Lilith aka Mother of Demons
G.H.Rees calls Hellenic masons to cancel their oaths and exit from Hebrew masonry, based upon understanding. It is known to you by your “special initiations” above the 18th degree that the forces Asmodai and Metatron, having nomenclatures ending with –iel under the general characterisation “Tetragrammaton YHWH, equilateral upward pointing triangle” emanate from Levan/Levanhiah (moon). It is also known that Levanhiah/Levaniah is not a natural satellite of Earth but an artificial planet-ship that originated from the constellation E’ Bootes and Hercules... For those of you that have only an MTM initiation.
For those of you that have OTO initiation, it is known that behind Levan (moon) and in a synchronus orbit with it lies the sister ship of same size called “Lilith”. Since neither masons of MTM or OTO have AOA initiation, meaning a “tertiary” of Adeptis Ordo Atlantis, we promulgate to you G.H.Rees transcripts recorded in sessions of the Lodge of the Grand Oak, New York (Benen Berith, Olam Berith):
1) The ships “Levan” (moon) and “Lilith” (Lilith) came into the solar system in 11,500 B.C. and entered orbit around earth in 11,432 BC with same linear velocities. In 9,600 B.C., Lilith positioned so that the three bodies, Lilith-Levan-Earth to lay continusly in a straight line (see “Cabala”).
2) Earth was at a high cultural level, resulting from
previous colonization by the center of
a local galaxy in cooperation with
the central galaxy [Andromeda] and the rest
eleven galaxies of the local group
[“KNOZ”]. The new colonisers from “Levan” and “Lilith” were
accepted as “under terms guests” as providing a temporary planet commander, by the thirteen-membership (and not
twelve-membership) staff of Zeus. [A new thirteen-membership staffer from the center of local
galaxy was anticipated, because of a rebellion by the planetary leader of Saturn
against the solar system leader headquartered on Uranus.
The area of Atlantis was given to the settlers from “Levan” and “Lilith”
under the terms of keeping the population ratio to 1:108 in
comparison to the already present population of the planet. The pre-existing culture and language of the planet (archetypal Hellenic) were also to be respected as official and particular to the local
group of galaxies. (see: demystification of Hesiod’s Theogony).
3) The governors “Levan” and “Lilith” accepted the terms and using transport ships discharged populations from E’Bootes to Atlantis (Water-land) from 11.000 B.C. to 10.500 B.C.. They violated the terms and genocided Hellenes of Atlantis through the sinking of the area using
lunar hypergravity technology. Informed by the lunar staff, the invaders began to depart for the eastern coasts of the American continent (Esperia), the eastern coasts of Siberia and China and the western coasts of Africa and Europe (Basque), where they started systematic genocide of the Hellenic-diallect local nationalities. At the same time, by again using hypergravity-weapon technology, they sunk the Hellenic-diallect dravidian Aegis that now lies in todays Mediterranean Sea. Also at the same time, ships from Selene* and Lilith attacked the galactic fleet of Zeus and occupied the six inner planets, destroying three out of twelve other planets of this solar system because they believed Zeus forces were bases on them. Zeus' fleet divided into three parts:
- One departed to the pre-existing bases within the inner cavity of Earth;
- A second departed to the three outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto); and the,
- Third departed the solar system in order to inform the local Galaxy center for the crimes of Asmodai and Tamil - respective governors of Levan and Lilith.
The final conflict and sinking of Atlantis and Aegis is
dated by the lodge of the Grand Oak in 9.600 B.C., and it’s probably the actual date because it is cross-referenced by the Plato's ancient manuscripts of “Timaios and Kritias”.
*NB The reader should not be unduly confused by the various names applied by Draconians to a single item. In this case, you should know that alternative names of the moon include: Eva/Leva/Levan/Levanah/Levanhiah/Levaniah/Luna/Lunar/Selene/Selini/Star of Death (Aped by George Lucas' "Death Star").
