Order of the Green Dragon aka Green Dragon Society
Nazis between 1930 and 1945 and today's neo-Nazi Golden Dawn of London and Greece are instruments of the left hand path of Dragonian China's hyperlodge, Hong, and its subordinate Black Brotherhood of Mongolian Tibet (Tamil Forces). Tamil Buddhism was practised by both Zen hyper-lodge, Tibet and Zen, Japan.
Karl Haushoffer, the geopolitical brain of Nazism and teacher of Hitler, was initiated into both. He was a military attaché in Tokyo when he joined the (Zen) Green Dragon Society as an initiate before WW1 and also became a Golden Dawn mason of Berlin - a black magician invocator of demonic Draconian 4D spirits.
Bosses of Golden Dawn
bibliotecapleyades.net on Green Dragons (Not G.H.Rees)

JUDAISM: "The best among the Gentiles deserves to be killed" as "The best of snakes ought to have its head crushed" Simeon bar Yochai, pp 617, Jewish Encyclop., Funk and Wagnall. ***** "...we take the CHILDREN of our enemy, which is the white race, and we bring 'em to the basement of the synagogues, where we drain the blood and watch 'em die there." Rabbi Abe Finklestein. ***** "Goyim were born only to serve us... the people of Israel." Sephardi Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, Jewish News, 19 Oct. 2010.
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- Three World Wars
- Thunderbolts of Truth (transcript), Part 1
- Thunderbolts of Truth (Transcript), part 2
- Topical Biblical Excerpts
Monday, 29 February 2016
Sunday, 28 February 2016
[Dear Goyim, This posting is intended to expose Yellow-White infiltration into White civilisation, its corrupting influence, consequences, and wickedness under Hong/Hung.] Subject 1 NATO has commanded the devious undermining of Greek and Russian national economic security. Subverting accused robber conspirators are the: “International Monetary Fund” (IMF); “European Commission – Government”; “Central European Bank”. Co-accused are the Houses: Moody's; Fitch Ratings; Goldman Sachs; J.P. Morgan; Bloomberg; Nomura International; Credit Agricole; Capital Economics; and rest. Executor of this subversion is the treasonous government of “PA.SO.K.”, rest political parties of the Greek Government, and the entirely corrupted Greek judicial power.
Subject 2 Complete destruction of the Russian and Greek national and economic security, directly after the sign of the governing of Greece by NATO, “IMF”, and “European Union".
Subject 3 The only solution for salvation of the Russian and Greek national and economic security lies with expulsion and the biological execution of all Greek traitors, that is defrauders – thieving politicians of all Greek Parliament parties. “NATO” and the “European Union” must also be expelled from Greece, along with Russian industrial investments. The Russian Army is therefore called upon to invade Greece in support of an armed revolution by Greek armed forces, Greek police, Secret Service and Greek citizens, for the expulsion and destruction of treasonous NATO, its bases and command HQ’s.
Signal Text The imposition of “IMF” budgetary cuts to Greece caused a 30 – 50% reduction in the already deficient Greek Army, Police Force, and Secret Service. Therefore, Greek dominion over its national territories is weakened, especially in the face of assertions by “B.A.S.T.R.” axis countries (Bulgaria – Albania – Skopje – Turkey – Romania) for their avulsion of Greek Territories (North – Western – Central Greece and Aegean and Ionian Islands). According to the scheme of Chinese hyper-lodge “HONG” and “NATO” for ignition of World War 3, assualt by the Mongolian “B.A.S.T.R.” axis in the Balkans against Greece is certain. To intercept it, military engagement by Russia is geostrategically inevitable.
Under “IMF” command, Greece will suffer abjection and robbery of its underground mineral resources, agricultural territories, public organizations, tourism territories, and other resources. This is how the “IMF” behaved in Zambia, Africa. Copper mines were arbitrarily confiscated and delivered to Anglo-Saxon copper monopolies, reducing Zambia to complete abjection.
Conclusion After 21 May 2010, political and military occupation of Greece will be signed over to “IMF” and “NATO”. This surrender will entirely destroy national security and economy within Russia and Greece through “NATO - IMF” and “NATO - European Union”.
Invasion of the Russian army into Greece through Romania and Bulgaria is the only deterrence to this complete destruction of Russia and Greece by anti-Hellenic “NATO” as it plays out Hong's plan for World War 3. G.H.Rees called for Russian militarily involvement in Romania, Bulgaria, and Greece, for two reasons:
To create industrial and agricultural investments for absorption of 1.5 million Greek sinecurists;
To integrate Greece with the Russian Federation in an idiomorphic regime of enhanced security, economic autonomy, and political and foreign policy semi-autonomy.
The Russian army, Greek army, Greek Police, and rebellious Greek citizens had only three weeks to overthrow the corrupted Greek Legislative-Executive-Judicial power and integrate Greece as a semi-autonomous State under the idiomorphic regime to the Russian Federation. After 15 May 2010 this was thought impossible, because the “IMF” and “European Union” would send an occupying American and European army and police force to Greece. The Greek army, police, and secret service would be discharged, dissolved, and immobilised completely. The unofficial occupation and complete disarmament would leave Greeks defenceless against “B.A.S.T.R.” and 450,000 armed Albanian pseudo-immigrants.
Greek webpages and mass media that have not coordinated or reproduced the spirit of the present signal will be considered treasonous.
Special G.H.Rees Order Until 24 April 2010, all the parties of the Greek Parliament treasonously, deviously, and covertly concealed the Russian offer of support to Greece on 19th March 2010. The offer was for unlimited intergovernmental lending with interest rates 2% - 3%, instead of the profiteer European markets' 15.5% (3% + 6% = 9% of the interest of 10-year bonds + 6.5% insurance of the loans) and instead of the 5% depredatory interest of the twin “IMF” and “European Union” for Greece. These facts were for publication, but only one member of the mass media in Greece broadcasted them - which hints at collusion.
Russian Brothers (open letter) Invade with your Russian army and expel the murderous “NATO” and “European Union” from Greece, Romania, and Bulgaria. From 15 May 2010, it is predicted that through Greece, “NATO” and the “European Union” will strangle the national, economic, and military security of Russia. You Russians will all die from hunger and engagement in the 3rd World War according to the stratagem of the Chinese “Hong”.
As a matter of urgency, we call upon the Russian Government to re-send its offer of 19th March 2010 to all Greek authorities and international and Greek mass media. That is, to confirm the intended industrial investments and low interest rates for loans to Greece. Point out that, and include the note that:
“After this Russian solution to the problem of Greece, Greece will be no more forced to appeal as Economic-Political-and Military prisoner to the “IMF” and to the depredatory interest rates 5% of the “European Union” and of NATO”.
Should the Greek Government not accept a 3 day timeline AND this second Russian offer of support, then it will be proved without a doubt that the Greek Government adheres to a “NATO” deceit for the economic blockade and the economic and national – Military Destruction of Russia and of Greece. Therefore, the Russian army must invade, to expel “NATO” and the “European Union” from Greece.
Postscript 1 G.H.Rees representative in Volos, Karageorgiou Ch. Ch. Yannis, has offered to donate his house in Volos to the Russian State. It can be converted into a consulate and Russian harbour office in Volos.
Postscript 2 From the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs and via G.H.Rees, Karageorgiou Ch. Ch. Yannis demands Russian Citizenship to supplement his Greek Citizenship. Also through G.H.Rees, he appeals for Russian diplomatic immunity and legal protection because treasonous “NATO” and pseudo-Greek authorities are attempting his imprisonment for anti-NATO and pro-Russian actions.
Postscript 3 Russian Citizenship, Russian Diplomatic Immunity, and Russian Legal Protection is also sought for Greek citizen Apostolos Papanakos who resides in Germany. Through his Webpage http://ellhnkaichaos.blogspot.com/ and thousands of e-mails, he has informed Greek authorities, webpages, and mass media of treason and subversion by “NATO” and the “European Union” against Russia and Greece. He has also exposed the treasonous Greek Government.
The Principle of Survival: Mitigating anti-White and anti-Black racism
Jewish-born Tsipras of extreme left party ‘’SY.RI.ZA’’, Greece, whose father is a ‘’MOSSAD’’ Israeli intelligence agent, is collaborating politically with Jewish-born Tremopoulos, leader of “Ecologists” political party, and Jewish-born (75% Jewish blood) traitor George Papandreou. They are intent on preparing cold-war conditions and military attack by the armies of B.A.S.T.R (Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania) against Greece (Hellas), with primary objective being total occupation of western Greece up to Mesologgi and eastern Greece up to Lamia. Simultaneously, Greek islands of the Aegean and the Ionian sea would be attacked and occupied. A further, ultimate objective is unconditional annihilation of the nations of White Pelasgians and Blacks, White-Yellows and Black-Yellows in World War III (codenamed Armageddon). This complete genocide is to be conducted by the Chinese army (888) and the unified armies of North and South Korea (777), so that the ‘’kingdom of Jehova’’ is established - aka global Chinese dictatorship or New World Order 888, government of ‘’SIN-SION’’ of China!
G.H.Rees exposed various details pertaining to the beginning of the 36 phases of WWIII masterminded by hyperlodge ‘’HONG’’ of China and being executed by the ‘’ZEN’’ lodge of Tibet , masonic Hebrew-Saxon lodges of ‘’A.O.A’’ and ‘’O.T.O’’ of London, and the American Hebrew lodge of ‘’The Grand Oak’’ (‘’High Brotherhood of Light’’) of New York under command of American Hebrew Chief Rabbi ‘Varouch’ , alias Barozo, alias Burowghs. Based on information from Greek American patriots of various American services cross-checked against information from utterly disgusted previously dormant masons and against the various electronic audio means of G.H.Rees, the first (1st) phase of the total 36 phases of the outbreak of WWIII is summarised:
[Readers should note here that WWIII is generally considered triphasic. The phases are contracted: First phase, destruction of Western nations; Second phase, destruction of Russia; Third phase, removal of remaining non-pure Yellow individuals from Gaia.]
A) Jewish-born Prime Minister Samaras and Jewish-born Government Vice President and Minister of External Affairs, Venizelos, received orders from ‘’A.O.A’’ of London to turn Greek voters in favour of ‘’SY.RI.ZA’’ by oppressing and degrading them!
B) Jewish-born Tsipras has special orders from his primary financial backer George Sorros of Jewish-Skopje descent. When Tsipras comes to power, being leader of "SY.RI.ZA’’, he is to appoint 75% Jewish-born George Papandreou to Vice-President and Minister of External Affairs in Greece (George’s mother was a Jewish-Bulgarian Jehova Witness, American citizen and CIA agent).
C) Tsipras and Papandreou were ordered by Hebrew-Saxon lodges to provoke a domestic armed revolt by all immigrants of Bulgaria, Albania, Skopje, and Turkey living in Greece. Simultaneously, the Turkish army will lead attack against Greece by invading forces of B.A.S.T.R..
