Tuesday, 28 June 2016


From Hellene and Chaos blog, Friday 14 October 2011

G.H.Rees revealed all about the governance of Chinese reptilians, but receives mud in order to be reduced in the eyes and ears of the "unsuspecting" naive and uninformed.  Nevertheless, "the bomb" has exploded, liberating fragments of the Awakened and planetary truths. 

For example, the vile traditions and customs of Chinese reptilians and the People's Republic of China under Mao Zedong .  Consider torture beyond imagination, lingchi, a favorite "sport" of Mao's wife.  After the torture and where the bodies were in good condition, eyes and organs are recovered for transplantation into the Chinese elite, party members, and those who pay handsomely for something fresh.  This Chinese invention of trading organs has been a favorite habit of theirs for four thousand years.  It is their cherished culture, subculture, and anti-civilization, promoted worldwide through their good Masonic slaves.  (This blog contains a post and page dedicated to lingchi.) 

The Ainu tribe (Ions) lived in the territories of Japan ten thousand years ago, before being usurped by the hybrid reptilian relatives of the Chinese: The first real Japanese, murderers and genociders called "Children of the Sun" by the Ainu.  They are not that different than the Chinese and with the rise to the throne of the insane, megalomaniac emperor Chiro-chito (Hirohito) who saw himself as God and the offspring of gods, the son of peace as they were calling him(!!!), Unit 731 was created.  Thousands of unfortunate people were subjected to the worst tortures that have seen the light of publicity ...for scientific purposes.

Like their relatives, European Christian conquistadors did genocide upon their arrival in the land of the Aztecs.  The king of the Aztecs foresaw the coming storm from the "reptilian god" of the cross (serpent god of the cross) who "would raze their cities and their religion" and so he attempted to placate Cortez by voluntarily surrendering.  Unfortunately, the "good Christian civilizers", under the murderous fury of their Draco-turtle god Sin/Sion/Zion/Sendai/Jedi/Jeint, engaged in a "rally" of torture and murder against the ill-fated Aztec: Women were raped and mutilated, babies were mutilated and thrown to the dogs to eat, people suffered amputations and were skinned alive for entertainment.  There was arson by the good Christians and an entire civilization was annihilated.  Montezoumo, king of the Aztecs, predicted the return of the reptilian god of the cross after the fall of the Aztec empire (note that this link is insecure and eavesdroppers may steal your information) - perhaps as the intended global Chinese dictatorship, Jehovah's Kingdom aka New World Order 888. 

Here are the methods by which the reptilian Chinese subjugate the planet. Already this is happening from the entrance of COSCO (China Ocean Shipping COmpany) in ports of the world.  Chineseisation has started, slowly stealthily and steadily.  This is the future for which both treacherous blogs and media endeavor, cooperating with Hebrew-Soros, Hebrew-Bafet, Hebrew-Mitsotakides, Hebrew-Russians, etc..  Now nobody can claim ignorance.
Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs had very close relations with all the mystical theory and practice (magick) of the reptilian Chinese and their genetic relatives.  Back in 1980, he was thought of as just another guy, but is now considered a visionary with his Macintosh model of PC that was far more advanced than any other PC of that time. 

Before that, Jobs, fascinated by Buddhism returned to America after a possible trip to Tibet.  He went directly to the Los Altos Zen Center in California and was incarcerated there with Zen teacher Roshi Kokun Chino who was trained in the mountains of Japan.  Afterwards, Jobs was known as Techno Buddhist

In mid-2010 it was announced that Macintosh was planning to withdraw from China and settle in North America.  Nearly a year and half on and Jobs is reportedly dead, one year after his transplant!  Could the Triads or branches of «Hong» have murdered him?  The network of transplants is controlled by Asians, so the organ was either unsafe if indeed they "killed him" or a special piece if they withdrew him from publicity and got him back to the Source!  Whatever, G.H.Rees thinks it stinks of "reptile"... 