4) Forces of Zeus within the inner cavity of Earth entered via the two holes of North and South Pole. They preclude the dominance of Levanians and Lilithians (Israelites – Mongols – Arabs) on Earth, by using
technology for telepathetic communication (techlepathy) with Zeus priesthoods and informing them about strategic moves of the adversaries that aim to genocide Andromedians of Hellenic-dialects.
In precisely that point Tamil under the command of his superior Asmodai or Yehowa of the Moon, sent crews from Lilith to organize underground cities in the Earth’s crust that will act as pseudo-Zeus subordinates. Such underground cities exist beneath artificial pyramids in Mongolia, Egypt, Babylon, Mesopotamia, South America etc, and natural pyramids that are mountains.
Concerning Greece, the department of technology of G.H.Rees has located installations within underground lodges that emit low frequency sounds and other frequencies. In mythology, these places are characterised as “tunnels that lead to Hades”. Among others are Heleusina, Dodoni, and Pelion. The larger mechanological installation of the mountain Sarakinos of Magnesia (Magnet) extends down to a depth of 100 meters below sea level where lodges communicate with caves. (Triangle-like: Dimenion, Goritsa of Volos, and Sarakinos Volou form corners of “The triangle of Iolkos”, which every September or October is inspected by lunar Draconian ships.)
Underground forces of Lilithians use technological telepathy that can overcome transmitions from inner earth by the forces of Zeus. By this means, Lilithians can also corrupt Earthly “Zeus priesthoods” driving them to degeneration of spirit-arts-matter:
- Idolatry;
- Lack of sexual restraint (see: Vakhes and Mainades);
- Civil war; and
- Moral rampage [to myths that present the staff of Zeus as a “collection of vain drunkards and sex maniacs that demand worship of idols and blood of subjects”].
The above as concerns the A-O-A initiation. Note that when American astronauts landed on the moon, they were similarly driven crazy by lunar installations. For the uninformed, G.H.Rees refers to crews of “Apollo” having sent reports about [parked and space borne] “ships and lunar installations of unknown origin” and a “second moon” (Lilith) behind the first, Selene.
For more, see:
Planetary Si(o)nistic Masonic Sino-Mongolian (Chinese-Mongolian) Dragonian Cronian Hierarchy [Levaniah (moon) and Lilith]
From Hellene and Chaos blog, Saturday 8 May 2010
Recorded initiation of a Freemason to the degree of Arch Rabbi, in part. Venue: “Lodge of the Grand Oak” New York, January 1985.
Beginning of the recorded speech exerpt [not verbatim]...
..Brothers, the oath of silence you gave under the penalty of death in case of violation, doesn’t have humble personal motivations or motivations of an Earthly organization, but protects our great plan of our lord Metatron Yehowehai, continuously here and 13,500 years after the arrival of Selene (moon) and Lilith in our space area. In the rabbinical initiation you have been taught about the technique of anions and downwardly-ions from
vocal vibes of the cabala for the causation of physical hologram phenomena of materialization and dematerialization that we present to the Goyim gentile of the Masonic lodges OTO and MTM as miracle actions of spirits or telepathy.
The ships Selene and Lilith were forced to abandon the constellation of Arcturus because of the collapse and death of the sun in the Epsilon Bootes system. They searched for refuge in a new planetary system for survival of populations rescued from planets of E’Bootes. Fortunately for Selene and Lilith, they didn’t encounter unified forces of Galactic Government ships in the present planetary system. Instead, a situation of conflict existed between the leader of the planet Saturn who overthrew Galactic representation of the Uranides from planet Uranus and the leader of planet Jupiter (Zeus). Zeus counter-attacked Saturn in order to reconnect the present planetary system with the Central Galactic Authority. (Read Hesiod Theogony about the conflicts of the dynasties of Uranus against Saturn.)