Tsipras’ political convictions state that ‘’Greece should unconditionally open up its northern borders so as to facilitate the free uncontrollable entry of all citizens of B.A.S.T.R. into Greece‘’ before its planned military invasion! George Papandreou has received opposite orders, causing him to turn against the Tsipras political regime. Pre-planned dismantling of the Tsipras/Papandreou/Tremopoulos pseudo-government will result with absolute chaos in Greece. A dog and pony show!
Michaloliakos' Golden Dawn political party acts as agent of Greek-Hebrew quasi-Greek intelligence services (KYP/EYP). It is to receive orders from KYP/EYP to attack B.A.S.T.R immigrants within Greece, in acts of provocation.
B.A.S.T.R intelligence services have orders to carry out provocative attacks against their own immigrant citizens within Greece. Hebrew governments of B.A.S.T.R are to duplicitously denounce the attacks by their own countries and ‘’Golden Dawn of Greece’’.
The final cause of war will be Turkish air force acts of provocation against its own navy fleet in Turkish ports. These, as acts of provocation carried out by the Turkish-Hebrew M.I.T. intelligence services.
Armies of B.A.S.T.R invade Greece aided by armed B.A.S.T.R. immigrants inside Greece. All Greeks are genocided in the Aegean, Ionian, the west up to Mesologgi, and the east to Lamia.
D) Following the Turkish air force acts, demise of Turkey and countries of B.A.S.T.R. by supposedly vengeful armies of NATO and Russia, Papandreou will return to the U.S. as first governor of ill-fated "Empire of Constantinople 666" .
On account of the above treacherous conspiracy and planned annihilation of Greece, the Prytaneum of G.H.Rees orders all officers of Greek armed forces, police officers, patriot officers, intelligence services, and judicial system, to CANCEL the Sunday 25th January 2015 elections. They have been deliberately orchestrated by Hebrew-Saxons aiming at the ultimate demise of Greece.
G.H.Rees Prytaneum orders:
i) Greek officers and members of justice to immediately dismantle Greek political parties and appoint a government of Greek technocrats, in an attempt to rescue what remains of Greece.
ii) Greek citizens to carefully re-consider their political convictions and become more self-disciplined.
iv) Uniformed receivers of this desperate message concerning Greek national existence, to personally reproduce and distribute it throughout Greece. All Greeks will be able to cancel the upcoming traitorous, provocative elections leading to demise of Greece on 25th January.
Unless Greek members of justice, Greek police, and army generals cancel the 25th January elections, they will be issued death penalties by G.H.Rees' armed division. These, in accordance with Greek penal code 134-151 pertaining to ‘’ultimate treason’’ and ‘’High treason against the nation’’.
Long Live Hellas!
P.S Hebrew-Saxon lodge "A.O.A" of London has:
a) Described Greek "Golden Dawn of Greece" leader Michaloliakos as paranoid. He must therefore deliver its leadership to Karatzaferris of high intellect;
b) Ordered Greek political party leader Mongolian Turkish-Albanian George Karatzaferris, alias Kara-Xhafferi in Albanian, to become "Empire of Constantinople 666" Prime Minister;
c) Also ordered Karatzaferris be under command of pseudo-emperor, pseudo-Paleologos, pseudo-Dragazis, and pseudo-Ioannis Vatatzis 888 as appointed by them as new "Christ 666".
d) Karatzaferris is also to be under command of pseudo-Ioannis pseudo-Vatatzis pseudo-888 (in essence again 666) appointed by the Jews of the Kremlin.
Infiltration, High Treason, and Planned Greek Genocide
The patriotic Government of Greece (1967-1973), with help from the brilliant economist of team Papagos, Spiros Markezinis, brought unprecendented economic growth to the country. Compare today's treasonous Greek-Hebrew "good-democratic" Governments of "PASOK" and "New Democracy", that have robbed, wiped-out, and completely destroyed the Greek Economy and infrastructure. They tried to impose the "(Slave) Citizen Electronic Id Card" (Biochip 666) with the chip bearing the "Barcode-666 number" in order to control and genocide Greeks.
...Until the Fat Lady Sings
[Dear Goyim, This posting is intended to expose Yellow-White infiltration into White civilisation, its corrupting influence, consequences, and wickedness under Hong/Hung.] Subject 1 NATO has commanded the devious undermining of Greek and Russian national economic security. Subverting accused robber conspirators are the: “International Monetary Fund” (IMF); “European Commission – Government”; “Central European Bank”. Co-accused are the Houses: Moody's; Fitch Ratings; Goldman Sachs; J.P. Morgan; Bloomberg; Nomura International; Credit Agricole; Capital Economics; and rest. Executor of this subversion is the treasonous government of “PA.SO.K.”, rest political parties of the Greek Government, and the entirely corrupted Greek judicial power.
Subject 2 Complete destruction of the Russian and Greek national and economic security, directly after the sign of the governing of Greece by NATO, “IMF”, and “European Union".
Subject 3 The only solution for salvation of the Russian and Greek national and economic security lies with expulsion and the biological execution of all Greek traitors, that is defrauders – thieving politicians of all Greek Parliament parties. “NATO” and the “European Union” must also be expelled from Greece, along with Russian industrial investments. The Russian Army is therefore called upon to invade Greece in support of an armed revolution by Greek armed forces, Greek police, Secret Service and Greek citizens, for the expulsion and destruction of treasonous NATO, its bases and command HQ’s.
Signal Text The imposition of “IMF” budgetary cuts to Greece caused a 30 – 50% reduction in the already deficient Greek Army, Police Force, and Secret Service. Therefore, Greek dominion over its national territories is weakened, especially in the face of assertions by “B.A.S.T.R.” axis countries (Bulgaria – Albania – Skopje – Turkey – Romania) for their avulsion of Greek Territories (North – Western – Central Greece and Aegean and Ionian Islands). According to the scheme of Chinese hyper-lodge “HONG” and “NATO” for ignition of World War 3, assualt by the Mongolian “B.A.S.T.R.” axis in the Balkans against Greece is certain. To intercept it, military engagement by Russia is geostrategically inevitable.
Under “IMF” command, Greece will suffer abjection and robbery of its underground mineral resources, agricultural territories, public organizations, tourism territories, and other resources. This is how the “IMF” behaved in Zambia, Africa. Copper mines were arbitrarily confiscated and delivered to Anglo-Saxon copper monopolies, reducing Zambia to complete abjection.
Conclusion After 21 May 2010, political and military occupation of Greece will be signed over to “IMF” and “NATO”. This surrender will entirely destroy national security and economy within Russia and Greece through “NATO - IMF” and “NATO - European Union”.
Invasion of the Russian army into Greece through Romania and Bulgaria is the only deterrence to this complete destruction of Russia and Greece by anti-Hellenic “NATO” as it plays out Hong's plan for World War 3. G.H.Rees called for Russian militarily involvement in Romania, Bulgaria, and Greece, for two reasons:
To create industrial and agricultural investments for absorption of 1.5 million Greek sinecurists;
To integrate Greece with the Russian Federation in an idiomorphic regime of enhanced security, economic autonomy, and political and foreign policy semi-autonomy.
The Russian army, Greek army, Greek Police, and rebellious Greek citizens had only three weeks to overthrow the corrupted Greek Legislative-Executive-Judicial power and integrate Greece as a semi-autonomous State under the idiomorphic regime to the Russian Federation. After 15 May 2010 this was thought impossible, because the “IMF” and “European Union” would send an occupying American and European army and police force to Greece. The Greek army, police, and secret service would be discharged, dissolved, and immobilised completely. The unofficial occupation and complete disarmament would leave Greeks defenceless against “B.A.S.T.R.” and 450,000 armed Albanian pseudo-immigrants.
Greek webpages and mass media that have not coordinated or reproduced the spirit of the present signal will be considered treasonous.
Special G.H.Rees Order Until 24 April 2010, all the parties of the Greek Parliament treasonously, deviously, and covertly concealed the Russian offer of support to Greece on 19th March 2010. The offer was for unlimited intergovernmental lending with interest rates 2% - 3%, instead of the profiteer European markets' 15.5% (3% + 6% = 9% of the interest of 10-year bonds + 6.5% insurance of the loans) and instead of the 5% depredatory interest of the twin “IMF” and “European Union” for Greece. These facts were for publication, but only one member of the mass media in Greece broadcasted them - which hints at collusion.
Russian Brothers (open letter) Invade with your Russian army and expel the murderous “NATO” and “European Union” from Greece, Romania, and Bulgaria. From 15 May 2010, it is predicted that through Greece, “NATO” and the “European Union” will strangle the national, economic, and military security of Russia. You Russians will all die from hunger and engagement in the 3rd World War according to the stratagem of the Chinese “Hong”.
As a matter of urgency, we call upon the Russian Government to re-send its offer of 19th March 2010 to all Greek authorities and international and Greek mass media. That is, to confirm the intended industrial investments and low interest rates for loans to Greece. Point out that, and include the note that:
“After this Russian solution to the problem of Greece, Greece will be no more forced to appeal as Economic-Political-and Military prisoner to the “IMF” and to the depredatory interest rates 5% of the “European Union” and of NATO”.
Should the Greek Government not accept a 3 day timeline AND this second Russian offer of support, then it will be proved without a doubt that the Greek Government adheres to a “NATO” deceit for the economic blockade and the economic and national – Military Destruction of Russia and of Greece. Therefore, the Russian army must invade, to expel “NATO” and the “European Union” from Greece.
Postscript 1 G.H.Rees representative in Volos, Karageorgiou Ch. Ch. Yannis, has offered to donate his house in Volos to the Russian State. It can be converted into a consulate and Russian harbour office in Volos.
Postscript 2 From the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs and via G.H.Rees, Karageorgiou Ch. Ch. Yannis demands Russian Citizenship to supplement his Greek Citizenship. Also through G.H.Rees, he appeals for Russian diplomatic immunity and legal protection because treasonous “NATO” and pseudo-Greek authorities are attempting his imprisonment for anti-NATO and pro-Russian actions.
Postscript 3 Russian Citizenship, Russian Diplomatic Immunity, and Russian Legal Protection is also sought for Greek citizen Apostolos Papanakos who resides in Germany. Through his Webpage http://ellhnkaichaos.blogspot.com/ and thousands of e-mails, he has informed Greek authorities, webpages, and mass media of treason and subversion by “NATO” and the “European Union” against Russia and Greece. He has also exposed the treasonous Greek Government.