As does the signature company Foxconn.  Since 2006, its low wages and inhumane working conditions have lead to suicide.  The British newspaper «Sunday Mail» raised serious allegations against Foxconn, concerning terrible working conditions around iPod production.  G.H.Rees points out workers were not remunerated, but instead terrorised.  In May 2010, there were eleven deaths before improvements were made so that employees could have a "more positive attitude toward life".  In early August 2010, there were thirteen suicides.
From Hellene and Chaos blog, Tuesday 01 November 2011

G.H.Rees asserts that one reason Gaddafi was condemned to death was for deporting and expelling one million Chinese lizards, thereby ensuring work and racial homogeneity for Libyan people.

From Hellene and Chaos blog, Tuesday 04 October 2011

It was ordered by the Chinese lizard Draco-turtle (boss) agent of "Hong" that the new Chinese emperors and their Hebrew-Mongol agents in the West "Let Greece go bankrupt"! 

The "Triads", an offshoot of Hong, is an incredible power of underworld criminal organization with four million members worldwide.  The Chino-lizard membership is inhuman and treacherous toward White and Black races.  It is spread all over Asia and wherever there are Chinese (i.e. everywhere now) .. in America as encountered as "Triads" and "Tong " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tong (Organization)

For those Blacks and Whites who wish to indulge "Satanic" abuse, you can visit Taiwan and China for a free ass rape by your loved Draconian reptilian lizards of Hong.  They host gay and lesbogangbang orgies that correspond to the Western Masonic "Separation of Sefiroth" and "Crossing the Abyss" rituals.  Here is the necessary address:

(C) 2010 China Global Alliance of Freemasons, 802 Road Fuxing, Kaohsiung City Lingya District No. 3, 9th Floor, Tel :07-2 -3318218 -3320084

Hongmen are an annex of Hong headquartered in Taiwan and have an official website.  There are about three hundred thousand members across Asia!  There is also a Youtube channel, where you can watch videos from official events of Hong.

The purely Draconian reptilian Yellow imperial dynasties of Han and Ming were so annoyed by harassment and attacks from their White-Yellow Mongol "children", that they were forced to build what later became the trademark of 'Chinese culture'(=oxymoron) i.e. the Grand Great Wall, with a highest point at "888 steps" above sea level!  [About the "sacred - lucky" Chinese geostrategic code number “888” of the Chinese Dragon, which is the key-number-word for Jesus [ΙΗΣΟΥΣ]: 888 = Ι’(10) + Η’(8) + Σ’(200) + Ο’(70) + Υ’(400) + Σ’(200).http://www.flickr.com/photos/ bobcanada/1002269917/in/set- 72157601204668763
Inscription says: "Only the most excellent men can climb up to this point - 888 feet".] 

The Great Wall of China had criminal genocidal purpose, namely to divert the Mongol 'Doberman' attacks against their genitor-bosses of the Chinese Han and Ming dynasties toward the West.  Disastrous results followed and were recorded in history (Mongolian super-genocide: Genghis Khan, Attila, Tamerlane, or Abraham Habra-Han, Joshua of Navi and genocide of Greeks in Egypt and Palestine, etc etc). 

From Hellen and Chaos blog, Tuesday 28 August 2012

G.H.Rees named some highly placed Chinese agents that it regards as genetically synthesised non-human lizards.  They were brought to the West and installed by Mongolian traitors...
  • Korean 777 lizard Jim Yong Kim (President of the World Bank); 
Image from mfwa.org
  • Korean 777 lizard Ban Ki-Moon (General Secretary of the United Nations);
Image from todanoticia.com
  • Sun Myung Moon, super-rich, notorious leader of the Korean Christian Sect “MOON”.  (Crowned as a “Messiah” at an event in Washington attended by Skull & Bones Freemason George Bush senior, who officially proclaimed New World Order 666 in 1991);
Sun Myung Moon does the Satanic 666 sign of the left hand path.  Image from tparents.org
  • Philipp/Filipe Rosler (Vice Chancellor of Germany and agent of Hyperlodge Hong for economic collonialism of Europe); 
Image from news-eu.com
  • Valery Giscard d'Estaing (Not Chinese, but a French-Jewish chief Masonic White-Yellow Mongol-Saxon, ex-President of France).  [Not in the blog post mentioned.]
Symbolic feeding and praising of the Draconian Chinese Dragon-Turtle god.  Image from cvce.eu

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