Ships and crews of Zeus prevailed in the conflict as Levaniah (moon) and Lilith arrived in our local space under the leadership of commander Asmodai Metatron Yehowehai, our sovereign master. Metatron asked Zeus for permission to disembark populations from Levaniah (moon) and Lilith in order for their survival in planet Earth.
Permission was authorized, but only for the continent of Atlantis commanded by Zeus' junior officer, Poseidon, and populated by ten Andromedian tribes of Hellenes from the Galaxy of Andromeda. Transport ships from Moon and Lilith disembarked our ancestors who soon abandoned worship and leadership of Metatron and turned instead to worship of Poseidon and Zeus. They were assimilated by the Hellenic Andromedian races of ten Poseidonian tribes.
This event enraged Yahweh Metatron who sank the continent of Atlantis into the Atlantic Ocean by creating an additional gravitational inspissation through lunar technology. Our Atlantian ancestors were rescued from their colonies outside Atlantis, namely Mongolian Israelites and Arabs. This event gave the occasion and the cause of total war between Zeus and Yahweh Metatron [- one of many names for the enemy leader].
In the ensuing space war, Yahweh Metatron enlisted Saturnian forces defeated by Zeus and all the Earthly priesthoods. Zeus enlisted the forces and corresponding Earthly priesthoods of Uranides. The situation that followed was chaotic.
The camp of Metatron contained overchthonian forces of Saturn, Selene, Lilith, chthonian forces of Selenians, Lilithians and
underchthonian forces of Cronians that were defeated by Zeus. [
Cronians are criminal Andromedian traitors. Ed.] The camp of Zeus contained overchthonian forces of planets Uranus, Jupiter, chthonian forces of Uranus, underchthonian forces of Uranides that have been defeated by Saturn.
There came a strategic need for overchthonian Cronians, Selenians, and Lilithians to pose falsely as overchthonian hostile forces of the planets Neptune (Poseidon), Pluto, and Uranus. Zeus' would then be blamed in place of the diabolical space forces, as is revealed in the book of apocalypse in our Bible: “The Dragon that is dragging with his tail the third of the stars”, which are actually the three outer out of the nine planets of our solar system.
Inbound ships from Andromeda have asked numerous times for unconditional surrender of Earth. We have been given an interference ultimatum. We will defend with all the forces of the six inner planets, Moon, Lilith, USA, Soviet Union and the rest of the nations. Whatever will be the outcome of the next Star War, Earthling goyim will be convinced that the Galactic Government is the diabolical force of demons, U.F.O.’s, and fascists.
From Hellene and Chaos' blog, Saturday 14 November 2009
Subject: Materialisation of the 2nd Major War Ultimatum October 2003 from
the Galactic Government Starfleet orbiting Saturn, against armed
forces of the Dragonian Starfleet and flagships “Selene” and “Lilith” orbiting
Gaia and against Earth’s armed forces of Dragonian
governments “+/-AOA”, “Zen”, “Tibet” and “Hong” China.
November 2003. Through explosions of solar wind particles
against your weapon systems and those of
“Selene” and “Lilith” has begun materialisation of our written B’
Major War Ultimatum –or- B’ Military Ultimatum of Electromagnetic –
Geological – Meteorological – Biological war of
October 2003. This is due to the Dragonian obsession with igniting World War III through the devious disarmament
of Greece and assault of the Dragonian military axles B.A.S.T. (Bulgaria
– Albania – Skopje – Turkey) against Greece [- now B.A.S.T.R., including Romania].
Vibrant solar winds act as an “Electro-Magnetic Pulse” or “E.M.P.” and have caused major destruction to outer electromagnetic weapon and communication systems of Dragonian flagships “Selene” and “Lilith”. Next phase: Destruction of the Dragonian Starfleet in Jupiter orbit through “Major Antimatter Implosions”.