The Principle of Survival: Mitigating anti-White and anti-Black racism
G.H.Rees exposed various details pertaining to the beginning of the 36 phases of WWIII masterminded by hyperlodge ‘’HONG’’ of China and being executed by the ‘’ZEN’’ lodge of Tibet , masonic Hebrew-Saxon lodges of ‘’A.O.A’’ and ‘’O.T.O’’ of London, and the American Hebrew lodge of ‘’The Grand Oak’’ (‘’High Brotherhood of Light’’) of New York under command of American Hebrew Chief Rabbi ‘Varouch’ , alias Barozo, alias Burowghs. Based on information from Greek American patriots of various American services cross-checked against information from utterly disgusted previously dormant masons and against the various electronic audio means of G.H.Rees, the first (1st) phase of the total 36 phases of the outbreak of WWIII is summarised:
[Readers should note here that WWIII is generally considered triphasic. The phases are contracted: First phase, destruction of Western nations; Second phase, destruction of Russia; Third phase, removal of remaining non-pure Yellow individuals from Gaia.]
A) Jewish-born Prime Minister Samaras and Jewish-born Government Vice President and Minister of External Affairs, Venizelos, received orders from ‘’A.O.A’’ of London to turn Greek voters in favour of ‘’SY.RI.ZA’’ by oppressing and degrading them!
B) Jewish-born Tsipras has special orders from his primary financial backer George Sorros of Jewish-Skopje descent. When Tsipras comes to power, being leader of "SY.RI.ZA’’, he is to appoint 75% Jewish-born George Papandreou to Vice-President and Minister of External Affairs in Greece (George’s mother was a Jewish-Bulgarian Jehova Witness, American citizen and CIA agent).
C) Tsipras and Papandreou were ordered by Hebrew-Saxon lodges to provoke a domestic armed revolt by all immigrants of Bulgaria, Albania, Skopje, and Turkey living in Greece. Simultaneously, the Turkish army will lead attack against Greece by invading forces of B.A.S.T.R..
Tsipras’ political convictions state that ‘’Greece should unconditionally open up its northern borders so as to facilitate the free uncontrollable entry of all citizens of B.A.S.T.R. into Greece‘’ before its planned military invasion! George Papandreou has received opposite orders, causing him to turn against the Tsipras political regime. Pre-planned dismantling of the Tsipras/Papandreou/Tremopoulos pseudo-government will result with absolute chaos in Greece. A dog and pony show!
Michaloliakos' Golden Dawn political party acts as agent of Greek-Hebrew quasi-Greek intelligence services (KYP/EYP). It is to receive orders from KYP/EYP to attack B.A.S.T.R immigrants within Greece, in acts of provocation.
B.A.S.T.R intelligence services have orders to carry out provocative attacks against their own immigrant citizens within Greece. Hebrew governments of B.A.S.T.R are to duplicitously denounce the attacks by their own countries and ‘’Golden Dawn of Greece’’.
The final cause of war will be Turkish air force acts of provocation against its own navy fleet in Turkish ports. These, as acts of provocation carried out by the Turkish-Hebrew M.I.T. intelligence services.
Armies of B.A.S.T.R invade Greece aided by armed B.A.S.T.R. immigrants inside Greece. All Greeks are genocided in the Aegean, Ionian, the west up to Mesologgi, and the east to Lamia.
D) Following the Turkish air force acts, demise of Turkey and countries of B.A.S.T.R. by supposedly vengeful armies of NATO and Russia, Papandreou will return to the U.S. as first governor of ill-fated "Empire of Constantinople 666" .
On account of the above treacherous conspiracy and planned annihilation of Greece, the Prytaneum of G.H.Rees orders all officers of Greek armed forces, police officers, patriot officers, intelligence services, and judicial system, to CANCEL the Sunday 25th January 2015 elections. They have been deliberately orchestrated by Hebrew-Saxons aiming at the ultimate demise of Greece.
G.H.Rees Prytaneum orders:
i) Greek officers and members of justice to immediately dismantle Greek political parties and appoint a government of Greek technocrats, in an attempt to rescue what remains of Greece.
ii) Greek citizens to carefully re-consider their political convictions and become more self-disciplined.
iv) Uniformed receivers of this desperate message concerning Greek national existence, to personally reproduce and distribute it throughout Greece. All Greeks will be able to cancel the upcoming traitorous, provocative elections leading to demise of Greece on 25th January.
Unless Greek members of justice, Greek police, and army generals cancel the 25th January elections, they will be issued death penalties by G.H.Rees' armed division. These, in accordance with Greek penal code 134-151 pertaining to ‘’ultimate treason’’ and ‘’High treason against the nation’’.
Long Live Hellas!
P.S Hebrew-Saxon lodge "A.O.A" of London has:
a) Described Greek "Golden Dawn of Greece" leader Michaloliakos as paranoid. He must therefore deliver its leadership to Karatzaferris of high intellect;
b) Ordered Greek political party leader Mongolian Turkish-Albanian George Karatzaferris, alias Kara-Xhafferi in Albanian, to become "Empire of Constantinople 666" Prime Minister;
c) Also ordered Karatzaferris be under command of pseudo-emperor, pseudo-Paleologos, pseudo-Dragazis, and pseudo-Ioannis Vatatzis 888 as appointed by them as new "Christ 666".
d) Karatzaferris is also to be under command of pseudo-Ioannis pseudo-Vatatzis pseudo-888 (in essence again 666) appointed by the Jews of the Kremlin.
Infiltration, High Treason, and Planned Greek Genocide
The patriotic Government of Greece (1967-1973), with help from the brilliant economist of team Papagos, Spiros Markezinis, brought unprecendented economic growth to the country. Compare today's treasonous Greek-Hebrew "good-democratic" Governments of "PASOK" and "New Democracy", that have robbed, wiped-out, and completely destroyed the Greek Economy and infrastructure. They tried to impose the "(Slave) Citizen Electronic Id Card" (Biochip 666) with the chip bearing the "Barcode-666 number" in order to control and genocide Greeks.
...Until the Fat Lady Sings
Sunday, 21 February 2016
Grand Oak, Lodge of the; (Bnai Brith/Benen Berith)
An American Hebrew lodge for the "High Brotherhood of Light" in New York and commanded by American Hebrew chief rabbi "Varouch" alias Barozo alias Burowghs.
The Scottish and the French doctrine are commanded by the tertiary masonic staff of “Benen Berith” and “Olam Berith” or “Lodge of the Grand Oak” of New York, chief lodge of the “Argonauts 21” (a.k.a. A philosophical masonic lodge in Volos,Greece). In theory, the tertiary staff of Adeptis Ordo Atlantis (+/-AOA) and Benen Berith, hate each other to the death, because they have “higher leaders”, the Tamil – “Devil” and Yahweh “God” respectively. The mutual hatred enabled two world wars, in which the “bad” german leaders obeyed Ordo Adeptis Atlantis or Tamil underchthonians and the “good” allies obeyed Benen Berith or Yahweh heavenlies.
Atlantis and Aegis were sunk by hyper-technological weaponry, namely gravity cannons. The lodge of the Grand Oak puts the date of this event at 9,600 B.C., which is probably reliable because it is cross-referenced with Plato's “Timaios and Kritias”.
Lodge of the Grand Oak, I
The genetic branch “ATTIL” in the official Hebrew nomenclature of the Bible, is presented as Semitic. As a product of the Hebrew house, ATTIL is recorded in the classified archives of the “Grand Oak’s” Lodge of New York, the dynasty of Pergamos’ Attalides. In honor of Attal, the Hebrew foundations of Ford and Rockefeller bank-rolled the reconstruction of Attalus Lodge in the Ancient Agora of Athens.
Attalides Semites were corrupted against Hellas and the Atlantean Semitic Priesthood destroyed Hellas, delivering it to the Romans through Attalus C’ of Pergamos - a place they passed through and stayed.
M.T.M. or Memphis Templis Misraim or Temple's Court is structured from 72 sets of sub-orders which have virtual Grand Masters and virtual Hierarchical structures commanded by covert Masons, who take over leadership in the case of “desirable” or “undesirable” political-regime turn which serves or is against the “policy-line” of A.O.A.
One such Sub-Order is the Grand Orient of Greece with virtual leader the various Grand Masters and true leader the Archrabbinia of Athens. The double – virtual and true – leadership enables A.O.A. to override the official constitution of the “Grand Oak's” Lodge. This protects against “Lost Control” and gives A.O.A. power over Lodges, concerning “non political and non coup d’ eta action” in order to suppress and to create revolutions at will.
Lodge of the Grand Oak, II
The prytaneum of G.H.Rees Athens disclose to the Hellenic Masons a
fraction of a Rabbinic initiation to the degree of arch rabbi. The
recording was made using radioelectronic means and was executed by ex
officers of the Greek central intelligence service on behalf of G.H.Rees. Place of initiation: “Lodge of the Grand Oak” New York, January 1985...
Lodge of the Grand Oak, III
G.H.Rees is exposing to the Greek public, details of the beginning of the 36 phases of WWIII masterminded by hyperlodge ‘’Hong’’ of China and executed by the ‘’Zen’’ lodge of Tibet, as well as the masonic Hebrew-Saxon lodges of ‘’A.O.A’’ and ‘’O.T.O’’ of London and the American Hebrew lodge of ‘’The Grand Oak’’ (‘’High Brotherhood of Light’’) of New York under command of American Hebrew Chief Rabbi ‘ Varouch’ , alias Barozo, alias Burowghs‘’. Disclosures are based on information from Greek American patriots of various American services, cross-checked against information from utterly disgusted previously dormant masons and various electronic audio means of G.H.Rees...
Lodge of the Grand Oak, IV
Following the horrors of the war, Ascanian Askhenazeim were blackmailed and led to massively occupy Palestine in an attempt to create through various genocides of Palestinians, the “petty State of Israel” which constitutes 95% of them. (Note: Establishment of the State of Israel is a Sionistic/Zionistic dream and ultimate objective of Hebrew-Mongol Himmler. Leadership of this State of Israel is in the hands of the minority, billionaires and powerful Hebrew-Mongolian Sepharadim (separati-separated Jews) politicians and bankers like the Rothschilds and Rockfellers with main headqaurters in America, Switzerland and London. The Rothschilds although of Hazar-Mongolian descent are falsely classified as Askenazeim by the chief rabbis of Benen Berith (Grand Oak Lodge of New York) in an attempt to throw dust in the eyes of researchers.
Lodge of the Grand Oak, V
An American Hebrew lodge for the "High Brotherhood of Light" in New York and commanded by American Hebrew chief rabbi "Varouch" alias Barozo alias Burowghs.
The Scottish and the French doctrine are commanded by the tertiary masonic staff of “Benen Berith” and “Olam Berith” or “Lodge of the Grand Oak” of New York, chief lodge of the “Argonauts 21” (a.k.a. A philosophical masonic lodge in Volos,Greece). In theory, the tertiary staff of Adeptis Ordo Atlantis (+/-AOA) and Benen Berith, hate each other to the death, because they have “higher leaders”, the Tamil – “Devil” and Yahweh “God” respectively. The mutual hatred enabled two world wars, in which the “bad” german leaders obeyed Ordo Adeptis Atlantis or Tamil underchthonians and the “good” allies obeyed Benen Berith or Yahweh heavenlies.
