An American Hebrew lodge for the "High Brotherhood of Light" in New York and commanded by American Hebrew chief rabbi "Varouch" alias Barozo alias Burowghs.
The Scottish and the French doctrine are commanded by the tertiary masonic staff of “Benen Berith” and “Olam Berith” or “Lodge of the Grand Oak” of New York, chief lodge of the “Argonauts 21” (a.k.a. A philosophical masonic lodge in Volos,Greece). In theory, the tertiary staff of Adeptis Ordo Atlantis (+/-AOA) and Benen Berith, hate each other to the death, because they have “higher leaders”, the Tamil – “Devil” and Yahweh “God” respectively. The mutual hatred enabled two world wars, in which the “bad” german leaders obeyed Ordo Adeptis Atlantis or Tamil underchthonians and the “good” allies obeyed Benen Berith or Yahweh heavenlies.
Atlantis and Aegis were sunk by hyper-technological weaponry, namely gravity cannons. The lodge of the Grand Oak puts the date of this event at 9,600 B.C., which is probably reliable because it is cross-referenced with Plato's “Timaios and Kritias”.
Lodge of the Grand Oak, I
The genetic branch “ATTIL” in the official Hebrew nomenclature of the Bible, is presented as Semitic. As a product of the Hebrew house, ATTIL is recorded in the classified archives of the “Grand Oak’s” Lodge of New York, the dynasty of Pergamos’ Attalides. In honor of Attal, the Hebrew foundations of Ford and Rockefeller bank-rolled the reconstruction of Attalus Lodge in the Ancient Agora of Athens.
Attalides Semites were corrupted against Hellas and the Atlantean Semitic Priesthood destroyed Hellas, delivering it to the Romans through Attalus C’ of Pergamos - a place they passed through and stayed.
M.T.M. or Memphis Templis Misraim or Temple's Court is structured from 72 sets of sub-orders which have virtual Grand Masters and virtual Hierarchical structures commanded by covert Masons, who take over leadership in the case of “desirable” or “undesirable” political-regime turn which serves or is against the “policy-line” of A.O.A.
One such Sub-Order is the Grand Orient of Greece with virtual leader the various Grand Masters and true leader the Archrabbinia of Athens. The double – virtual and true – leadership enables A.O.A. to override the official constitution of the “Grand Oak's” Lodge. This protects against “Lost Control” and gives A.O.A. power over Lodges, concerning “non political and non coup d’ eta action” in order to suppress and to create revolutions at will.
Lodge of the Grand Oak, II
Lodge of the Grand Oak, III
Lodge of the Grand Oak, IV
Lodge of the Grand Oak, V
Erdogan, of Hellenogenes Pontiac origins, was briefed on planetary security and geostrategics by G.H.Rees documents that sent him to the web-blog. He painfully realised the colossal planetary, geostrategic collusion between “NATO” and “China” (under Chinese supreme monitoring of Hong) toward WWIII final provocation and “Constantinople – Red Apple Tree”. He therefore put a brake and ignition lag to the whole scheme of Chinese hyperlodge “Hong” and colluding subordinate hyperlodges “A.O.A. London” – “Bnai Brith – Lodge of the Grand Oak New York”.
Erdogan has realised that if he follows orders, the Chinese scheme will be driven forward and he will be responsible for helping to turn Earth into a planetary slaughter house. People and races will be driven into genocide by “NATO” and Russian armies; not only Greece, but also Constantinople and Turkey. In the final phases of WWIII, the pure-Yellow Draconian race of Sina (China), using its military of 200,000,000 will annihilate any remaining Mongolians of the “B.A.S.T.R.” axis who sought refuge within China.
Lodge of the Grand Oak, VI
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