From Hellene and Chaos' blog, Saturday 21 November 2009
The top of the pyramid hierarchy of occupying forces is located in Levan (the original Draconian name of our moon), the flagship of the Draconian fleet. It's headquarters is operated by a 24+3 council with YHWH (Yahweh) it's ultimate leader. Behind the moon lies Lilith (the legendary "mother of demons"), a secondary flagship ruled by Tamil aka Velzevul, Lucifer, Satan, Devil. The NWO logo is a pyramid with its top cut-off. The lower section represents Down Sion/Zion rule structure on Earth (Gaia). The top part represents Upper Zion/Sion, the hierarchy council in Levan that sees all of us down here.
The "Fall of Lucifer"
One and a half million years ago, a huge rebellion broke out in one third of our galaxy. At the core of it were the constellations of Alpha Draconis, Epsilon Bootus and Opheos (snake system). Draconians destroyed several races, assimilated others through their mastery in genetics, while some species allied with the rebels in order to evade extinction e.g. Orions (Vrills if I am right, known widely as "Grays"). In the end Grays were almost totally assimilated and undertook the Dracos' dirty work in multiple worlds (including Earth). The intergalactic Government of Andromeda, a defensive species of extreme intelligence (the most advanced one in our part of the Universe) set up a mission called Perseus, to strike at the heart of the rebellion (Star-Wars inverted). After the success of the fleet, planetary systems were slowly liberated from Draconian influence. One last fleet escaped, composed of one-hundred-and-eighteen war planets and two flagships (Levan and Lilith) that entered our solar system in 11,500 B.C. [I thought Lilith was an Andromedian pirate ship! Ed.]. For their survival, they pleaded for permission to disembark populations down to Earth. This was granted by Zeus' headquarters, under specific terms and only in the land of Poseidon... the continent of Atlantis. The entire procedure took place from 11,000 to 10,500BC. The white race (Pelasgians, codenamed Hellenians, a healing-civilizing Andromedian tribe) was already present in the northern lands of the planet for
three-and-a-half million years (as recorded in the chronicles of the Dogon race in Mali of Africa, which were the ones to make first contact). After population disembarkation, early forms of religions began to appear, such as worship of the snake god named Seth. Draconians (and their assimilated allies) turned the Pelasgians against their own kind in Europe, Esperia (today's America), and Asia. Around 9,700 B.C. they secretly starting to amass technology and building up armies to perform a total invasion against the neighboring continents... to impose the New World Order (sound familiar?!).
The Ancient Continent Of Atlantis: Place Of Bootus-Draco Origin Corrupted Levanian-Lilithian Homo-reptiloids Populations & Priesthoods.

Mongols are semi-Dragonian genetic creations of Draco Levaniah-Lilith and "Chosen One People" of Sin-Sion-Zion-Chin-YHWH for the task of genocide and infiltration into the White-Andromedian-Pelasgian and Black-Indigenοus Races. [This requires explanation. Mongols are either Yellow-Whites, wrongly perceived as pure-White, or Yellow-Blacks, wrongly perceived as pure-Black. This misperception facilitates racial infiltration, which is not possible for the pure-Yellows (Chinese/Sinese) because they are so distinctive. G.H.Rees has accused pure-Yellows of murdering other pure-race breeding males and raping females to convert other pure races to Mongoloid. Even today rape is used as a racial weapon of war. Ed.]
The fourth Solar Space War has already commenced. Draconian forces
count one-hundred-and-eighteen war planets and two flagships, Levan (moon) and Lilith (the
second moon behind Levan). All of them are visible (on the 1st dimension of
matter inspissation). The Andromedian fleet arrived in the
mid-twentieth century and completed its massing in 2000 by 960 war planets,
340 of which belong to the 1st matter dimension. The rest are of higher
and therefore visible only through neutrinon telescopes.
Christ or if you prefer his real name, Rabbi Yechoshuah, was a Draconian creation, sent for a specific mission of (religious) mental warfare.
"Lucifer" is YHWH's second in command Draconian, commander of flagship
Lilith. His real name is Tamil... "Satan's" orders come
directly from YHWH.