Atlantis and Aegis were sunk by hyper-technological weaponry, namely gravity cannons. The lodge of the Grand Oak puts the date of this event at 9,600 B.C., which is probably reliable because it is cross-referenced with Plato's “Timaios and Kritias”.
Lodge of the Grand Oak, I
The genetic branch “ATTIL” in the official Hebrew nomenclature of the Bible, is presented as Semitic. As a product of the Hebrew house, ATTIL is recorded in the classified archives of the “Grand Oak’s” Lodge of New York, the dynasty of Pergamos’ Attalides. In honor of Attal, the Hebrew foundations of Ford and Rockefeller bank-rolled the reconstruction of Attalus Lodge in the Ancient Agora of Athens.
Attalides Semites were corrupted against Hellas and the Atlantean Semitic Priesthood destroyed Hellas, delivering it to the Romans through Attalus C’ of Pergamos - a place they passed through and stayed.
M.T.M. or Memphis Templis Misraim or Temple's Court is structured from 72 sets of sub-orders which have virtual Grand Masters and virtual Hierarchical structures commanded by covert Masons, who take over leadership in the case of “desirable” or “undesirable” political-regime turn which serves or is against the “policy-line” of A.O.A.
One such Sub-Order is the Grand Orient of Greece with virtual leader the various Grand Masters and true leader the Archrabbinia of Athens. The double – virtual and true – leadership enables A.O.A. to override the official constitution of the “Grand Oak's” Lodge. This protects against “Lost Control” and gives A.O.A. power over Lodges, concerning “non political and non coup d’ eta action” in order to suppress and to create revolutions at will.
Lodge of the Grand Oak, II
Lodge of the Grand Oak, III
Lodge of the Grand Oak, IV
Lodge of the Grand Oak, V
Erdogan, of Hellenogenes Pontiac origins, was briefed on planetary security and geostrategics by G.H.Rees documents that sent him to the web-blog. He painfully realised the colossal planetary, geostrategic collusion between “NATO” and “China” (under Chinese supreme monitoring of Hong) toward WWIII final provocation and “Constantinople – Red Apple Tree”. He therefore put a brake and ignition lag to the whole scheme of Chinese hyperlodge “Hong” and colluding subordinate hyperlodges “A.O.A. London” – “Bnai Brith – Lodge of the Grand Oak New York”.
Erdogan has realised that if he follows orders, the Chinese scheme will be driven forward and he will be responsible for helping to turn Earth into a planetary slaughter house. People and races will be driven into genocide by “NATO” and Russian armies; not only Greece, but also Constantinople and Turkey. In the final phases of WWIII, the pure-Yellow Draconian race of Sina (China), using its military of 200,000,000 will annihilate any remaining Mongolians of the “B.A.S.T.R.” axis who sought refuge within China.
Lodge of the Grand Oak, VI
Thursday, 18 February 2016
Golden Dawn/Xrysh Aygh
Neo-nazi Golden Dawn is a push to the east (drag nach osten) party, which means that it is a suicidal Chinese-masonic tool for aggravating World War Three from China; in the fashion of Western Tiger pulls "Eastern" (Shanghai Pact) Dragon's tail. The Greek lodge takes orders from China (Sina) via Golden Dawn, London, for a repetition of the Asia minor destruction.
Through the media's “sky – tv”, Greek-Hebrew “KKE” (communist party of Greece) defends foreign immigrants within Greece by forming “task forces” with “PAME” (workers fighting front – a “KKE” organization). They then abuse Golden Dawn (an ultra right wing “neo-nazi” party of Greece), destroying offices and houses of its members.
[In 1919, pending final Allied agreement to terms of the peace treaty with the Ottoman Empire, Greece sent an expeditionary force to occupy Smyrna and the Vilayet of Aidinat. Encouraged by victorious First World War Allies, the mission included protection of very large Greek and other Christian communities from Turkish nationalists.
The underlying Greek motivation was the age-old ‘Great Idea’ of incorporating unredeemed Hellenes within the Greek Kingdom. After a bungled military landing in May 1919, a civil administration under High Commissioner Aristidis Stergiadis was established. It sought to govern effectively and even-handedly over disparate populations by applying the Venizelist doctrine of peaceful coexistence, but in September 1922 there was a catastrophic rout of the Greek army by Turkish Nationalists. A civilian bloodbath resulted, with the destruction of Smyrna and expulsion of Hellenism from Asia Minor.
Mongolian Aggression
Readers may corroborate recent alternative news reports in respect of Turkey:
Murder of Russian SU-24 crew in Syria;
Coastguard drowns refugees;
English-assisted partial occupation of Cyprus, 1974; and,
Golden Dawn, Greece, invites Turkish invasion of Greece. ]
The Nazi Connection with Shambhala and Tibet
Golden Dawn claims Constantinople for the next capital of the Greek NeoByzantine "Empire 666".
A nasty Nazi masonic lodge
For acts of violence against the Greek citizens, members of “GOLDEN DAWN” or others, and for destroying offices or houses, G.H.REES wants Greek citizens to KILL members of “KKE – PAME” and any cooperating illegal immigrants ON THE SPOT.
Albanians imprisoned in Greek prisons stated that: “We the Albanians are waiting for the assault of Turkey against Greece, and afterwards we will fuck the Greeks, from inside Greece”. By making this treasonous declaration to foreign immigrants in Greece for an armed revolt against Greece that will result in murder of Greek officers and civilians and their families, “KKE” essentially calls upon 450,000 armed Albanians of “UCK” and “UCC” (“Chamourias” of Southern Epirus) and 600,000 sword-bearing Islamists of Asiatic countries who live in Greece.
Exactly coinciding with the pretext: “Assault against the members and offices of “Golden Dawn”, armies of the Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania axis will be preparing to assault Greece in an invasion up to Lamia and Messologi. Genocide of Greeks in Northern, Central, and Insular Greece will follow, assisted by treasonous cooperation of “KKE”, “SYRIZA” (Greek left wing party headed by Greek-Hebrew Alavanos – Levi), “DHM.AR.” (Greek left wing party of Freemason Kouvelis), armed foreign immigrants within Greece, and “Anarchists” of Hebrew Abraham Lesperoglou.
Greek Justice must outlaw the “KKE” communist party and the “Golden Dawn” party with its provocateur “Nazism 666” that seriously injures illegal immigrants. They are colluding toward a Third World War through “Constantinople 666" as capital of "Empire 666” or New World Order 666, as directed by Hebrew-Saxon lords of the Masonic “Black” Hyperlodges “AOA”, “OTO”, and “Golden Dawn” of London.
It is a dishonest violation of justice that has allowed participation of the disruptive political parties in parliamentary elections. “KKE” has stated that it will enforce “Dictatorship of the Proletarians” when it rules Greece, since “Golden Dawn” has said that when it rules Greece, it will enforce the “Dictatorship of the Hyperhumans”.
Planned, coordinated disruption within Greece
Note that:
The whole military alliance of BASTR with China against Greece comprises all of the nazi-fascist neo-Greeks of “Epsilon”, “L.A.O.S.”, “Golden Dawn”, “Nea Acropolis”, “Naer Mataron” ( Near Metatron) , “Christian-Dodecatheist-Souphists”, “Anti-metatron”, “Eymolpos”, “P.A.S.Y.A”, etc.. They attempted to disprove and humiliate GHRees by referring to them as “a dangerous group of traitors living in a fantasy world”.
Following an article posted on 12/1/13 in “Defencenet.gr”, concerning the “visit of Chinese minister of defence Liang-Guang-Li to Skopje on 11 and 12/1/13 and a “signed agreement between Skopje and China for development and progress of military co-operation between China and Skopje through the mutual exchange of military attaches”. Exchange is to follow transformation of the military "Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania/Pentagon" axis into “BASTR/Republic Of Korea” and the surrounding of Greece by armies of China and Turkey. Military units will be stationed in all country members of the BASTR/P axis.
GHRees calls to all treachorous neo-Greek “Epsilons”, namely “L.A.O.S” and “Golden Dawn” and political branches of “L.A.O.S” (Peoples Orthodox Alarm) to disappear from the Greek political scene. Their treason against Greece is through obscene, brutal abuse of illegal foreign immigrants who should be lawfully deported. This is deliberate provocation of vengeful military attack by the neighbouring countries of BASTR/P against Greece. Meanwhile, “L.A.O.S” and “ Golden Dawn” are becoming accomplices in the ongoing intentional dismantling of Greek armed forces, about which they are protective, deliberately keeping quiet, and covering up. Within the framework of this treason, “Golden Dawn“ of Greece [founded by Hebrew-Saxon Mongol Lords of Nazi ”Golden Dawn“, England] is known to regard Asian Mongols, Tibetans, Chinese, Koreans, Albanians, and Turkish Mongols as members of the White race!
The Epsilon's plan is for mass slaughter of the Greek army and genocide of Greek civilians within the North-Central-Western-Island of Greece by armies of BASTR/P. Afterwards, the supposedly regretful Hebrew-Saxon US government and NATO are to cry crocodile tears and deliver sovereignty of BASTR/P countries/territories to counter-attacking “Global Greek empire 666”, with Constantinople as its new capital. This empire is to lead “NATO” against “Russia-Islam-China” in World War III. According to Epsilon terminology, “L.A.O.S” is to form the new empire's government, with the Turk-Albanian G.Karazafferi of “L.A.O.S” as Prime Minister!
Without exception, Hebrew or Masonic leaders of political parties of “New Democracy”, PASOK, DHMAR, SYRIZA, KKE, and “Golden Dawn“ (Michaloliakos of “Golden Dawn”, member of black Nazi Masonry of “Golden Dawn” London), are attempting to drag Greece into civil war, on the basis of the so-called “ Lagarde List”. Greece with its destroyed economy, in civil war, and with armed forces completely dismantled by its politicians, will be genocided by armed forces of the new-fangled axis of ”KI/BASTR/P” all the way up to Lamia (central Greece).
Stayros Lalas put himself in grave danger for Greek national security by delivering “CIA” documents to Greece that revealed Turkish submarine hideaways along the coast of western Turkey. He was betrayed by the Greek-Hebrew Government of Hebrew Mitsotakis/Venizelos/Ben Salom/Benjamin Salom ( Benjamin’s peace), since “Golden Dawn” wants a Turkish invasion of Greece. After twelve years in an American prison, Greek patriot Lalas was discharged, only to be mocked by “Golden Dawn” traitors; namely, Spyros Spyropoulos of “PA.SY.A.GR”, “eymolpos.blogspot.com” (defunct), and “antimetatron.blogspot.com” (defunct) - as ordered by Michaloliakos, leader of the “Golden Dawn”.
[Time to wake up to your vampiric resident evil, people of UK and USA! Are the British not fully aware that many of their politicians and Royals are Zionists and Freemasons?
