Greece should unconditionally open up its northern borders so as to facilitate the free uncontrollable entry of all citizens of B.A.S.T.R. into Greece‘’ before its planned military invasion! George Papandreou has received opposite orders, causing him to turn against the Tsipras political regime. Pre-planned dismantling of the Tsipras/Papandreou/Tremopoulos pseudo-government will result with absolute chaos in Greece. A dog and pony show!
Michaloliakos' Golden Dawn political party acts as agent of Greek-Hebrew quasi-Greek intelligence services (KYP/EYP). It is to receive orders from KYP/EYP to attack B.A.S.T.R immigrants within Greece, in acts of provocation.
B.A.S.T.R intelligence services have orders to carry out provocative attacks against their own immigrant citizens within Greece. Hebrew governments of B.A.S.T.R are to duplicitously denounce the attacks by their own countries and ‘’Golden Dawn of Greece’’.
The final cause of war will be Turkish air force acts of provocation against its own navy fleet in Turkish ports. These, as acts of provocation carried out by the Turkish-Hebrew M.I.T. intelligence services.
Armies of B.A.S.T.R invade Greece aided by armed B.A.S.T.R. immigrants inside Greece. All Greeks are genocided in the Aegean, Ionian, the west up to Mesologgi, and the east to Lamia.
D) Following the Turkish air force acts, demise of Turkey and countries of B.A.S.T.R. by supposedly vengeful armies of NATO and Russia, Papandreou will return to the U.S. as first governor of ill-fated "Empire of Constantinople 666" .
On account of the above treacherous conspiracy and planned annihilation of Greece, the Prytaneum of G.H.Rees orders all officers of Greek armed forces, police officers, patriot officers, intelligence services, and judicial system, to CANCEL the Sunday 25th January 2015 elections. They have been deliberately orchestrated by Hebrew-Saxons aiming at the ultimate demise of Greece.
G.H.Rees Prytaneum orders:
i) Greek officers and members of justice to immediately dismantle Greek political parties and appoint a government of Greek technocrats, in an attempt to rescue what remains of Greece.
ii) Greek citizens to carefully re-consider their political convictions and become more self-disciplined.
iv) Uniformed receivers of this desperate message concerning Greek national existence, to personally reproduce and distribute it throughout Greece. All Greeks will be able to cancel the upcoming traitorous, provocative elections leading to demise of Greece on 25th January.
Unless Greek members of justice, Greek police, and army generals cancel the 25th January elections, they will be issued death penalties by G.H.Rees' armed division. These, in accordance with Greek penal code 134-151 pertaining to ‘’ultimate treason’’ and ‘’High treason against the nation’’.
Long Live Hellas!
P.S Hebrew-Saxon lodge "A.O.A" of London has:
a) Described Greek "Golden Dawn of Greece" leader Michaloliakos as paranoid. He must therefore deliver its leadership to Karatzaferris of high intellect;
b) Ordered Greek political party leader Mongolian Turkish-Albanian George Karatzaferris, alias Kara-Xhafferi in Albanian, to become "Empire of Constantinople 666" Prime Minister;
c) Also ordered Karatzaferris be under command of pseudo-emperor, pseudo-Paleologos, pseudo-Dragazis, and pseudo-Ioannis Vatatzis 888 as appointed by them as new "Christ 666".
d) Karatzaferris is also to be under command of pseudo-Ioannis pseudo-Vatatzis pseudo-888 (in essence again 666) appointed by the Jews of the Kremlin.
Infiltration, High Treason, and Planned Greek Genocide
The patriotic Government of Greece (1967-1973), with help from the brilliant economist of team Papagos, Spiros Markezinis, brought unprecendented economic growth to the country. Compare today's treasonous Greek-Hebrew "good-democratic" Governments of "PASOK" and "New Democracy", that have robbed, wiped-out, and completely destroyed the Greek Economy and infrastructure. They tried to impose the "(Slave) Citizen Electronic Id Card" (Biochip 666) with the chip bearing the "Barcode-666 number" in order to control and genocide Greeks.
...Until the Fat Lady Sings
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