Cameron appointed Matthew Gould as the UK’s first Jewish ambassador to the Zionist regime]
Now (2013), the ”Greek-Hebrew Government” is about to follow a tough line on the exclusively Greek economic zone (AOZ), in an attempt to immediately ignite a co-ordinated military crisis in the Aegean. Hebrew-Saxon lords and leaders of Nazi “Golden Dawn” London have ordered “Golden Dawn“ Greece to murder a Pakistani immigrant in Athens. The idea being to cause additional problems regarding dissolution of Greece, via an armed uprising of Islamic groups within the country and a simultaneous attack by BASTR/P against Greece to shrink the border back to Lamia.
North-central-western island Greeks are to face genocide as the new government of “L.A.O.S and Golden Dawn” is founded at Mystras in the Peloponnese, during a second phase at the seat of the ”Neo-Byzantine Empire 666” in Constantinople. A supportive and “repentant” NATO, headed by “chief-general” Paul Schleswig Holstein Glucksburg the dethroned Hebrew-Saxon heir of Greece, will weakly attack the R.I.C. axis. Overwhelming counterattack and WW III will follow, causing genocide of all civilians in NATO countries and primarily the Greeks. In due course, the pure-Yellow global dictatorship “Kingdom of Jehova-Sin-Sion (Zion)-Sina-Sedi-Jedi-etc.“ of China will be established. Therefore, GHRees calls upon Greeks to immediately assassinate "Golden Dawn“ leader Michaloliakos and members of its treasonous Parliament of “pseudo-Nationalist” traitors and provocateurs of Greek genocide by the armies of BASTR/P and R.I.C..
After Greece's genocide, all other Western nations.
Neo-nazi Golden Dawn is a push to the east (drag nach osten) party, which means that it is a suicidal Chinese-masonic tool for aggravating World War Three from China; in the fashion of Western Tiger pulls "Eastern" (Shanghai Pact) Dragon's tail. The Greek lodge takes orders from China (Sina) via Golden Dawn, London, for a repetition of the Asia minor destruction.
Through the media's “sky – tv”, Greek-Hebrew “KKE” (communist party of Greece) defends foreign immigrants within Greece by forming “task forces” with “PAME” (workers fighting front – a “KKE” organization). They then abuse Golden Dawn (an ultra right wing “neo-nazi” party of Greece), destroying offices and houses of its members.
[In 1919, pending final Allied agreement to terms of the peace treaty with the Ottoman Empire, Greece sent an expeditionary force to occupy Smyrna and the Vilayet of Aidinat. Encouraged by victorious First World War Allies, the mission included protection of very large Greek and other Christian communities from Turkish nationalists.
The underlying Greek motivation was the age-old ‘Great Idea’ of incorporating unredeemed Hellenes within the Greek Kingdom. After a bungled military landing in May 1919, a civil administration under High Commissioner Aristidis Stergiadis was established. It sought to govern effectively and even-handedly over disparate populations by applying the Venizelist doctrine of peaceful coexistence, but in September 1922 there was a catastrophic rout of the Greek army by Turkish Nationalists. A civilian bloodbath resulted, with the destruction of Smyrna and expulsion of Hellenism from Asia Minor.
Mongolian Aggression
Readers may corroborate recent alternative news reports in respect of Turkey:
Murder of Russian SU-24 crew in Syria;
Coastguard drowns refugees;
English-assisted partial occupation of Cyprus, 1974; and,
Golden Dawn, Greece, invites Turkish invasion of Greece. ]
The Nazi Connection with Shambhala and Tibet
Golden Dawn claims Constantinople for the next capital of the Greek NeoByzantine "Empire 666".
A nasty Nazi masonic lodge
For acts of violence against the Greek citizens, members of “GOLDEN DAWN” or others, and for destroying offices or houses, G.H.REES wants Greek citizens to KILL members of “KKE – PAME” and any cooperating illegal immigrants ON THE SPOT.
Albanians imprisoned in Greek prisons stated that: “We the Albanians are waiting for the assault of Turkey against Greece, and afterwards we will fuck the Greeks, from inside Greece”. By making this treasonous declaration to foreign immigrants in Greece for an armed revolt against Greece that will result in murder of Greek officers and civilians and their families, “KKE” essentially calls upon 450,000 armed Albanians of “UCK” and “UCC” (“Chamourias” of Southern Epirus) and 600,000 sword-bearing Islamists of Asiatic countries who live in Greece.
Exactly coinciding with the pretext: “Assault against the members and offices of “Golden Dawn”, armies of the Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania axis will be preparing to assault Greece in an invasion up to Lamia and Messologi. Genocide of Greeks in Northern, Central, and Insular Greece will follow, assisted by treasonous cooperation of “KKE”, “SYRIZA” (Greek left wing party headed by Greek-Hebrew Alavanos – Levi), “DHM.AR.” (Greek left wing party of Freemason Kouvelis), armed foreign immigrants within Greece, and “Anarchists” of Hebrew Abraham Lesperoglou.
Greek Justice must outlaw the “KKE” communist party and the “Golden Dawn” party with its provocateur “Nazism 666” that seriously injures illegal immigrants. They are colluding toward a Third World War through “Constantinople 666" as capital of "Empire 666” or New World Order 666, as directed by Hebrew-Saxon lords of the Masonic “Black” Hyperlodges “AOA”, “OTO”, and “Golden Dawn” of London.
It is a dishonest violation of justice that has allowed participation of the disruptive political parties in parliamentary elections. “KKE” has stated that it will enforce “Dictatorship of the Proletarians” when it rules Greece, since “Golden Dawn” has said that when it rules Greece, it will enforce the “Dictatorship of the Hyperhumans”.
Planned, coordinated disruption within Greece
Nazis of 1930-1945 were, and todays neo-nazi Golden Dawn of London and Greece are, puppets of Dragonian China's Hong hyperlodge of the left hand path and the Black Brotherhood of Mongolian Tibet (Tamil Forces).
- Karl Haushoffer, geopolitical brain of Nazism and teacher of Hitler, was initiated as a Freemason of Golden Dawn. He was a magician summoner of Draconian demonic 4D spirits, initiated in Tamil Buddism in Tibet (Zen) and Zen of Japan (Green Dragons).
- Hebrew Lincoln Von Trebits, who saved Hitler's life in 1920, was initiated as a mandarin in the highest Masonic Chinese Hong overlodge (See book: Nazism Secret Society)
- One security garrison of Berlin had Tibetan Zen monks as their members. They were executed as "enemy spies" by the Soviets in 1945.
- Dragonian initiated Haushoffer and todays Golden Dawn, Greece, share the doctrine: drag nach osten, meaning push to the East.
- Golden Dawn claims Constantinople as the next capital of the Greek NeoByzantine "Empire 666". Through NATO, Greece is to be trapped in a new Asia Minor campaign; a push to the East (Anatolia), now against the Shangai Pact and China 888. The campaign will be driven by the Nazi Golden Dawn 666 under their doctrine "drag nach osten" and in provocative collusion as a Western instrument. The suicidal military push to the East is against China, thereby providing an alibi for a massive counterattack that devastates the West in Armageddon or WWIII.
Following an article posted on 12/1/13 in “Defencenet.gr”, concerning the “visit of Chinese minister of defence Liang-Guang-Li to Skopje on 11 and 12/1/13 and a “signed agreement between Skopje and China for development and progress of military co-operation between China and Skopje through the mutual exchange of military attaches”. Exchange is to follow transformation of the military "Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania/Pentagon" axis into “BASTR/Republic Of Korea” and the surrounding of Greece by armies of China and Turkey. Military units will be stationed in all country members of the BASTR/P axis.
GHRees calls to all treachorous neo-Greek “Epsilons”, namely “L.A.O.S” and “Golden Dawn” and political branches of “L.A.O.S” (Peoples Orthodox Alarm) to disappear from the Greek political scene. Their treason against Greece is through obscene, brutal abuse of illegal foreign immigrants who should be lawfully deported. This is deliberate provocation of vengeful military attack by the neighbouring countries of BASTR/P against Greece. Meanwhile, “L.A.O.S” and “ Golden Dawn” are becoming accomplices in the ongoing intentional dismantling of Greek armed forces, about which they are protective, deliberately keeping quiet, and covering up. Within the framework of this treason, “Golden Dawn“ of Greece [founded by Hebrew-Saxon Mongol Lords of Nazi ”Golden Dawn“, England] is known to regard Asian Mongols, Tibetans, Chinese, Koreans, Albanians, and Turkish Mongols as members of the White race!
The Epsilon's plan is for mass slaughter of the Greek army and genocide of Greek civilians within the North-Central-Western-Island of Greece by armies of BASTR/P. Afterwards, the supposedly regretful Hebrew-Saxon US government and NATO are to cry crocodile tears and deliver sovereignty of BASTR/P countries/territories to counter-attacking “Global Greek empire 666”, with Constantinople as its new capital. This empire is to lead “NATO” against “Russia-Islam-China” in World War III. According to Epsilon terminology, “L.A.O.S” is to form the new empire's government, with the Turk-Albanian G.Karazafferi of “L.A.O.S” as Prime Minister!
Without exception, Hebrew or Masonic leaders of political parties of “New Democracy”, PASOK, DHMAR, SYRIZA, KKE, and “Golden Dawn“ (Michaloliakos of “Golden Dawn”, member of black Nazi Masonry of “Golden Dawn” London), are attempting to drag Greece into civil war, on the basis of the so-called “ Lagarde List”. Greece with its destroyed economy, in civil war, and with armed forces completely dismantled by its politicians, will be genocided by armed forces of the new-fangled axis of ”KI/BASTR/P” all the way up to Lamia (central Greece).
Stayros Lalas put himself in grave danger for Greek national security by delivering “CIA” documents to Greece that revealed Turkish submarine hideaways along the coast of western Turkey. He was betrayed by the Greek-Hebrew Government of Hebrew Mitsotakis/Venizelos/Ben Salom/Benjamin Salom ( Benjamin’s peace), since “Golden Dawn” wants a Turkish invasion of Greece. After twelve years in an American prison, Greek patriot Lalas was discharged, only to be mocked by “Golden Dawn” traitors; namely, Spyros Spyropoulos of “PA.SY.A.GR”, “eymolpos.blogspot.com” (defunct), and “antimetatron.blogspot.com” (defunct) - as ordered by Michaloliakos, leader of the “Golden Dawn”.
[Time to wake up to your vampiric resident evil, people of UK and USA! Are the British not fully aware that many of their politicians and Royals are Zionists and Freemasons?
Cameron appointed Matthew Gould as the UK’s first Jewish ambassador to the Zionist regime]
Now (2013), the ”Greek-Hebrew Government” is about to follow a tough line on the exclusively Greek economic zone (AOZ), in an attempt to immediately ignite a co-ordinated military crisis in the Aegean. Hebrew-Saxon lords and leaders of Nazi “Golden Dawn” London have ordered “Golden Dawn“ Greece to murder a Pakistani immigrant in Athens. The idea being to cause additional problems regarding dissolution of Greece, via an armed uprising of Islamic groups within the country and a simultaneous attack by BASTR/P against Greece to shrink the border back to Lamia.
North-central-western island Greeks are to face genocide as the new government of “L.A.O.S and Golden Dawn” is founded at Mystras in the Peloponnese, during a second phase at the seat of the ”Neo-Byzantine Empire 666” in Constantinople. A supportive and “repentant” NATO, headed by “chief-general” Paul Schleswig Holstein Glucksburg the dethroned Hebrew-Saxon heir of Greece, will weakly attack the R.I.C. axis. Overwhelming counterattack and WW III will follow, causing genocide of all civilians in NATO countries and primarily the Greeks. In due course, the pure-Yellow global dictatorship “Kingdom of Jehova-Sin-Sion (Zion)-Sina-Sedi-Jedi-etc.“ of China will be established. Therefore, GHRees calls upon Greeks to immediately assassinate "Golden Dawn“ leader Michaloliakos and members of its treasonous Parliament of “pseudo-Nationalist” traitors and provocateurs of Greek genocide by the armies of BASTR/P and R.I.C..
After Greece's genocide, all other Western nations.
Tuesday, 9 February 2016
Gold has disappeared from the treasuries of all States, for example the “Bank of Greece” and “Fort Knox” of USA. What really happened to the Global Gold Reserves was answered by Hellenes working in the city of Sion (Zion), close to the mountain of the same name in Switzerland. They and non-Hellene residents of the area are eye-witnesses to strange night events in which powerful sources of light travel frequently from the top of Mount Sion towards nowhere, with enormous speeds. Mount Sion is filled with caves loaded with treasures of Swiss Banks.
The robbery of Gold Reserves enables Zionists to cause a global economic crash at any time. Circulating bank-notes, and especially the dollar, are useless papers of governmental fraud. They can no longer be exchanged for some valuable, indestructible metal as promised on them in writing and currency has shifted from representative to fiat.
NOTE: In old signals G.H.Rees revealed that gold has disappeared from countries and states. It is concentrated in “Mount Sion” (Zion), Switzerland, an area also called “Basel” or “Kingdom” (God’s Kingdom). Unsurprisingly, also concentrated there are Zionist central banks like Rothschild’s Bank of International Settlements etc.! There is talk of fake gold bars, with purpose being another means toward ignition of world war three, codenamed “Armageddon” between the Shanghai Pact and the Western Trilateral Pact.
The denied real fairy tale of horror
If you attended the 2010 World Cup in South Africa and saw flying saucers in the sky, don’t think you’re crazy. They came to find gold, as was mentioned in the country's first conference about the science of UFO’s.
‘’Over the last 300,000 years, extra-terrestrials have been taking their spaceships and coming to Earth to search for gold’’, conference organiser Michael Tellinger said. ‘’In order not to be recognised by us, the ordinary mortals, they change their appearance into normal human beings’’. A usual place where they land is South Africa, rich in diamonds and gold.
Gold Diggers
Gaddafi strongly promoted the creation of a common currency, the Gold Dinar to trade for oil. His aim was the oil in the rich deposits of Africa to be available over equivalents in gold rather than the fiat dollars of the FED. Africa would benefit enormously, developing and growing because now the oil would be sold for gold-real-estate and not against paper-virtual economy.
China does not interfere in the internal affairs of African countries. She gives billions to the current strawman dictator, feeds him till he passes out in cash and gold, and grants him freedom to slaughter and plunder; so long as he (strawman) leaves China free to exploit and build infrastructure.
With the fall of Gaddafi, large quantities of gold and weapons were transferred to the Islamic Maghreb, Yemen, Algeria, Mauritania, Mali and Niger. These countries have strong pockets of of Al Qaeda members who ardently desire such weapons.
CIA's Al Qaeda, CIAl Qaeda
Hebrew rabbi Zechariah Sitchin claimed that "the anunnaki were the inhabitants of Nibiru, that created mankind in order to mine gold from the subsoil of the earth, and hand it over to the Anunnaki every three thousand years, when their planet, Nibiru, is approaching earth". The "holy (false) scripture" of Si(o)no-Judeo-Christianity states "gold and silver to god alone", namely pseudo-Yahweh leader of the Lunarians. This is an attempt to smuggle gold, belonging rightfully to the inhabitants of Earth, by posing as non-existent "Anunnaki" of non-existing "nibiru"!
Imaginary Nibiru and its fake Anunnaki slave drivers!
Andromedians plan to rebuild "Planet Phaethon", which was destroyed by the Draconians/Dragonians and forms today's asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. It was destroyed in order to mine and steal Phaethon's precious metals (esp. titanium and gold) and minerals. For the same gain, Dragonians have destroyed Earth's ecology in heavy production mining. Using the terran population as miners, and especially the Chinese as "lord's (lunar) servants". Later, they will steal the Earth's titanium, gold and precious crystals.
The road to Hell and Chaos is paved with gold!
Haggai 2:8 (KJV)... "The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the Lord of hosts".
Here, the chief Draconian Lunarian, Sin-Sion-Zion-Jehovah, states in his Old Testament Bible that all gold and silver belongs to him. When the Yellow Draconian Chinese race is the only race on Earth (New World Order 888), his Draconian Starfleet will apply them as totally obedient slaves for extracting precious metals and crystals prior to transfer to the lunar vaults.
New World Order 888 objective
Gold has disappeared from the treasuries of all States, for example the “Bank of Greece” and “Fort Knox” of USA. What really happened to the Global Gold Reserves was answered by Hellenes working in the city of Sion (Zion), close to the mountain of the same name in Switzerland. They and non-Hellene residents of the area are eye-witnesses to strange night events in which powerful sources of light travel frequently from the top of Mount Sion towards nowhere, with enormous speeds. Mount Sion is filled with caves loaded with treasures of Swiss Banks.
The robbery of Gold Reserves enables Zionists to cause a global economic crash at any time. Circulating bank-notes, and especially the dollar, are useless papers of governmental fraud. They can no longer be exchanged for some valuable, indestructible metal as promised on them in writing and currency has shifted from representative to fiat.
NOTE: In old signals G.H.Rees revealed that gold has disappeared from countries and states. It is concentrated in “Mount Sion” (Zion), Switzerland, an area also called “Basel” or “Kingdom” (God’s Kingdom). Unsurprisingly, also concentrated there are Zionist central banks like Rothschild’s Bank of International Settlements etc.! There is talk of fake gold bars, with purpose being another means toward ignition of world war three, codenamed “Armageddon” between the Shanghai Pact and the Western Trilateral Pact.
The denied real fairy tale of horror
If you attended the 2010 World Cup in South Africa and saw flying saucers in the sky, don’t think you’re crazy. They came to find gold, as was mentioned in the country's first conference about the science of UFO’s.
‘’Over the last 300,000 years, extra-terrestrials have been taking their spaceships and coming to Earth to search for gold’’, conference organiser Michael Tellinger said. ‘’In order not to be recognised by us, the ordinary mortals, they change their appearance into normal human beings’’. A usual place where they land is South Africa, rich in diamonds and gold.
Gold Diggers
Gaddafi strongly promoted the creation of a common currency, the Gold Dinar to trade for oil. His aim was the oil in the rich deposits of Africa to be available over equivalents in gold rather than the fiat dollars of the FED. Africa would benefit enormously, developing and growing because now the oil would be sold for gold-real-estate and not against paper-virtual economy.
China does not interfere in the internal affairs of African countries. She gives billions to the current strawman dictator, feeds him till he passes out in cash and gold, and grants him freedom to slaughter and plunder; so long as he (strawman) leaves China free to exploit and build infrastructure.
With the fall of Gaddafi, large quantities of gold and weapons were transferred to the Islamic Maghreb, Yemen, Algeria, Mauritania, Mali and Niger. These countries have strong pockets of of Al Qaeda members who ardently desire such weapons.
CIA's Al Qaeda, CIAl Qaeda
Hebrew rabbi Zechariah Sitchin claimed that "the anunnaki were the inhabitants of Nibiru, that created mankind in order to mine gold from the subsoil of the earth, and hand it over to the Anunnaki every three thousand years, when their planet, Nibiru, is approaching earth". The "holy (false) scripture" of Si(o)no-Judeo-Christianity states "gold and silver to god alone", namely pseudo-Yahweh leader of the Lunarians. This is an attempt to smuggle gold, belonging rightfully to the inhabitants of Earth, by posing as non-existent "Anunnaki" of non-existing "nibiru"!
Imaginary Nibiru and its fake Anunnaki slave drivers!
Andromedians plan to rebuild "Planet Phaethon", which was destroyed by the Draconians/Dragonians and forms today's asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. It was destroyed in order to mine and steal Phaethon's precious metals (esp. titanium and gold) and minerals. For the same gain, Dragonians have destroyed Earth's ecology in heavy production mining. Using the terran population as miners, and especially the Chinese as "lord's (lunar) servants". Later, they will steal the Earth's titanium, gold and precious crystals.
The road to Hell and Chaos is paved with gold!
Haggai 2:8 (KJV)... "The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the Lord of hosts".
Here, the chief Draconian Lunarian, Sin-Sion-Zion-Jehovah, states in his Old Testament Bible that all gold and silver belongs to him. When the Yellow Draconian Chinese race is the only race on Earth (New World Order 888), his Draconian Starfleet will apply them as totally obedient slaves for extracting precious metals and crystals prior to transfer to the lunar vaults.
New World Order 888 objective
Monday, 8 February 2016
Gog and Magog
See the Holy (Satanic) Bible, Ezekiel chapters LH(38) and Lθ’(39) in which Jahweh/Yahweh plans genocide of GOG and MAGOG (that is the northern Pelasgian Scythian Russians) and the “MESSEH” (Pelasgian Scythians of Moscow). [4th Fraud, Tu27Nov2012.]
WWIII is to be ignited by Medvedev in coordination with treachorous Hebrew-Mongol “NATO” leaders of the West. G.H.Rees therefore calls on Russian patriot officers of the “FSB”, armed forces, and police to immediately NEUTRALISE the Russian-Hebrew Medvedev.
Failure to act swiftly will bring your turn for annihilation by Chinese and Korean armies. Since, after genocide of the USA–Europe–Japan axis (US-E-J) by Russia-Islam-China (R-I-C), Russia will be exhausted and depleted. All Russians will then be murdered, even the White-Yellow Mongol-Hebrews, leaving only pure Yellow Chinese and Koreans.
Read the Draconian prophecy-program of the Chinese-Mongols in the Old Testament chapter of Ezekiel about the final genocide of “Gog and Magog” (namely Northern Pelasgian Scythes of Russia), “Rus” (Russians), and “Mesheh” (Muscovites). Apart from mopping-up, this genocide of the “King of the North” (Russia – being “North” of China) ends WWIII. It follows genocide of the “King of the South” (USA–NATO as allies of “South” Korea 777) by “R.I.C.” (Russia-Islam-China).
AWAKEN AT LAST YOUR SURVIVAL INSTINCTS, survive and act accordingly for NATIONAL and PLANETARY SECURITY. Wake up also you Greeks of Russia and translate ASAP into the Russian language all G.H.REES documents and IMMEDIATELY awaken your fellow citizens the Pelasgian Scythe Russians.
[1] Ezekiel 38 & 39
By way of elaboration, others programmed for eventual extinction by China, over thousands of years include: Islamist “Agarines” of today’s “R-I-C.” axis; Mongols of Japan, Tibet, and Mongolia; Hebrews; Saxons; other White-Mongols, namely Turks, Bulgarians, and Albanians [of the “B.A.S.T.R.” axis (Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania)], Tatars, Tsetsnians, Khazars [of ex-“USSR”], Finns, Hungarians, Bavarians, Hannoverians and Sax-Kohen-Bergians [of Germany], Basques, Lithuanians, etc.; and Black-Mongols; Indonesians; Indo-Chinese, etc..
[2] Ezekiel 38 & 39
Hebrew-Mongol rabbis and their corresponding Saxon-Mongol lords living in England have notified chief Hebrews, Saxon politicians and businessmen of the West to be prepared to assist the Chinese in economically crashing Russia, from May of 2010. This is because Russia favours economical and defensive cooperation in the Aegean towards Greece and is attempting to foil the Balkan War of the axis Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania (“B.A.S.T.R.”) against Greece that was programmed by “NATO” and China. Russia is also attempting to delay and foil the Third World War or Chinese-Hebrew “Armageddon”, programmed by Hebrews and Saxons of the Pentagon colluding with the Turanian Chinese Army.
Global Chinese domination as described in chapters 38 and 39 of the “Old Testament” book by "prophet" Ezekiel is found elsewhere. Unsurprisingly, it appears in the: Terminology of Chinese hyper-lodge “Hong/Hung”; Secret terminology of Hebrew arch-rabbis; Text of Hebrew prophet Daniel of the “Old Testament”; Hebrew Headquarters of “Jehovah Witnesses” in New York, which are conscious instruments of “Hong” - see the “Jehovah Witnesses” book entitled “YOUR WILL BE DONE ON EARTH”, chapter 10 headed “The Russian North against the American South” [That is to say north of China and south of China.]
[3] Ezekiel 38 & 39
NOTE: The Ezekiel “prophecies” are programs of the multi-named, hyper-technological and extra-dimensional Draconian pseudo-God of the moon. For purposes of “Armageddon”, demonic e.t. spirits have set up polarised religious Freemasonry, which is organised through "prayer" and mind control between dimensions. These reptilian spirits have also told us about themselves and their human agents through the Bible and other religious texts. On God and Jesus, they confuse us:
Isaiah 45:7 ...I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things. (Playing both edges against the middle to crush goyim.)
Luke 14:26 ...If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.
Of those who have done genocide, they have said:
John 8:44... [New Living Translation - NLT] For you are the children of your father the devil, and you love to do the evil things he does. He was a murderer from the beginning. He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies.
See the Holy (Satanic) Bible, Ezekiel chapters LH(38) and Lθ’(39) in which Jahweh/Yahweh plans genocide of GOG and MAGOG (that is the northern Pelasgian Scythian Russians) and the “MESSEH” (Pelasgian Scythians of Moscow). [4th Fraud, Tu27Nov2012.]
WWIII is to be ignited by Medvedev in coordination with treachorous Hebrew-Mongol “NATO” leaders of the West. G.H.Rees therefore calls on Russian patriot officers of the “FSB”, armed forces, and police to immediately NEUTRALISE the Russian-Hebrew Medvedev.
Failure to act swiftly will bring your turn for annihilation by Chinese and Korean armies. Since, after genocide of the USA–Europe–Japan axis (US-E-J) by Russia-Islam-China (R-I-C), Russia will be exhausted and depleted. All Russians will then be murdered, even the White-Yellow Mongol-Hebrews, leaving only pure Yellow Chinese and Koreans.
Read the Draconian prophecy-program of the Chinese-Mongols in the Old Testament chapter of Ezekiel about the final genocide of “Gog and Magog” (namely Northern Pelasgian Scythes of Russia), “Rus” (Russians), and “Mesheh” (Muscovites). Apart from mopping-up, this genocide of the “King of the North” (Russia – being “North” of China) ends WWIII. It follows genocide of the “King of the South” (USA–NATO as allies of “South” Korea 777) by “R.I.C.” (Russia-Islam-China).
AWAKEN AT LAST YOUR SURVIVAL INSTINCTS, survive and act accordingly for NATIONAL and PLANETARY SECURITY. Wake up also you Greeks of Russia and translate ASAP into the Russian language all G.H.REES documents and IMMEDIATELY awaken your fellow citizens the Pelasgian Scythe Russians.
[1] Ezekiel 38 & 39
By way of elaboration, others programmed for eventual extinction by China, over thousands of years include: Islamist “Agarines” of today’s “R-I-C.” axis; Mongols of Japan, Tibet, and Mongolia; Hebrews; Saxons; other White-Mongols, namely Turks, Bulgarians, and Albanians [of the “B.A.S.T.R.” axis (Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania)], Tatars, Tsetsnians, Khazars [of ex-“USSR”], Finns, Hungarians, Bavarians, Hannoverians and Sax-Kohen-Bergians [of Germany], Basques, Lithuanians, etc.; and Black-Mongols; Indonesians; Indo-Chinese, etc..
[2] Ezekiel 38 & 39
Hebrew-Mongol rabbis and their corresponding Saxon-Mongol lords living in England have notified chief Hebrews, Saxon politicians and businessmen of the West to be prepared to assist the Chinese in economically crashing Russia, from May of 2010. This is because Russia favours economical and defensive cooperation in the Aegean towards Greece and is attempting to foil the Balkan War of the axis Bulgaria-Albania-Skopje-Turkey-Romania (“B.A.S.T.R.”) against Greece that was programmed by “NATO” and China. Russia is also attempting to delay and foil the Third World War or Chinese-Hebrew “Armageddon”, programmed by Hebrews and Saxons of the Pentagon colluding with the Turanian Chinese Army.
Global Chinese domination as described in chapters 38 and 39 of the “Old Testament” book by "prophet" Ezekiel is found elsewhere. Unsurprisingly, it appears in the: Terminology of Chinese hyper-lodge “Hong/Hung”; Secret terminology of Hebrew arch-rabbis; Text of Hebrew prophet Daniel of the “Old Testament”; Hebrew Headquarters of “Jehovah Witnesses” in New York, which are conscious instruments of “Hong” - see the “Jehovah Witnesses” book entitled “YOUR WILL BE DONE ON EARTH”, chapter 10 headed “The Russian North against the American South” [That is to say north of China and south of China.]
[3] Ezekiel 38 & 39
NOTE: The Ezekiel “prophecies” are programs of the multi-named, hyper-technological and extra-dimensional Draconian pseudo-God of the moon. For purposes of “Armageddon”, demonic e.t. spirits have set up polarised religious Freemasonry, which is organised through "prayer" and mind control between dimensions. These reptilian spirits have also told us about themselves and their human agents through the Bible and other religious texts. On God and Jesus, they confuse us:
Isaiah 45:7 ...I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things. (Playing both edges against the middle to crush goyim.)
Luke 14:26 ...If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.
Of those who have done genocide, they have said:
John 8:44... [New Living Translation - NLT] For you are the children of your father the devil, and you love to do the evil things he does. He was a murderer from the beginning. He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies.
Friday, 5 February 2016
Christian-socialist heavenly philosophicals of the Elohim are loyal to the hyper-technological reptilian demons called "God" and follow the principle of survival; the reptilians are represented by snakes and especially dragons. They are generally characterised by blue & white emblems, a heavenly (lunar) pointing triangle (△), and the number 888 of the Chinese Dragon (since Freemasonry is actually a Chinese invention taught to Mongols for the eradication of pure Black and White races). The Elohim are labelled positive (+), associated with clockwise rotation e.g. 卍, and are of/on the right hand side (RHS) of Freemasonry's Baphomet.
The Heavenly Emperor is the multi-named, hyper-technological Dragonian/Draconian-turtle god Tzeint or Jed or Tziount or Judas or Jedi or Sendai. He is also chief lunar dragonian space pirate, genetic engineer genitor of the Yellow Chinese race, supreme god of Taoism, of all major terrestrial religions, and instigator of all socio-political economic systems upon the external surface of Earth. However, he has delegated much of the role-playing of "God" to senior officers.
Ref. 1, Upper Zion and Down Zion
Some of the names for the "Heavenly Emperor" include: “Allaah” of Hebrew Islamism as “god of the moon” (behold the crescent moon symbol of Islamism); “Elloch” of Judaism; “father god” of Hebrew Christianity; Jade of Chinese Confucianism; Jed; Jehuva; Jendi; Jewd/Jude; Jesus Christ (chief-rabbi ‘Jehosavah’ = ‘Jehovah saves’); Judah (Jewdah); Sentai; Sin; Sina; Sion/Zion; Yahweh; Tzentai. This entity and his accomplices intend Armageddon, using a star that will fall from heaven.
Ref. 2, Revelation 9 analysis
"God" means a Being who flies or runs in space with extreme speeds, by using technology, aka the "chariots of the Gods".
Ref. 3, Lunarian God
Three rings for the Elven Kings under the sky,
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
From J.R.R. Tolkien.
Christian-socialist heavenly philosophicals of the Elohim are loyal to the hyper-technological reptilian demons called "God" and follow the principle of survival; the reptilians are represented by snakes and especially dragons. They are generally characterised by blue & white emblems, a heavenly (lunar) pointing triangle (△), and the number 888 of the Chinese Dragon (since Freemasonry is actually a Chinese invention taught to Mongols for the eradication of pure Black and White races). The Elohim are labelled positive (+), associated with clockwise rotation e.g. 卍, and are of/on the right hand side (RHS) of Freemasonry's Baphomet.
The Heavenly Emperor is the multi-named, hyper-technological Dragonian/Draconian-turtle god Tzeint or Jed or Tziount or Judas or Jedi or Sendai. He is also chief lunar dragonian space pirate, genetic engineer genitor of the Yellow Chinese race, supreme god of Taoism, of all major terrestrial religions, and instigator of all socio-political economic systems upon the external surface of Earth. However, he has delegated much of the role-playing of "God" to senior officers.
Ref. 1, Upper Zion and Down Zion
Some of the names for the "Heavenly Emperor" include: “Allaah” of Hebrew Islamism as “god of the moon” (behold the crescent moon symbol of Islamism); “Elloch” of Judaism; “father god” of Hebrew Christianity; Jade of Chinese Confucianism; Jed; Jehuva; Jendi; Jewd/Jude; Jesus Christ (chief-rabbi ‘Jehosavah’ = ‘Jehovah saves’); Judah (Jewdah); Sentai; Sin; Sina; Sion/Zion; Yahweh; Tzentai. This entity and his accomplices intend Armageddon, using a star that will fall from heaven.
Ref. 2, Revelation 9 analysis
"God" means a Being who flies or runs in space with extreme speeds, by using technology, aka the "chariots of the Gods".
Ref. 3, Lunarian God
Wednesday, 3 February 2016
G.H.Rees, Recipient of Interplanetary Signals
[Communication rewritten and shortened below.]
«Kings and Leaders of Planet Earth,
We have detected a double-fold increase of artificial spiral radiations towards your planet. They originate from geostationary orbital machines made of thinner matter than that of your planet, which renders them invisible to you. The machines belong to mutineers from the constellation of Draco.
We have also detected a double-fold increase in the flights of the Dragonian flying machines towards your planet, made of thin matter that is invisible to you. They originate from the mega artificial satellite–machine of your planet (Moon) and from other orbital machines around your planet.
These two actions of the Draco mutineers double their instructions to magicians and «Επαοιδων» (spiritualists – mediums – channeling – astrologers – etc) of your planet, agents with purpose to guide you and your nations into butchery by terrestrial Draco mutineers (Chinese – Koreans) before our arrival to your planet. If you wish to survive, we call you to put to death all the magicians and «Επαοιδους» (spiritualists – mediums – channeling – astrologers – etc) of your planet. We never used them to transmit our instructions towards you.
Over the last thirty days, we have detected a ten-fold increase in flights of the Draco mutineers’ flying machines (UFOs) in close proximity to the surface of your planet. This proves that your enemy intends to land, disembarking Cronian mutineers (Saturnians – Savaothians) and Draco mutineers that will falsely impersonate our flying machines and crews.
Their purpose is to lead you and your nations to slaughter by terrestrial Draco mutineers (China – Korea) in the final general war of your planet, prior to our arrival. If you wish to survive, we call you to deny cooperation with the above mentioned Cronian and Dragonian flying machines and crews.
Await the arrival of our own flying machines and crews. We will then put to death members of your nations who incite you now or in the future to a war against the terrestrial Draco mutineers (Chinese) - with or without leadership of Dragonian and Cronian flying machines and crews falsely impersonating our identity.
We make clear that destruction of the armies of terrestrial Draco mutineers (Chinese) will be our own exclusive responsibility. We forbid invasion of your armies to the territories of the terrestrial Draco mutineers (Chinese). On the contrary, without invasion and from far away, we allow and order you to destroy military machines of the terrestrial Draco mutineers (Chinese) by using automatic – crewless - flying machines.
Finally, in the visible-to-you spectrum of light, our machines of observation and recording of bodies and phenomena have detected paradox luminous representations around your Sun. These are holographic images, also seen around the seven internal planets of your Solar System and the fragments of the eighth internal planet - asteroid belt - between Mars and Jupiter.
These are images of oversized non-existent flying machines of planetary scale size and of solar scale size, projected from flying machines of Draco mutineers. This visual fraud is self evident: If real flying machines with planetary or solar scale size approached your planets or Sun, Solar System gravitational fields would collapse, causing fragmentation to occur.
We assume that these fraudulent projections by Draco mutineers are to provoke you and your nations. They are not the armies of our flying machines which have arrived around Saturn and its satellites, but are false visions of oversized flying machines of the armies of Draco mutineers. From them, will allegedly come flying machines and crews of the Draco and Cronian mutineers, to falsely impersonate our crews and flying machines sent here from the amphictyonic Council of Local Galaxy Governments to restore lawful order to your Solar System.
We call you and your nations not to be lured into a trap by heavenly visions (Holograms), because we never used them and we will never use such beguilement of planetary populations’. Survive until our arrival, by following our above mentioned instructions.
The Leaders of the Governmental Galactic Starfleet over the orbits of Planet Saturn of your local planetary system».
Stop summoning and channeling spirits as alleged Pleiadian and Andromedian deities, because instead of them you summon Lunar Dragonian spirits/demons that appear and deceive you through spiritualist channelling. We also address “Epsilons” of Greece and other countries practicing similarly.
Finally we call alleged “Pleiadians” and “Epsilons” to stop promoting the Dragonian laser hologram visions as real. The images are circulating in “CD” form within Hebrew-Saxon “NASA”, as allegedly being a product of telescope observations ( e.g. “Hubble”) showing non-existent spaceships of solar or planetary scale size. This is self evident buffoonery, Dragonian and Hebrew-Saxon astrophysical lies spread by theosophical Masonic organizations like “Pleiadians” and “Epsilons”.
Stephen Hawking and others have made statements about allegedly threatening alien invaders, etc (referring to the forthcoming Galactic Federation of Andromeda, stationed around Saturn). This was part of a public relations ”hoax” crafted in the United Nations, with its Malaysian Mongolian (semi-Dragonian) astrophysicist “Aliens Ambassador”.
The ridiculous Hebrew-Saxon “Mass Media” of the West initially claimed that this news was not a hoax, then turned 180 degrees and presented the Malaysian astrophysicist herself. Under the Dragonian humo-saurian U.N. Secretary-General, Ban Ki-Moon, she denied the news about a U.N. “Aliens Embassy”. She considers extraterrestrial life a possibility and had been in top-talks with a “Royal Society” in London about the consequences of official contact between it and Earthlings.
United Nations Embassy for Extraterrestrials reception. G.H.REES Signal for the thinking Hellenes and for the rest populations of White and Black Races:
NB The aforementioned blog of Saturday 6 November 2010 includes many interesting notes, comments, and references.
[Communication rewritten and shortened below.]
«Kings and Leaders of Planet Earth,
We have detected a double-fold increase of artificial spiral radiations towards your planet. They originate from geostationary orbital machines made of thinner matter than that of your planet, which renders them invisible to you. The machines belong to mutineers from the constellation of Draco.
We have also detected a double-fold increase in the flights of the Dragonian flying machines towards your planet, made of thin matter that is invisible to you. They originate from the mega artificial satellite–machine of your planet (Moon) and from other orbital machines around your planet.
These two actions of the Draco mutineers double their instructions to magicians and «Επαοιδων» (spiritualists – mediums – channeling – astrologers – etc) of your planet, agents with purpose to guide you and your nations into butchery by terrestrial Draco mutineers (Chinese – Koreans) before our arrival to your planet. If you wish to survive, we call you to put to death all the magicians and «Επαοιδους» (spiritualists – mediums – channeling – astrologers – etc) of your planet. We never used them to transmit our instructions towards you.
Over the last thirty days, we have detected a ten-fold increase in flights of the Draco mutineers’ flying machines (UFOs) in close proximity to the surface of your planet. This proves that your enemy intends to land, disembarking Cronian mutineers (Saturnians – Savaothians) and Draco mutineers that will falsely impersonate our flying machines and crews.
Their purpose is to lead you and your nations to slaughter by terrestrial Draco mutineers (China – Korea) in the final general war of your planet, prior to our arrival. If you wish to survive, we call you to deny cooperation with the above mentioned Cronian and Dragonian flying machines and crews.
Await the arrival of our own flying machines and crews. We will then put to death members of your nations who incite you now or in the future to a war against the terrestrial Draco mutineers (Chinese) - with or without leadership of Dragonian and Cronian flying machines and crews falsely impersonating our identity.
We make clear that destruction of the armies of terrestrial Draco mutineers (Chinese) will be our own exclusive responsibility. We forbid invasion of your armies to the territories of the terrestrial Draco mutineers (Chinese). On the contrary, without invasion and from far away, we allow and order you to destroy military machines of the terrestrial Draco mutineers (Chinese) by using automatic – crewless - flying machines.
Finally, in the visible-to-you spectrum of light, our machines of observation and recording of bodies and phenomena have detected paradox luminous representations around your Sun. These are holographic images, also seen around the seven internal planets of your Solar System and the fragments of the eighth internal planet - asteroid belt - between Mars and Jupiter.
These are images of oversized non-existent flying machines of planetary scale size and of solar scale size, projected from flying machines of Draco mutineers. This visual fraud is self evident: If real flying machines with planetary or solar scale size approached your planets or Sun, Solar System gravitational fields would collapse, causing fragmentation to occur.
We assume that these fraudulent projections by Draco mutineers are to provoke you and your nations. They are not the armies of our flying machines which have arrived around Saturn and its satellites, but are false visions of oversized flying machines of the armies of Draco mutineers. From them, will allegedly come flying machines and crews of the Draco and Cronian mutineers, to falsely impersonate our crews and flying machines sent here from the amphictyonic Council of Local Galaxy Governments to restore lawful order to your Solar System.
We call you and your nations not to be lured into a trap by heavenly visions (Holograms), because we never used them and we will never use such beguilement of planetary populations’. Survive until our arrival, by following our above mentioned instructions.
The Leaders of the Governmental Galactic Starfleet over the orbits of Planet Saturn of your local planetary system».
Stop summoning and channeling spirits as alleged Pleiadian and Andromedian deities, because instead of them you summon Lunar Dragonian spirits/demons that appear and deceive you through spiritualist channelling. We also address “Epsilons” of Greece and other countries practicing similarly.
Finally we call alleged “Pleiadians” and “Epsilons” to stop promoting the Dragonian laser hologram visions as real. The images are circulating in “CD” form within Hebrew-Saxon “NASA”, as allegedly being a product of telescope observations ( e.g. “Hubble”) showing non-existent spaceships of solar or planetary scale size. This is self evident buffoonery, Dragonian and Hebrew-Saxon astrophysical lies spread by theosophical Masonic organizations like “Pleiadians” and “Epsilons”.
Stephen Hawking and others have made statements about allegedly threatening alien invaders, etc (referring to the forthcoming Galactic Federation of Andromeda, stationed around Saturn). This was part of a public relations ”hoax” crafted in the United Nations, with its Malaysian Mongolian (semi-Dragonian) astrophysicist “Aliens Ambassador”.
The ridiculous Hebrew-Saxon “Mass Media” of the West initially claimed that this news was not a hoax, then turned 180 degrees and presented the Malaysian astrophysicist herself. Under the Dragonian humo-saurian U.N. Secretary-General, Ban Ki-Moon, she denied the news about a U.N. “Aliens Embassy”. She considers extraterrestrial life a possibility and had been in top-talks with a “Royal Society” in London about the consequences of official contact between it and Earthlings.
United Nations Embassy for Extraterrestrials reception. G.H.REES Signal for the thinking Hellenes and for the rest populations of White and Black Races:
NB The aforementioned blog of Saturday 6 November 2010 includes many interesting notes, comments, and references.
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